# Uses Scheduled Triggers, which aren't supported in YAML yet. # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/build/triggers?view=vsts&tabs=yaml#scheduled # Daily Tests for ASP.NET Core SignalR # These use Sauce Labs resources, hence they run daily rather than per-commit. # The only Daily Tests we have run in Sauce Labs and only need to run on one machine (because they just trigger SauceLabs) # Hence we use the 'default-build.yml' template because it represents a single phase jobs: - template: jobs/default-build.yml parameters: buildDirectory: src/SignalR buildArgs: "/p:DailyTests=true /p:SauceUser='$(asplab-sauce-labs-username)' /p:SauceKey='$(asplab-sauce-labs-access-key)' -t" agentOs: Windows jobName: SignalRDailyTests jobDisplayName: "SignalR Daily Tests" artifacts: - name: Windows_Logs path: ../../artifacts/log/ publishOnError: true