@javascript Feature: private messages In order to be talkative As a User I want to converse with people Background: Given a user with username "bob" And a user named "Alice Awesome" with email "alice@alice.alice" When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob" And a user with username "bob" is connected with "alice_awesome" Scenario: send a message Given I send a message with subject "Greetings" and text "hello, alice!" to "Alice Awesome" Then I should see "Greetings" within "#conversation_inbox" And I should see "Greetings" within "#conversation_show" And "Alice Awesome" should be part of active conversation And I should see "hello, alice!" within ".stream" When I sign in as "alice@alice.alice" And I reply with "hey, how you doing?" Then I should see "hey, how you doing?" within ".stream" Scenario: send an empty message When I send a message with subject "Empty Greetings" and text " " to "Alice Awesome" Then I should not see "Empty Greetings" within "#conversation_inbox"