# The purpose of this pipeline is to run the trimming tests. These tests ensure trimming is # done correctly and also that our APIs are trimming safe. trigger: batch: true branches: include: - release/*.* paths: include: - '*' exclude: - '**.md' - eng/Version.Details.xml - .devcontainer/* - .github/* - docs/* - LICENSE.TXT - PATENTS.TXT - THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT schedules: - cron: "0 7,19 * * *" # run at 7:00 and 19:00 (UTC) which is 23:00 and 11:00 (PST). displayName: Runtime-linker-tests default schedule branches: include: - main always: false # run only if there were changes since the last successful scheduled run. pr: branches: include: - main - release/*.* paths: include: - '*' exclude: - '**.md' - eng/Version.Details.xml - .devcontainer/* - .github/* - docs/* - LICENSE.TXT - PATENTS.TXT - THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT jobs: # # Build Release config vertical for Windows, Linux, Linux musl and OSX # - template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml parameters: jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/common/global-build-job.yml buildConfig: release platforms: - windows_x64 - OSX_x64 - Linux_x64 jobParameters: testGroup: innerloop timeoutInMinutes: 120 nameSuffix: Runtime_Release buildArgs: -s clr+libs -c $(_BuildConfig) extraStepsTemplate: /eng/pipelines/libraries/execute-trimming-tests-steps.yml # # Build Release config vertical for Browser-wasm # - template: /eng/pipelines/common/platform-matrix.yml parameters: jobTemplate: /eng/pipelines/common/global-build-job.yml buildConfig: release platforms: - Browser_wasm jobParameters: testGroup: innerloop timeoutInMinutes: 120 nameSuffix: Runtime_Release buildArgs: -s mono+libs -c $(_BuildConfig) -p:WasmBuildNative=false extraStepsTemplate: /eng/pipelines/libraries/execute-trimming-tests-steps.yml extraStepsParameters: extraTestArgs: '/p:WasmBuildNative=false'