# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. zh-TW: javascripts: admin: pods: actions: "動作" added: "加入時間" check: "執行連線測試" errors: other: "有<%= count %>個豆莢連線檢查不成功。" follow_link: "在瀏覽器中開啟連結" last_check: "最近檢查時間:" more_info: "顯示更多資訊" ms: other: "<%= count %>毫秒(ms)" no_info: "目前還沒有進一步的資訊" not_available: "沒資料" offline_since: "離線時間:" pod: "豆莢" recheck: failure: "沒有做檢查。" success: "剛剛才又一次檢查這個豆莢。" response_time: "回應時間:" server_software: "伺服器軟體:" ssl: "安全通訊協定(SSL)" ssl_disabled: "沒用 SSL" ssl_enabled: "有用 SSL" states: dns_failed: "解析域名(DNS)失敗" http_failed: "HTTP 連線失敗" net_failed: "連線失敗" no_errors: "正常" ssl_failed: "安全連線(SSL)失敗" unchecked: "沒檢查" unknown_error: "檢查過程中發生不明錯誤" version_failed: "沒辦法取得軟體版本" status: "狀態" unchecked: other: "還有<%= count %>個沒有被檢查過的豆莢。" unknown: "不明" version_failed: other: "有 <%= count %> 個豆莢沒有版本資訊(舊版的豆莢會沒有 NodeInfo)。" admins: dashboard: compare_versions: "diaspora* 最新的釋出版本是 <%= latestVersion %> 版,你的豆莢正在跑的版本是 <%= podVersion %> 版。" error: "沒辦法判斷 diaspora* 的最新版本。" outdated: "你的豆莢是舊版的。" up_to_date: "你的豆莢是最新版本!" and: "及" aspect_dropdown: add_to_aspect: "加聯絡人" all_aspects: "所有社交面" error: "無法開始跟 <%= name %> 分享。你還在忽視他們嗎?" error_remove: "無法把 <%= name %> 從社交面中移除 :(" mobile_row_checked: "<%= name %> (移除)" mobile_row_unchecked: "<%= name %> (新增)" select_aspects: "選社交面" started_sharing_with: "你開始跟 <%= name %> 分享了!" stopped_sharing_with: "停止跟 <%= name %> 分享了。" toggle: other: "到<%= count %>個社交面中" zero: "選社交面" updating: "正在更新..." aspect_navigation: add_an_aspect: "+ 新增社交面" deselect_all: "全不選" no_aspects: "沒選任何社交面" select_all: "全選" aspects: create: add_a_new_aspect: "新增社交面" failure: "造社交面失敗。" success: "新社交面<%= name %>已經造出來了" name: "名稱" bookmarklet: post_something: "貼到 diaspora*" post_submit: "傳送貼文中..." post_success: "貼好了!彈出視窗關閉中..." cancel: "取消" comma: "," comments: hide: "隱藏留言" no_comments: "目前還沒人留言。" show: "顯示所有留言" confirm_dialog: "你確定嗎?" confirm_unload: "請確認要離開這個頁面。你目前輸入的資料將不會保留。" contacts: add_contact: "加聯絡人" error_add: "沒辦法把 <%= name %> 加進這個社交面 :(" error_remove: "沒辦法把 <%= name %> 從這個社交面中移除 :(" remove_contact: "刪聯絡人" search_no_results: "沒找到聯絡人" conversation: create: no_recipient: "欸,必須要有收訊人 !" new: no_contacts: "\x1f開始對話前你必須先加一些聯絡人" create: "建立" delete: "刪除" edit: "編輯" errors: connection: "沒辦法跟伺服器連線。" failed_to_post_message: "貼文失敗!" failed_to_remove: "刪掉這個項目的動作失敗了!" getting_started: alright_ill_wait: "好,再說吧。" hey: "嗨,<%= name %>!" no_tags: "咦,你還沒有追蹤任何標籤耶!要往下一步嗎?" preparing_your_stream: "整理你個人的流水帳中..." header: admin: "管理" close: "關閉" contacts: "連絡人" conversations: "對話" help: "說明" home: "我家" log_out: "登出" mark_all_as_read: "全部標示為看過了" moderator: "協調人" notifications: "消息" profile: "個人檔案" recent_notifications: "最新消息" search: "搜尋" settings: "設定" switch_to_touch_optimized_mode: "切換到觸控模式" toggle_navigation: "瀏覽模式切換" view_all: "看全部" hide_post: "要隱藏貼文嗎?" hide_post_failed: "沒辦法隱藏貼文" ignore: "忽視" ignore_failed: "沒辦法忽視這個使用者" ignore_user: "要忽視這個使用者嗎?" my_activity: "我的活動" my_aspects: "我的社交面" my_stream: "流水帳" no_results: "結果什麽都找不到" notifications: mark_read: "標示為看過了" mark_unread: "標示為沒看過" new_notifications: other: "有<%= count %>則還沒看過的通知" people: edit_my_profile: "編輯個人檔案" helper: is_not_sharing: "<%= name %> 沒有跟你分享" is_sharing: "<%= name %> 正在跟你分享中" mention: "指指點點" message: "送訊息" not_found: "...找不到任何人" stop_ignoring: "停止忽視" photo_uploader: completed: "檔案 <%= file %> 完成了" empty: "檔案 {file} 是空的,請不要選它再重選一次。" error: "上傳檔案 <%= file %> 時發生問題" invalid_ext: "檔案 {file} 的副檔名不合格。僅接受 {extensions}。" looking_good: "天啊,你看起來真帥!" size_error: "檔案 {file} 太大了,上限是{sizeLimit}。" upload_photos: "上傳相片" poll: answer_count: other: "有<%=count%>個人投票" zero: "沒人投票" close_result: "隱藏結果" count: other: "到目前有 <%=count%> 張票" go_to_original_post: "你可以在 <%= original_post_link %> 參與這次票選。" original_post: "原貼文" result: "結果" show_result: "顯示結果" vote: "投票" your_vote: "你的投票" profile: add_some: "加入一些" bio: "自我介紹" born: "生日" edit: "編輯" gender: "性別" location: "地點" photos: "相片" posts: "貼文" you_have_no_tags: "你沒有任何標籤!" publisher: add_option: "增加答案" markdown_editor: preview: "預覽" texts: code: "在這裡打程式碼" heading: "將文字變標題" insert_image_description_text: "在這裡輸入圖片的說明" insert_image_help_text: "在這裡加入圖片" insert_image_title: "在這裡輸入圖片的標題" insert_link_description_text: "在這裡輸入連結的說明" insert_link_help_text: "在這裡加入連結" italic: "傾斜文字" list: "在這裡條列文字" quote: "在這裡引用文字" strong: "強調文字" tooltips: bold: "粗體" cancel: "取消訊息" code: "加入程式碼" heading: "標題" insert_image: "加入圖片" insert_link: "加入連結" insert_ordered_list: "加入編號清單" insert_unordered_list: "加入項目清單" italic: "斜體" preview: "預覽訊息" quote: "加入引用文字" write: "編輯訊息" write: "編寫" mention_success: "指指點點成功: <%= names %>" near_from: "貼文地點:<%= location %>" option: "答案" question: "問題" remove_post: "要移除貼文嗎?" report: name: "投訴" prompt: "請輸入投訴的理由:" prompt_default: "比如說:內容牽涉人身攻擊" status: created: "投訴成功了" exists: "已經有這筆投訴了" reshares: post: "要轉貼 <%= name %> 的貼文嗎?" successful: "貼文轉貼成功!" show_all: "看全部" show_more: "顯示更多" stream: comment: "留言" comments: other: "有<%= count %>則留言" disable_post_notifications: "關閉貼文的最新通知" enable_post_notifications: "開啟貼文的最新通知" follow: "追蹤" followed_tag: add_a_tag: "新增標籤" follow: "追蹤" title: "#追蹤中的標籤" hide: "隱藏" hide_nsfw_posts: "隱藏 #nsfw (上班時不宜)的貼文" like: "讚" likes: other: "有<%= count %>個人說讚" zero: "有<%= count %>個人說讚" limited: "有限" more_comments: other: "顯示另外<%= count %>則留言" zero: "顯示另外<%= count %>則留言" no_posts_yet: "目前這裡還沒有貼文可以顯示。" original_post_deleted: "原貼文已經被作者刪除了" permalink: "永久連結" public: "公開" reshare: "轉貼" reshares: other: "被轉貼<%= count %>次" zero: "被轉貼<%= count %>次" show_nsfw_post: "顯示貼文" show_nsfw_posts: "全都顯示" tags: follow: "追蹤 #<%= tag %>" follow_error: "沒辦法追蹤 #<%= tag %> :(" following: "正在追蹤 #<%= tag %>" stop_following: "停止追蹤 #<%= tag %>" stop_following_confirm: "要停止追蹤 #<%= tag %> 嗎?" stop_following_error: "沒辦法停止追蹤 #<%= tag %> :(" unfollow: "取消追蹤" unlike: "收回讚" via: "經由<%= provider %>" tags: wasnt_that_interesting: "OK,我想 #<%= tagName %> 大概沒那麼有趣..." timeago: day: "一天" days: other: "%d天" hour: "約一小時" hours: other: "約%d小時" inPast: "再等一下" minute: "約一分鐘" minutes: other: "%d分鐘" month: "約一個月" months: other: "%d個月" prefixAgo: "在" prefixFromNow: "距今" seconds: "少於一分鐘" suffixAgo: "前" suffixFromNow: "前" wordSeparator: "" year: "約一年" years: other: "%d年" unblock_failed: "取消封鎖這個使用者失敗了" viewer: reshared: "已轉貼"