@echo off REM Generate module index header if [%1]==[] goto :Usage if [%2]==[] goto :Usage setlocal for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('dumpbin /HEADERS %1 ^| findstr /c:"size of image"') do set imagesize=%%i REM Pad the extracted size to 8 hex digits set imagesize=00000000%imagesize% set imagesize=%imagesize:~-8% for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('dumpbin /HEADERS %1 ^| findstr /c:"time date"') do set timestamp=%%i REM Pad the extracted time stamp to 8 hex digits set timestamp=00000000%timestamp% set timestamp=%timestamp:~-8% echo 0x08, 0x%timestamp:~6,2%, 0x%timestamp:~4,2%, 0x%timestamp:~2,2%, 0x%timestamp:~0,2%, 0x%imagesize:~6,2%, 0x%imagesize:~4,2%, 0x%imagesize:~2,2%, 0x%imagesize:~0,2%, > %2 endlocal exit /b 0 :Usage echo Usage: genmoduleindex.cmd ModuleBinaryFile IndexHeaderFile exit /b 1