# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'config', 'environment') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..','lib', 'diaspora', 'web_socket') at_exit do begin File.delete(PID_FILE) rescue puts 'Cannot remove pidfile: ' + (PID_FILE ? PID_FILE : "NIL") end end def write_pidfile begin f = File.open(PID_FILE, "w") f.write(Process.pid) f.close rescue => e puts "Can't write to pidfile!" puts e.inspect end end def debug_pp thing pp thing if AppConfig[:socket_debug] || ENV['SOCKET_DEBUG'] end def process_message if Diaspora::WebSocket.length > 0 message = JSON::parse(Diaspora::WebSocket.next) if message Diaspora::WebSocket.push_to_user(message['uid'], message['data']) end EM.next_tick{ process_message} else EM::Timer.new(1){process_message} end end begin EM.run { Diaspora::WebSocket.initialize_channels socket_params = { :host => AppConfig[:socket_host], :port => AppConfig[:socket_port], :debug =>AppConfig[:socket_debug] } if AppConfig[:socket_secure] && AppConfig[:socket_private_key_location] && AppConfig[:socket_cert_chain_location] socket_params[:secure] = true; socket_params[:tls_options] = { :private_key_file => AppConfig[:socket_private_key_location], :cert_chain_file => AppConfig[:socket_cert_chain_location] } end EventMachine::WebSocket.start( socket_params ) do |ws| ws.onopen { begin debug_pp ws.request cookies = ws.request["Cookie"].split(';') session_key = "_diaspora_session=" enc_diaspora_cookie = cookies.detect{|c| c.include?(session_key)}.gsub(session_key,'') cookie = Marshal.load(enc_diaspora_cookie.unpack("m*").first) debug_pp cookie user_id = cookie["warden.user.user.key"][1].first debug_pp "In WSS, suscribing user: #{User.find(user_id).name} with id: #{user_id}" sid = Diaspora::WebSocket.subscribe(user_id, ws) ws.onmessage { |msg| SocketsController.new.incoming(msg) } ws.onclose { begin debug_pp "In WSS, unsuscribing user: #{User.find(user_id).name} with id: #{user_id}" Diaspora::WebSocket.unsubscribe(user_id, sid) rescue debug_pp "Could not unsubscribe socket for #{user_id}" end } rescue RuntimeError => e debug_pp "Could not open socket for request with cookie: #{ws.request["Cookie"]}" debug_pp "Error was: " debug_pp e end } end PID_FILE = (AppConfig[:socket_pidfile] ? AppConfig[:socket_pidfile] : 'tmp/diaspora-ws.pid') write_pidfile puts "Websocket server started." process_message } rescue RuntimeError => e raise e unless e.message.include?("no acceptor") puts "Are you sure the websocket server isn't already running?" puts "Just start thin with bundle exec thin start." Process.exit end