# Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. # The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. $engNativeFolder = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent $engFolder = Split-Path $engNativeFolder -Parent $repoRoot = Split-Path $engFolder -Parent $versionPropsFile = "$repoRoot/eng/Versions.props" $majorVersion = Select-Xml -Path $versionPropsFile -XPath "/Project/PropertyGroup/MajorVersion" | %{$_.Node.InnerText} $minorVersion = Select-Xml -Path $versionPropsFile -XPath "/Project/PropertyGroup/MinorVersion" | %{$_.Node.InnerText} $refPackPath = "$repoRoot/artifacts/bin/ref/net$majorVersion.$minorVersion" if (-not (Test-Path $refPackPath)) { Write-Error "Reference assemblies not found in the artifacts folder at '$refPackPath'. Did you invoke 'build.cmd libs.sfx+libs.oob /p:RefOnly=true' to make sure that refs are built? Did the repo layout change?" exit 1 } Write-Output "refPackPath=$refPackPath"