describe("app.model.Pod", function() { var podId = 123; beforeEach(function() { this.pod = new app.models.Pod({ id: podId, host: "", status: "unchecked", /* jshint camelcase: false */ checked_at: null /* jshint camelcase: true */ }); }); describe("recheck", function() { var newAttributes = { id: podId, status: "no_errors", /* jshint camelcase: false */ checked_at: new Date() /* jshint camelcase: true */ }; var ajaxSuccess = { status: 200, responseText: JSON.stringify(newAttributes) }; it("calls the recheck action on the server", function() { var expected = Routes.adminPodRecheck(podId); this.pod.recheck(); expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent().url).toEqual(expected); }); it("updates the model attributes from the response", function() { spyOn(this.pod, "set").and.callThrough(); expect(this.pod.get("status")).toEqual("unchecked"); this.pod.recheck(); jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent().respondWith(ajaxSuccess); expect(this.pod.set).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(this.pod.get("status")).toEqual("no_errors"); expect(this.pod.get("checked_at")).not.toEqual(null); }); }); });