# frozen_string_literal: true Given /^I am signed in( on the mobile website)?$/ do |mobile| automatic_login confirm_login mobile end When /^I try to sign in manually$/ do manual_login end When /^I (?:sign|log) in manually as "([^"]*)" with password "([^"]*)"( on the mobile website)?$/ \ do |username, password, mobile| @me = User.find_by_username(username) @me.password ||= password manual_login confirm_login mobile end When /^I (?:sign|log) in as "([^"]*)"( on the mobile website)?$/ do |email, mobile| @me = User.find_by_email(email) @me.password ||= 'password' automatic_login confirm_login mobile end When /^I (?:sign|log) in with password "([^"]*)"( on the mobile website)?$/ do |password, mobile| @me.password = password automatic_login confirm_login mobile end When /^I put in my password in "([^"]*)"$/ do |field| step %(I fill in "#{field}" with "#{@me.password}") end When /^I fill out change password section with my password and "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |new_pass, confirm_pass| fill_change_password_section(@me.password, new_pass, confirm_pass) end When /^I fill out forgot password form with "([^"]*)"$/ do |email| fill_forgot_password_form(email) end When /^I submit forgot password form$/ do submit_forgot_password_form end When /^I fill out the password reset form with "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |new_pass,confirm_pass| fill_password_reset_form(new_pass, confirm_pass) end When /^I submit the password reset form$/ do submit_password_reset_form end When /^I (?:log|sign) out$/ do logout step "I go to the root page" end When /^I (?:log|sign) out manually$/ do manual_logout end When /^I (?:log|sign) out manually on the mobile website$/ do manual_logout_mobile end Then(/^I should not be able to sign up$/) do confirm_not_signed_up end Then (/^I should see the 'getting started' contents$/) do confirm_getting_started_contents end Given /^the registrations are closed$/ do AppConfig.settings.enable_registrations = false end When /^I fill in the new user form$/ do fill_in_new_user_form end