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[ ] Create and link to this issue a matching issue in the dotnet/docs repo using the [breaking change documentation template](https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues/new?assignees=gewarren&labels=breaking-change%2CPri1%2Cdoc-idea&template=breaking-change.yml&title=%5BBreaking+change%5D%3A+), then remove this `needs-breaking-change-doc-created` label.\n\nTagging @dotnet/compat for awareness of the breaking change." } } ], "taskName": "Add breaking change doc label to issue" }, "disabled": false }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "PullRequestResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "name": "labelAdded", "parameters": { "label": "breaking-change" } } ] }, "eventType": "pull_request", "eventNames": [ "pull_request", "issues", "project_card" ], "actions": [ { "name": "addLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-breaking-change-doc-created" } }, { "name": "addReply", "parameters": { "comment": "Added `needs-breaking-change-doc-created` label because this PR has the `breaking-change` label. \n\nWhen you commit this breaking change:\n\n1. [ ] Create and link to this PR and the issue a matching issue in the dotnet/docs repo using the [breaking change documentation template](https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues/new?assignees=gewarren&labels=breaking-change%2CPri1%2Cdoc-idea&template=breaking-change.yml&title=%5BBreaking+change%5D%3A+), then remove this `needs-breaking-change-doc-created` label.\n2. [ ] Ask a committer to mail the `.NET Breaking Change Notification` DL.\n\nTagging @dotnet/compat for awareness of the breaking change." } } ], "taskName": "Add breaking change doc label to PR" }, "disabled": false }, { "taskType": "scheduled", "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch", "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch", "version": "1.1", "config": { "frequency": [ { "weekDay": 0, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 1, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 2, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 3, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 4, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 5, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 6, "hours": [ 1, 7, 13, 19 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 } ], "searchTerms": [ { "name": "isClosed", "parameters": {} }, { "name": "noActivitySince", "parameters": { "days": 30 } }, { "name": "isUnlocked", "parameters": {} } ], 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Any new comment (by anyone, not necessarily the author) will remove `no-recent-activity`." } } ] }, "disabled": false }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "InPrLabel", "subCapability": "InPrLabel", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "Add 'In-PR' label on issue when an open pull request is targeting it", "inPrLabelText": "Status: In PR", "fixedLabelText": "Status: Fixed", "fixedLabelEnabled": false, "label_inPr": "in-pr" } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "@Mention for linkable-framework", "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "linkable-framework" ], "mentionees": [ "eerhardt", "vitek-karas", "LakshanF", "sbomer", "joperezr" ] } ], "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'linkable-framework': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.", "enableForPullRequests": true } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "@Mention for size-reduction", "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'size-reduction': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.", "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "size-reduction" ], "mentionees": [ "eerhardt", "SamMonoRT", "marek-safar" ] } ], "enableForPullRequests": true } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "@Mention for wasm", "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "arch-wasm" ], "mentionees": [ "lewing" ] } ], "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'arch-wasm': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.", "enableForPullRequests": true } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "@Mention for ios", "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "os-ios" ], "mentionees": [ "steveisok", "akoeplinger" ] } ], "enableForPullRequests": true, "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'os-ios': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed." } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "@Mention for android", "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "os-android" ], "mentionees": [ "steveisok", "akoeplinger" ] } ], "enableForPullRequests": true, "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'arch-android': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed." } }, { "taskType": "scheduled", "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch", "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch", "version": "1.1", "config": { "frequency": [ { "weekDay": 0, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 1, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 2, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 3, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 4, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 5, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 6, "hours": [ 5, 11, 17, 23 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 } ], "searchTerms": [ { "name": "isDraftPr", "parameters": { "value": "true" } }, { "name": "isOpen", "parameters": {} }, { "name": "noActivitySince", "parameters": { "days": 30 } } ], "taskName": "Close inactive Draft PRs", "actions": [ { "name": "closeIssue", "parameters": {} }, { "name": "addReply", "parameters": { "comment": "Draft Pull Request was automatically closed for inactivity. 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Please share any feedback you might have in the linked issue." } }, { "name": "addLabel", "parameters": { "label": "no-recent-activity" } } ] } }, { "taskType": "scheduled", "capabilityId": "ScheduledSearch", "subCapability": "ScheduledSearch", "version": "1.1", "config": { "frequency": [ { "weekDay": 0, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 1, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 2, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 3, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 4, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 5, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 }, { "weekDay": 6, "hours": [ 0, 6, 12, 18 ], "timezoneOffset": 0 } ], "searchTerms": [ { "name": "noActivitySince", "parameters": { "days": 1827 } }, { "name": "isIssue", "parameters": {} }, { "name": "isOpen", "parameters": {} }, { "name": "noLabel", "parameters": { "label": "backlog-cleanup-candidate" } } ], "taskName": "Automated Issue cleanup", "actions": [ { "name": "addLabel", "parameters": { "label": "backlog-cleanup-candidate" } }, { "name": "addReply", "parameters": { "comment": "Due to lack of recent activity, this issue has been marked as a candidate for backlog cleanup. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within 14 more days. Any new comment (by anyone, not necessarily the author) will undo this process.\n\nThis process is part of the experimental [issue cleanup initiative](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/60288) we are currently trialing. Please share any feedback you might have in the linked issue." } }, { "name": "addLabel", "parameters": { "label": "no-recent-activity" } } ] } }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "name": "labelAdded", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } } ] }, "eventType": "issue", "eventNames": [ "issues", "project_card" ], "taskName": "Needs-author-action notification", "actions": [ { "name": "addReply", "parameters": { "comment": "This issue has been marked `needs-author-action` since it may be missing important information. Please refer to our [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#writing-a-good-bug-report) for tips on how to report issues effectively." } } ] } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "@Mention for tvos", "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "os-tvos" ], "mentionees": [ "steveisok", "akoeplinger" ] } ], "enableForPullRequests": true, "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'os-tvos': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed." } }, { "taskType": "scheduledAndTrigger", "capabilityId": "IssueRouting", "subCapability": "@Mention", "version": "1.0", "config": { "labelsAndMentions": [ { "labels": [ "os-maccatalyst" ], "mentionees": [ "steveisok", "akoeplinger" ] } ], "replyTemplate": "Tagging subscribers to 'os-maccatalyst': ${mentionees}\nSee info in area-owners.md if you want to be subscribed.", "enableForPullRequests": true, "taskName": "@Mention for maccatalyst" } }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "PullRequestReviewResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "name": "activitySenderHasPermissions", "parameters": { "state": "changes_requested", "permissions": "write" } }, { "name": "isAction", "parameters": { "action": "submitted" } }, { "name": "isReviewState", "parameters": { "state": "changes_requested" } } ] }, "eventType": "pull_request", "eventNames": [ "pull_request_review" ], "taskName": "PR reviews with \"changes requested\" applies the needs-author-action label", "actions": [ { "name": "addLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } } ] } }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "PullRequestResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "name": "isAction", "parameters": { "action": "synchronize" } }, { "name": "hasLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } } ] }, "eventType": "pull_request", "eventNames": [ "pull_request", "issues", "project_card" ], "taskName": "Pushing changes to PR branch removes the needs-author-action label", "actions": [ { "name": "removeLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } } ] } }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "PullRequestCommentResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "name": "isActivitySender", "parameters": { "user": { "type": "author" } } }, { "name": "isAction", "parameters": { "action": "created" } }, { "name": "hasLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } }, { "name": "isOpen", "parameters": {} } ] }, "eventType": "pull_request", "eventNames": [ "issue_comment" ], "taskName": "Author commenting in PR removes the needs-author-action label", "actions": [ { "name": "removeLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } } ] }, "disabled": false }, { "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "PullRequestReviewResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "taskName": "Author responding to a pull request review comment removes the needs-author-action label", "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "name": "isActivitySender", "parameters": { "user": { "type": "author" } } }, { "name": "hasLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } }, { "name": "isAction", "parameters": { "action": "submitted" } }, { "name": "isOpen", "parameters": {} } ] }, "actions": [ { "name": "removeLabel", "parameters": { "label": "needs-author-action" } } ], "eventType": "pull_request", "eventNames": [ "pull_request_review" ] } }, { "taskSource": "fabricbot-config", "taskType": "trigger", "capabilityId": "IssueResponder", "subCapability": "IssuesOnlyResponder", "version": "1.0", "config": { "conditions": { "operator": "and", "operands": [ { "operator": "not", "operands": [ { "name": "isInProjectColumn", "parameters": { "projectName": "Area Pod: Adam / David - 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