# Don't run CI for this config yet. We're not ready to move official builds on to Azure Pipelines trigger: none # Run PR validation on all branches pr: branches: include: - '*' jobs: - template: jobs/default-build.yml parameters: jobName: Helix_x64 jobDisplayName: 'Tests: Helix x64' agentOs: Windows timeoutInMinutes: 240 steps: - script: .\restore.cmd -ci displayName: Restore - script: .\build.cmd -ci -NoRestore -test -projects eng\helix\helix.proj /p:IsHelixJob=true /p:BuildAllProjects=true /p:BuildNative=true -bl displayName: Run build.cmd helix target env: SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken) # We need to set this env var to publish helix results to Azure Dev Ops artifacts: - name: Helix_logs path: artifacts/log/ publishOnError: true