static const char* gcStartMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "{ =========== BEGINGC %d, (requested generation = %lu, collect_classes = %lu) ==========\n"; } static const char* gcEndMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "========== ENDGC %d (gen = %lu, collect_classes = %lu) ===========}\n"; } static const char* gcRootMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return " GC Root %p RELOCATED %p -> %p MT = %pT\n"; } static const char* gcRootPromoteMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return " IGCHeap::Promote: Promote GC Root *%p = %p MT = %pT\n"; } static const char* gcPlugMoveMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "GC_HEAP RELOCATING Objects in heap within range [%p %p) by -0x%x bytes\n"; } static const char* gcServerThread0StartMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "%d gc thread waiting..."; } static const char* gcServerThreadNStartMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "%d gc thread waiting... Done"; } static const char* gcDetailedStartMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "*GC* %d(gen0:%d)(%d)(alloc: %Id)(%s)(%d)"; } static const char* gcDetailedEndMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "*EGC* %Id(gen0:%Id)(%Id)(%d)(%s)(%s)(%s)(ml: %d->%d)"; } static const char* gcStartMarkMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "---- Mark Phase on heap %d condemning %d ----"; } static const char* gcStartPlanMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "---- Plan Phase on heap %d ---- Condemned generation %d, promotion: %d"; } static const char* gcStartRelocateMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "---- Relocate phase on heap %d -----"; } static const char* gcEndRelocateMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "---- End of Relocate phase on heap %d ----"; } static const char* gcStartCompactMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "---- Compact Phase on heap %d: %Ix(%Ix)----"; } static const char* gcEndCompactMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "---- End of Compact phase on heap %d ----"; } static const char* gcMemCopyMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return " mc: [%Ix->%Ix, %Ix->%Ix["; } static const char* gcPlanPlugMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "(%Ix)[%Ix->%Ix, NA: [%Ix(%Id), %Ix[: %Ix(%d), x: %Ix (%s)"; } static const char* gcPlanPinnedPlugMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "(%Ix)PP: [%Ix, %Ix[%Ix](m:%d)"; } static const char* gcDesiredNewAllocationMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "h%d g%d surv: %Id current: %Id alloc: %Id (%d%%) f: %d%% new-size: %Id new-alloc: %Id"; } static const char* gcMakeUnusedArrayMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "Making unused array [%Ix, %Ix["; } static const char* gcStartBgcThread() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "beginning of bgc on heap %d: gen2 FL: %d, FO: %d, frag: %d"; } static const char* gcRelocateReferenceMsg() { STATIC_CONTRACT_LEAF; return "Relocating reference *(%p) from %p to %p"; }