# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. describe User::Querying, :type => :model do before do @alices_aspect = alice.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first @eves_aspect = eve.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first @bobs_aspect = bob.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first end describe "#visible_shareable_ids" do it "contains your public posts" do public_post = alice.post(:status_message, :text => "hi", :to => @alices_aspect.id, :public => true) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post)).to include(public_post.id) end it "contains your non-public posts" do private_post = alice.post(:status_message, :text => "hi", :to => @alices_aspect.id, :public => false) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post)).to include(private_post.id) end it "contains public posts from people you're following" do # Alice follows Eve, but Eve does not follow Alice alice.share_with(eve.person, @alices_aspect) # Eve posts a public status message eves_public_post = eve.post(:status_message, :text => "hello", :to => 'all', :public => true) # Alice should see it expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post)).to include(eves_public_post.id) end it "does not contain non-public posts from people who are following you" do eve.share_with(alice.person, @eves_aspect) eves_post = eve.post(:status_message, :text => "hello", :to => @eves_aspect.id) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post)).not_to include(eves_post.id) end it "does not contain non-public posts from aspects you're not in" do dogs = bob.aspects.create(:name => "dogs") invisible_post = bob.post(:status_message, :text => "foobar", :to => dogs.id) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post)).not_to include(invisible_post.id) end it "respects the :type option" do post = bob.post(:status_message, text: "hey", public: true, to: @bobs_aspect.id) reshare = bob.post(:reshare, root_guid: post.guid, to: @bobs_aspect) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post, type: "Reshare")).to include(reshare.id) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post, type: "StatusMessage")).not_to include(reshare.id) end it "does not contain duplicate posts" do bobs_other_aspect = bob.aspects.create(:name => "cat people") bob.add_contact_to_aspect(bob.contact_for(alice.person), bobs_other_aspect) expect(bob.aspects_with_person(alice.person)).to match_array [@bobs_aspect, bobs_other_aspect] bobs_post = bob.post(:status_message, :text => "hai to all my people", :to => [@bobs_aspect.id, bobs_other_aspect.id]) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post).length).to eq(1) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post)).to include(bobs_post.id) end describe 'hidden posts' do before do aspect_to_post = bob.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first @status = bob.post(:status_message, :text=> "hello", :to => aspect_to_post) end it "pulls back non hidden posts" do expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post).include?(@status.id)).to be true end it "does not pull back hidden posts" do @status.share_visibilities.where(user_id: alice.id).first.update_attributes(hidden: true) expect(alice.visible_shareable_ids(Post).include?(@status.id)).to be false end end end describe "#prep_opts" do it "defaults the opts" do time = Time.now allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(time) expect(alice.send(:prep_opts, Post, {})).to eq({ :type => Stream::Base::TYPES_OF_POST_IN_STREAM, :order => 'created_at DESC', :limit => 15, :hidden => false, :order_field => :created_at, :order_with_table => "posts.created_at DESC", :max_time => time + 1 }) end end describe "#visible_shareables" do it 'never contains posts from people not in your aspects' do FactoryGirl.create(:status_message, :public => true) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post).count(:all)).to eq(0) end context 'with many posts' do before do time_interval = 1000 time_past = 1000000 (1..25).each do |n| [alice, bob, eve].each do |u| aspect_to_post = u.aspects.where(:name => "generic").first post = u.post :status_message, :text => "#{u.username} - #{n}", :to => aspect_to_post.id post.created_at = (post.created_at-time_past) - time_interval post.updated_at = (post.updated_at-time_past) + time_interval post.save time_interval += 1000 end end end it 'works' do # The set up takes a looong time, so to save time we do several tests in one expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post).length).to eq(15) #it returns 15 by default expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post).map(&:id)).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, :by_members_of => bob.aspects.map { |a| a.id }).map(&:id)) # it is the same when joining through aspects # checks the default sort order expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post).sort_by { |p| p.created_at }.map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post).map { |p| p.id }.reverse) #it is sorted updated_at desc by default # It should respect the order option opts = {:order => 'created_at DESC'} expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).first.created_at).to be > bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).last.created_at # It should respect the order option opts = {:order => 'updated_at DESC'} expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).first.updated_at).to be > bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).last.updated_at # It should respect the limit option opts = {:limit => 40} expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).length).to eq(40) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map(&:id)).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts.merge(:by_members_of => bob.aspects.map { |a| a.id })).map(&:id)) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).sort_by { |p| p.created_at }.map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }.reverse) # It should paginate using a datetime timestamp last_time_of_last_page = bob.visible_shareables(Post).last.created_at opts = {:max_time => last_time_of_last_page} expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).length).to eq(15) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts.merge(:by_members_of => bob.aspects.map { |a| a.id })).map { |p| p.id }) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).sort_by { |p| p.created_at}.map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }.reverse) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, :limit => 40)[15...30].map { |p| p.id }) #pagination should return the right posts # It should paginate using an integer timestamp opts = {:max_time => last_time_of_last_page.to_i} expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).length).to eq(15) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts.merge(:by_members_of => bob.aspects.map { |a| a.id })).map { |p| p.id }) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).sort_by { |p| p.created_at}.map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }.reverse) expect(bob.visible_shareables(Post, opts).map { |p| p.id }).to eq(bob.visible_shareables(Post, :limit => 40)[15...30].map { |p| p.id }) #pagination should return the right posts end end end describe '#find_visible_shareable_by_id' do it "returns a post if you can see it" do bobs_post = bob.post(:status_message, :text => "hi", :to => @bobs_aspect.id, :public => false) expect(alice.find_visible_shareable_by_id(Post, bobs_post.id)).to eq(bobs_post) end it "returns nil if you can't see that post" do dogs = bob.aspects.create(:name => "dogs") invisible_post = bob.post(:status_message, :text => "foobar", :to => dogs.id) expect(alice.find_visible_shareable_by_id(Post, invisible_post.id)).to be_nil end end context 'with two users' do describe '#people_in_aspects' do it 'returns people objects for a users contact in each aspect' do expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@alices_aspect])).to eq([bob.person]) end it "returns local/remote people objects for a users contact in each aspect" do local_user1 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) local_user2 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) remote_person = FactoryGirl.create(:person) asp1 = local_user1.aspects.create(name: "lol") asp2 = local_user2.aspects.create(name: "brb") connect_users(alice, @alices_aspect, local_user1, asp1) connect_users(alice, @alices_aspect, local_user2, asp2) alice.contacts.create!(person: remote_person, aspects: [@alices_aspect], sharing: true) expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@alices_aspect]).count).to eq(4) expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@alices_aspect], type: "remote").count).to eq(1) expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@alices_aspect], type: "local").count).to eq(3) end it 'does not return people not connected to user on same pod' do 3.times { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@alices_aspect]).count).to eq(1) end it "only returns non-pending contacts" do expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@alices_aspect])).to eq([bob.person]) end it "returns an empty array when passed an aspect the user doesn't own" do expect(alice.people_in_aspects([@eves_aspect])).to eq([]) end end end context 'contact querying' do let(:person_one) { FactoryGirl.create :person } let(:person_two) { FactoryGirl.create :person } let(:person_three) { FactoryGirl.create :person } let(:aspect) { alice.aspects.create(:name => 'heroes') } describe '#contact_for_person_id' do it 'returns a contact' do contact = Contact.create(:user => alice, :person => person_one, :aspects => [aspect]) alice.contacts << contact expect(alice.contact_for_person_id(person_one.id)).to be_truthy end it 'returns the correct contact' do contact = Contact.create(:user => alice, :person => person_one, :aspects => [aspect]) alice.contacts << contact contact2 = Contact.create(:user => alice, :person => person_two, :aspects => [aspect]) alice.contacts << contact2 contact3 = Contact.create(:user => alice, :person => person_three, :aspects => [aspect]) alice.contacts << contact3 expect(alice.contact_for_person_id(person_two.id).person).to eq(person_two) end it 'returns nil for a non-contact' do expect(alice.contact_for_person_id(person_one.id)).to be_nil end it 'returns nil when someone else has contact with the target' do contact = Contact.create(:user => alice, :person => person_one, :aspects => [aspect]) alice.contacts << contact expect(eve.contact_for_person_id(person_one.id)).to be_nil end end describe '#contact_for' do it 'takes a person_id and returns a contact' do expect(alice).to receive(:contact_for_person_id).with(person_one.id) alice.contact_for(person_one) end it 'returns nil if the input is nil' do expect(alice.contact_for(nil)).to be_nil end end describe '#aspects_with_person' do before do @connected_person = bob.person end it 'should return the aspects with given contact' do expect(alice.aspects_with_person(@connected_person)).to eq([@alices_aspect]) end it 'returns multiple aspects if the person is there' do aspect2 = alice.aspects.create(:name => 'second') contact = alice.contact_for(@connected_person) alice.add_contact_to_aspect(contact, aspect2) expect(alice.aspects_with_person(@connected_person).to_set).to eq(alice.aspects.to_set) end end end describe "#block_for" do let(:person) { FactoryGirl.create :person } before do eve.blocks.create({person: person}) end it 'returns the block' do block = eve.block_for(person) expect(block).to be_present expect(block.person.id).to be person.id end end describe '#posts_from' do before do @user3 = FactoryGirl.create(:user) @aspect3 = @user3.aspects.create(:name => "bros") @public_message = @user3.post(:status_message, :text => "hey there", :to => 'all', :public => true) @private_message = @user3.post(:status_message, :text => "hey there", :to => @aspect3.id) end it 'displays public posts for a non-contact' do expect(alice.posts_from(@user3.person)).to include @public_message end it 'does not display private posts for a non-contact' do expect(alice.posts_from(@user3.person)).not_to include @private_message end it 'displays private and public posts for a non-contact after connecting' do connect_users(alice, @alices_aspect, @user3, @aspect3) new_message = @user3.post(:status_message, :text=> "hey there", :to => @aspect3.id) alice.reload expect(alice.posts_from(@user3.person)).to include @public_message expect(alice.posts_from(@user3.person)).to include new_message end it 'displays recent posts first' do msg3 = @user3.post(:status_message, :text => "hey there", :to => 'all', :public => true) msg4 = @user3.post(:status_message, :text => "hey there", :to => 'all', :public => true) msg3.created_at = Time.now+10 msg3.save! msg4.created_at = Time.now+14 msg4.save! expect(alice.posts_from(@user3.person).map { |p| p.id }).to eq([msg4, msg3, @public_message].map { |p| p.id }) end end end