@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL :: This command launches a Visual Studio code with environment variables required to use a local version of the .NET Core SDK. :: This tells .NET Core to use the same dotnet.exe that build scripts use SET DOTNET_ROOT=%~dp0.dotnet SET DOTNET_ROOT(x86)=%~dp0.dotnet\x86 :: This tells .NET Core not to go looking for .NET Core in other places SET DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP=0 :: Put our local dotnet.exe on PATH first so Visual Studio knows which one to use SET PATH=%DOTNET_ROOT%;%PATH% :: Sets TFW for Visual Studio Code usage SET TARGET=net7.0 SET folder=%~1 IF NOT EXIST "%DOTNET_ROOT%\dotnet.exe" ( echo .NET Core has not yet been installed. Run `%~dp0restore.cmd` to install tools exit /b 1 ) IF "%folder%"=="" ( code . ) else ( code "%folder%" ) exit /b 1