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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libraries/System.Private.Xml/tests/Xslt/XslTransformApi/ExceptionVerifier.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Private.Xml/tests/Xslt/XslTransformApi/ExceptionVerifier.cs b/src/libraries/System.Private.Xml/tests/Xslt/XslTransformApi/ExceptionVerifier.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cd3490ef9c..00000000000
--- a/src/libraries/System.Private.Xml/tests/Xslt/XslTransformApi/ExceptionVerifier.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
-// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Globalization;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Resources;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using Xunit.Abstractions;
-namespace System.Xml.Tests
- public class LineInfo
- {
- public int LineNumber { get; private set; }
- public int LinePosition { get; private set; }
- public string FilePath { get; private set; }
- public LineInfo(int lineNum, int linePos)
- {
- LineNumber = lineNum;
- LinePosition = linePos;
- FilePath = string.Empty;
- }
- public LineInfo(int lineNum, int linePos, string filePath)
- {
- LineNumber = lineNum;
- LinePosition = linePos;
- FilePath = filePath;
- }
- }
- [Flags]
- public enum ExceptionVerificationFlags
- {
- None = 0,
- IgnoreMultipleDots = 1,
- IgnoreLineInfo = 2,
- }
- public class ExceptionVerifier
- {
- private readonly Assembly _asm;
- private Assembly _locAsm;
- private readonly Hashtable _resources;
- private string _actualMessage;
- private string _expectedMessage;
- private Exception _ex;
- private ExceptionVerificationFlags _verificationFlags = ExceptionVerificationFlags.None;
- private ITestOutputHelper _output;
- public bool IgnoreMultipleDots
- {
- get
- {
- return (_verificationFlags & ExceptionVerificationFlags.IgnoreMultipleDots) != 0;
- }
- set
- {
- if (value)
- _verificationFlags = _verificationFlags | ExceptionVerificationFlags.IgnoreMultipleDots;
- else
- _verificationFlags = _verificationFlags & (~ExceptionVerificationFlags.IgnoreMultipleDots);
- }
- }
- public bool IgnoreLineInfo
- {
- get
- {
- return (_verificationFlags & ExceptionVerificationFlags.IgnoreLineInfo) != 0;
- }
- set
- {
- if (value)
- _verificationFlags = _verificationFlags | ExceptionVerificationFlags.IgnoreLineInfo;
- else
- _verificationFlags = _verificationFlags & (~ExceptionVerificationFlags.IgnoreLineInfo);
- }
- }
- private const string ESCAPE_ANY = "~%anything%~";
- private const string ESCAPE_NUMBER = "~%number%~";
- public ExceptionVerifier(string assemblyName, ExceptionVerificationFlags flags, ITestOutputHelper output)
- {
- _output = output;
- if (assemblyName == null)
- throw new VerifyException("Assembly name cannot be null");
- _verificationFlags = flags;
- try
- {
- switch (assemblyName.ToUpper())
- {
- case "SYSTEM.XML":
- {
- var dom = new XmlDocument();
- _asm = dom.GetType().Assembly;
- }
- break;
- default:
- _asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(GetRuntimeInstallDir() + assemblyName + ".dll");
- break;
- }
- if (_asm == null)
- throw new VerifyException("Can not load assembly " + assemblyName);
- // let's determine if this is a loc run, if it is then we need to load satellite assembly
- _locAsm = null;
- if (!CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Equals(new CultureInfo("en-US")) && !CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Equals(new CultureInfo("en")))
- {
- try
- {
- // load satellite assembly
- _locAsm = _asm.GetSatelliteAssembly(new CultureInfo(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Parent.IetfLanguageTag));
- }
- catch (FileNotFoundException e1)
- {
- _output.WriteLine(e1.ToString());
- }
- catch (FileLoadException e2)
- {
- _output.WriteLine(e2.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- _output.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
- _output.WriteLine("Stack: " + e.StackTrace);
- throw new VerifyException("Error while loading assembly");
- }
- string[] resArray;
- Stream resStream = null;
- var bFound = false;
- // Check that assembly manifest has resources
- if (null != _locAsm)
- resArray = _locAsm.GetManifestResourceNames();
- else
- resArray = _asm.GetManifestResourceNames();
- foreach (var s in resArray)
- {
- if (s.EndsWith(".resources"))
- {
- resStream = null != _locAsm ? _locAsm.GetManifestResourceStream(s) : _asm.GetManifestResourceStream(s);
- bFound = true;
- if (bFound && resStream != null)
- {
- // Populate hashtable from resources
- var resReader = new ResourceReader(resStream);
- if (_resources == null)
- {
- _resources = new Hashtable();
- }
- var ide = resReader.GetEnumerator();
- while (ide.MoveNext())
- {
- if (!_resources.ContainsKey(ide.Key.ToString()))
- _resources.Add(ide.Key.ToString(), ide.Value.ToString());
- }
- resReader.Dispose();
- }
- }
- }
- if (!bFound || resStream == null)
- throw new VerifyException("GetManifestResourceStream() failed");
- }
- private static string GetRuntimeInstallDir()
- {
- // Get mscorlib path
- var s = typeof(object).Module.FullyQualifiedName;
- // Remove mscorlib.dll from the path
- return Directory.GetParent(s).ToString() + "\\";
- }
- public ExceptionVerifier(string assemblyName, ITestOutputHelper output)
- : this(assemblyName, ExceptionVerificationFlags.None, output)
- { }
- private void ExceptionInfoOutput()
- {
- // Use reflection to obtain "res" property value
- var exceptionType = _ex.GetType();
- var fInfo = exceptionType.GetField("res", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase) ??
- exceptionType.BaseType.GetField("res", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase);
- if (fInfo == null)
- throw new VerifyException("Cannot obtain Resource ID from Exception.");
- _output.WriteLine(
- "\n===== Original Exception Message =====\n" + _ex.Message +
- "\n===== Resource Id =====\n" + fInfo.GetValue(_ex) +
- "\n===== HelpLink =====\n" + _ex.HelpLink +
- "\n===== Source =====\n" + _ex.Source);
- _output.WriteLine(
- "\n===== InnerException =====\n" + _ex.InnerException +
- "\n===== StackTrace =====\n" + _ex.StackTrace);
- }
- public string[] ReturnAllMatchingResIds(string message)
- {
- var ide = _resources.GetEnumerator();
- var list = new ArrayList();
- _output.WriteLine("===== All mached ResIDs =====");
- while (ide.MoveNext())
- {
- var resMessage = ide.Value.ToString();
- resMessage = ESCAPE_ANY + Regex.Replace(resMessage, @"\{\d*\}", ESCAPE_ANY) + ESCAPE_ANY;
- resMessage = MakeEscapes(resMessage).Replace(ESCAPE_ANY, ".*");
- if (Regex.Match(message, resMessage, RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString() == message)
- {
- list.Add(ide.Key);
- _output.WriteLine(" [" + ide.Key.ToString() + "] = \"" + ide.Value.ToString() + "\"");
- }
- }
- return (string[])list.ToArray(typeof(string[]));
- }
- // Common helper methods used by different overloads of IsExceptionOk()
- private static void CheckNull(Exception e)
- {
- if (e == null)
- {
- throw new VerifyException("NULL exception passed to IsExceptionOk()");
- }
- }
- private void CompareMessages()
- {
- if (IgnoreMultipleDots && _expectedMessage.EndsWith("."))
- _expectedMessage = _expectedMessage.TrimEnd(new char[] { '.' }) + ".";
- _expectedMessage = Regex.Escape(_expectedMessage);
- _expectedMessage = _expectedMessage.Replace(ESCAPE_ANY, ".*");
- _expectedMessage = _expectedMessage.Replace(ESCAPE_NUMBER, @"\d*");
- // ignore case
- _expectedMessage = _expectedMessage.ToLowerInvariant();
- _actualMessage = _actualMessage.ToLowerInvariant();
- if (Regex.Match(_actualMessage, _expectedMessage, RegexOptions.Singleline).ToString() != _actualMessage)
- {
- // Unescape before printing the expected message string
- _expectedMessage = Regex.Unescape(_expectedMessage);
- _output.WriteLine("Mismatch in error message");
- _output.WriteLine("===== Expected Message =====\n" + _expectedMessage);
- _output.WriteLine("===== Expected Message Length =====\n" + _expectedMessage.Length);
- _output.WriteLine("===== Actual Message =====\n" + _actualMessage);
- _output.WriteLine("===== Actual Message Length =====\n" + _actualMessage.Length);
- throw new VerifyException("Mismatch in error message");
- }
- }
- public void IsExceptionOk(Exception e, string expectedResId)
- {
- CheckNull(e);
- _ex = e;
- if (expectedResId == null)
- {
- // Pint actual exception info and quit
- // This can be used to dump exception properties, verify them and then plug them into our expected results
- ExceptionInfoOutput();
- throw new VerifyException("Did not pass resource ID to verify");
- }
- IsExceptionOk(e, new object[] { expectedResId });
- }
- public void IsExceptionOk(Exception e, string expectedResId, string[] paramValues)
- {
- var list = new ArrayList { expectedResId };
- foreach (var param in paramValues)
- list.Add(param);
- IsExceptionOk(e, list.ToArray());
- }
- public void IsExceptionOk(Exception e, string expectedResId, string[] paramValues, LineInfo lineInfo)
- {
- var list = new ArrayList { expectedResId, lineInfo };
- foreach (var param in paramValues)
- list.Add(param);
- IsExceptionOk(e, list.ToArray());
- }
- public void IsExceptionOk(Exception e, object[] IdsAndParams)
- {
- CheckNull(e);
- _ex = e;
- _actualMessage = e.Message;
- _expectedMessage = ConstructExpectedMessage(IdsAndParams);
- CompareMessages();
- }
- private static string MakeEscapes(string str)
- {
- return new[] { "\\", "$", "{", "[", "(", "|", ")", "*", "+", "?" }.Aggregate(str, (current, esc) => current.Replace(esc, "\\" + esc));
- }
- public string ConstructExpectedMessage(object[] IdsAndParams)
- {
- var lineInfoMessage = "";
- var paramList = new ArrayList();
- var paramsStartPosition = 1;
- // Verify that input list contains at least one element - ResId
- if (IdsAndParams.Length == 0 || !(IdsAndParams[0] is string))
- throw new VerifyException("ResID at IDsAndParams[0] missing!");
- string expectedResId = (IdsAndParams[0] as string);
- // Verify that resource id exists in resources
- if (!_resources.ContainsKey(expectedResId))
- {
- ExceptionInfoOutput();
- throw new VerifyException("Resources in [" + _asm.GetName().Name + "] does not contain string resource: " + expectedResId);
- }
- // If LineInfo exist, construct LineInfo message
- if (IdsAndParams.Length > 1 && (IdsAndParams[1] is LineInfo))
- {
- if (!IgnoreLineInfo)
- {
- var lineInfo = (IdsAndParams[1] as LineInfo);
- // Xml_ErrorPosition = "Line {0}, position {1}."
- lineInfoMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineInfo.FilePath) ? _resources["Xml_ErrorPosition"].ToString() : _resources["Xml_ErrorFilePosition"].ToString();
- var lineNumber = lineInfo.LineNumber.ToString();
- var linePosition = lineInfo.LinePosition.ToString();
- lineInfoMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineInfo.FilePath) ? string.Format(lineInfoMessage, lineNumber, linePosition) : string.Format(lineInfoMessage, lineInfo.FilePath, lineNumber, linePosition);
- }
- else
- lineInfoMessage = ESCAPE_ANY;
- lineInfoMessage = " " + lineInfoMessage;
- paramsStartPosition = 2;
- }
- string message = _resources[expectedResId].ToString();
- for (var i = paramsStartPosition; i < IdsAndParams.Length; i++)
- {
- if (IdsAndParams[i] is object[])
- paramList.Add(ConstructExpectedMessage(IdsAndParams[i] as object[]));
- else
- {
- if (IdsAndParams[i] == null)
- paramList.Add(ESCAPE_ANY);
- else
- paramList.Add(IdsAndParams[i] as string);
- }
- }
- try
- {
- message = string.Format(message, paramList.ToArray());
- }
- catch (FormatException)
- {
- throw new VerifyException("Mismatch in number of parameters!");
- }
- return message + lineInfoMessage;
- }
- }
- public class VerifyException : Exception
- {
- public VerifyException(string msg)
- : base(msg)
- { }
- }