@javascript Feature: Not safe for work Scenario: Setting not safe for work Given following users exist: | username | email | | pr0n king | tommy@pr0n.xxx | And I sign in as "tommy@pr0n.xxx" When I go to the edit profile page And I mark myself as not safe for work And I submit the form Then I should be on the edit profile page And the "profile[nsfw]" checkbox should be checked When I go to the edit profile page And I mark myself as safe for work And I submit the form Then I should be on the edit profile page And the "profile[nsfw]" checkbox should not be checked Scenario: Toggling nsfw state #Nsfw users posts are marked nsfw Given a nsfw user with email "tommy@pr0nking.com" And a user with email "laura@officeworkers.com" And a user with email "laura@officeworkers.com" is connected with "tommy@pr0nking.com" And "tommy@pr0nking.com" has a public post with text "I love 0bj3ction4bl3 c0nt3nt!" And "tommy@pr0nking.com" has a public post with text "Sexy Senators Gone Wild!" #toggling global nsfw state When I sign in as "laura@officeworkers.com" Then I should not see "I love 0bj3ction4bl3 c0nt3nt!" When I toggle nsfw posts Then I should see "I love 0bj3ction4bl3 c0nt3nt!" and "Sexy Senators Gone Wild!" #hiding When I toggle nsfw posts Then I should not see "I love 0bj3ction4bl3 c0nt3nt!" and "Sexy Senators Gone Wild!" Scenario: Resharing a nsfw post Given a nsfw user with email "tommy@pr0nking.com" And a user with email "laura@officeworkers.com" And a user with email "laura@officeworkers.com" is connected with "tommy@pr0nking.com" And "tommy@pr0nking.com" has a public post with text "Sexy Senators Gone Wild!" And I sign in as "laura@officeworkers.com" And I toggle nsfw posts And I confirm the alert after I follow "Reshare" And I go to the home page Then I should not see "Sexy Senators Gone Wild!" And I should have 2 nsfw posts