#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring, # analysis, and visualization. # Created by Casey Deccio (casey@deccio.net) # # Copyright 2015-2016 VeriSign, Inc. # # DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DNSViz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with DNSViz. If not, see . # from __future__ import unicode_literals import cgi import json import os import re import struct import sys # python3/python2 dual compatibility try: import queue except ImportError: import Queue as queue from dnsviz.ipaddr import * from dnsviz import transport FALSE_RE = re.compile(r'^(0|f(alse)?)?$', re.IGNORECASE) try: MAX_QUERIES = int(os.environ.get('MAX_QUERIES', 200)) except ValueError: MAX_QUERIES = 200 ALLOW_PRIVATE_QUERY = not bool(FALSE_RE.search(os.environ.get('ALLOW_PRIVATE_QUERY', 'f'))) ALLOW_LOOPBACK_QUERY = not bool(FALSE_RE.search(os.environ.get('ALLOW_LOOPBACK_QUERY', 'f'))) BLACKLIST_FILE = os.environ.get('BLACKLIST_FILE', None) WHITELIST_FILE = os.environ.get('WHITELIST_FILE', None) blacklist = None whitelist = None class RemoteQueryError(Exception): pass class InvalidName(Exception): pass def check_dst(dst): # check for local addresses if not ALLOW_PRIVATE_QUERY and (RFC_1918_RE.search(dst) is not None or \ LINK_LOCAL_RE.search(dst) is not None or \ UNIQ_LOCAL_RE.search(dst) is not None): raise RemoteQueryError('Issuing queries to %s not allowed' % dst) if not ALLOW_LOOPBACK_QUERY and (LOOPBACK_IPV4_RE.search(dst) is not None or \ dst == LOOPBACK_IPV6): raise RemoteQueryError('Issuing queries to %s not allowed' % dst) def get_qname(msg): n = '' index = 12 labels = [] while True: # no label if index >= len(msg): raise InvalidName() # python3/python2 dual compatibility if isinstance(msg, str): l = struct.unpack('!B', msg[index])[0] else: l = msg[index] # no compression allowed in question if l & 0xc0: raise InvalidName() # account for label length index += 1 # not enough message for label if index + l > len(msg): raise InvalidName() # zero labels - this is the end if l == 0: break # append label to list labels.append(msg[index:index + l]) index += l return '.'.join(labels) + '.' def import_blacklist(): global blacklist global whitelist blacklist = set() whitelist = set() if BLACKLIST_FILE is None: return with open(BLACKLIST_FILE, 'r') as fh: for line in fh: name = line.rstrip().lower() if not name.endswith('.'): name += '.' blacklist.add(name) if WHITELIST_FILE is None: return with open(WHITELIST_FILE, 'r') as fh: for line in fh: name = line.rstrip().lower() if not name.endswith('.'): name += '.' whitelist.add(name) def check_qname(msg): global blacklist global whitelist try: qname = get_qname(msg) except InvalidName: return if blacklist is None: import_blacklist() subdomain = qname.lower() while True: if subdomain in whitelist: return if subdomain in blacklist: raise RemoteQueryError('Querying %s not allowed' % qname) try: nextdot = subdomain.index('.') except ValueError: break else: subdomain = subdomain[nextdot+1:] def main(): try: if not os.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD', None): os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST' if os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST': raise RemoteQueryError('Request method %s not supported' % os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']) form = cgi.FieldStorage() response_queue = queue.Queue() queries_in_waiting = set() th_factory = transport.DNSQueryTransportHandlerDNSFactory() tm = transport.DNSQueryTransportManager() qtms = [] try: if 'content' not in form: raise RemoteQueryError('No "content" field found in input') # load the json content try: content = json.loads(form['content'].value) except ValueError: raise RemoteQueryError('JSON decoding of HTTP request failed: %s' % form['content']) if 'version' not in content: raise RemoteQueryError('No version information in HTTP request.') try: major_vers, minor_vers = [int(x) for x in str(content['version']).split('.', 1)] except ValueError: raise RemoteQueryError('Version of JSON input in HTTP request is invalid: %s' % content['version']) # ensure major version is a match and minor version is no greater # than the current minor version curr_major_vers, curr_minor_vers = [int(x) for x in str(transport.DNS_TRANSPORT_VERSION).split('.', 1)] if major_vers != curr_major_vers or minor_vers > curr_minor_vers: raise RemoteQueryError('Version %d.%d of JSON input in HTTP request is incompatible with this software.' % (major_vers, minor_vers)) if 'requests' not in content: raise RemoteQueryError('No request information in HTTP request.') for i, qtm_serialized in enumerate(content['requests']): if i >= MAX_QUERIES: raise RemoteQueryError('Maximum requests exceeded.') try: qtm = transport.DNSQueryTransportMeta.deserialize_request(qtm_serialized) except transport.TransportMetaDeserializationError as e: raise RemoteQueryError('Error deserializing request information: %s' % e) check_dst(qtm.dst) check_qname(qtm.req) qtms.append(qtm) th = th_factory.build(processed_queue=response_queue) th.add_qtm(qtm) th.init_req() tm.query_nowait(th) queries_in_waiting.add(th) while queries_in_waiting: th = response_queue.get() th.finalize() queries_in_waiting.remove(th) finally: tm.close() ret = { 'version': transport.DNS_TRANSPORT_VERSION, 'responses': [qtm.serialize_response() for qtm in qtms], } except RemoteQueryError as e: ret = { 'version': transport.DNS_TRANSPORT_VERSION, 'error': str(e), } sys.stdout.write('Content-type: application/json\r\n\r\n') sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(ret)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()