# Creator: djuelg @ https://github.com/djuelg # Run via: hugo server --theme=Shapez-Theme --buildDrafts --bind="" baseurl = "" title = "Shapez Theme" theme = "shapez" copyright = "Copyright (c) 2020, djuelg; all rights reserved." [author] name = "djuelg" languageCode = "en-US" MetaDataFormat = "toml" paginate = 2 PaginatePath = "page" googleAnalytics = "" [params] # Meta Information name = "djuelg" description = "This is the sites description, which will be found in the meta tags." # Homepage Start-Screen, variables can be left empty, links dont start with / title_l1 = "Shapez Theme" title_l2 = "" subtitle_l1 = "Shapez is a theme created for hugo" subtitle_l2 = "with SVG pictures, CSS3 magic," subtitle_l3 = "struggle and love." # For these Links you need the full URL, because external links are supported title_link = "http://djuelg.github.io/about/" subtitle_link = "" message = "I'm an optional important message!" # Possible values are: auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality start_screen_image_quality = "auto" # Enter links for the buttons (button one has the house sign), shouldn't be left empty button_1 = "" button_2 = "playground/" button_3 = "about/" logo = "images/logo.png" logo_start_screen_rotation = "19"