// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contract.h // // ! I am the owner for issues in the contract *infrastructure*, not for every // ! CONTRACT_VIOLATION dialog that comes up. If you interrupt my work for a routine // ! CONTRACT_VIOLATION, you will become the new owner of this file. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CONTRACTS - User Reference // // A CONTRACT is a container for a set of checked declarations about a // function. Besides giving developers a "laundry list" of checks to // make checking more complete, contracts compile these checks // as hidden annotations into the checked executable that our static scanner // uses to detect violations automatically. // // Contracts can be dynamic or static. Dynamic contracts perform runtime checks // as well as being visible to the static scanner. Static contracts generate no // runtime code but are still visible to the scanner. Dynamic contracts are // preferred unless perf or other considerations preclude them. // // The following annotations can appear in contracts: // // // THROWS an exception might be thrown out of the function // -or- NOTHROW an exception will NOT be thrown out of the function // // // // INJECT_FAULT(statement) function might require its caller to handle an OOM // -or- FAULT_FORBID function will NOT require its caller to handle an OOM // // // // GC_TRIGGERS the function can trigger a GC // -or- GC_NOTRIGGER the function will never trigger a GC provided its // called in coop mode. // // // MODE_COOPERATIVE the function requires Cooperative GC mode on entry // -or- MODE_PREEMPTIVE the function requires Preemptive GC mode on entry // -or- MODE_ANY the function can be entered in either mode // // LOADS_TYPE(level) the function promises not to load any types beyond "level" // // CAN_TAKE_LOCK the function has a code path that takes a lock // _or_ (CAN_TAKE_LOCK and CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK) // the function has a code path that takes a lock, but never tries to reenter // locks held at the time this function was called. // -or- CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK the function will never allow a lock to be taken // -or- the default is WRAPPER(CAN_TAKE_LOCK). i.e., if any callees take locks, // then it's ok for this function to as well. If LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT is specified, // however, then CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK is assumed. // // // SUPPORTS_DAC The function has been written to be callable from out-of-process using DAC. // In builds where DACCESS_COMPILE is defined, such functions can only call // other such functions (and a few primitives like new). Functions that support // DAC must be carefully written to conform to the rules in daccess.h. // // SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY The function and its call graph has been written to be callable from out of process // using DAC, but it differs from SUPPORTS_DAC in that these functions won't perform // any marshalling. Because it does no marshalling, SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY functions // and their call graph won't be checked by DacCop. This should only be used by utility // functions which will never marshal anything. // // PRECONDITION(X) - generic CHECK or BOOL expression which should be true // on function entry // // POSTCONDITION(X) - generic CHECK or BOOL expression which should be true // on function entry. Note that variable RETVAL will be // available for use in the expression. // // // INSTANCE_CHECK - equivalent of: // PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); // POSTCONDITION(CheckInvariant(this)); // INSTANCE_CHECK_NULL - equivalent of: // PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this, NULL_OK)); // POSTCONDITION(CheckInvariant(this, NULL_OK)); // CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK - equivalent of: // POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); // DESTRUCTOR_CHECK - equivalent of: // PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(this)); // // // // // Contracts come in the following flavors: // // Dynamic: // CONTRACTL the standard version used for all dynamic contracts // except those including postconditions. // // CONTRACT(rettype) an uglier version of CONTRACTL that's unfortunately // needed to support postconditions. You must specify // the correct return type and it cannot be "void." // (Use CONTRACT_VOID instead) You must use the // RETURN macro rather than the "return" keyword. // // CONTRACT_VOID you can't supply "void" to a CONTRACT - use this // instead. // // Static: // LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT // A static contract equivalent to NOTHROW/GC_NOTRIGGER/FORBID_FAULT/MODE_ANY. // Use only for trivial functions that call only functions with LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACTs // (as long as there is no cycle that may introduce infinite recursion). // // STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS // STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW // STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS // STATIC_CONTRACT_GCNOTRIGGER // STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT // STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT // use to implement statically checkable contracts // when runtime contracts cannot be used. // // // WRAPPER(annotation) // // When a function does not explicitly caused a condition, use the WRAPPER macro around // the declaration. This implies that the function is dependent on the functions it calls // for its behaviour, and guarantees nothing. // // // CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationmask): // // A bandaid used to suppress contract assertions. A contract violation // is always a bug and you're expected to remove it before shipping. // If a violation cannot be fixed immediately, however, it's better // to use this on the offending callsite than to disable a contract entirely. // // The violationmask can be one or more of the following OR'd together. // // ThrowsViolation // GCViolation // ModeViolation // FaultViolation // FaultNotFatal // HostViolation // LoadsTypeViolation // TakesLockViolation // // The associated assertion will be suppressed until you leave the scope // containing the CONTRACT_VIOLATION. Note, however, that any called // function that redeclares the associated annotation reinstates // the assert for the scope of *its* call. This prevents a CONTRACT_VIOLATION // placed at the root of a calltree from decimating our entire protection. // // // PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationmask, permanentContractViolationReason): // // Like a CONTRACT_VIOLATION but also indicates that the violation was a deliberate decision // and we don't plan on removing the violation in the next release. The reason // for the violation should be given as the second parameter to the macro. Reasons // are currently for documentation purposes only and do not have an effect on the binary. // Valid values are listed below in the definition of PermanentContractViolationReason. // // // CONDITIONAL_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationmask, condition): // // Similar to CONTRACT_VIOLATION, but only suppresses the contract if the // condition evaluates to non-zero. The need for this macro should be very // rare, but it can be useful if a contract should be suppressed based on a // condition known only at run-time. For example, if a particular test causes // call sequences never expected by real scenarios, you may want to suppress // resulting violations, but only when that test is run. // // WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT // // A do-nothing contract used by functions that trivially wrap another. // // // "LEGACY" stuff - these features have been mostly superceded by better solutions // so their use should be discouraged. // // // DISABLED(annotation) // // Indicates that a condition is supposed to be checked but is being suppressed // due to some temporary bug. The more surgical CONTRACT_VIOLATION is // preferred over DISABLED. // // UNCHECKED(annotation) // // Indicates that a condition is supposed to be checked but is being suppressed // due for perf reasons. Use STATIC_CONTRACT over this. // // // Default values: // If you don't specify certain annotaions, you get defaults. // - THROWS/NOTHROW defaults to THROWS // - GCTRIGGERS/GCNOTRIGGER defaults to GCTRIGGERS within the VM directory // and to no check otherwise // - INJECT/FORBID_FAULT defaults to no check // - MODE defaults to MODE_ANY // // The problem is that defaults don't work well with static contracts. // The scanner will always treat a missing annotation as DISABLED. // New code should not rely on defaults. Explicitly state your invariants. // // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef CONTRACT_H_ #define CONTRACT_H_ #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4189) //local variable is initialized but not referenced #endif // We only enable contracts in _DEBUG builds #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(DISABLE_CONTRACTS) && !defined(JIT_BUILD) #define ENABLE_CONTRACTS_DATA #endif // Also, we won't enable contracts if this is a DAC build. #if defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_DATA) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSS_COMPILE) #define ENABLE_CONTRACTS #endif // Finally, only define the implementaiton parts of contracts if this isn't a DAC build. #if defined(_DEBUG_IMPL) && defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS) #define ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #endif #include "specstrings.h" #include "clrtypes.h" #include "malloc.h" #include "check.h" #include "debugreturn.h" #include "staticcontract.h" #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_DATA #include "eh.h" // We chain these onto a stack to give us a stack trace of contract assertions (useful // when the bug report doesn't contain valid symbols) struct ContractStackRecord { ContractStackRecord *m_pNext; const char *m_szFunction; const char *m_szFile; int m_lineNum; UINT m_testmask; // Bitmask of Contract::TestEnum bitsf const char *m_construct; // The syntactic construct that pushed this thing }; class CrstBase; // The next few enums / structs are used to keep track of all kinds of locks // currently taken by the current thread (crsts, spinlocks, CLR critical sections). // Across the VM, there are still multiple counts of locks. The lock counts in these // contract structs are used to verify consistency of lock take/release in EE code, and // for contracts. Both user and EE locks are tracked here, but it's EE code consistency // we're verifying. The Thread object keeps its own counts as well, primarily of user // locks for implementing thread abort & escalation policy. We tried to have the Thread // counts also be used for consistency checking, but that doesn't work. Thread counters // have the following behavior that hurts our internal consistency checks: // - They only count user locks. // - Counters are reset & restored as we leave and return to AppDomains // An array of these is stored in DbgStateLockData::m_rgTakenLockInfos // to remember which locks we've taken. If you hit an assert that // indicates we're exiting locks in the wrong order, or that locks were // taken when we expected none to be taken, then you can use // DbgStateLockData::m_rgTakenLockInfos to see the locks we know about. struct TakenLockInfo { // Generally, this will be a pointer to the lock, but really it's just // a value that identifies which lock is taken. Ya see, sometimes we don't // have a lock pointer handy (e.g., if the lock is based on a GC object, // which has no persistent object pointer we can use). Look at the source // indicated by m_szFile / m_lineNum to see what was specified as m_pvLock. // // A common case is that the lock is just a Crst, so to aid debugging, we // also include a statically typed version of this pointer (m_pCrstBase) just // for Crsts. Again, you'll want look at m_szFile / m_lineNum to see how to // interpret this union. union { void * m_pvLock; CrstBase * m_pCrstBase; }; // File & line of the *LOCK_TAKEN* macro that added this lock to our list const char * m_szFile; int m_lineNum; }; enum DbgStateLockType { // EE locks (used to sync EE structures). These do not include // CRST_HOST_BREAKABLE Crsts, and are thus not held while managed // code runs kDbgStateLockType_EE, // CRST_HOST_BREAKABLE Crsts. These can be held while arbitrary // managed code runs. kDbgStateLockType_HostBreakableCrst, // User locks (e.g., Monitor.Enter, ReaderWriterLock class) kDbgStateLockType_User, // add more lock types here kDbgStateLockType_Count }; // This keeps track of how many locks, and which locks, are currently owned // by the current thread. There is one instance of this structure per // thread (no EE Thread object required). This is in contrast to the // ClrDebugState structure, which is instantiated once per function // on the stack. Reason is that ClrDebugState resets its state on exit // of function (Contract destructor reinstates previous ClrDebugState), whereas // we want DbgStateLockData to persist across function enters & exits. struct DbgStateLockData { // When a lock is taken, we keep track of its pointer and file/line# when it // was added in a static-size array DbgStateLockData::m_rgTakenLockInfos. This is // the size of that array, and therefore indicates the maximum number of locks we // expect one thread to hold at the same time. If we should exceed this limit, // we'll lose this data for the latter locks that exceed this limit // (though still maintaining an accurate *count* of locks). static const int kMaxAllowedSimultaneousLocks = 20; // Count of locks taken, separately by type UINT m_rgcLocksTaken[kDbgStateLockType_Count]; // List of the specific locks that have been taken (all DbgStateLockTypes // intermingled), in the order they were taken. If we exceed the elements // in the array, we just won't track the latter locks in here (though they are // included in the counts above) TakenLockInfo m_rgTakenLockInfos[kMaxAllowedSimultaneousLocks]; void SetStartingValues(); void LockTaken(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cEntrances, void * pvLock, __in_z const char * szFunction, __in_z const char * szFile, int lineNum); void LockReleased(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cExits, void * pvLock); UINT GetLockCount(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType); UINT GetCombinedLockCount(); }; // This struct contains all lock contract information. It is created and destroyed along with // ClrDebugState. m_pLockData points to a DbgStateLockData object that is allocated per thread // and persists across function enters and exists. struct DbgStateLockState { private: // Count of locks taken at the time the function with CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK contract // was called UINT m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock; DbgStateLockData * m_pLockData; // How many and which locks are currently taken on this thread public: void SetStartingValues(); void OnEnterCannotRetakeLockFunction(); BOOL IsLockRetaken(void * pvLock); BOOL IsSafeToRelease(UINT cReleases); void SetDbgStateLockData(DbgStateLockData * pDbgStateLockData); DbgStateLockData * GetDbgStateLockData(); }; #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW 0x1 << 0 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_FAULT_FORBID 0x1 << 1 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS 0x1 << 2 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_SOTOLERANT 0x1 << 3 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_DEBUGONLY 0x1 << 4 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_SONOTMAINLINE 0x1 << 5 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK 0x1 << 6 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_RETAKE_LOCK 0x1 << 7 #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(whichbit) ((m_flags & (whichbit)) != 0) #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(whichbit) (m_flags |= (whichbit)) #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(whichbit) (m_flags &= ~(whichbit)) #define CONTRACT_BITMASK_UPDATE(whichbit, value) ((value)?CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(whichbit):CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(whichbit)) struct ClrDebugState { private: UINT_PTR m_flags; UINT_PTR m_violationmask; // Current CONTRACT_VIOLATIONS in effect ContractStackRecord *m_pContractStackTrace; UINT m_GCNoTriggerCount; UINT m_GCForbidCount; UINT m_maxLoadTypeLevel; // taken from enum ClassLoadLevel BOOL m_allowGetThread; // TRUE if GetThread() is ok in this scope DbgStateLockState m_LockState; public: // Use an explicit Init rather than ctor as we don't want automatic // construction of the ClrDebugState embedded inside the contract. void SetStartingValues() { m_violationmask = 0; // No violations allowed // Default is we're in a THROWS scope. This is not ideal, but there are // just too many places that I'd have to go clean up right now // (hundreds) in order to make this FALSE by default. // Faults not forbidden (an unfortunate default but // we'd never get this debug infrastructure bootstrapped otherwise.) // We start out in SO-tolerant mode and must probe before entering SO-intolerant // any global state updates. // Initial mode is non-debug until we say otherwise // Everthing defaults to mainline // By default, GetThread() is perfectly fine to call // By default, it's ok to take a lock (or call someone who does) m_flags = CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW| CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS| CONTRACT_BITMASK_SOTOLERANT| CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK| CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_RETAKE_LOCK; m_pContractStackTrace = NULL; // At top of stack, no contracts in force m_GCNoTriggerCount = 0; m_GCForbidCount = 0; m_maxLoadTypeLevel = ((UINT)(-1)); // ideally CLASS_LOAD_LEVEL_FINAL but we don't have access to that #define, so // the max integer value will do as a substitute. m_allowGetThread = TRUE; // By default, GetThread() is perfectly fine to call m_LockState.SetStartingValues(); } void CheckOkayToThrow(__in_z const char *szFunction, __in_z const char *szFile, int lineNum); // Asserts if its not okay to throw. BOOL CheckOkayToThrowNoAssert(); // Returns if OK to throw //--// UINT_PTR* ViolationMaskPtr() { return &m_violationmask; } UINT_PTR ViolationMask() { return m_violationmask; } void ViolationMaskSet( UINT_PTR value ) { m_violationmask |= value; } void ViolationMaskReset( UINT_PTR value ) { m_violationmask &= ~value; } //--// BOOL IsOkToThrow() { return CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW); } void SetOkToThrow() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW); } BOOL SetOkToThrow( BOOL value ) { BOOL prevState = CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW); CONTRACT_BITMASK_UPDATE(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW, value); return prevState; } void ResetOkToThrow() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_THROW); } //--// BOOL IsFaultForbid() { return CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_FAULT_FORBID); } void SetFaultForbid() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_FAULT_FORBID); } BOOL SetFaultForbid(BOOL value) { BOOL prevState = CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_FAULT_FORBID); CONTRACT_BITMASK_UPDATE(CONTRACT_BITMASK_FAULT_FORBID, value); return prevState; } void ResetFaultForbid() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_FAULT_FORBID); } //--// BOOL IsHostCaller() { return CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS); } void SetHostCaller() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS); } BOOL SetHostCaller(BOOL value) { BOOL prevState = CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS); CONTRACT_BITMASK_UPDATE(CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS,value); return prevState; } void ResetHostCaller() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_HOSTCALLS); } //--// BOOL IsDebugOnly() { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; return CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_DEBUGONLY); } void SetDebugOnly() { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_DEBUGONLY); } BOOL SetDebugOnly(BOOL value) { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; BOOL prevState = CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_DEBUGONLY); CONTRACT_BITMASK_UPDATE(CONTRACT_BITMASK_DEBUGONLY,value); return prevState; } void ResetDebugOnly() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LIMITED_METHOD; CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_DEBUGONLY); } //--// BOOL IsOkToLock() { return CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK); } void SetOkToLock() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK); } BOOL SetOkToLock( BOOL value ) { BOOL prevState = CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK); CONTRACT_BITMASK_UPDATE(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK, value); return prevState; } void ResetOkToLock() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_LOCK); } //--// BOOL IsOkToRetakeLock() { return CONTRACT_BITMASK_IS_SET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_RETAKE_LOCK); } void ResetOkToRetakeLock() { CONTRACT_BITMASK_RESET(CONTRACT_BITMASK_OK_TO_RETAKE_LOCK); } //--// void LinkContractStackTrace( ContractStackRecord* pContractStackTrace ) { pContractStackTrace->m_pNext = m_pContractStackTrace; m_pContractStackTrace = pContractStackTrace; } ContractStackRecord* GetContractStackTrace() { return m_pContractStackTrace; } void SetContractStackTrace(ContractStackRecord* pContractStackTrace ) { m_pContractStackTrace = pContractStackTrace; } //--// UINT GetGCNoTriggerCount() { return m_GCNoTriggerCount; } void DecrementGCNoTriggerCount() { m_GCNoTriggerCount--; } void IncrementGCNoTriggerCount() { m_GCNoTriggerCount++; } UINT GetGCForbidCount() { return m_GCForbidCount; } void DecrementGCForbidCount() { m_GCForbidCount--; } void IncrementGCForbidCount() { m_GCForbidCount++; } UINT GetMaxLoadTypeLevel() { return m_maxLoadTypeLevel; } void SetMaxLoadTypeLevel(UINT newLevel) { m_maxLoadTypeLevel = newLevel; } //--// void SetDbgStateLockData(DbgStateLockData * pDbgStateLockData) { m_LockState.SetDbgStateLockData(pDbgStateLockData); } DbgStateLockData * GetDbgStateLockData() { return m_LockState.GetDbgStateLockData(); } void OnEnterCannotRetakeLockFunction() { m_LockState.OnEnterCannotRetakeLockFunction(); } void CheckOkayToLock(__in_z const char *szFunction, __in_z const char *szFile, int lineNum); // Asserts if its not okay to lock BOOL CheckOkayToLockNoAssert(); // Returns if OK to lock void LockTaken(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cEntrances, void * pvLock, __in_z const char * szFunction, __in_z const char * szFile, int lineNum); void LockReleased(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cExits, void * pvLock); UINT GetLockCount(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType); UINT GetCombinedLockCount(); }; #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // Create ClrDebugState. // This routine is not allowed to return NULL. If it can't allocate the memory needed, // it should return a pointer to a global static ClrDebugState that indicates // that debug assertions should be skipped. ClrDebugState *CLRInitDebugState(); ClrDebugState *GetClrDebugState(BOOL fAlloc = TRUE); extern thread_local ClrDebugState* t_pClrDebugState; // This function returns a ClrDebugState if one has been created, but will not create one itself. inline ClrDebugState *CheckClrDebugState() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LIMITED_METHOD; return t_pClrDebugState; } void CONTRACT_ASSERT(const char *szElaboration, UINT whichTest, UINT whichTestMask, const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, int lineNum ); #endif // This needs to be defined up here b/c it is used by ASSERT_CHECK which is used by the contract impl #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef ENTER_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #undef ENTER_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #endif #ifdef LEAVE_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #undef LEAVE_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // This can only appear in a debug function so don't define it non-debug class DebugOnlyCodeHolder { public: // We use GetClrDebugState on entry, but CheckClrDebugState on Leave // That way we make sure to create one if we need to set state, but // we don't recreated one on exit if its been deleted. DEBUG_NOINLINE void Enter() { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; m_pClrDebugState = GetClrDebugState(); if (m_pClrDebugState) { m_oldDebugOnlyValue = m_pClrDebugState->IsDebugOnly(); m_pClrDebugState->SetDebugOnly(); } } DEBUG_NOINLINE void Leave() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; m_pClrDebugState = CheckClrDebugState(); if (m_pClrDebugState) { m_pClrDebugState->SetDebugOnly( m_oldDebugOnlyValue ); } } private: BOOL m_oldDebugOnlyValue; ClrDebugState *m_pClrDebugState; }; #define ENTER_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE \ DebugOnlyCodeHolder __debugOnlyCodeHolder; \ __debugOnlyCodeHolder.Enter(); #define LEAVE_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE \ __debugOnlyCodeHolder.Leave(); class AutoCleanupDebugOnlyCodeHolder : public DebugOnlyCodeHolder { public: DEBUG_NOINLINE AutoCleanupDebugOnlyCodeHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; Enter(); }; DEBUG_NOINLINE ~AutoCleanupDebugOnlyCodeHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; Leave(); }; }; #define DEBUG_ONLY_FUNCTION \ STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; \ AutoCleanupDebugOnlyCodeHolder __debugOnlyCodeHolder; #define DEBUG_ONLY_REGION() \ AutoCleanupDebugOnlyCodeHolder __debugOnlyCodeHolder; #define BEGIN_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE \ { \ AutoCleanupDebugOnlyCodeHolder __debugOnlyCodeHolder; #define END_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE \ } #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define DEBUG_ONLY_FUNCTION STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY #define DEBUG_ONLY_REGION() #define BEGIN_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #define END_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #define ENTER_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #define LEAVE_DEBUG_ONLY_CODE #endif #else // _DEBUG #define DEBUG_ONLY_REGION() #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // These helpers encapsulate our access to our FLS debug state. To improve // contract perf, we'll soon move these to a private alloced block // so we can reuse the pointer instead of constantly refetching it. // Thus, these helpers are just to bridge this transition. inline LPVOID GetViolationMask() { ClrDebugState *pState = CheckClrDebugState(); if (pState) { return (LPVOID)pState->ViolationMask(); } else { return 0; } } // This is the default binding of the MAYBETEMPLATE identifier, // used in the RETURN macro template class ___maybetemplate { public: FORCEINLINE void *operator new (size_t size) { return NULL; } }; // This is an abstract base class for contracts. The main reason we have this is so that the dtor for many derived class can // be performant. If this class was not abstract and had a dtor, then the dtor for the derived class adds EH overhead (even if the derived // class did not anything special in its dtor) class BaseContract { // Really private, but used by macros public: // We use a single integer to specify all the settings for intrinsic tests // such as THROWS and GC_TRIGGERS. The compiler should be able to fold all // these clauses into a single constant. // // The value "0" is significant as this is what the entire mask will be initialized to // in the absence of any clauses. Hence, whichever value is assigned "0" will be the // default setting for the test. // // Also, there must be a "disabled" setting for each category in order to support // the DISABLED macro. enum TestEnum { THROWS_Mask = 0x00000003, THROWS_Yes = 0x00000000, // the default THROWS_No = 0x00000001, THROWS_Disabled = 0x00000002, GC_Mask = 0x0000000C, GC_Triggers = 0x00000000, // the default GC_NoTrigger = 0x00000004, GC_Disabled = 0x00000008, FAULT_Mask = 0x00000030, FAULT_Disabled = 0x00000000, // the default FAULT_Inject = 0x00000010, FAULT_Forbid = 0x00000020, MODE_Mask = 0x000000C0, MODE_Disabled = 0x00000000, // the default MODE_Preempt = 0x00000040, MODE_Coop = 0x00000080, DEBUG_ONLY_Yes = 0x00000400, // code runs under debug only SO_MAINLINE_No = 0x00000800, // code is not part of our mainline SO scenario // Any place where we can't safely call into the host should have a HOST_NoCalls contract HOST_Mask = 0x00003000, HOST_Calls = 0x00002000, HOST_NoCalls = 0x00001000, HOST_Disabled = 0x00000000, // the default // These enforce the CAN_TAKE_LOCK / CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK contracts CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Mask = 0x00060000, CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Yes = 0x00020000, CAN_TAKE_LOCK_No = 0x00040000, CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Disabled = 0x00000000, // the default // These enforce the CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK contract CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No = 0x00080000, CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No_Disabled = 0x00000000, // the default PRECONDITION_Used = 0x00010000, // a PRECONDITION appeared inside the contract // IMPORTANT!!! LOADS_TYPE_Mask and LOADS_TYPE_Shift must be kept in sync. LOADS_TYPE_Mask = 0x00f00000, // the max loadstype level + 1 ("+1" because 0 is reserved for the default which is "disabled") LOADS_TYPE_Shift = 20, // # of bits to right-shift to get loadstype bits to rightmost position. LOADS_TYPE_Disabled = 0x00000000, // the default ALL_Disabled = THROWS_Disabled|GC_Disabled|FAULT_Disabled|MODE_Disabled|LOADS_TYPE_Disabled| HOST_Disabled|CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Disabled|CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No_Disabled }; enum Operation { Setup = 0x01, Preconditions = 0x02, Postconditions = 0x04, }; NOTHROW_DECL BaseContract() : m_testmask(0), m_pClrDebugState(NULL) { } NOTHROW_DECL void Restore() { // m_pClrDebugState is setup in BaseContract::DoChecks. If an SO happens after the // BaseContract object is constructed but before DoChecks is invoked, m_pClrDebugState // will remain NULL (which is what it is set to in the BaseContract ctor). // // Thus, we should check for it being NULL before dereferencing it. if (m_pClrDebugState) { // Backout all changes to debug state. *m_pClrDebugState = m_IncomingClrDebugState; } } void DoChecks(UINT testmask, __in_z const char *szFunction, __in_z const char *szFile, int lineNum); void Disable() { } BOOL CheckFaultInjection(); protected: UINT m_testmask; // Override this function in any derived class to indicate that you have defined a destructor for that class // and that dtor calls Restore() virtual void DestructorDefinedThatCallsRestore() = 0; protected: ClrDebugState *m_pClrDebugState; ClrDebugState m_IncomingClrDebugState; ContractStackRecord m_contractStackRecord; public: // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // These classes and declarations are used to implement our fake return keyword. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ___box is used to protect the "detected" return value from being combined with other parts // of the return expression after we have processed it. This can happen if the return // expression is a non-parenthesized expression with an operator of lower precedence than // ">". // // If you have such a case (and see this class listed in an error message), // parenthesize your return value expression. template class Box__USE_PARENS_WITH_THIS_EXPRESSION { const T &value; public: FORCEINLINE Box__USE_PARENS_WITH_THIS_EXPRESSION(const T &value) : value(value) { } FORCEINLINE const T& Unbox() { return value; } }; // PseudoTemplate is a class which can be instantated with a template-like syntax, resulting // in an expression which simply boxes a following value in a Box template class PseudoTemplate { public: FORCEINLINE void *operator new (size_t size) { return NULL; } FORCEINLINE Box__USE_PARENS_WITH_THIS_EXPRESSION operator>(const T &value) { return Box__USE_PARENS_WITH_THIS_EXPRESSION(value); } FORCEINLINE PseudoTemplate operator<(int dummy) { return PseudoTemplate(); } }; // Returner is used to assign the return value to the RETVAL local. Note the use of // operator , because of its low precedence. template class Returner { RETURNTYPE &m_value; BOOL m_got; public: FORCEINLINE Returner(RETURNTYPE &value) : m_value(value), m_got(FALSE) { } template FORCEINLINE RETURNTYPE operator,(Box__USE_PARENS_WITH_THIS_EXPRESSION value) { m_value = value.Unbox(); m_got = TRUE; return m_value; } FORCEINLINE void operator,(___maybetemplate<0> &dummy) { m_got = TRUE; } FORCEINLINE BOOL GotReturn() { return m_got; } }; // This type ensures that postconditions were run via RETURN or RETURN_VOID class RanPostconditions { public: bool ran; int count; const char *function; FORCEINLINE RanPostconditions(const char *function) : ran(false), count(0), function(function) { } FORCEINLINE int operator++() { return ++count; } FORCEINLINE ~RanPostconditions() { // Note: __uncaught_exception() is not a perfect check. It will return TRUE during any exception // processing. So, if there is a contract called from an exception filter (like our // COMPlusFrameHandler) then it will return TRUE and the saftey check below will not be performed. if (!__uncaught_exception()) ASSERT_CHECK(count == 0 || ran, function, "Didn't run postconditions - be sure to use RETURN at the end of the function"); } }; // Set contract enforcement level static void SetUnconditionalContractEnforcement(BOOL enforceUnconditionally); // Check contract enforcement static BOOL EnforceContract(); private: static BOOL s_alwaysEnforceContracts; }; class Contract: public BaseContract { // Have to override this function in any derived class to indicate that a valid destructor is defined for this class virtual void DestructorDefinedThatCallsRestore(){} public: NOTHROW_DECL ~Contract() { Restore(); } }; #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #ifdef _DEBUG // Valid parameters for CONTRACT_VIOLATION macro enum ContractViolationBits { ThrowsViolation = 0x00000001, // suppress THROW tags in this scope GCViolation = 0x00000002, // suppress GCTRIGGER tags in this scope ModeViolation = 0x00000004, // suppress MODE_PREEMP and MODE_COOP tags in this scope FaultViolation = 0x00000008, // suppress INJECT_FAULT assertions in this scope FaultNotFatal = 0x00000010, // suppress INJECT_FAULT but not fault injection by harness LoadsTypeViolation = 0x00000040, // suppress LOADS_TYPE tags in this scope TakesLockViolation = 0x00000080, // suppress CAN_TAKE_LOCK tags in this scope HostViolation = 0x00000100, // suppress HOST_CALLS tags in this scope //These are not violation bits. We steal some bits out of the violation mask to serve as // general flag bits. CanFreeMe = 0x00010000, // If this bit is ON, the ClrDebugState was allocated by // a version of utilcode that registers an Fls Callback to free // the state. If this bit is OFF, the ClrDebugState was allocated // by an old version of utilcode that doesn't. (And you can't // assume that the old utilcode used the same allocator as the new utilcode.) // (Most likely, this is because you are using an older shim with // a newer mscorwks.dll) // // The Fls callback must only attempt to free debugstates that // have this bit on. BadDebugState = 0x00020000, // If we OOM creating the ClrDebugState, we return a pointer to // a static ClrDebugState that has this bit turned on. (We don't // want to slow down contracts with null tests everywhere.) // Other than this specific bit, all other fields of the DebugState // must be considered trash. You can stomp on them and you can bit-test them // but you can't throw up any asserts based on them and you certainly // can't deref any pointers stored in the bad DebugState. AllViolation = 0xFFFFFFFF, }; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // Global variables allow PRECONDITION and POSTCONDITION to be used outside contracts static const BaseContract::Operation ___op = (Contract::Operation) (Contract::Preconditions |Contract::Postconditions); enum { ___disabled = 0 }; static UINT ___testmask; // End of global variables static int ___ran; class __SafeToUsePostCondition { public: static int safe_to_use_postcondition() {return 0;}; }; class __YouCannotUseAPostConditionHere { private: static int safe_to_use_postcondition() {return 0;}; }; typedef __SafeToUsePostCondition __PostConditionOK; // Uncomment the following line to disable runtime contracts completely - PRE/POST conditions will still be present //#define __FORCE_NORUNTIME_CONTRACTS__ 1 #ifndef __FORCE_NORUNTIME_CONTRACTS__ #define CONTRACT_SETUP(_contracttype, _returntype, _returnexp) \ _returntype RETVAL; \ _contracttype ___contract; \ Contract::Returner<_returntype> ___returner(RETVAL); \ Contract::RanPostconditions ___ran(__FUNCTION__); \ Contract::Operation ___op = Contract::Setup; \ BOOL ___contract_enabled = FALSE; \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(CONTRACT) \ ___contract_enabled = Contract::EnforceContract(); \ enum {___disabled = 0}; \ if (!___contract_enabled) \ ___contract.Disable(); \ else \ { \ enum { ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT = 1 }; \ if (0) \ { \ /* If you see an "unreferenced label" warning with this name, */\ /* Be sure that you have a RETURN at the end of your */ \ /* CONTRACT_VOID function */ \ ___run_postconditions_DID_YOU_FORGET_A_RETURN: \ if (___contract_enabled) \ { \ ___op = Contract::Postconditions; \ ___ran.ran = true; \ } \ else \ { \ DEBUG_OK_TO_RETURN_BEGIN(CONTRACT) \ ___run_return: \ return _returnexp; \ DEBUG_OK_TO_RETURN_END(CONTRACT) \ } \ } \ if (0) \ { \ ___run_preconditions: \ ___op = Contract::Preconditions; \ } \ UINT ___testmask = 0; \ #define CONTRACTL_SETUP(_contracttype) \ _contracttype ___contract; \ BOOL ___contract_enabled = Contract::EnforceContract(); \ enum {___disabled = 0}; \ if (!___contract_enabled) \ ___contract.Disable(); \ else \ { \ typedef __YouCannotUseAPostConditionHere __PostConditionOK; \ enum { ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT = 1 }; \ Contract::Operation ___op = Contract::Setup; \ enum {___disabled = 0}; \ if (0) \ { \ ___run_preconditions: \ ___op = Contract::Preconditions; \ } \ if (0) \ { \ /* define for CONTRACT_END even though we can't get here */ \ ___run_return: \ UNREACHABLE(); \ } \ UINT ___testmask = 0; \ #else // #ifndef __FORCE_NORUNTIME_CONTRACTS__ #define CONTRACT_SETUP(_contracttype, _returntype, _returnexp) \ _returntype RETVAL; \ Contract::Returner<_returntype> ___returner(RETVAL); \ Contract::RanPostconditions ___ran(__FUNCTION__); \ Contract::Operation ___op = Contract::Setup; \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(CONTRACT) \ BOOL ___contract_enabled = Contract::EnforceContract(); \ enum {___disabled = 0}; \ { \ enum { ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT = 1 }; \ if (0) \ { \ /* If you see an "unreferenced label" warning with this name, */\ /* Be sure that you have a RETURN at the end of your */ \ /* CONTRACT_VOID function */ \ ___run_postconditions_DID_YOU_FORGET_A_RETURN: \ if (___contract_enabled) \ { \ ___op = Contract::Postconditions; \ ___ran.ran = true; \ } \ else \ { \ DEBUG_OK_TO_RETURN_BEGIN(CONTRACT) \ ___run_return: \ return _returnexp; \ DEBUG_OK_TO_RETURN_END(CONTRACT) \ } \ } \ if (0) \ { \ ___run_preconditions: \ ___op = Contract::Preconditions; \ } \ UINT ___testmask = 0; \ #define CONTRACTL_SETUP(_contracttype) \ BOOL ___contract_enabled = Contract::EnforceContract(); \ enum {___disabled = 0}; \ { \ typedef __YouCannotUseAPostConditionHere __PostConditionOK; \ enum { ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT = 1 }; \ Contract::Operation ___op = Contract::Setup; \ enum {___disabled = 0}; \ if (0) \ { \ ___run_preconditions: \ ___op = Contract::Preconditions; \ } \ if (0) \ { \ /* define for CONTRACT_END even though we can't get here */ \ ___run_return: \ UNREACHABLE(); \ } \ UINT ___testmask = 0; \ #endif // __FORCE_NORUNTIME_CONTRACTS__ #define CUSTOM_CONTRACT(_contracttype, _returntype) \ typedef Contract::PseudoTemplate<_returntype> ___maybetemplate; \ CONTRACT_SETUP(_contracttype, _returntype, RETVAL) #define CUSTOM_CONTRACT_VOID(_contracttype) \ CONTRACT_SETUP(_contracttype, int, ;) #define CUSTOM_CONTRACTL(_contracttype) \ CONTRACTL_SETUP(_contracttype) // Although this thing only needs to run in the Setup phase, we'll let it // run unconditionally. This way, the compiler will see a sequence like this: // // THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; FORBID_FAULT ==> // // ___testmask |= constant // ___testmask |= constant // ___testmask |= constant // // and be able to fold all these into a single constant at runtime. // #define REQUEST_TEST(thetest, todisable) (___testmask |= (___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT, (___disabled ? (todisable) : (thetest)))) #define INJECT_FAULT(_statement) \ do \ { \ STATIC_CONTRACT_FAULT; \ REQUEST_TEST(Contract::FAULT_Inject, Contract::FAULT_Disabled); \ if (0) \ { \ _statement; \ } \ } \ while(0) \ #define FORBID_FAULT do { STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; REQUEST_TEST(Contract::FAULT_Forbid, Contract::FAULT_Disabled); } while(0) #define THROWS do { STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; REQUEST_TEST(Contract::THROWS_Yes, Contract::THROWS_Disabled); } while(0) #define NOTHROW do { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; REQUEST_TEST(Contract::THROWS_No, Contract::THROWS_Disabled); } while(0) \ #define ENTRY_POINT STATIC_CONTRACT_ENTRY_POINT #define LOADS_TYPE(maxlevel) do { REQUEST_TEST( ((maxlevel) + 1) << Contract::LOADS_TYPE_Shift, Contract::LOADS_TYPE_Disabled ); } while(0) #define CAN_TAKE_LOCK do { STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; REQUEST_TEST(Contract::CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Yes, Contract::CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Disabled); } while(0) #define CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK do { STATIC_CONTRACT_CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK; REQUEST_TEST(Contract::CAN_TAKE_LOCK_No, Contract::CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Disabled); } while(0) #define CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK do { REQUEST_TEST(Contract::CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No, Contract::CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No_Disabled); } while(0) #define DEBUG_ONLY do { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; REQUEST_TEST(Contract::DEBUG_ONLY_Yes, 0); } while (0) #ifndef __DISABLE_PREPOST_CONDITIONS__ #define PRECONDITION_MSG(_expression, _message) \ do \ { \ enum { ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT = 1 }; \ REQUEST_TEST(Contract::PRECONDITION_Used, 0); \ if ((___op&Contract::Preconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(_expression, _message, "Precondition failure"); \ } \ while(0) #define PRECONDITION(_expression) \ PRECONDITION_MSG(_expression, NULL) #define POSTCONDITION_MSG(_expression, _message) \ ++___ran; \ if ((!(0 && __PostConditionOK::safe_to_use_postcondition())) && \ (___op&Contract::Postconditions) && \ !___disabled) \ { \ ASSERT_CHECK(_expression, _message, "Postcondition failure"); \ } #define POSTCONDITION(_expression) \ POSTCONDITION_MSG(_expression, NULL) #define INSTANCE_CHECK \ ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT; \ if ((___op&Contract::Preconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(CheckPointer(this), NULL, "Instance precheck failure"); \ ++___ran; \ if ((___op&Contract::Postconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(CheckPointer(this), NULL, "Instance postcheck failure"); #define INSTANCE_CHECK_NULL \ ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT; \ if ((___op&Contract::Preconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(CheckPointer(this, NULL_OK), NULL, "Instance precheck failure"); \ ++___ran; \ if ((___op&Contract::Postconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(CheckPointer(this, NULL_OK), NULL, "Instance postcheck failure"); #define CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK \ ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT; \ ++___ran; \ if ((___op&Contract::Postconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(CheckPointer(this), NULL, "Instance postcheck failure"); #define DESTRUCTOR_CHECK \ ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT; \ NOTHROW; \ if ((___op&Contract::Preconditions) && !___disabled) \ ASSERT_CHECK(CheckPointer(this), NULL, "Instance precheck failure"); #else // __DISABLE_PREPOST_CONDITIONS__ #define PRECONDITION_MSG(_expression, _message) do { } while(0) #define PRECONDITION(_expression) do { } while(0) #define POSTCONDITION_MSG(_expression, _message) do { } while(0) #define POSTCONDITION(_expression) do { } while(0) #define INSTANCE_CHECK #define INSTANCE_CHECK_NULL #define CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK #define DESTRUCTOR_CHECK #endif // __DISABLE_PREPOST_CONDITIONS__ #define UNCHECKED(thecheck) \ do { \ ANNOTATION_UNCHECKED(thecheck); \ enum {___disabled = 1 }; \ thecheck; \ } while(0) #define DISABLED(thecheck) UNCHECKED(thecheck) #define WRAPPER(thecheck) UNCHECKED(thecheck) // This keyword is redundant but it's handy for reducing the nuisance editing you // have to when repeatedly enabling and disabling contract items while debugging. // You shouldn't check in code that explicitly uses ENABLED. #define ENABLED(_check) _check #ifndef __FORCE_NORUNTIME_CONTRACTS__ #define CONTRACTL_END \ if (___op & Contract::Setup) \ { \ ___contract.DoChecks(___testmask, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ if (___testmask & Contract::PRECONDITION_Used) \ { \ goto ___run_preconditions; \ } \ } \ else if (___op & Contract::Postconditions) \ { \ goto ___run_return; \ } \ ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT; \ } #else #define CONTRACTL_END \ if (___op & Contract::Setup) \ { \ if (___testmask & Contract::PRECONDITION_Used) \ { \ goto ___run_preconditions; \ } \ } \ else if (___op & Contract::Postconditions) \ { \ goto ___run_return; \ } \ ___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT; \ } \ #endif // __FORCE_NORUNTIME_CONTRACTS__ #define CONTRACT_END CONTRACTL_END \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_END(CONTRACT) \ // The final expression in the RETURN macro deserves special explanation (or something.) // The expression is constructed so as to be syntactically ambiguous, depending on whether // __maybetemplate is a template or not. If it is a template, the expression is syntactically // correct as-is. If it is not, the angle brackets are interpreted as // less than & greater than, and the expression is incomplete. This is the point - we can // choose whether we need an expression or not based on the context in which the macro is used. // This allows the same RETURN macro to be used both in value-returning and void-returning // contracts. // // The "__returner ," portion of the expression is used instead of "RETVAL =", since "," // has lower precedence than "=". (Ain't overloaded operators fun.) // // Also note that the < and > operators on the non-template version of __maybetemplate // are overridden to "box" the return value in a special type and pass it // through to the __returner's "," operator. This is so we can detect a case where an // operator with lower precedence than ">" is in the return expression - in such a case we // will get a type error message, which instructs that parens be placed around the return // value expression. #define RETURN_BODY \ if (___returner.GotReturn()) \ goto ___run_postconditions_DID_YOU_FORGET_A_RETURN; \ else \ ___returner, * new ___maybetemplate < 0 > // We have two versions of the RETURN macro. CONTRACT_RETURN is for use inside the CONTRACT // scope where it is OK to return this way, even though the CONTRACT macro itself does not // allow a return. RETURN is for use inside the function body where it might not be OK // to return and we need to ensure that we don't allow a return where one should not happen // #define RETURN \ while (DEBUG_ASSURE_SAFE_TO_RETURN, TRUE) \ RETURN_BODY \ #define RETURN_VOID \ RETURN #define CONTRACT_RETURN \ while (___CheckMustBeInside_CONTRACT, TRUE) \ RETURN_BODY \ #define CONTRACT_RETURN_VOID \ CONTRACT_RETURN \ #if 0 #define CUSTOM_LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT(_contracttype) \ { \ _contracttype ___contract; \ STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; \ ___contract.DoChecks(Contract::THROWS_No|Contract::GC_NoTrigger|Contract::MODE_Disabled|Contract::FAULT_Disabled); \ /* Should add some assertion mechanism to ensure no other contracts are called */ \ } #else #define CUSTOM_LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT(_contracttype) \ { \ STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; \ } #endif #define CUSTOM_WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT(_contracttype) \ { \ /* Should add some assertion mechanism to ensure one other contract is called */ \ STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; \ } #define CONTRACT_THROWS() \ { \ ::GetClrDebugState()->CheckOkayToThrow(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } #define CONTRACT_THROWSEX(__func, __file, __line) \ { \ ::GetClrDebugState()->CheckOkayToThrow(__func, __file, __line); \ } #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define CUSTOM_CONTRACT(_contracttype, _returntype) if (0) { struct YouCannotUseThisHere { int x; }; // This temporary typedef allows retail use of #define CUSTOM_CONTRACT_VOID(_contracttype) if (0) { struct YouCannotUseThisHere { int x; }; // FORBIDGC_LOADER_USE_ENABLED #define CUSTOM_CONTRACTL(_contracttype) if (0) { struct YouCannotUseThisHere { int x; }; // inside contracts and asserts but nowhere else. #define INJECT_FAULT(_statement) #define FORBID_FAULT #define THROWS #define NOTHROW #define CAN_TAKE_LOCK #define CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK #define CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK #define LOADS_TYPE(maxlevel) #define ENTRY_POINT #ifdef _DEBUG // This can only appear in a debug function so don't define it non-debug #define DEBUG_ONLY STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY #else #define DEBUG_ONLY #endif #define PRECONDITION_MSG(_expression, _message) do { } while(0) #define PRECONDITION(_expression) do { } while(0) #define POSTCONDITION_MSG(_expression, _message) do { } while(0) #define POSTCONDITION(_expression) do { } while(0) #define INSTANCE_CHECK #define INSTANCE_CHECK_NULL #define CONSTRUCTOR_CHECK #define DESTRUCTOR_CHECK #define UNCHECKED(thecheck) #define DISABLED(thecheck) #define WRAPPER(thecheck) #define ENABLED(_check) #define CONTRACT_END } #define CONTRACTL_END } #define CUSTOM_LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT(_contracttype) \ { \ /* Should add some assertion mechanism to ensure one other contract is called */ \ STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; \ } #define CUSTOM_WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT(_contracttype) \ { \ /* Should add some assertion mechanism to ensure one other contract is called */ \ STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; \ } #define RETURN return #define RETURN_VOID RETURN #define CONTRACT_THROWS() #define CONTRACT_THROWSEX(__func, __file, __line) #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define CONTRACT(_returntype) CUSTOM_CONTRACT(Contract, _returntype) #define CONTRACT_VOID CUSTOM_CONTRACT_VOID(Contract) #define CONTRACTL CUSTOM_CONTRACTL(Contract) // See description near the top of the file #define LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT CUSTOM_LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT(Contract) #define WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT CUSTOM_WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT(Contract) // GC_NOTRIGGER allowed but not currently enforced at runtime #define GC_NOTRIGGER STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER #define GC_TRIGGERS static_assert(false, "TriggersGC not supported in utilcode contracts") #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL template class ContractViolationHolder { public: ContractViolationHolder() { m_pviolationmask = NULL; m_oldviolationmask = 0; } DEBUG_NOINLINE void Enter(); DEBUG_NOINLINE void Leave() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; LeaveInternal(); }; protected: // We require that violationMask is passed as a parameter here to hopefully defeat the // compiler's desire to fold all the Enter and Ctor implementations together. FORCEINLINE void EnterInternal(UINT_PTR violationMask) { _ASSERTE(0 == (violationMask & ~(ThrowsViolation | GCViolation | ModeViolation | FaultViolation | FaultNotFatal | HostViolation | TakesLockViolation | LoadsTypeViolation)) || violationMask == AllViolation); m_pviolationmask = GetClrDebugState()->ViolationMaskPtr(); m_oldviolationmask = *m_pviolationmask; *m_pviolationmask = (m_oldviolationmask | violationMask); }; FORCEINLINE void LeaveInternal() { // This can be used in places where our debug state has been destroyed, so check for it first. if (CheckClrDebugState()) { _ASSERTE(m_pviolationmask != NULL); *m_pviolationmask = m_oldviolationmask; } }; UINT_PTR *m_pviolationmask; UINT_PTR m_oldviolationmask; }; template class AutoCleanupContractViolationHolder : ContractViolationHolder { public: DEBUG_NOINLINE AutoCleanupContractViolationHolder(BOOL fEnterViolation = TRUE); DEBUG_NOINLINE ~AutoCleanupContractViolationHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; this->LeaveInternal(); }; }; #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define BEGIN_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationmask) \ { \ ContractViolationHolder __violationHolder_onlyOneAllowedPerScope; \ __violationHolder_onlyOneAllowedPerScope.Enter(); \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_BEGIN(CONTRACT) \ // Use this to jump out prematurely from a violation. Used for EH // when the function might not return #define RESET_CONTRACT_VIOLATION() \ __violationHolder_onlyOneAllowedPerScope.Leave(); \ #define END_CONTRACT_VIOLATION \ DEBUG_ASSURE_NO_RETURN_END(CONTRACT) \ __violationHolder_onlyOneAllowedPerScope.Leave(); \ } \ // See description near the top of the file #define CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationMask) \ AutoCleanupContractViolationHolder __violationHolder_onlyOneAllowedPerScope; // Reasons for having the violation. Use one of these values as an additional parameter to // E.g. PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(ThrowsViolation, ReasonContractInfrastructure) // New values and explanations can be added when needed. enum PermanentContractViolationReason { ReasonContractInfrastructure, // This violation is there for contract test or infrastructure purposes. ReasonDebugOnly, // Code path doesn't occur on retail builds ReasonNonShippingCode, // Code runs in undocumented non-shipping feature ReasonIBC, // Code runs in IBC scenarios only and the violation is safe. ReasonNGEN, // Code runs in NGEN scenarios only and the violation is safe. ReasonProfilerCallout, // Profiler implementers are guaranteed not to throw. ReasonUnsupportedForSQLF1Profiling, // This code path violates HOST_NOCALLS, but that's ok b/c SQL will never // invoke it, and thus SQL/F1 profiling (the primary reason to enforce // HOST_NOCALLS) is not in danger. ReasonRuntimeReentrancy, // e.g. SafeQueryInterface ReasonShutdownOnly, // Code path only runs as part of Shutdown and the violation is safe. ReasonSOTolerance, // We would like to redesign SO contracts anyways ReasonStartupOnly, // Code path only runs as part of Startup and the violation is safe. ReasonWorkaroundForScanBug, // Violation is needed because of a bug in SCAN ReasonProfilerAsyncCannotRetakeLock, // Profiler may call this from redirected thread, causing a CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK // violation, but the scope is still protected with CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK ReasonILStubWillNotThrow, // Specially-crafted reverse COM IL stubs will not throw }; // See the discussion near the top of the file on the use of PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION // The reasonEnum is currently only used for documentation and searchability. Here // we have the compiler check for a typo. #define PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationMask, reasonEnum) \ if (0) \ PermanentContractViolationReason reason = reasonEnum; \ CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationMask) #define CONDITIONAL_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationMask, condition) \ AutoCleanupContractViolationHolder __violationHolder_onlyOneAllowedPerScope((condition)); #else #define BEGIN_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationmask) #define RESET_CONTRACT_VIOLATION() #define END_CONTRACT_VIOLATION #define CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationmask) #define CONDITIONAL_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationMask, condition) #define PERMANENT_CONTRACT_VIOLATION(violationMask, reasonEnum) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // Holder for setting up a faultforbid region class FaultForbidHolder { public: DEBUG_NOINLINE FaultForbidHolder(BOOL fConditional, BOOL fAlloc, const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, int lineNum) { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; STATIC_CONTRACT_FORBID_FAULT; m_fConditional = fConditional; if (m_fConditional) { m_pClrDebugState = GetClrDebugState(fAlloc); // // If we fail to get a debug state, then we must not be allocating and // we simply no-op this holder. // if (m_pClrDebugState == NULL) { _ASSERTE(!fAlloc); m_fConditional = FALSE; return; } m_oldClrDebugState = *m_pClrDebugState; m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMaskReset( FaultViolation|FaultNotFatal ); m_pClrDebugState->SetFaultForbid(); m_ContractStackRecord.m_szFunction = szFunction; m_ContractStackRecord.m_szFile = szFile; m_ContractStackRecord.m_lineNum = lineNum; m_ContractStackRecord.m_testmask = (Contract::ALL_Disabled & ~((UINT)(Contract::FAULT_Mask))) | Contract::FAULT_Forbid; m_ContractStackRecord.m_construct = "FAULT_FORBID"; m_pClrDebugState->LinkContractStackTrace( &m_ContractStackRecord ); } } DEBUG_NOINLINE ~FaultForbidHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; if (m_fConditional) { *m_pClrDebugState = m_oldClrDebugState; } } private: ClrDebugState *m_pClrDebugState; ClrDebugState m_oldClrDebugState; BOOL m_fConditional; ContractStackRecord m_ContractStackRecord; }; #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define FAULT_FORBID() FaultForbidHolder _ffh(TRUE, TRUE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define FAULT_FORBID_NO_ALLOC() FaultForbidHolder _ffh(TRUE, FALSE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define MAYBE_FAULT_FORBID(cond) FaultForbidHolder _ffh(cond, TRUE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define MAYBE_FAULT_FORBID_NO_ALLOC(cond) FaultForbidHolder _ffh(cond, FALSE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define FAULT_FORBID() ; #define FAULT_FORBID_NO_ALLOC() ; #define MAYBE_FAULT_FORBID(cond) ; #define MAYBE_FAULT_FORBID_NO_ALLOC(cond) ; #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL inline BOOL AreFaultsForbiddenHelper() { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; ClrDebugState *pClrDebugState = CheckClrDebugState(); if (!pClrDebugState) { // By default, faults are not forbidden. Not the most desirable default // but we'd never get this debug infrastructure bootstrapped otherwise. return FALSE; } else { return pClrDebugState->IsFaultForbid() && (!(pClrDebugState->ViolationMask() & (FaultViolation|FaultNotFatal|BadDebugState))); } } #define ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN() AreFaultsForbiddenHelper() #else // If you got an error about ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN being undefined, it's because you tried // to use this predicate in a free build outside of a CONTRACT or ASSERT. // #define ARE_FAULTS_FORBIDDEN() (sizeof(YouCannotUseThisHere) != 0) #endif // This allows a fault-forbid region to invoke a non-mandatory allocation, such as for the // purpose of growing a lookaside cache (if the allocation fails, the code can abandon the // cache growing operation without negative effect.) // // Although it's implemented using CONTRACT_VIOLATION(), it's not a bug to have this in the code. // // It *is* a bug to use this to hide a situation where an OOM is genuinely fatal but not handled. #define FAULT_NOT_FATAL() CONTRACT_VIOLATION(FaultNotFatal) #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Underlying class support for TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD and OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT. // Don't reference this class directly. Use the macros. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LoadsTypeHolder { public: LoadsTypeHolder(BOOL fConditional, UINT newLevel, BOOL fEnforceLevelChangeDirection, const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, int lineNum ); ~LoadsTypeHolder(); private: ClrDebugState *m_pClrDebugState; ClrDebugState m_oldClrDebugState; BOOL m_fConditional; ContractStackRecord m_contractStackRecord; }; #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD(newLevel) // Works just LOADS_TYPE in contracts but lets you protect individual scopes // // OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(newLevel) // Sets a new limit just like TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD but does not restrict you // to decreasing the limit. Only the loader should use this and only when it // can prove structurally that no recursion will occur as a result. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD(newLevel) LoadsTypeHolder _lth(TRUE, newLevel, TRUE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define MAYBE_TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD(newLevel, fEnable) LoadsTypeHolder _lth(fEnable, newLevel, TRUE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(newLevel) LoadsTypeHolder _lth(TRUE, newLevel, FALSE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #define MAYBE_OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(newLevel, fEnable) LoadsTypeHolder _lth(fEnable, newLevel, FALSE, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD(newLevel) #define MAYBE_TRIGGERS_TYPE_LOAD(newLevel, fEnable) #define OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(newLevel) #define MAYBE_OVERRIDE_TYPE_LOAD_LEVEL_LIMIT(newLevel, fEnable) #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // This sets up a marker that says its okay to throw on this thread. This is not a public macro, and should only be // used from within the implementation of various try/catch macros. class ClrTryMarkerHolder { public: DEBUG_NOINLINE ClrTryMarkerHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; m_pClrDebugState = GetClrDebugState(); m_oldOkayToThrowValue = m_pClrDebugState->IsOkToThrow(); m_pClrDebugState->SetOkToThrow(); } DEBUG_NOINLINE ~ClrTryMarkerHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; m_pClrDebugState->SetOkToThrow( m_oldOkayToThrowValue ); } private: BOOL m_oldOkayToThrowValue; ClrDebugState *m_pClrDebugState; }; #define CLR_TRY_MARKER() ClrTryMarkerHolder ___tryMarkerHolder; #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define CLR_TRY_MARKER() #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL // Note: This routine will create a ClrDebugState if called for the first time. // It cannot return NULL (see comment for InitClrDebugState). inline ClrDebugState *GetClrDebugState(BOOL fAlloc) { STATIC_CONTRACT_LIMITED_METHOD; ClrDebugState *pState = CheckClrDebugState(); if (pState) { return pState; } if (fAlloc) { return CLRInitDebugState(); } return NULL; } #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL class HostNoCallHolder { public: DEBUG_NOINLINE HostNoCallHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_BEGIN; STATIC_CONTRACT_HOST_NOCALLS; m_clrDebugState = GetClrDebugState(); m_previousState = m_clrDebugState->SetHostCaller(FALSE); } DEBUG_NOINLINE ~HostNoCallHolder() { SCAN_SCOPE_END; m_clrDebugState->SetHostCaller(m_previousState); } private: BOOL m_previousState; ClrDebugState* m_clrDebugState; }; #define BEGIN_HOST_NOCALL_CODE \ { \ HostNoCallHolder __hostNoCallHolder; \ CantAllocHolder __cantAlloc; #define END_HOST_NOCALL_CODE \ } #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define BEGIN_HOST_NOCALL_CODE \ { \ CantAllocHolder __cantAlloc; \ #define END_HOST_NOCALL_CODE \ } #endif #if defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) // Macros to indicate we're taking or releasing locks // Most general macros, not used directly #define LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(dbgStateLockType, cEntrances, pvLock) \ ::GetClrDebugState()->LockTaken((dbgStateLockType), (cEntrances), (void*) (pvLock), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(dbgStateLockType, cExits, pvLock) \ ::GetClrDebugState()->LockReleased((dbgStateLockType), (cExits), (void*) (pvLock)) // Use these only if you need to force multiple entrances or exits in a single // line (e.g., to restore the lock to a previous state). CRWLock in vm\rwlock.cpp does this #define EE_LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(cEntrances, pvLock) \ LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_EE, cEntrances, pvLock) #define EE_LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(cExits, pvLock) \ LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_EE, cExits, pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(cEntrances, pvLock) \ LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_HostBreakableCrst, cEntrances, pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(cExits, pvLock) \ LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_HostBreakableCrst, cExits, pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(cEntrances, pvLock) \ LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_User, cEntrances, pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(cExits, pvLock) \ LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_User, cExits, pvLock) // These are most typically used #define EE_LOCK_TAKEN(pvLock) \ LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_EE, 1, pvLock) #define EE_LOCK_RELEASED(pvLock) \ LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_EE, 1, pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_TAKEN(pvLock) \ LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_HostBreakableCrst, 1, pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_RELEASED(pvLock) \ LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_HostBreakableCrst, 1, pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_TAKEN(pvLock) \ LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_User, 1, pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_RELEASED(pvLock) \ LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(kDbgStateLockType_User, 1, pvLock) #else // defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) #define LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(dbgStateLockType, cEntrances, pvLock) #define LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(dbgStateLockType, cExits, pvLock) #define EE_LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(cEntrances, pvLock) #define EE_LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(cExits, pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(cEntrances, pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(cExits, pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_TAKEN_MULTIPLE(cEntrances, pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_RELEASED_MULTIPLE(cExits, pvLock) #define EE_LOCK_TAKEN(pvLock) #define EE_LOCK_RELEASED(pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_TAKEN(pvLock) #define HOST_BREAKABLE_CRST_RELEASED(pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_TAKEN(pvLock) #define USER_LOCK_RELEASED(pvLock) #endif // defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) #if defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) // Abbreviation for an assert that is only considered if there is a valid // ClrDebugState available. Useful if you want to assert based on the value // of GetDbgStateLockCount(), where a return of 0 (the default if there is no // valid ClrDebugState available) would cause your assert to fire. The variable // __pClrDebugState is set to the current ClrDebugState, and may be used within // your assert expression #define ASSERT_UNLESS_NO_DEBUG_STATE(e) \ { \ ClrDebugState * __pClrDebugState = GetClrDebugState(); \ _ASSERTE(((__pClrDebugState->ViolationMask() & BadDebugState) != 0) || (e)); \ } #else // defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) #define ASSERT_UNLESS_NO_DEBUG_STATE(e) #endif // defined(ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Debug support to ensure that nobody calls New on the helper thread. // This is for interop debugging. // They should be using the InteropSafe heap. // Having this in the meantime allows us to // assert that the helper thread never calls new, and maintain a finite list of // exceptions (bugs). // Eventually, all those bugs should be fixed this holder can be completely removed. // // It is also the case that we disallow allocations when any thread is OS suspended // This happens for a short time when we are suspending the EE. We supress both // of these. // // @todo- ideally this would be rolled into the ContractViolation. // also, we'd have contract bit for whether APIs can be called on the helper thread. // @todo - if we really wanted to be strict, we should make this per-thread. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL extern Volatile g_DbgSuppressAllocationAsserts; #define SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE CounterHolder _AllowNewOnHelperHolder(&g_DbgSuppressAllocationAsserts); #else // Nothing in retail since this holder just disabled an assert. #define SUPPRESS_ALLOCATION_ASSERTS_IN_THIS_SCOPE #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Support for contracts in DAC builds // // At the moment, most of the contract system is disabled in DAC builds. // We do however want some simple static contracts in order to support static // analysis tools that run on mscordacwks.dll like DacCop. // Note that we want these static contracts in both DEBUG and retail builds. // We also already get simple static contracts like WRAPPER and LEAF. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) // SUPPORTS_DAC is an annotation that says the function is designed to be used in DAC builds. // This enables full DacCop analysis on the function, including verifying that all functions that are // called also support DAC. #define SUPPORTS_DAC do { STATIC_CONTRACT_SUPPORTS_DAC; } while(0) // Normally a function can be annotated just with WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT, which (in addition to the normal // contract meaning) indicates to DacCop that the function should be considered to support DAC when // it is called from a supports-dac function. This is to avoid having to add a DAC-specific contract // to all the trivial one-line wrapper functions we have. // However, we occasionally want these semantics even for functions which are not appropriate to label // as WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT. For example, a template function may support DAC for certain template arguments, // but not others (due to the functions it calls). We want to ensure that when such a function is called // in a DAC code path, analysis is enabled on that particular instantiation including checking all of the // call targets specific to this template instantiation. But we don't want to require that the call targets // for ALL instantiations support dac, since we may not even be using them in DAC code paths. Ideally we'd // remove any such code from the DAC build, but this will take time. #define SUPPORTS_DAC_WRAPPER do { STATIC_CONTRACT_WRAPPER; } while(0) // SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY indicates that a function is allowed to be called in DAC builds, but rather // than being a normal DAC function which operates on marshalled data, it is a host-only utility function // that knows nothing about DAC and operates solely on the host. For example, DbgAssertDialog is a utility // function for popping assert dialogs - there is nothing DAC-specific about this. Ideally such utility // functions would be confined to their own library which had no access to DAC functionality, and which // is not analyzed by DacCop. At the moment splitting utilcode into two variations like this is too // painful, but we hope to do it in the future (primarily to support functions which can be used in either // DAC or host-only mode). // WARNING: This contract disables DacCop analysis on the function and any functions it calls, so it // should be used very carefully. #define SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY do { STATIC_CONTRACT_SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY; } while(0) #else #define SUPPORTS_DAC #define SUPPORTS_DAC_HOST_ONLY #define SUPPORTS_DAC_WRAPPER #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT is a shortcut for LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT and SUPPORTS_DAC. Usefull for one-line inline functions. #define LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC // // The default contract is the recommended contract for ordinary code. // The ordinary code can throw or trigger GC any time, does not operate // on raw object refs, etc. // #define STANDARD_VM_CHECK \ THROWS; #define STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT \ CONTRACTL \ { \ STANDARD_VM_CHECK; \ } \ CONTRACTL_END; \ #define STATIC_STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT \ STATIC_CONTRACT_THROWS; \ STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_TRIGGERS; \ STATIC_CONTRACT_MODE_PREEMPTIVE; #define AFTER_CONTRACTS #include "volatile.h" #endif // CONTRACT_H_