project( 'dosbox-staging', 'c', 'cpp', version: '0.80.0-alpha', license: 'GPL-3.0-or-later', meson_version: '>= 0.56.0', default_options: [ 'cpp_std=c++17', 'buildtype=release', 'b_ndebug=if-release', 'b_staticpic=false', 'b_pie=false', 'warning_level=3', 'glib:b_staticpic=true', 'glib:glib_assert=false', 'glib:glib_checks=false', 'glib:glib_debug=disabled', 'glib:libmount=disabled', 'glib:libelf=disabled', 'glib:nls=disabled', 'glib:tests=false', 'glib:warning_level=0', 'glib:xattr=false', 'gtest:warning_level=0', ], ) # Gather internal resource dependencies # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # These are always present regardless of host, compiler, dependencies, or options. # data_dir = get_option('datadir') licenses_dir = data_dir / 'licenses' / meson.project_name() doc_dir = data_dir / 'doc' / meson.project_name() install_man('docs/dosbox.1') install_data('COPYING', install_dir: licenses_dir) install_data('AUTHORS', 'README', 'THANKS', install_dir: doc_dir) subdir('contrib/linux') subdir('contrib/icons') subdir('contrib/resources') # Gather compiler settings # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') prefers_static_libs = (get_option('default_library') == 'static') summary('Build type', get_option('buildtype'), section: 'Build Summary') summary('Install prefix', get_option('prefix'), section: 'Build Summary') # extra build flags extra_flags = ['-Wno-unknown-pragmas'] extra_link_flags = [] # If the compiler provides std::filesystem, then we consider it modern enough # that we can trust it's extra helpful warnings to let us improve the code quality. if cxx.has_header('filesystem') extra_flags += ['-Wmaybe-uninitialized', '-Weffc++', '-Wextra-semi'] else # Otherwise, it's an old compiler and we're just trying to build, and don't # care about fixing their warnings (some generate warnings from their own STL). warning( 'Compiler lacks the C++17 std::filesystem - try to upgrade your compiler!', ) endif if get_option('buildtype') == 'release' # For release builds, we're not anticipating needing # to divide by zero and NaNs, and get FPU signals. # These safety measures are still enabled in debug builds, # so if an issue is reported where these happen help, then # testing with debug builds will make use of them. # extra_flags += [ '-fno-math-errno', '-fno-signed-zeros', '-fno-trapping-math', '-fassociative-math', '-freciprocal-math', '-ffinite-math-only', '-frename-registers', '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections', ] endif if get_option('asm') extra_flags += ['--save-temps', '/FAs'] endif if host_machine.system() == 'windows' extra_flags += '-Wno-pedantic-ms-format' endif if prefers_static_libs extra_flags += ['-static-libstdc++', '-static-libgcc'] if host_machine.system() != 'darwin' extra_link_flags += ['-no-pie'] endif else extra_flags += ['-shared-libstdc++', '-shared-libgcc', '-fPIC'] endif if get_option('narrowing_warnings') extra_flags += ['-Wconversion', '-Wnarrowing'] endif if get_option('autovec_info') # At least O2 is needed enable auto-vectorizion extra_flags += [ '-march=native', '-O2', '-Wno-system-headers', '-Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize', '-fopt-info-vec-missed', '-fopt-info-vec', ] endif # Allow-list the flags against the compiler, and add them to the project foreach flag : extra_flags if cc.has_argument(flag) add_project_arguments(flag, language: 'c') endif if cxx.has_argument(flag) add_project_arguments(flag, language: 'cpp') endif endforeach foreach flag : extra_link_flags if cxx.has_link_argument(flag) add_project_link_arguments(flag, language: 'cpp') endif endforeach # Gather data to populate config.h # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # The actual config.h file will be generated after interpreting # all the build files in all the subdirs. # conf_data = configuration_data() conf_data.set('version', meson.project_version()) conf_data.set('project_name', meson.project_name()) conf_data.set_quoted('CUSTOM_DATADIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('datadir')) os_family_name = { 'linux' : 'LINUX', 'windows' : 'WIN32', 'cygwin' : 'WIN32', 'darwin' : 'MACOSX', 'freebsd' : 'BSD', 'netbsd' : 'BSD', 'openbsd' : 'BSD', 'dragonfly' : 'BSD', }.get(host_machine.system(), 'UNKNOWN_OS') conf_data.set(os_family_name, 1) conf_data.set10('C_MODEM', get_option('use_sdl2_net')) conf_data.set10('C_IPX', get_option('use_sdl2_net')) conf_data.set10('C_SLIRP', get_option('use_slirp')) conf_data.set10('C_NE2000', get_option('use_slirp')) conf_data.set10('C_FLUIDSYNTH', get_option('use_fluidsynth')) conf_data.set10('C_MT32EMU', get_option('use_mt32emu')) conf_data.set10('C_SSHOT', get_option('use_png')) conf_data.set10('C_SDL_IMAGE', get_option('use_sdl2_image')) conf_data.set10('C_TRACY', get_option('tracy')) conf_data.set10('C_FPU', true) conf_data.set10('C_FPU_X86', host_machine.cpu_family() in ['x86', 'x86_64']) if get_option('enable_debugger') != 'none' conf_data.set10('C_DEBUG', true) endif if get_option('enable_debugger') == 'heavy' conf_data.set10('C_HEAVY_DEBUG', true) endif foreach osdef : ['LINUX', 'WIN32', 'MACOSX', 'BSD'] if conf_data.has(osdef) conf_data.set10('C_DIRECTSERIAL', true) endif endforeach if cc.has_function('clock_gettime', prefix: '#include ') conf_data.set10('HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME', true) endif if cc.has_function('__builtin_available') conf_data.set10('HAVE_BUILTIN_AVAILABLE', true) endif if cc.has_function('__builtin___clear_cache') conf_data.set10('HAVE_BUILTIN_CLEAR_CACHE', true) endif if cc.has_function('mprotect', prefix: '#include ') conf_data.set10('HAVE_MPROTECT', true) endif if cc.has_function('mmap', prefix: '#include ') conf_data.set10('HAVE_MMAP', true) endif if cc.has_header_symbol('sys/mman.h', 'MAP_JIT') conf_data.set10('HAVE_MAP_JIT', true) endif if cc.has_function( 'pthread_jit_write_protect_np', prefix: '#include ', ) conf_data.set10('HAVE_PTHREAD_WRITE_PROTECT_NP', true) endif if cc.has_function( 'sys_icache_invalidate', prefix: '#include ', ) conf_data.set10('HAVE_SYS_ICACHE_INVALIDATE', true) endif if cxx.has_function( 'pthread_setname_np', prefix: '#include ', dependencies: dependency('threads'), ) conf_data.set10('HAVE_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP', true) endif if cc.has_function('realpath', prefix: '#include ') conf_data.set10('HAVE_REALPATH', true) endif if cc.has_member('struct dirent', 'd_type', prefix: '#include ') conf_data.set10('HAVE_STRUCT_DIRENT_D_TYPE', true) endif foreach header : ['pwd.h', 'strings.h', 'netinet/in.h'] if cc.has_header(header) conf_data.set('HAVE_' + header.underscorify().to_upper(), 1) endif endforeach # Check for the actual calls we need in socket.h, because some systems # have socket.h but are missing some calls. if cc.has_header('sys/socket.h') if ( cc.has_function('getpeername', prefix: '#include ') and cc.has_function('getsockname', prefix: '#include ') ) conf_data.set10('HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H', true) endif endif # Header windows.h defines old min/max macros, that conflict with C++11 # std::min/std::max. Defining NOMINMAX prevents these macros from appearing. if cxx.get_id() == 'msvc' conf_data.set('NOMINMAX', true) endif if host_machine.system() in ['windows', 'cygwin'] conf_data.set('_USE_MATH_DEFINES', true) endif if host_machine.endian() == 'big' conf_data.set('WORDS_BIGENDIAN', 1) endif # Non-4K memory page size is supported only for ppc64 at the moment. # TODO re-enable ppc dynrec while working on W^X stuff # disabled because SVN r4424 broke compilation of ppc backends #if host_machine.cpu_family() in ['ppc64', 'ppc64le'] # conf_data.set('PAGESIZE', 65536) #endif set_prio_code = ''' #include int main() { return setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, PRIO_MIN + PRIO_MAX); } ''' if cc.compiles(set_prio_code, name: 'test for setpriority support') conf_data.set('HAVE_SETPRIORITY', 1) endif # New compilers can check for this feature using __has_builtin, but this is # broken prior to Clang 10 and GCC 10, so we prefer to have this compilation # check for now: builtin_expect_code = ''' void fun(bool test) { // value of 'test' is usually going to be true if (__builtin_expect(test, true)) { /* likely branch */ } else { /* unlikely branch */ } } ''' if cxx.compiles(builtin_expect_code, name: 'test for __builtin_expect support') conf_data.set('C_HAS_BUILTIN_EXPECT', 1) endif atomic_code = ''' #include #include int main() { std::atomic x32 = 1; std::atomic x64 = 1; return static_cast(x64.load() - x32.load()); } ''' is_builtin_atomic = cxx.links( atomic_code, name: 'compiler has built-in atomics', ) atomic_dep = dependency('atomic', required: not is_builtin_atomic) # Gather external dependencies # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # system and compiler libraries default_wrap_options = ['default_library=static', 'warning_level=0'] dl_dep = cc.find_library('dl', required: false) stdcppfs_dep = cxx.find_library('stdc++fs', required: false) threads_dep = dependency('threads') # 3rd party libraries static_libs_list = get_option('try_static_libs') system_libs_list = get_option('system_libraries') wants_tests = true # tests are disabled for release builds unless requested if get_option('buildtype') == 'release' and get_option('unit_tests').auto() wants_tests = false elif get_option('unit_tests').disabled() wants_tests = false endif libiir_dep = dependency( 'iir', version: '>= 1.9.3', default_options: default_wrap_options + ['tests=' + wants_tests.to_string()], allow_fallback: ('iir' not in system_libs_list), static: ('iir' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), ) opus_dep = dependency( 'opusfile', static: ('opusfile' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), ) sdl2_dep = dependency( 'sdl2', version: '>= 2.0.5', static: ('sdl2' in static_libs_list), ) zlib_dep = dependency( 'zlib', version: '>= 1.2.11', allow_fallback: ('zlib' not in system_libs_list), default_options: default_wrap_options, static: ('zlib' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), ) # SpeexDSP # ~~~~~~~~ # Default to the system library speexdsp_dep = dependency( 'speexdsp', allow_fallback: false, required: false, static: ('speexdsp' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), ) # The library needs to be available and testable to be trusted can_trust_system_speexdsp = ( speexdsp_dep.found() and meson.can_run_host_binaries() ) # Test the library. Trust is dropped if the test fails. if can_trust_system_speexdsp system_speexdsp_test = files('contrib/check-speexdsp/test_speexdsp_float_api.cpp'), dependencies: speexdsp_dep, name: 'SpeexDSP system library has reliable floating-point API', ) can_trust_system_speexdsp = ( system_speexdsp_test.compiled() and system_speexdsp_test.returncode() == 0 ) if can_trust_system_speexdsp speexdsp_summary_msg = 'system library' endif endif # Use the wrap if the system doesn't have SpeexDSP, we couldn't test it, or testing failed if not can_trust_system_speexdsp speexdsp_dep = subproject( 'speexdsp', default_options: default_wrap_options, ).get_variable('speexdsp_dep') speexdsp_summary_msg = 'built-in' endif summary('SpeexDSP provider', speexdsp_summary_msg) # Optional libraries optional_dep = dependency('', required: false) msg = 'You can disable this dependency with: -D@0@=false' # SDL Networking sdl2_net_dep = optional_dep if get_option('use_sdl2_net') sdl2_net_dep = dependency( 'SDL2_net', version: '>= 2.0.0', static: ('sdl2_net' in static_libs_list), not_found_message: msg.format('use_sdl2_net'), ) endif # SDL Image sdl2_image_dep = optional_dep if get_option('use_sdl2_image') sdl2_image_dep = dependency( 'SDL2_image', version: '>= 2.0.0', static: ('sdl2_image' in static_libs_list), not_found_message: msg.format('use_sdl2_image'), ) endif # OpenGL opengl_dep = optional_dep opengl_summary_msg = 'Disabled' if get_option('use_opengl') != 'false' opengl_dep = dependency('gl', not_found_message: msg.format('use_opengl')) endif if (opengl_dep.found() and host_machine.system() == 'linux' and get_option('use_opengl') == 'auto' and get_option('enable_debugger') != 'none') warning('''OpenGL is disabled because it's not compatible with the debugger. To use OpenGL with the debugger, force it with "-Duse_opengl=true"''') conf_data.set10('C_OPENGL', false) opengl_summary_msg = 'Found, but disabled due to conflict with debugger' else conf_data.set10('C_OPENGL', opengl_dep.found()) opengl_summary_msg = opengl_dep.found() endif summary('OpenGL support', opengl_summary_msg) # FluidSynth (depends on glib) fluid_dep = optional_dep if get_option('use_fluidsynth') fluid_dep = dependency( 'fluidsynth', version: '>= 2.2.3', modules: ['FluidSynth::libfluidsynth'], allow_fallback: ('fluidsynth' not in system_libs_list), static: ('fluidsynth' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), not_found_message: msg.format('use_fluidsynth'), default_options: [ 'default_library=static', 'try-static-deps=true', 'enable-floats=true', 'openmp=disabled', 'enable-threads=false', 'tests=' + wants_tests.to_string(), 'warning_level=0', ], ) endif summary('FluidSynth support', fluid_dep.found()) # slirp (depends on glib) libslirp_dep = optional_dep if get_option('use_slirp') libslirp_dep = dependency( 'slirp', version: '>= 4.6.1', default_options: default_wrap_options, allow_fallback: ('slirp' not in system_libs_list), static: ('slirp' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), not_found_message: msg.format('use_slirp'), ) endif summary('slirp support', libslirp_dep.found()) # mt32emu mt32emu_dep = optional_dep if get_option('use_mt32emu') mt32emu_dep = dependency( 'mt32emu', version: '>= 2.5.3', default_options: default_wrap_options, allow_fallback: ('mt32emu' not in system_libs_list), static: ('mt32emu' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), not_found_message: msg.format('use_mt32emu'), ) endif summary('mt32emu support', mt32emu_dep.found()) # PNG png_dep = optional_dep if get_option('use_png') png_dep = dependency( 'libpng', static: ('png' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), not_found_message: msg.format('use_png'), ) endif summary('PNG support', png_dep.found()) # Tracy tracy_dep = optional_dep if get_option('tracy') tracy_dep = dependency( 'tracy', default_options: default_wrap_options, static: ('tracy' in static_libs_list or prefers_static_libs), not_found_message: msg.format('tracy'), ) #tracy_proj = subproject('tracy') #tracy_dep = tracy_proj.get_variable('tracy_dep') add_project_arguments('-g', language: ['c', 'cpp']) add_project_arguments('-fno-omit-frame-pointer', language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif # macOS-only dependencies coreaudio_dep = optional_dep coremidi_dep = optional_dep corefoundation_dep = optional_dep iokit_dep = optional_dep if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' # ObjectiveC parsing, if possible if cxx.has_argument('-lobjc') add_project_arguments('-lobjc', language: 'cpp') endif # Core Audio coreaudio_dep = dependency( 'appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreAudio', 'AudioUnit', 'AudioToolbox'], required: false, ) if coreaudio_dep.found() if cxx.check_header('AudioToolbox/AUGraph.h') conf_data.set('C_COREAUDIO', 1) else warning('''Core Audio disabled because header is unusable''') endif else warning('''Core Audio disabled because Apple Framework missing''') endif summary('CoreAudio support', coreaudio_dep.found()) # Core MIDI coremidi_dep = dependency( 'appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreMIDI', 'CoreFoundation'], required: false, ) if coremidi_dep.found() if cxx.check_header('CoreMIDI/MIDIServices.h') conf_data.set('C_COREMIDI', 1) else warning('''Core Audio disabled because header is unusable''') endif else warning('''Core MIDI disabled because Apple Framework missing''') endif summary('CoreMIDI support', coremidi_dep.found()) # IOKit iokit_dep = dependency( 'appleframeworks', modules: ['IOKit'], required: false, ) if iokit_dep.found() if cxx.check_header('IOKit/IOKitLib.h') iokit_code = ''' #include int main() { dispatch_block_t test_var; return 0; } ''' is_iokit_compilable = cxx.links( iokit_code, name: 'compiler is capable of compiling IOKit', ) if is_iokit_compilable conf_data.set('C_IOKIT', 1) else warning('''IOKit disabled because compiler cannot handle it''') endif else warning('''IOKit disabled because header is unusable''') endif else warning('''IOKit disabled because Apple Framework missing''') endif summary('IOKit support', iokit_dep.found()) # Locale discovery corefoundation_dep = dependency( 'appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreFoundation'], required: false, ) if corefoundation_dep.found() if cxx.check_header('CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h') conf_data.set('C_COREFOUNDATION', 1) else warning('''Core Foundation disabled because header is unusable''') endif else warning('''Core Foundation disabled becaue Foundation missing''') endif summary('CoreFoundation support', corefoundation_dep.found()) # SDL CD dependency coreservices_dep = dependency( 'appleframeworks', modules: ['CoreServices'], required: false, ) if coreservices_dep.found() if cxx.check_header('CoreServices/CoreServices.h') conf_data.set('C_CORESERVICES', 1) else warning('''Core Services disabled because header is unusable''') endif else warning('''Core Services disabled because Frameworks is missing''') endif summary('CoreServices support', coreservices_dep.found()) # Apple Silicon has 16k pages pagesize_cmd = run_command('pagesize', check: true) if pagesize_cmd.returncode() != 0 error('''error executing pagesize''') else pagesize = pagesize_cmd.stdout().strip().to_int() if pagesize != 4096 conf_data.set('PAGESIZE', pagesize) endif endif endif # Determine if system is capable of using ManyMouse library conf_data.set10('C_MANYMOUSE', true) if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' if not conf_data.has('C_IOKIT') # On macOS the ManyMouse library requires IOKit conf_data.set10('C_MANYMOUSE', false) endif endif summary('ManyMouse support', conf_data.get('C_MANYMOUSE') == true) # Linux-only dependencies alsa_dep = optional_dep using_linux = (host_machine.system() == 'linux') force_alsa = (get_option('use_alsa') == 'true') if force_alsa or (using_linux and get_option('use_alsa') == 'auto') alsa_dep = dependency('alsa') conf_data.set('C_ALSA', 1) summary('ALSA support', alsa_dep.found()) endif # Windows-only dependencies winsock2_dep = optional_dep winmm_dep = optional_dep if host_machine.system() in ['windows', 'cygwin'] winsock2_dep = cxx.find_library('ws2_32', required: true) summary('Winsock 2 support', winsock2_dep.found()) winmm_dep = cxx.find_library('winmm', required: true) summary('Windows Multimedia support', winmm_dep.found()) endif # Setup include directories incdir = include_directories('include', '.') # A list of DOSBox's internal libraries populated # by each of the src/ subdir imports below. internal_deps = [] # bundled dependencies, in dependency-order # subdir('src/libs/ghc') subdir('src/libs/loguru') subdir('src/libs/decoders') subdir('src/libs/nuked') subdir('src/libs/ppscale') subdir('src/libs/residfp') subdir('src/libs/sdlcd') subdir('src/libs/whereami') subdir('src/libs/YM7128B_emu') if conf_data.get('C_MANYMOUSE') == true subdir('src/libs/manymouse') endif # ZMBV and TalChorus use some support functionality from misc subdir('src/misc') subdir('src/libs/zmbv') subdir('src/libs/tal-chorus') # A list of DOSBox's bundled 3rd party dependencies, # as defined by the above subdir includes. Used for # both the executable and libdosbox (unit testing). third_party_deps = [ atomic_dep, stdcppfs_dep, sdl2_dep, sdl2_image_dep, threads_dep, ghc_dep, libiir_dep, libloguru_dep, libsdlcd_dep, tracy_dep, libwhereami_dep, libtalchorus_dep, ] if conf_data.get('C_MANYMOUSE') == true third_party_deps += manymouse_dep endif # internal libs subdir('src/cpu') subdir('src/dos') subdir('src/fpu') subdir('src/gui') subdir('src/hardware') subdir('src/ints') subdir('src/midi') subdir('src/shell') # debugger-specific libs if get_option('enable_debugger') != 'none' subdir('src/libs/PDCurses') subdir('src/debug') third_party_deps += libpdcurses_dep endif # generate config.h configure_file( input: 'src/', output: 'config.h', configuration: conf_data, ) # Setup the executable and libraries # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # version_file = vcs_tag(input: 'src/', output: 'version.cpp') dosbox_sources = ['src/main.cpp', 'src/dosbox.cpp', version_file] # Add Windows resources file if building on Windows if host_machine.system() == 'windows' winmod = import('windows') res_file = winmod.compile_resources('src/winres.rc') dosbox_sources += res_file endif executable( 'dosbox', dosbox_sources, dependencies: internal_deps + third_party_deps, include_directories: incdir, install: true, ) # create a library so we can test things inside DOSBOX dep path libdosbox = static_library( 'dosbox', ['src/dosbox.cpp', version_file], include_directories: incdir, dependencies: internal_deps + third_party_deps, ) dosbox_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libdosbox) # Setup unit tests # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Some tests use relative paths; in meson 0.56.0 this can be replaced # with meson.project_source_root(). # if wants_tests project_source_root = meson.current_source_dir() subdir('tests') endif