# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. wo: javascripts: and: "ak" comma: "," edit: "Soppil" getting_started: alright_ill_wait: "Baax na, damay xaar." header: home: "Kër gi" log_out: "Génnu" profile: "Xibaar yu la Ñeel" settings: "Tànneef" view_all: "Xoolal yëpp" my_stream: "Seyaan" stream: follow: "Toppal" followed_tag: follow: "Toppal" hide: "Nëbbal" like: "Bëgg" likes: other: "<%= count %>i Bëgg" zero: "<%= count %>i Bëgg" reshare: "Bokkaat" reshares: other: "<%= count %>i Bokkaat" zero: "<%= count %>i Bokkaat" show_nsfw_posts: "Wonel yëpp" tags: follow: "Toppal #<%= tag %>" following: "Dangay topp #<%= tag %>" stop_following: "Bul topp #<%= tag %>" unfollow: "Du topp" unlike: "Du bëgg" timeago: day: "bés" days: other: "%di bés" months: other: "%di weer" prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" suffixAgo: "" suffixFromNow: "" years: other: "%di at"