# Pull Requests Tagging If you need to tag folks on an issue or PR, you will generally want to tag the owners (not the lead) for [area](#areas) to which the change or issue is closest to. For areas which are large and can be operating system or architecture specific it's better to tag owners of [OS](#operating-systems) or [Architecture](#architectures). ## Areas Note: Editing this file doesn't update the mapping used by the `@msftbot` issue notification bot to tag owners. Some area owners prefer not to get those notifications. To update those notifications, contact any one of `@danmoseley`, `@jeffschw`, `@marek-safar`, `@ericstj`, `@karelz`, or `@jeffhandley`; they have permissions to update [`msftbot` configuration](https://portal.fabricbot.ms/bot/?repo=dotnet/runtime). If you're a community member interested in these notifications, you won't appear in this table but we can add you to notifications - just let us know. | Area | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PR's and issues) | Notes | |------------------------------------------------|---------------|-----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | area-AssemblyLoader-coreclr | @agocke | @agocke @vitek-karas @vsadov | | | area-AssemblyLoader-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | | | area-Build-mono | @steveisok | @akoeplinger | | | area-Codegen-AOT-mono | @SamMonoRT | @vargaz | | | area-CodeGen-coreclr | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | | | area-Codegen-Interpreter-mono | @SamMonoRT | @BrzVlad | | | area-Codegen-JIT-mono | @SamMonoRT | @vargaz | | | area-Codegen-LLVM-mono | @SamMonoRT | @imhameed | | | area-Codegen-meta-mono | @SamMonoRT | @vargaz | | | area-CoreLib-mono | @steveisok | @vargaz | | | area-CrossGen/NGEN-coreclr | @mangod9 | @nattress | | | area-crossgen2-coreclr | @mangod9 | @nattress @trylek @dotnet/crossgen-contrib | | | area-Debugger-mono | @lewing | @thaystg @radical | | | area-DependencyModel | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Diagnostics-coreclr | @tommcdon | @tommcdon | | | area-EnC-mono | @marek-safar | @lambdageek | Hot Reload on WebAssembly, Android, iOS, etc | | area-ExceptionHandling-coreclr | @mangod9 | @janvorli | | | area-Extensions-Caching | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Extensions-Configuration | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Extensions-DependencyInjection | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Extensions-FileSystem | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @eerhardt @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-Extensions-Hosting | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Extensions-HttpClientFactory | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | | | area-Extensions-Logging | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Extensions-Options | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Extensions-Primitives | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-GC-coreclr | @mangod9 | @Maoni0 | | | area-GC-mono | @SamMonoRT | @BrzVlad | | | area-Host | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas @vsadov | Issues with dotnet.exe including bootstrapping, framework detection, hostfxr.dll and hostpolicy.dll | | area-HostModel | @agocke | @vitek-karas | | | area-ILTools-coreclr | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | | | area-ILVerification | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | | | area-Infrastructure | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer @jeffschwMSFT @dleeapho | | | area-Infrastructure-coreclr | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @trylek | | | area-Infrastructure-installer | @dleeapho | @dleeapho @NikolaMilosavljevic | | | area-Infrastructure-libraries | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | Covers:
| | area-Infrastructure-mono | @steveisok | @directhex | | | area-Interop-coreclr | @jeffschwMSFT | @jeffschwMSFT @AaronRobinsonMSFT | | | area-Interop-mono | @marek-safar | @lambdageek | | | area-Meta | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Issues without clear association to any specific API/contract, e.g.
| | area-Microsoft.CSharp | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see [#27790](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/27790)) | | area-Microsoft.Extensions | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | Consultants: @eerhardt | | area-Microsoft.VisualBasic | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see [#27790](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/27790)) | | area-Microsoft.Win32 | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | Including System.Windows.Extensions | | area-PAL-coreclr | @mangod9 | @janvorli | | | area-PAL-libraries | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | | | area-Performance-mono | @SamMonoRT | @SamMonoRT | | | area-R2RDump-coreclr | @mangod9 | @nattress | | | area-ReadyToRun-coreclr | @mangod9 | @nattress | | | area-Serialization | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | Packages: Excluded: | | area-Setup | @dleeapho | @NikolaMilosavljevic @dleeapho | Distro-specific (Linux, Mac and Windows) setup packages and msi files | | area-Single-File | @agocke | @vitek-karas @vsadov | | | area-Snap | @dleeapho | @dleeapho @leecow @MichaelSimons | | | area-System.Buffers | @jeffhandley | @pgovind @tannergooding | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-System.CodeDom | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | | | area-System.Collections | @ericstj | @eiriktsarpalis @layomia | Excluded: Consultants: @steveharter @GrabYourPitchForks | | area-System.ComponentModel | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | | | area-System.ComponentModel.Composition | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Consultants: @steveharter | | area-System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations | @ajcvickers | @lajones @ajcvickers | Included: | | area-System.Composition | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Consultants: @steveharter | | area-System.Configuration | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Consultants: @steveharter | | area-System.Console | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchForks | | area-System.Data | @ajcvickers | @ajcvickers @cheenamalhotra @david-engel | | | area-System.Data.Odbc | @ajcvickers | @ajcvickers | | | area-System.Data.OleDB | @ajcvickers | @ajcvickers | | | area-System.Data.SqlClient | @David-Engel | @cheenamalhotra @david-engel @karinazhou @JRahnama | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-the-new-microsoftdatasqlclient/) | | area-System.Diagnostics | @tommcdon | @tommcdon | | | area-System.Diagnostics-coreclr | @tommcdon | @tommcdon | | | area-System.Diagnostics-mono | @lewing | @thaystg @radical | | | area-System.Diagnostics.Activity | @tommcdon | @tarekgh | | | area-System.Diagnostics.EventLog | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | | | area-System.Diagnostics.Metric | @tommcdon | @noahfalk | | | area-System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | | | area-System.Diagnostics.Process | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | | | area-System.Diagnostics.Tracing | @tommcdon | @noahfalk @tommcdon @Anipik @ViktorHofer @tarekgh | Included: | | area-System.Diagnostics.TraceSource | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | | | area-System.DirectoryServices | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Consultants: @tquerec @josephisenhour | | area-System.Drawing | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | | | area-System.Dynamic.Runtime | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see [#27790](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/27790)) | | area-System.Formats.Asn1 | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | | | area-System.Formats.Cbor | @ericstj | @eiriktsarpalis @layomia | Consultants: @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchForks | | area-System.Globalization | @ericstj | @maryamariyan @michaelgsharp @safern @tarekgh | | | area-System.IO | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | | | area-System.IO.Compression | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @ericstj | | area-System.IO.Pipelines | @kevinpi | @davidfowl @halter73 @jkotalik | | | area-System.Linq | @ericstj | @eiriktsarpalis @layomia | Consultants: @steveharter | | area-System.Linq.Expressions | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see [#27790](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/27790)) | | area-System.Linq.Parallel | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @stephentoub @kouvel | | area-System.Management | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | WMI | | area-System.Memory | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-System.Net | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | Included: | | area-System.Net.Http | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | | | area-System.Net.Quic | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | | | area-System.Net.Security | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | | | area-System.Net.Sockets | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | | | area-System.Numerics | @jeffhandley | @pgovind @tannergooding | | | area-System.Numerics.Tensors | @jeffhandley | @pgovind @tannergooding | | | area-System.Reflection | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq @steveharter | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-System.Reflection-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | MonoVM-specific reflection and reflection-emit issues | | area-System.Reflection.Emit | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq @steveharter | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-System.Reflection.Metadata | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq @steveharter | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks @tmat | | area-System.Resources | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | | | area-System.Runtime | @jeffhandley | @pgovind @tannergooding | Consultants: @bartonjs
Included:Excluded: | | area-System.Runtime.Caching | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | | | area-System.Runtime.CompilerServices | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Consultants: @steveharter | | area-System.Runtime.InteropServices | @jeffschwMSFT | @AaronRobinsonMSFT @jkoritzinsky | Excluded: | | area-System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript | @lewing | @kjpou1 | | | area-System.Runtime.Intrinsics | @jeffhandley | @pgovind @tannergooding @echesakovMSFT | | | area-System.Security | @jeffhandley | @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks | | | area-System.ServiceModel | @HongGit | @HongGit @mconnew | Repo: https://github.com/dotnet/WCF
Packages: | | area-System.ServiceModel.Syndication | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | | | area-System.ServiceProcess | @ericstj | @Anipik @ViktorHofer | | | area-System.Speech | @danmoseley | @danmoseley | | | area-System.Text.Encoding | @ericstj | @eiriktsarpalis @layomia | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-System.Text.Encodings.Web | @ericstj | @eiriktsarpalis @layomia | Consultants: @GrabYourPitchforks | | area-System.Text.Json | @ericstj | @eiriktsarpalis @layomia @steveharter | | | area-System.Text.RegularExpressions | @jeffhandley | @pgovind @tannergooding | Consultants: @eerhardt @stephentoub | | area-System.Threading | @mangod9 | @kouvel | | | area-System.Threading.Channels | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @stephentoub | | area-System.Threading.Tasks | @jeffhandley | @adamsitnik @carlossanlop @jozkee | Consultants: @stephentoub | | area-System.Transactions | @HongGit | @HongGit | | | area-System.Xml | @jeffhandley | @buyaa-n @joperezr @krwq | Consultants: @steveharter | | area-Threading-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | | | area-TieredCompilation-coreclr | @mangod9 | @kouvel | | | area-Tracing-coreclr | @tommcdon | @sywhang @josalem | | | area-Tracing-mono | @steveisok | @lateralusX | | | area-TypeSystem-coreclr | @mangod9 | @davidwrighton @MichalStrehovsky @janvorli @mangod9 | | | area-UWP | @tommcdon | @jashook | UWP-specific issues including Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform and Microsoft.Net.UWPCoreRuntimeSdk | | area-VM-coreclr | @mangod9 | @mangod9 | | | area-VM-meta-mono | @SamMonoRT | @lambdageek | | ## Operating Systems | Operating System | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PR's and issues) | Description | |------------------|---------------|-----------------------------------------------------|--------------| | os-alpine | | | | | os-android | @steveisok | @akoeplinger | | | os-freebsd | | | | | os-mac-os-x | @steveisok | | | | os-maccatalyst | @steveisok | | | | os-ios | @steveisok | @vargaz | | | os-tvos | @steveisok | @vargaz | | ## Architectures | Architecture | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PR's and issues) | Description | |------------------|---------------|-----------------------------------------------------|--------------| | arch-wasm | @lewing | @lewing @BrzVlad | |