# RunApiDiff Script The [`RunApiDiff.ps1`](./RunApiDiff.ps1) script can automatically generate an API comparison report for two specified .NET previews, in the format expected for publishing in the dotnet/core repo. ## Instructions 1. Clone the dotnet/arcade repo. Let's assume you clone it into `D:\arcade`. 2. Clone the dotnet/core repo. Let's assume you clone it into `D:\core`. 3. Create a temporary directory. Let's assume you create it in `D:\tmp`. 4. Run the command. Execution example: ```powershell .\RunApiDiff.ps1 ` -PreviousDotNetVersion 7.0 ` -PreviousPreviewOrRC preview ` -PreviousPreviewNumberVersion 2 ` -CurrentDotNetVersion 7.0 ` -CurrentPreviewOrRC preview ` -CurrentPreviewNumberVersion 3 ` -CoreRepo D:\core\ ` -ArcadeRepo D:\arcade\ ` -TmpFolder D:\tmp\ ``` Examples of what this script generates: - PR comparing .NET 6.0 vs .NET 7.0 Preview1: https://github.com/dotnet/core/pull/7211 - PR comparing .NET 7.0 Preview1 vs Preview2: https://github.com/dotnet/core/pull/7307