Haiku builds can be created with Clang or GCC using the Meson buildsystem. ## Build on Haiku Install dependencies: ``` shell pkgman install -y meson ccache libpng libsdl2_devel sdl2_net_devel \ libogg_devel opus_devel opusfile_devel gcc_syslibs_devel \ opus_tools fluidsynth2_devel llvm_clang speexdsp_devel ``` Clone and enter the repository's directory: ``` shell git clone https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging.git cd dosbox-staging ``` Build with OpenGL disabled (Haiku supports OpenGL only via software fallback): ``` shell meson setup -Duse_opengl=false build ninja -C build ``` Detailed instructions and build options are documented in [BUILD.md](/BUILD.md). ## Run Edit your configuration file by running: `dosbox -editconf` and make the following suggested changes (leave all other settings as-is): ``` ini [sdl] output = texture texture_renderer = software [cpu] core = normal ``` The state of Haiku's GPU Hardware-acceleration is being discussed here: https://discuss.haiku-os.org/t/state-of-accelerated-opengl/4163