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github.com/dotnet/runtime.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eng/common/post-build/sourcelink-validation.ps1')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eng/common/post-build/sourcelink-validation.ps1 b/eng/common/post-build/sourcelink-validation.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bbfdacca130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/common/post-build/sourcelink-validation.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $InputPath, # Full path to directory where Symbols.NuGet packages to be checked are stored
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $ExtractPath, # Full path to directory where the packages will be extracted during validation
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $GHRepoName, # GitHub name of the repo including the Org. E.g., dotnet/arcade
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string] $GHCommit, # GitHub commit SHA used to build the packages
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $SourcelinkCliVersion # Version of SourceLink CLI to use
+. $PSScriptRoot\post-build-utils.ps1
+# Cache/HashMap (File -> Exist flag) used to consult whether a file exist
+# in the repository at a specific commit point. This is populated by inserting
+# all files present in the repo at a specific commit point.
+$global:RepoFiles = @{}
+# Maximum number of jobs to run in parallel
+$MaxParallelJobs = 6
+# Wait time between check for system load
+$SecondsBetweenLoadChecks = 10
+$ValidatePackage = {
+ param(
+ [string] $PackagePath # Full path to a Symbols.NuGet package
+ )
+ . $using:PSScriptRoot\..\tools.ps1
+ # Ensure input file exist
+ if (!(Test-Path $PackagePath)) {
+ Write-Host "Input file does not exist: $PackagePath"
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Extensions for which we'll look for SourceLink information
+ # For now we'll only care about Portable & Embedded PDBs
+ $RelevantExtensions = @(".dll", ".exe", ".pdb")
+ Write-Host -NoNewLine "Validating" ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($PackagePath)) "... "
+ $PackageId = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($PackagePath)
+ $ExtractPath = Join-Path -Path $using:ExtractPath -ChildPath $PackageId
+ $FailedFiles = 0
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
+ [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ExtractPath) | Out-Null
+ try {
+ $zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($PackagePath)
+ $zip.Entries |
+ Where-Object {$RelevantExtensions -contains [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Name)} |
+ ForEach-Object {
+ $FileName = $_.FullName
+ $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.Name)
+ $FakeName = -Join((New-Guid), $Extension)
+ $TargetFile = Join-Path -Path $ExtractPath -ChildPath $FakeName
+ # We ignore resource DLLs
+ if ($FileName.EndsWith(".resources.dll")) {
+ return
+ }
+ [System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::ExtractToFile($_, $TargetFile, $true)
+ $ValidateFile = {
+ param(
+ [string] $FullPath, # Full path to the module that has to be checked
+ [string] $RealPath,
+ [ref] $FailedFiles
+ )
+ $sourcelinkExe = "$env:USERPROFILE\.dotnet\tools"
+ $sourcelinkExe = Resolve-Path "$sourcelinkExe\sourcelink.exe"
+ $SourceLinkInfos = & $sourcelinkExe print-urls $FullPath | Out-String
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0 -and -not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourceLinkInfos))) {
+ $NumFailedLinks = 0
+ # We only care about Http addresses
+ $Matches = (Select-String '(http[s]?)(:\/\/)([^\s,]+)' -Input $SourceLinkInfos -AllMatches).Matches
+ if ($Matches.Count -ne 0) {
+ $Matches.Value |
+ ForEach-Object {
+ $Link = $_
+ $CommitUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${using:GHRepoName}/${using:GHCommit}/"
+ $FilePath = $Link.Replace($CommitUrl, "")
+ $Status = 200
+ $Cache = $using:RepoFiles
+ if ( !($Cache.ContainsKey($FilePath)) ) {
+ try {
+ $Uri = $Link -as [System.URI]
+ # Only GitHub links are valid
+ if ($Uri.AbsoluteURI -ne $null -and ($Uri.Host -match "github" -or $Uri.Host -match "githubusercontent")) {
+ $Status = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Link -UseBasicParsing -Method HEAD -TimeoutSec 5).StatusCode
+ }
+ else {
+ $Status = 0
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ write-host $_
+ $Status = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Status -ne 200) {
+ if ($NumFailedLinks -eq 0) {
+ if ($FailedFiles.Value -eq 0) {
+ Write-Host
+ }
+ Write-Host "`tFile $RealPath has broken links:"
+ }
+ Write-Host "`t`tFailed to retrieve $Link"
+ $NumFailedLinks++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($NumFailedLinks -ne 0) {
+ $FailedFiles.value++
+ $global:LASTEXITCODE = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &$ValidateFile $TargetFile $FileName ([ref]$FailedFiles)
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ }
+ finally {
+ $zip.Dispose()
+ }
+ if ($FailedFiles -eq 0) {
+ Write-Host "Passed."
+ return 0
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "$PackagePath has broken SourceLink links."
+ return 1
+ }
+function ValidateSourceLinkLinks {
+ if ($GHRepoName -ne "" -and !($GHRepoName -Match "^[^\s\/]+/[^\s\/]+$")) {
+ if (!($GHRepoName -Match "^[^\s-]+-[^\s]+$")) {
+ Write-PipelineTaskError "GHRepoName should be in the format <org>/<repo> or <org>-<repo>. '$GHRepoName'"
+ ExitWithExitCode 1
+ }
+ else {
+ $GHRepoName = $GHRepoName -replace '^([^\s-]+)-([^\s]+)$', '$1/$2';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($GHCommit -ne "" -and !($GHCommit -Match "^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$")) {
+ Write-PipelineTaskError "GHCommit should be a 40 chars hexadecimal string. '$GHCommit'"
+ ExitWithExitCode 1
+ }
+ if ($GHRepoName -ne "" -and $GHCommit -ne "") {
+ $RepoTreeURL = -Join("http://api.github.com/repos/", $GHRepoName, "/git/trees/", $GHCommit, "?recursive=1")
+ $CodeExtensions = @(".cs", ".vb", ".fs", ".fsi", ".fsx", ".fsscript")
+ try {
+ # Retrieve the list of files in the repo at that particular commit point and store them in the RepoFiles hash
+ $Data = Invoke-WebRequest $RepoTreeURL -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty tree
+ foreach ($file in $Data) {
+ $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($file.path)
+ if ($CodeExtensions.Contains($Extension)) {
+ $RepoFiles[$file.path] = 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch {
+ Write-Host "Problems downloading the list of files from the repo. Url used: $RepoTreeURL . Execution will proceed without caching."
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($GHRepoName -ne "" -or $GHCommit -ne "") {
+ Write-Host "For using the http caching mechanism both GHRepoName and GHCommit should be informed."
+ }
+ if (Test-Path $ExtractPath) {
+ Remove-Item $ExtractPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }
+ # Process each NuGet package in parallel
+ Get-ChildItem "$InputPath\*.symbols.nupkg" |
+ ForEach-Object {
+ Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ValidatePackage -ArgumentList $_.FullName | Out-Null
+ $NumJobs = @(Get-Job -State 'Running').Count
+ while ($NumJobs -ge $MaxParallelJobs) {
+ Write-Host "There are $NumJobs validation jobs running right now. Waiting $SecondsBetweenLoadChecks seconds to check again."
+ sleep $SecondsBetweenLoadChecks
+ $NumJobs = @(Get-Job -State 'Running').Count
+ }
+ foreach ($Job in @(Get-Job -State 'Completed')) {
+ Receive-Job -Id $Job.Id
+ Remove-Job -Id $Job.Id
+ }
+ }
+ $ValidationFailures = 0
+ foreach ($Job in @(Get-Job)) {
+ $jobResult = Wait-Job -Id $Job.Id | Receive-Job
+ if ($jobResult -ne "0") {
+ $ValidationFailures++
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ValidationFailures -gt 0) {
+ Write-PipelineTaskError " $ValidationFailures package(s) failed validation."
+ ExitWithExitCode 1
+ }
+function InstallSourcelinkCli {
+ $sourcelinkCliPackageName = "sourcelink"
+ $dotnetRoot = InitializeDotNetCli -install:$true
+ $dotnet = "$dotnetRoot\dotnet.exe"
+ $toolList = & "$dotnet" tool list --global
+ if (($toolList -like "*$sourcelinkCliPackageName*") -and ($toolList -like "*$sourcelinkCliVersion*")) {
+ Write-Host "SourceLink CLI version $sourcelinkCliVersion is already installed."
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "Installing SourceLink CLI version $sourcelinkCliVersion..."
+ Write-Host "You may need to restart your command window if this is the first dotnet tool you have installed."
+ & "$dotnet" tool install $sourcelinkCliPackageName --version $sourcelinkCliVersion --verbosity "minimal" --global
+ }
+try {
+ InstallSourcelinkCli
+ ValidateSourceLinkLinks
+catch {
+ Write-Host $_
+ Write-Host $_.Exception
+ Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
+ ExitWithExitCode 1