// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. //***************************************************************************** // DebugMacrosExt.h // // Simple debugging macros that take no dependencies on CLR headers. // This header can be used from outside the CLR. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __DebugMacrosExt_h__ #define __DebugMacrosExt_h__ #if !defined(_DEBUG_IMPL) && defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) #define _DEBUG_IMPL 1 #endif #ifdef _DEBUG // A macro to execute a statement only in _DEBUG. #define DEBUG_STMT(stmt) stmt #define INDEBUG(x) x #define INDEBUG_COMMA(x) x, #define COMMA_INDEBUG(x) ,x #define NOT_DEBUG(x) #else #define DEBUG_STMT(stmt) #define INDEBUG(x) #define INDEBUG_COMMA(x) #define COMMA_INDEBUG(x) #define NOT_DEBUG(x) x #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_IMPL #define INDEBUGIMPL(x) x #define INDEBUGIMPL_COMMA(x) x, #define COMMA_INDEBUGIMPL(x) ,x #else #define INDEBUGIMPL(x) #define INDEBUGIMPL_COMMA(x) #define COMMA_INDEBUGIMPL(x) #endif #endif