@javascript Feature: posting In order to take over humanity for the good of society As a rock star I want to see what humanity is saying about particular tags Background: Given a user with username "bob" And a user with username "alice" When I sign in as "bob@bob.bob" And I post a status with the text "I am da #boss" And I am on the home page When I go to the destroy user session page And I sign in as "alice@alice.alice" And I search for "#boss" And I press "Follow #boss" And I wait for the ajax to finish Scenario: can post a message from the tag page Then I should see "#boss" within "#publisher" And I post a status with the text "#boss from the tag page" And I search for "#boss" Then I should see "#boss from the tag page" Scenario: see a tag that I am following When I go to the home page And I follow "#boss" Then I should see "I am da #boss" within "body" Scenario: can stop following a tag from the tag page When I hover over the ".button.tag_following" And I press "Following #boss" And I go to the home page Then I should not see "#boss" within ".left_nav" Scenario: can stop following a tag from the homepage When I go to the home page And I preemptively confirm the alert And I hover over the "li.unfollow#tag-following-boss" And I follow "unfollow_boss" And I wait for the ajax to finish Then I should not see "#tag-following-boss" within ".left_nav"