# We only want to run quarantined tests on main pr: none trigger: none schedules: - cron: "0 6 * * *" displayName: Run tests once a day at 6 AM UTC (10 PM PST) branches: include: - main always: true variables: - name: _UseHelixOpenQueues value: ${{ ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal') }} - ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'internal') }}: - group: DotNet-HelixApi-Access jobs: - template: jobs/default-build.yml parameters: jobName: Helix_quarantined_x64 jobDisplayName: 'Tests: Helix' agentOs: Windows installJdk: false timeoutInMinutes: 480 steps: # Build the shared framework - script: ./eng/build.cmd -ci -nobl -all -noBuildJava -pack -arch x64 /p:CrossgenOutput=false /p:ASPNETCORE_TEST_LOG_DIR=artifacts/log displayName: Build shared fx # -noBuildRepoTasks -noBuildNative -noBuild to avoid repeating work done in the previous step. - script: ./eng/build.cmd -ci -nobl -all -noBuildRepoTasks -noBuildNative -noBuild -noBuildJava -test -projects eng\helix\helix.proj /p:RunQuarantinedTests=true /p:IsHelixJob=true /p:CrossgenOutput=false /p:ASPNETCORE_TEST_LOG_DIR=artifacts/log displayName: Run build.cmd helix target continueOnError: true env: HelixApiAccessToken: $(HelixApiAccessToken) # Needed for internal queues SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken) # We need to set this env var to publish helix results to Azure Dev Ops artifacts: - name: Helix_logs path: artifacts/log/ publishOnError: true