#!/usr/bin/env bash initTargetDistroRid() { source "$__RepoRootDir/eng/native/init-distro-rid.sh" local passedRootfsDir="" # Only pass ROOTFS_DIR if cross is specified and the target platform is not Darwin that doesn't use rootfs if [[ "$__CrossBuild" == 1 && "$platform" != "Darwin" ]]; then passedRootfsDir="$ROOTFS_DIR" fi initDistroRidGlobal "$__TargetOS" "$__TargetArch" "$__PortableBuild" "$passedRootfsDir" } setup_dirs() { echo Setting up directories for build mkdir -p "$__RootBinDir" mkdir -p "$__BinDir" mkdir -p "$__IntermediatesDir" } # Check the system to ensure the right prereqs are in place check_prereqs() { echo "Checking prerequisites..." if [[ "$__HostOS" == "OSX" ]]; then # Check presence of pkg-config on the path command -v pkg-config 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "Please install pkg-config before running this script, see https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/docs/workflow/requirements/macos-requirements.md"; exit 1; } if ! pkg-config openssl ; then # We export the proper PKG_CONFIG_PATH where openssl was installed by Homebrew # It's important to _export_ it since build-commons.sh is sourced by other scripts such as build-native.sh export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@3/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig # We try again with the PKG_CONFIG_PATH in place, if pkg-config still can't find OpenSSL, exit with an error, cmake won't find OpenSSL either pkg-config openssl || { echo >&2 "Please install openssl before running this script, see https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/docs/workflow/requirements/macos-requirements.md"; exit 1; } fi fi if [[ "$__UseNinja" == 1 ]]; then command -v ninja 2>/dev/null || command -v ninja-build 2>/dev/null || { echo "Unable to locate ninja!"; exit 1; } fi } build_native() { if [[ ! -e "$__RepoRootDir/artifacts/obj/_version.c" ]]; then eval "$__RepoRootDir/eng/native/version/copy_version_files.sh" fi targetOS="$1" hostArch="$2" cmakeDir="$3" intermediatesDir="$4" target="$5" cmakeArgs="$6" message="$7" # All set to commence the build echo "Commencing build of \"$target\" target in \"$message\" for $__TargetOS.$__TargetArch.$__BuildType in $intermediatesDir" if [[ "$targetOS" == OSX || "$targetOS" == MacCatalyst ]]; then if [[ "$hostArch" == x64 ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=\"x86_64\" $cmakeArgs" elif [[ "$hostArch" == arm64 ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=\"arm64\" $cmakeArgs" else echo "Error: Unknown OSX architecture $hostArch." exit 1 fi fi if [[ "$targetOS" == MacCatalyst ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VARIANT=MacCatalyst $cmakeArgs" fi if [[ ( "$targetOS" == Android || "$targetOS" == linux-bionic ) && -z "$ROOTFS_DIR" ]]; then if [[ -z "$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT" ]]; then echo "Error: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable pointing to the Android NDK root." exit 1 fi # keep ANDROID_PLATFORM in sync with src/mono/Directory.Build.props cmakeArgs="-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-21 $cmakeArgs" # Don't try to set CC/CXX in init-compiler.sh - it's handled in android.toolchain.cmake already __Compiler="default" if [[ "$hostArch" == x64 ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DANDROID_ABI=x86_64 $cmakeArgs" elif [[ "$hostArch" == x86 ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DANDROID_ABI=x86 $cmakeArgs" elif [[ "$hostArch" == arm64 ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a $cmakeArgs" elif [[ "$hostArch" == arm ]]; then cmakeArgs="-DANDROID_ABI=armeabi-v7a $cmakeArgs" else echo "Error: Unknown Android architecture $hostArch." exit 1 fi fi if [[ "$__UseNinja" == 1 ]]; then generator="ninja" buildTool="$(command -v ninja || command -v ninja-build)" else buildTool="make" fi if [[ "$__SkipConfigure" == 0 ]]; then if [[ "$__StaticAnalyzer" == 1 ]]; then scan_build=scan-build fi nextCommand="\"$__RepoRootDir/eng/native/gen-buildsys.sh\" \"$cmakeDir\" \"$intermediatesDir\" $hostArch $__Compiler $__BuildType \"$generator\" $scan_build $cmakeArgs" echo "Invoking $nextCommand" eval $nextCommand local exit_code="$?" if [[ "$exit_code" != 0 ]]; then echo "${__ErrMsgPrefix}Failed to generate \"$message\" build project!" exit "$exit_code" fi fi # Check that the makefiles were created. if [[ ! -f "$intermediatesDir/CMakeCache.txt" ]]; then echo "${__ErrMsgPrefix}Unable to find generated build files for \"$message\" project!" exit 1 fi # Build if [[ "$__ConfigureOnly" == 1 ]]; then echo "Finish configuration & skipping \"$message\" build." return fi SAVED_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" SAVED_CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS}" SAVED_LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" # Let users provide additional compiler/linker flags via EXTRA_CFLAGS/EXTRA_CXXFLAGS/EXTRA_LDFLAGS. # If users directly override CFLAG/CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS, that may lead to some configure tests working incorrectly. # See https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/35727 for more information. export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} ${EXTRA_CXXFLAGS}" export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} ${EXTRA_LDFLAGS}" local exit_code if [[ "$__StaticAnalyzer" == 1 ]]; then pushd "$intermediatesDir" buildTool="$SCAN_BUILD_COMMAND -o $__BinDir/scan-build-log $buildTool" echo "Executing $buildTool $target -j $__NumProc" "$buildTool" $target -j "$__NumProc" exit_code="$?" popd else cmake_command=cmake if [[ "$build_arch" == "wasm" ]]; then cmake_command="emcmake cmake" echo "Executing $cmake_command --build \"$intermediatesDir\" --target $target -- -j $__NumProc" $cmake_command --build "$intermediatesDir" --target $target -- -j "$__NumProc" exit_code="$?" else # For non-wasm Unix scenarios, we may have to use an old version of CMake that doesn't support # multiple targets. Instead, directly invoke the build tool to build multiple targets in one invocation. pushd "$intermediatesDir" echo "Executing $buildTool $target -j $__NumProc" "$buildTool" $target -j "$__NumProc" exit_code="$?" popd fi fi CFLAGS="${SAVED_CFLAGS}" CXXFLAGS="${SAVED_CXXFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${SAVED_LDFLAGS}" if [[ "$exit_code" != 0 ]]; then echo "${__ErrMsgPrefix}Failed to build \"$message\"." exit "$exit_code" fi } usage() { echo "Usage: $0 " echo "" echo "Common Options:" echo "" echo "BuildArch can be: -arm, -armv6, -armel, -arm64, -loongarch64, -riscv64, -s390x, -ppc64le, x64, x86, -wasm" echo "BuildType can be: -debug, -checked, -release" echo "-os: target OS (defaults to running OS)" echo "-bindir: output directory (defaults to $__ProjectRoot/artifacts)" echo "-ci: indicates if this is a CI build." echo "-clang: optional argument to build using clang in PATH (default)." echo "-clangx.y: optional argument to build using clang version x.y." echo "-cmakeargs: user-settable additional arguments passed to CMake." echo "-configureonly: do not perform any builds; just configure the build." echo "-cross: optional argument to signify cross compilation," echo " will use ROOTFS_DIR environment variable if set." echo "-gcc: optional argument to build using gcc in PATH." echo "-gccx.y: optional argument to build using gcc version x.y." echo "-ninja: target ninja instead of GNU make" echo "-numproc: set the number of build processes." echo "-portablebuild: pass -portablebuild=false to force a non-portable build." echo "-skipconfigure: skip build configuration." echo "-keepnativesymbols: keep native/unmanaged debug symbols." echo "-verbose: optional argument to enable verbose build output." echo "" echo "Additional Options:" echo "" for i in "${!usage_list[@]}"; do echo "${usage_list[${i}]}" done echo "" exit 1 } source "$__RepoRootDir/eng/native/init-os-and-arch.sh" __TargetArch=$arch __TargetOS=$os __HostOS=$os __BuildOS=$os # Get the number of processors available to the scheduler # Other techniques such as `nproc` only get the number of # processors available to a single process. platform="$(uname)" if [[ "$platform" == "FreeBSD" ]]; then __NumProc=$(($(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)+1)) elif [[ "$platform" == "NetBSD" || "$platform" == "SunOS" ]]; then __NumProc=$(($(getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) elif [[ "$platform" == "Darwin" ]]; then __NumProc=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)+1)) else if command -v nproc > /dev/null 2>&1; then __NumProc=$(nproc --all) elif (NAME=""; . /etc/os-release; test "$NAME" = "Tizen"); then __NumProc=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) else __NumProc=1 fi fi while :; do if [[ "$#" -le 0 ]]; then break fi lowerI="$(echo "${1/--/-}" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" case "$lowerI" in -\?|-h|--help) usage exit 1 ;; arm|-arm) __TargetArch=arm ;; armv6|-armv6) __TargetArch=armv6 ;; arm64|-arm64) __TargetArch=arm64 ;; armel|-armel) __TargetArch=armel ;; bindir|-bindir) if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then __RootBinDir="$2" if [[ ! -d "$__RootBinDir" ]]; then mkdir "$__RootBinDir" fi __RootBinParent=$(dirname "$__RootBinDir") __RootBinName="${__RootBinDir##*/}" __RootBinDir="$(cd "$__RootBinParent" &>/dev/null && printf %s/%s "$PWD" "$__RootBinName")" shift else echo "ERROR: 'bindir' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; checked|-checked) __BuildType=Checked ;; ci|-ci) __ArcadeScriptArgs="--ci" __ErrMsgPrefix="##vso[task.logissue type=error]" ;; clang*|-clang*) __Compiler="$lowerI" ;; cmakeargs|-cmakeargs) if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then __CMakeArgs="$2 $__CMakeArgs" shift else echo "ERROR: 'cmakeargs' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; configureonly|-configureonly) __ConfigureOnly=1 __SkipMSCorLib=1 __SkipNuget=1 ;; cross|-cross) __CrossBuild=1 ;; debug|-debug) __BuildType=Debug ;; gcc*|-gcc*) __Compiler="$lowerI" ;; keepnativesymbols|-keepnativesymbols) __CMakeArgs="$__CMakeArgs -DCLR_CMAKE_KEEP_NATIVE_SYMBOLS=true" ;; ninja|-ninja) __UseNinja=1 ;; numproc|-numproc) if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then __NumProc="$2" shift else echo "ERROR: 'numproc' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; portablebuild=false|-portablebuild=false) __PortableBuild=0 ;; release|-release) __BuildType=Release ;; skipconfigure|-skipconfigure) __SkipConfigure=1 ;; verbose|-verbose) __VerboseBuild=1 ;; x86|-x86) __TargetArch=x86 ;; x64|-x64) __TargetArch=x64 ;; loongarch64|-loongarch64) __TargetArch=loongarch64 ;; riscv64|-riscv64) __TargetArch=riscv64 ;; s390x|-s390x) __TargetArch=s390x ;; wasm|-wasm) __TargetArch=wasm ;; ppc64le|-ppc64le) __TargetArch=ppc64le ;; os|-os) if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then __TargetOS="$2" shift else echo "ERROR: 'os' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; hostarch|-hostarch) if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then __HostArch="$2" shift else echo "ERROR: 'hostarch' requires a non-empty option argument" exit 1 fi ;; *) handle_arguments "$1" "$2" if [[ "$__ShiftArgs" == 1 ]]; then shift __ShiftArgs=0 fi ;; esac shift done if [[ -z "$__HostArch" ]]; then __HostArch=$__TargetArch fi __CommonMSBuildArgs="/p:TargetArchitecture=$__TargetArch /p:Configuration=$__BuildType /p:TargetOS=$__TargetOS /nodeReuse:false $__OfficialBuildIdArg $__SignTypeArg $__SkipRestoreArg" # Configure environment if we are doing a verbose build if [[ "$__VerboseBuild" == 1 ]]; then VERBOSE=1 export VERBOSE __CommonMSBuildArgs="$__CommonMSBuildArgs /v:detailed" fi if [[ "$__PortableBuild" == 0 ]]; then __CommonMSBuildArgs="$__CommonMSBuildArgs /p:PortableBuild=false" fi if [[ "$__TargetArch" == wasm ]]; then # nothing to do here true elif [[ "$__TargetOS" == iOS || "$__TargetOS" == iOSSimulator ]]; then # nothing to do here true elif [[ "$__TargetOS" == tvOS || "$__TargetOS" == tvOSSimulator ]]; then # nothing to do here true elif [[ "$__TargetOS" == Android ]]; then # nothing to do here true else __CMakeArgs="-DFEATURE_DISTRO_AGNOSTIC_SSL=$__PortableBuild $__CMakeArgs" fi # Configure environment if we are doing a cross compile. if [[ "$__CrossBuild" == 1 ]]; then CROSSCOMPILE=1 export CROSSCOMPILE # Darwin that doesn't use rootfs if [[ -z "$ROOTFS_DIR" && "$platform" != "Darwin" ]]; then ROOTFS_DIR="$__RepoRootDir/.tools/rootfs/$__TargetArch" export ROOTFS_DIR fi fi # init the target distro name initTargetDistroRid