// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contract.inl // // ! I am the owner for issues in the contract *infrastructure*, not for every // ! CONTRACT_VIOLATION dialog that comes up. If you interrupt my work for a routine // ! CONTRACT_VIOLATION, you will become the new owner of this file. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef CONTRACT_INL_ #define CONTRACT_INL_ #include "contract.h" #include #ifndef _countof #define _countof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL inline void BaseContract::DoChecks(UINT testmask, __in_z const char *szFunction, __in_z const char *szFile, int lineNum) { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; // Cache the pointer to our ClrDebugState if it's not already cached. // Derived types could set up this ptr before calling BaseContract::DoChecks if they have access to the Thread ptr if (m_pClrDebugState == NULL) { m_pClrDebugState = GetClrDebugState(); } // Save the incoming contents for restoration in the destructor m_IncomingClrDebugState = *m_pClrDebugState; m_testmask = testmask; // Save the testmask for destructor // Setup the new stack record. m_contractStackRecord.m_szFunction = szFunction; m_contractStackRecord.m_szFile = szFile; m_contractStackRecord.m_lineNum = lineNum; m_contractStackRecord.m_testmask = testmask; m_contractStackRecord.m_construct = "CONTRACT"; // Link the new ContractStackRecord into the chain for this thread. m_pClrDebugState->LinkContractStackTrace( &m_contractStackRecord ); if (testmask & DEBUG_ONLY_Yes) { m_pClrDebugState->SetDebugOnly(); } switch (testmask & FAULT_Mask) { case FAULT_Forbid: m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMaskReset( FaultViolation|FaultNotFatal ); m_pClrDebugState->SetFaultForbid(); break; case FAULT_Inject: if (m_pClrDebugState->IsFaultForbid() && !(m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMask() & (FaultViolation|FaultNotFatal|BadDebugState))) { CONTRACT_ASSERT("INJECT_FAULT called in a FAULTFORBID region.", BaseContract::FAULT_Forbid, BaseContract::FAULT_Mask, m_contractStackRecord.m_szFunction, m_contractStackRecord.m_szFile, m_contractStackRecord.m_lineNum); } break; case FAULT_Disabled: // Nothing break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } switch (testmask & THROWS_Mask) { case THROWS_Yes: m_pClrDebugState->CheckOkayToThrow(m_contractStackRecord.m_szFunction, m_contractStackRecord.m_szFile, m_contractStackRecord.m_lineNum); break; case THROWS_No: m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMaskReset( ThrowsViolation ); m_pClrDebugState->ResetOkToThrow(); break; case THROWS_Disabled: // Nothing break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } // LOADS_TYPE check switch (testmask & LOADS_TYPE_Mask) { case LOADS_TYPE_Disabled: // Nothing break; default: { UINT newTypeLoadLevel = ((testmask & LOADS_TYPE_Mask) >> LOADS_TYPE_Shift) - 1; if (newTypeLoadLevel > m_pClrDebugState->GetMaxLoadTypeLevel()) { if (!((LoadsTypeViolation|BadDebugState) & m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMask())) { CONTRACT_ASSERT("A function tried to load a type past the current level limit.", (m_pClrDebugState->GetMaxLoadTypeLevel() + 1) << LOADS_TYPE_Shift, Contract::LOADS_TYPE_Mask, m_contractStackRecord.m_szFunction, m_contractStackRecord.m_szFile, m_contractStackRecord.m_lineNum ); } } m_pClrDebugState->SetMaxLoadTypeLevel(newTypeLoadLevel); m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMaskReset(LoadsTypeViolation); } break; } if (testmask & CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No) { m_pClrDebugState->OnEnterCannotRetakeLockFunction(); m_pClrDebugState->ResetOkToRetakeLock(); } switch (testmask & CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Mask) { case CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Yes: m_pClrDebugState->CheckOkayToLock(m_contractStackRecord.m_szFunction, m_contractStackRecord.m_szFile, m_contractStackRecord.m_lineNum); break; case CAN_TAKE_LOCK_No: m_pClrDebugState->ViolationMaskReset(TakesLockViolation); m_pClrDebugState->ResetOkToLock(); break; case CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Disabled: // Nothing break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } FORCEINLINE BOOL BaseContract::CheckFaultInjection() { // ??? use m_tag to see if we should trigger an injection return FALSE; } inline BOOL ClrDebugState::CheckOkayToThrowNoAssert() { if (!IsOkToThrow() && !(m_violationmask & (ThrowsViolation|BadDebugState))) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } inline void ClrDebugState::CheckOkayToThrow(__in_z const char *szFunction, __in_z const char *szFile, int lineNum) { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if (!CheckOkayToThrowNoAssert()) { CONTRACT_ASSERT("THROWS called in a NOTHROW region.", BaseContract::THROWS_No, BaseContract::THROWS_Mask, szFunction, szFile, lineNum); } } inline BOOL ClrDebugState::CheckOkayToLockNoAssert() { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if (!IsOkToLock() && !(m_violationmask & (TakesLockViolation|BadDebugState))) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } inline void ClrDebugState::CheckOkayToLock(__in_z const char *szFunction, __in_z const char *szFile, int lineNum) { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if (!CheckOkayToLockNoAssert()) { CONTRACT_ASSERT("CAN_TAKE_LOCK called in a CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK region.", BaseContract::CAN_TAKE_LOCK_No, BaseContract::CAN_TAKE_LOCK_Mask, szFunction, szFile, lineNum); } } inline void ClrDebugState::LockTaken(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cTakes, void * pvLock, __in_z const char * szFunction, __in_z const char * szFile, int lineNum) { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if ((m_violationmask & BadDebugState) != 0) { return; } // Assert if we're taking a lock in a CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK scope. Even if this asserts, we'll // continue to the following lines to track the lock CheckOkayToLock(szFunction, szFile, lineNum); _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockData() != NULL); if (!IsOkToRetakeLock()) { if (m_LockState.IsLockRetaken(pvLock)) { CONTRACT_ASSERT("You cannot take a lock which is already being held in a CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK scope.", BaseContract::CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No, BaseContract::CAN_RETAKE_LOCK_No, szFunction, szFile, lineNum); } } GetDbgStateLockData()->LockTaken(dbgStateLockType, cTakes, pvLock, szFunction, szFile, lineNum); } inline void ClrDebugState::LockReleased(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cReleases, void * pvLock) { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if ((m_violationmask & BadDebugState) != 0) { return; } _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockData() != NULL); if (!IsOkToRetakeLock()) { // It is very suspicious to release any locks being hold at the time this function was // called in a CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK scope _ASSERTE(m_LockState.IsSafeToRelease(cReleases)); } GetDbgStateLockData()->LockReleased(dbgStateLockType, cReleases, pvLock); } inline UINT ClrDebugState::GetLockCount(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType) { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if ((m_violationmask & BadDebugState) != 0) { return 0; } _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockData() != NULL); return GetDbgStateLockData()->GetLockCount(dbgStateLockType); } inline UINT ClrDebugState::GetCombinedLockCount() { STATIC_CONTRACT_DEBUG_ONLY; STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; if ((m_violationmask & BadDebugState) != 0) { return 0; } _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockData() != NULL); return GetDbgStateLockData()->GetCombinedLockCount(); } inline void DbgStateLockData::LockTaken(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cTakes, // # times we're taking this lock (usually 1) void * pvLock, __in_z const char * szFunction, __in_z const char * szFile, int lineNum) { STATIC_CONTRACT_NOTHROW; STATIC_CONTRACT_GC_NOTRIGGER; // Technically the lock's already been taken before we're called, but it's // handy to have this contract here at the leaf end of the call chain, as it // ensures SCAN will enforce that no use of the LOCK_TAKEN macros occurs // in a CANNOT_TAKE_LOCK scope (as LOCK_TAKEN macros just call this function). STATIC_CONTRACT_CAN_TAKE_LOCK; // Valid enum? _ASSERTE(UINT(dbgStateLockType) < kDbgStateLockType_Count); UINT cCombinedLocks = GetCombinedLockCount(); // Are we exceeding the threshold for what we can store in m_rgTakenLockInfos? // If so, assert a warning, but we'll deal with it. if ((cCombinedLocks <= _countof(m_rgTakenLockInfos)) && (cCombinedLocks + cTakes > _countof(m_rgTakenLockInfos))) { // Actually, for now we are NOT asserting until I can dedicate more time // to this. Some class loader code paths legally hold many simultaneous // locks (>10). Need to do further analysis on reasonable value to set // for kMaxAllowedSimultaneousLocks. Since lock order checking is turned // off for the moment anyway, exceeding kMaxAllowedSimultaneousLocks // has no consequences for now anyway. } m_rgcLocksTaken[dbgStateLockType] += cTakes; // Remember as many of these new entrances in m_rgTakenLockInfos as we can for (UINT i = cCombinedLocks; i < min (_countof(m_rgTakenLockInfos), cCombinedLocks + cTakes); i++) { m_rgTakenLockInfos[i].m_pvLock = pvLock; m_rgTakenLockInfos[i].m_szFile = szFile; m_rgTakenLockInfos[i].m_lineNum = lineNum; } } inline void DbgStateLockData::LockReleased(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType, UINT cReleases, void * pvLock) { // Valid enum? _ASSERTE(UINT(dbgStateLockType) < kDbgStateLockType_Count); if (cReleases > m_rgcLocksTaken[dbgStateLockType]) { _ASSERTE(!"Releasing lock(s) that were never taken"); cReleases = m_rgcLocksTaken[dbgStateLockType]; } UINT cCombinedLocks = GetCombinedLockCount(); // If lock count is within range of our m_rgTakenLockInfos buffer size, then // make sure we're releasing locks in reverse order of how we took them for (UINT i = cCombinedLocks - cReleases; i < min (_countof(m_rgTakenLockInfos), cCombinedLocks); i++) { if (m_rgTakenLockInfos[i].m_pvLock != pvLock) { // Ok, I lied. We're not really checking that we're releasing locks in reverse // order, because sometimes we legally release them out of order. (The loader // does this intentionally in a few places.) We should consider whether those // places can be changed, or whether we can add some kind of macro to declare // that we're releasing out of order, and that it's ok & intentional. At that // point, we can place a nice ASSERTE right here. Until then, do nothing. } // We may be clearing out the wrong entry in m_rgTakenLockInfos here, if the locks // were released out of order. However, it will eventually correct itself once all // the out-of-order locks have been released. And our count // (i.e., m_rgcLocksTaken[dbgStateLockType]) will always be accurate memset(&(m_rgTakenLockInfos[i]), 0, sizeof(m_rgTakenLockInfos[i])); } m_rgcLocksTaken[dbgStateLockType] -= cReleases; } inline void DbgStateLockData::SetStartingValues() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } inline UINT DbgStateLockData::GetLockCount(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType) { _ASSERTE(UINT(dbgStateLockType) < kDbgStateLockType_Count); return m_rgcLocksTaken[dbgStateLockType]; } inline UINT DbgStateLockData::GetCombinedLockCount() { // If this fires, the set of lock types must have changed. You'll need to // fix the sum below to include all lock types _ASSERTE(kDbgStateLockType_Count == 3); return m_rgcLocksTaken[0] + m_rgcLocksTaken[1] + m_rgcLocksTaken[2]; } inline void DbgStateLockState::SetStartingValues() { m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock = 0; m_pLockData = NULL; // Will get filled in by CLRInitDebugState() } // We set a marker to record the number of locks that have been taken when // CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK contract is constructed. inline void DbgStateLockState::OnEnterCannotRetakeLockFunction() { m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock = m_pLockData->GetCombinedLockCount(); } inline BOOL DbgStateLockState::IsLockRetaken(void * pvLock) { // m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock must be in valid range _ASSERTE(m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock <= m_pLockData->GetCombinedLockCount()); // m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock records the number of locks that were taken // when CANNOT_RETAKE_LOCK contract was constructed. for (UINT i = 0; i < min(_countof(m_pLockData->m_rgTakenLockInfos), m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock); ++i) { if (m_pLockData->m_rgTakenLockInfos[i].m_pvLock == pvLock) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } inline BOOL DbgStateLockState::IsSafeToRelease(UINT cReleases) { return m_cLocksEnteringCannotRetakeLock <= (m_pLockData->GetCombinedLockCount() - cReleases); } inline void DbgStateLockState::SetDbgStateLockData(DbgStateLockData * pDbgStateLockData) { m_pLockData = pDbgStateLockData; } inline DbgStateLockData * DbgStateLockState::GetDbgStateLockData() { return m_pLockData; } inline void CONTRACT_ASSERT(const char *szElaboration, UINT whichTest, UINT whichTestMask, const char *szFunction, const char *szFile, int lineNum) { if (CheckClrDebugState() && ( CheckClrDebugState()->ViolationMask() & BadDebugState)) { _ASSERTE(!"Someone tried to assert a contract violation although the contracts were disabled in this thread due to" " an OOM or a shim/mscorwks mismatch. You can probably safely ignore this assert - however, whoever" " called CONTRACT_ASSERT was supposed to checked if the current violationmask had the BadDebugState set." " Look up the stack, see who called CONTRACT_ASSERT and file a bug against the owner."); return; } // prevent recursion - we use the same mechanism as CHECK, so this will // also prevent mutual recursion involving ASSERT_CHECKs CHECK _check; if (_check.EnterAssert()) { char Buf[512*20 + 2048 + 1024]; sprintf_s(Buf,_countof(Buf), "CONTRACT VIOLATION by %s at \"%s\" @ %d\n\n%s\n", szFunction, szFile, lineNum, szElaboration); int count = 20; ContractStackRecord *pRec = CheckClrDebugState() ? CheckClrDebugState()->GetContractStackTrace() : NULL; BOOL foundconflict = FALSE; BOOL exceptionBuildingStack = FALSE; PAL_TRY_NAKED { while (pRec != NULL) { char tmpbuf[512]; BOOL fshowconflict = FALSE; if (!foundconflict) { if (whichTest == (pRec->m_testmask & whichTestMask)) { foundconflict = TRUE; fshowconflict = TRUE; } } if (count != 0 || fshowconflict) { if (count != 0) { count--; } else { // Show that some lines have been skipped strcat_s(Buf, _countof(Buf), "\n ..."); } sprintf_s(tmpbuf,_countof(tmpbuf), "\n%s %s in %s at \"%s\" @ %d", fshowconflict ? "VIOLATED-->" : " ", pRec->m_construct, pRec->m_szFunction, pRec->m_szFile, pRec->m_lineNum ); strcat_s(Buf, _countof(Buf), tmpbuf); } pRec = pRec->m_pNext; } } PAL_EXCEPT_NAKED(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // We're done trying to walk the stack of contracts. We faulted trying to form the contract stack trace, // and that usually means that its corrupted. A common cause of this is having CONTRACTs in functions that // never return, but instead do a non-local goto. count = 0; exceptionBuildingStack = TRUE; } PAL_ENDTRY_NAKED; if (count == 0) { strcat_s(Buf,_countof(Buf), "\n ..."); } if (exceptionBuildingStack) { strcat_s(Buf,_countof(Buf), "\n" "\nError forming contract stack. Any contract stack displayed above is correct," "\nbut it's most probably truncated. This is probably due to a CONTRACT in a" "\nfunction that does a non-local goto. There are two bugs here:" "\n" "\n 1) the CONTRACT violation, and" "\n 2) the CONTRACT in the function with the non-local goto." "\n" "\nPlease fix both bugs!" "\n" ); } strcat_s(Buf,_countof(Buf), "\n\n"); if (!foundconflict && count != 0) { if (whichTest == BaseContract::THROWS_No) { strcat_s(Buf,_countof(Buf), "You can't throw here because there is no handler on the stack.\n"); } else { strcat_s(Buf,_countof(Buf), "We can't find the violated contract. Look for an old-style non-holder-based contract.\n"); } } DbgAssertDialog((char *)szFile, lineNum, Buf); _check.LeaveAssert(); } } FORCEINLINE BOOL BaseContract::EnforceContract() { if (s_alwaysEnforceContracts) return TRUE; else return CHECK::EnforceAssert(); } inline void BaseContract::SetUnconditionalContractEnforcement(BOOL value) { s_alwaysEnforceContracts = value; } inline UINT GetDbgStateCombinedLockCount() { return GetClrDebugState()->GetCombinedLockCount(); } inline UINT GetDbgStateLockCount(DbgStateLockType dbgStateLockType) { return GetClrDebugState()->GetLockCount(dbgStateLockType); } #define ASSERT_NO_USER_LOCKS_HELD() \ _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockCount(kDbgStateLockType_User) == 0) #define ASSERT_NO_HOST_BREAKABLE_CRSTS_HELD() \ _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockCount(kDbgStateLockType_HostBreakableCrst) == 0) #define ASSERT_NO_EE_LOCKS_HELD() \ _ASSERTE(GetDbgStateLockCount(kDbgStateLockType_EE) == 0) #else // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #define ASSERT_NO_USER_LOCKS_HELD() #define ASSERT_NO_HOST_BREAKABLE_CRSTS_HELD() #define ASSERT_NO_EE_LOCKS_HELD() #endif // ENABLE_CONTRACTS_IMPL #endif // CONTRACT_INL_