// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. #ifndef _SHASH_H_ #define _SHASH_H_ #include "utilcode.h" // for string hash functions #include "clrtypes.h" #include "check.h" #include "iterator.h" // SHash is a templated closed chaining hash table of pointers. It provides // for multiple entries under the same key, and also for deleting elements. // Synchronization: // Synchronization requirements depend on use. There are several properties to take into account: // // - Lookups may be asynchronous with each other // - Lookups must be exclusive with Add operations // (@todo: this can be remedied by delaying destruction of old tables during reallocation, e.g. during GC) // - Remove operations may be asynchronous with Lookup/Add, unless elements are also deallocated. (In which // case full synchronization is required) // Common "gotchas": // - The Add method never replaces an element. The new element will be added even if an element with the same // key is already present. If you don't want this, use AddOrReplace. // - You need special sentinel values for the element to represent Null and Deleted. 0 and -1 are the default // choices but you will need something else if elements can legally have any of these two values. // - Deriving directly from the general purpose classes (such as SHash itself) requires implementing a // TRAITS class which can be daunting. Consider using one of the specialized classes (e.g. WStringSHash) first. // A SHash is templated by a class of TRAITS. These traits define the various specifics of the // particular hash table. // The required traits are: // // element_t Type of elements in the hash table. These elements are stored // by value in the hash table. Elements must look more or less // like primitives - they must support assignment relatively // efficiently. There are 2 required sentinel values: // Null and Deleted (described below). (Note that element_t is // very commonly a pointer type.) // // The key must be derivable from the element; if your // table's keys are independent of the stored values, element_t // should be a key/value pair. // // key_t Type of the lookup key. The key is used for identity // comparison between elements, and also as a key for lookup. // This is also used by value and should support // efficient assignment. // // count_t integral type for counts. Typically inherited by default // Traits (COUNT_T). // // static key_t GetKey(const element_t &e) Get key from element. Should be stable for a given e. // static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) Compare 2 keys for equality. Again, should be stable. // static count_t Hash(key_t k) Compute hash from a key. For efficient operation, the hashes // for a set of elements should have random uniform distribution. // // static const bool s_NoThrow TRUE if GetKey, Equals, and hash are NOTHROW functions. // Affects the THROWS clauses of several SHash functions. // (Note that the Null- and Deleted-related functions below // are not affected by this and must always be NOTHROW.) // // static element_t Null() Return the Null sentinal value. May be inherited from // default traits if it can be assigned from 0. // static element_t Deleted() Return the Deleted sentinal value. May be inherited from the // default traits if it can be assigned from -1. // static const bool IsNull(const ELEMENT &e) Compare element with Null sentinal value. May be inherited from // default traits if it can be assigned from 0. // static const bool IsDeleted(const ELEMENT &e) Compare element with Deleted sentinal value. May be inherited from the // default traits if it can be assigned from -1. // // static void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(ELEMENT& e) Called on every element when in hashtable destructor. // s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction must be set to true if implemented. // // s_growth_factor_numerator // s_growth_factor_denominator Factor to grow allocation (numerator/denominator). // Typically inherited from default traits (3/2) // // s_density_factor_numerator // s_density_factor_denominator Maxium occupied density of table before growth // occurs (num/denom). Typically inherited (3/4). // // s_minimum_allocation Minimum table allocation count (size on first growth.) It is // probably preferable to call Reallocate on initialization rather // than override his from the default traits. (7) // // s_supports_remove Set to false for a slightly faster implementation that does not // support deletes. There is a downside to the s_supports_remove flag, // in that there may be more copies of the template instantiated through // the system as different variants are used. // // s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction Set to true if OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction has non-empty implementation. // // DefaultHashTraits provides defaults for seldomly customized values in traits classes. template < typename ELEMENT > class DefaultSHashTraits { public: typedef COUNT_T count_t; typedef ELEMENT element_t; typedef DPTR(element_t) PTR_element_t; // by default SHash is DAC-aware. For RS // only SHash use NonDacAwareSHashTraits // (which typedefs element_t* PTR_element_t) static const COUNT_T s_growth_factor_numerator = 3; static const COUNT_T s_growth_factor_denominator = 2; static const COUNT_T s_density_factor_numerator = 3; static const COUNT_T s_density_factor_denominator = 4; static const COUNT_T s_minimum_allocation = 7; static const bool s_supports_remove = true; static ELEMENT Null() { return (ELEMENT)(TADDR)0; } static ELEMENT Deleted() { return (ELEMENT)(TADDR)-1; } static bool IsNull(const ELEMENT &e) { return e == (ELEMENT)(TADDR)0; } static bool IsDeleted(const ELEMENT &e) { return e == (ELEMENT)(TADDR)-1; } static inline void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(const ELEMENT& e) { /* Do nothing */ } static const bool s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction = false; static const bool s_NoThrow = true; // No defaults - must specify: // // typedef key_t; // static key_t GetKey(const element_t &i); // static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2); // static count_t Hash(key_t k); }; // Hash table class definition template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL SHash : public TRAITS , private noncopyable { friend class VerifyLayoutsMD; // verifies class layout doesn't accidentally change public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef typename TRAITS::element_t element_t; typedef typename TRAITS::PTR_element_t PTR_element_t; typedef typename TRAITS::key_t key_t; typedef typename TRAITS::count_t count_t; class Index; friend class Index; class Iterator; class KeyIndex; friend class KeyIndex; class KeyIterator; // Constructor/destructor. SHash tables always start out empty, with no // allocation overhead. Call Reallocate to prime with an initial size if // desired. SHash(); ~SHash(); // Lookup an element in the table by key. Returns NULL if no element in the table // has the given key. Note that multiple entries for the same key may be stored - // this will return the first element added. Use KeyIterator to find all elements // with a given key. element_t Lookup(key_t key) const; // Pointer-based flavor of Lookup (allows efficient access to tables of structures) const element_t* LookupPtr(key_t key) const; // Add an element to the hash table. This will never replace an element; multiple // elements may be stored with the same key. void Add(const element_t &element); // NoThrow version of Add. Returns TRUE if element was added, FALSE otherwise. BOOL AddNoThrow(const element_t &element); // Add a new element to the hash table, if no element with the same key is already // there. Otherwise, it will replace the existing element. This has the effect of // updating an element rather than adding a duplicate. void AddOrReplace(const element_t & element); // NoThrow version of AddOrReplace. Returns TRUE if element was added/replaced, FALSE otherwise. BOOL AddOrReplaceNoThrow(const element_t &element); // Remove the first element matching the key from the hash table. void Remove(key_t key); // Remove the specific element. void Remove(Iterator& i); void Remove(KeyIterator& i); // Pointer-based flavor of Remove (allows efficient access to tables of structures) void RemovePtr(element_t * element); // Remove all elements in the hashtable void RemoveAll(); // Begin and End pointers for iteration over entire table. Iterator Begin() const; Iterator End() const; // Begin and End pointers for iteration over all elements with a given key. KeyIterator Begin(key_t key) const; KeyIterator End(key_t key) const; // Return the number of elements currently stored in the table count_t GetCount() const; // Return the number of elements allocated in the table count_t GetCapacity() const; // Resizes a hash table for growth. The new size is computed based // on the current population, growth factor, and maximum density factor. void Grow(); // Reallocates a hash table to a specific size. The size must be big enough // to hold all elements in the table appropriately. // // Note that the actual table size must always be a prime number; the number // passed in will be upward adjusted if necessary. void Reallocate(count_t newTableSize); // Makes a call on the Functor for each element in the hash table, passing // the element as an argument. Functor is expected to look like this: // // class Functor // { // public: // void operator() (element_t &element) { ... } // } template void ForEach(Functor &functor); private: // NoThrow version of Grow function. Returns FALSE on failure. BOOL GrowNoThrow(); // See if it is OK to grow the hash table by one element. If not, reallocate // the hash table. BOOL CheckGrowth(); // NoThrow version of CheckGrowth function. Returns FALSE on failure. BOOL CheckGrowthNoThrow(); // See if it is OK to grow the hash table by one element. If not, allocate new // hash table and return it together with its size *pcNewSize (used by code:AddPhases). // Returns NULL if there already is space for one element. element_t * CheckGrowth_OnlyAllocateNewTable(count_t * pcNewSize); // Allocates new resized hash table for growth. Does not update the hash table on the object. // The new size is computed based on the current population, growth factor, and maximum density factor. element_t * Grow_OnlyAllocateNewTable(count_t * pcNewSize); // NoThrow version of Grow_OnlyAllocateNewTable. Returns NULL on failure. element_t * Grow_OnlyAllocateNewTableNoThrow(count_t * pcNewSize); // Utility function to allocate new table (does not copy the values into it yet). Returns the size of new table in // *pcNewTableSize (finds next prime). // Phase 1 of code:Reallocate - it is split to support code:AddPhases. element_t * AllocateNewTable(count_t requestedSize, count_t * pcNewTableSize); // NoThrow version of AllocateNewTable utility function. Returns NULL on failure. element_t * AllocateNewTableNoThrow(count_t requestedSize, count_t * pcNewTableSize); // Utility function to replace old table with newly allocated table (as allocated by // code:AllocateNewTable). Copies all 'old' values into the new table first. // Returns the old table. Caller is expected to delete it (via code:DeleteOldTable). // Phase 2 of code:Reallocate - it is split to support code:AddPhases. element_t * ReplaceTable(element_t * newTable, count_t newTableSize); // Utility function to delete old table (as returned by code:ReplaceTable). // Phase 3 of code:Reallocate - it is split to support code:AddPhases. void DeleteOldTable(element_t * oldTable); // Utility function that does not call code:CheckGrowth. // Add an element to the hash table. This will never replace an element; multiple // elements may be stored with the same key. void Add_GrowthChecked(const element_t & element); // Utility function to add a new element to the hash table. Note that // it is perfectly fine for the element to be a duplicate - if so it // is added an additional time. Returns TRUE if a new empty spot was used; // FALSE if an existing deleted slot. static BOOL Add(element_t *table, count_t tableSize, const element_t &element); // Utility function to add a new element to the hash table, if no element with the same key // is already there. Otherwise, it will replace the existing element. This has the effect of // updating an element rather than adding a duplicate. void AddOrReplace(element_t *table, count_t tableSize, const element_t &element); // Utility function to find the first element with the given key in // the hash table. static const element_t* Lookup(PTR_element_t table, count_t tableSize, key_t key); // Utility function to remove the first element with the given key // in the hash table. void Remove(element_t *table, count_t tableSize, key_t key); // Utility function to remove the specific element. void RemoveElement(element_t *table, count_t tableSize, element_t *element); // Index for whole table iterator. This is also the base for the keyed iterator. public: class EMPTY_BASES_DECL Index : public CheckedIteratorBase< SHash > { friend class SHash; friend class Iterator; friend class Enumerator; // The methods implementation has to be here for portability // Some compilers won't compile the separate implementation in shash.inl protected: PTR_element_t m_table; count_t m_tableSize; count_t m_index; Index(const SHash *hash, BOOL begin) : m_table(hash->m_table), m_tableSize(hash->m_tableSize), m_index(begin ? 0 : m_tableSize) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } const element_t &Get() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_table[m_index]; } void First() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_index < m_tableSize) if (TRAITS::IsNull(m_table[m_index]) || TRAITS::IsDeleted(m_table[m_index])) Next(); } void Next() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (m_index >= m_tableSize) return; for (;;) { m_index++; if (m_index >= m_tableSize) break; if (!TRAITS::IsNull(m_table[m_index]) && !TRAITS::IsDeleted(m_table[m_index])) break; } } bool Equal(const Index &i) const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return i.m_index == m_index; } CHECK DoCheck() const { CHECK_OK; } }; class EMPTY_BASES_DECL Iterator : public Index, public Enumerator { friend class SHash; public: Iterator(const SHash *hash, BOOL begin) : Index(hash, begin) { } }; // Index for iterating elements with a given key. // // Note that the m_index field // is artificially bumped to m_tableSize when the end of iteration is reached. // This allows a canonical End iterator to be used. class EMPTY_BASES_DECL KeyIndex : public Index { friend class SHash; friend class KeyIterator; friend class Enumerator; // The methods implementation has to be here for portability // Some compilers won't compile the separate implementation in shash.inl protected: key_t m_key; count_t m_increment; KeyIndex(const SHash *hash, BOOL begin) : Index(hash, begin), m_increment(0) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } void SetKey(key_t key) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (Index::m_tableSize > 0) { m_key = key; count_t hash = TRAITS::Hash(key); this->m_index = hash % this->m_tableSize; m_increment = (hash % (this->m_tableSize-1)) + 1; // Find first valid element if (TRAITS::IsNull(this->m_table[this->m_index])) this->m_index = this->m_tableSize; else if (TRAITS::IsDeleted(this->m_table[this->m_index]) || !TRAITS::Equals(m_key, TRAITS::GetKey(this->m_table[this->m_index]))) Next(); } } void Next() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; while (TRUE) { this->m_index += m_increment; if (this->m_index >= this->m_tableSize) this->m_index -= this->m_tableSize; if (TRAITS::IsNull(this->m_table[this->m_index])) { this->m_index = this->m_tableSize; break; } if (!TRAITS::IsDeleted(this->m_table[this->m_index]) && TRAITS::Equals(m_key, TRAITS::GetKey(this->m_table[this->m_index]))) { break; } } } }; class EMPTY_BASES_DECL KeyIterator : public KeyIndex, public Enumerator { friend class SHash; public: operator Iterator &() { return *(Iterator*)this; } operator const Iterator &() { return *(const Iterator*)this; } KeyIterator(const SHash *hash, BOOL begin) : KeyIndex(hash, begin) { } }; // Wrapper and holder for adding an element to the hash table. Useful for Add operations that have to happen // under a rare lock that does not allow call out into host. // There are 3 phases: // 1. code:PreallocateForAdd ... Can allocate memory (calls into host). // 2. code:Add ... Adds one element (does NOT call into host). // or code:AddNothing_PublishPreallocatedTable ... Publishes the pre-allocated memory from step #1 (if any). // 3. code:DeleteOldTable (or destructor) ... Can delete the old memory (calls into host). // Example: // CrstHolder lockAdd(&crstLockForAdd); // Serialize all Add operations. // HostAssemblyMap::AddPhases addCall; // addCall.PreallocateForAdd(&shash); // 1. Allocates memory for one Add call (if needed). addCall serves as holder for the allocated memory. // { // // We cannot call out into host from ForbidSuspend region (i.e. no allocations/deallocations). // ForbidSuspendThreadHolder suspend; // Required by the 'special' read-lock // { // CrstHolder lock(&crstLock); // if (some_condition) // { // 2a. Add item. This may replace SHash inner table with the one pre-allocated in step 1. // addCall.Add(shashItem); // } // else // { // 2b. Skip adding item. This may replace SHash inner table with the one pre-allocated in step 1. // addCall.AddNothing_PublishPreallocatedTable(); // } // } // } // addCall.DeleteOldTable(); // 3. Cleanup old table memory from shash (if it was replaced by pre-allocated table in step 2). // // Note: addCall destructor would take care of deleting the memory as well. class AddPhases { public: AddPhases(); ~AddPhases(); // Prepares object for one call to code:Add. Pre-allocates new table memory if needed, does not publish // the table yet (it is kept ready only in this holder for call to code:Add). // Calls out into host. void PreallocateForAdd(SHash * pHash); // Add an element to the hash table. This will never replace an element; multiple elements may be stored // with the same key. // Will use/publish pre-allocated memory from code:PreallocateForAdd. // Does not call out into host. // Only one Add* method can be called once per object! (Create a new object for each call) void Add(const element_t & element); // Element will not be added to the hash table. // Will use/publish pre-allocated memory from code:PreallocateForAdd. // Does not call out into host. // Only one Add* method can be called once per object! (Create a new object for each call) void AddNothing_PublishPreallocatedTable(); // Deletes old table if it was replaced by call to code:Add or code:AddNothing_PublishPreallocatedTable. // Calls out into host. void DeleteOldTable(); private: SHash * m_pHash; element_t * m_newTable; count_t m_newTableSize; element_t * m_oldTable; #ifdef _DEBUG PTR_element_t dbg_m_table; count_t dbg_m_tableSize; count_t dbg_m_tableCount; count_t dbg_m_tableOccupied; count_t dbg_m_tableMax; BOOL dbg_m_fAddCalled; #endif //_DEBUG }; // class SHash::AddPhases // Adds an entry to the hash table according to the guidelines above for // avoiding a callout to the host while the read lock is held. // Returns true if elem was added to the map, otherwise false. // When elem was not added (false is returned), and if ppStoredElem is non-null, // then it is set to point to the value in the map. template bool CheckAddInPhases( element_t const & elem, LockT & lock, AddLockT & addLock, IUnknown * addRefObject = nullptr); private: // Test for prime number. static BOOL IsPrime(COUNT_T number); // Find the next prime number >= the given value. static COUNT_T NextPrime(COUNT_T number); // Instance members PTR_element_t m_table; // pointer to table count_t m_tableSize; // allocated size of table count_t m_tableCount; // number of elements in table count_t m_tableOccupied; // number, includes deleted slots count_t m_tableMax; // maximum occupied count before reallocating }; // class SHash // disables support for DAC marshaling. Useful for defining right-side only SHashes template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL NonDacAwareSHashTraits : public PARENT { public: typedef typename PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef element_t * PTR_element_t; }; // disables support for removing elements - produces slightly faster implementation template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL NoRemoveSHashTraits : public PARENT { public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef typename PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef typename PARENT::count_t count_t; static const bool s_supports_remove = false; static element_t Deleted() { UNREACHABLE(); } static bool IsDeleted(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return false; } }; // PtrHashTraits is a template to provides useful defaults for pointer hash tables // It relies on methods GetKey and Hash defined on ELEMENT template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL PtrSHashTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits { public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef DefaultSHashTraits PARENT; typedef typename PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef typename PARENT::count_t count_t; typedef KEY key_t; static key_t GetKey(const element_t &e) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return e->GetKey(); } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return k1 == k2; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ELEMENT::Hash(k); } }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL PtrSHash : public SHash< PtrSHashTraits > { }; template class PtrSHashWithCleanupTraits : public PtrSHashTraits { public: void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(ELEMENT * elem) { delete elem; } static const bool s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction = true; }; // a class that automatically deletes data referenced by the pointers (so effectively it takes ownership of the data) // since I was too lazy to implement Remove() APIs properly, removing entries is disallowed template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL PtrSHashWithCleanup : public SHash< NoRemoveSHashTraits< PtrSHashWithCleanupTraits > > { }; // Provides case-sensitive comparison and hashing functionality through static // and functor object methods. Can be instantiated with CHAR or WCHAR. template struct CaseSensitiveStringCompareHash { private: typedef CharT const * str_t; static size_t _strcmp(CHAR const *left, CHAR const *right) { return ::strcmp(left, right); } static size_t _strcmp(WCHAR const *left, WCHAR const *right) { return ::wcscmp(left, right); } static size_t _hash(CHAR const *str) { return HashStringA(str); } static size_t _hash(WCHAR const *str) { return HashString(str); } public: static size_t compare(str_t left, str_t right) { return _strcmp(left, right); } size_t operator()(str_t left, str_t right) { return compare(left, right); } static size_t hash(str_t str) { return _hash(str); } size_t operator()(str_t str) { return hash(str); } }; // Provides case-insensitive comparison and hashing functionality through static // and functor object methods. Can be instantiated with CHAR or WCHAR. template struct CaseInsensitiveStringCompareHash { private: typedef CharT const * str_t; static size_t _strcmp(str_t left, str_t right) { return ::SString::_tstricmp(left, right); } static size_t _hash(CHAR const *str) { return HashiStringA(str); } static size_t _hash(WCHAR const *str) { return HashiString(str); } public: static size_t compare(str_t left, str_t right) { return _strcmp(left, right); } size_t operator()(str_t left, str_t right) { return compare(left, right); } static size_t hash(str_t str) { return _hash(str); } size_t operator()(str_t str) { return hash(str); } }; // StringSHashTraits is a traits class useful for string-keyed // pointer hash tables. template > class EMPTY_BASES_DECL StringSHashTraits : public PtrSHashTraits { public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef PtrSHashTraits PARENT; typedef typename PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef typename PARENT::key_t key_t; typedef typename PARENT::count_t count_t; static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (k1 == NULL && k2 == NULL) return TRUE; if (k1 == NULL || k2 == NULL) return FALSE; return ComparerT::compare(k1, k2) == 0; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; if (k == NULL) return 0; else return (count_t)ComparerT::hash(k); } }; template // Could use IUnknown but would rather take advantage of C++ type checking struct StringHashElement { const CharT *GetKey() { return String; } COMINTERFACE *Object; CharT *String; }; template > class EMPTY_BASES_DECL StringHashWithCleanupTraits : public StringSHashTraits, CharT, ComparerT> { public: void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(StringHashElement * e) { if (e->String != NULL) { delete[] e->String; } if (e->Object != NULL) { e->Object->Release(); } } static const bool s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction = true; }; template > class EMPTY_BASES_DECL StringSHashWithCleanup : public SHash< StringHashWithCleanupTraits > { }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL StringSHash : public SHash< StringSHashTraits > { }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL WStringSHash : public SHash< StringSHashTraits > { }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL SStringSHashTraits : public PtrSHashTraits { public: typedef PtrSHashTraits PARENT; typedef typename PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef typename PARENT::key_t key_t; typedef typename PARENT::count_t count_t; static const bool s_NoThrow = false; static BOOL Equals(const key_t &k1, const key_t &k2) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return k1.Equals(k2); } static count_t Hash(const key_t &k) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return k.Hash(); } }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL SStringSHash : public SHash< SStringSHashTraits > { }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL SetSHashTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits { public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef typename DefaultSHashTraits::element_t element_t; typedef typename DefaultSHashTraits::count_t count_t; typedef ELEMENT key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e; } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return k1 == k2; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t)(size_t)k; } }; template > > class EMPTY_BASES_DECL SetSHash : public SHash< TRAITS > { typedef SHash PARENT; public: BOOL Contains(ELEMENT key) const { return PARENT::LookupPtr(key) != NULL; } }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL PtrSetSHashTraits : public SetSHashTraits { public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef SetSHashTraits PARENT; typedef typename PARENT::element_t element_t; typedef typename PARENT::key_t key_t; typedef typename PARENT::count_t count_t; static count_t Hash(key_t k) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return (count_t)(size_t)k >> 2; } }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL DeleteElementsOnDestructSHashTraits : public PARENT_TRAITS { public: static inline void OnDestructPerEntryCleanupAction(typename PARENT_TRAITS::element_t e) { delete e; } static const bool s_DestructPerEntryCleanupAction = true; }; #if !defined(CC_JIT) // workaround: Key is redefined in JIT64 template class KeyValuePair { KEY key; VALUE value; public: KeyValuePair() { } KeyValuePair(const KEY& k, const VALUE& v) : key(k), value(v) { } KEY const & Key() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return key; } VALUE const & Value() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return value; } }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL MapSHashTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits< KeyValuePair > { public: // explicitly declare local typedefs for these traits types, otherwise // the compiler may get confused typedef typename DefaultSHashTraits< KeyValuePair >::element_t element_t; typedef typename DefaultSHashTraits< KeyValuePair >::count_t count_t; typedef KEY key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e.Key(); } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return k1 == k2; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t)(size_t)k; } static const element_t Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return element_t(KEY(),VALUE()); } static const element_t Deleted() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return element_t(KEY(-1), VALUE()); } static bool IsNull(const element_t &e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e.Key() == KEY(); } static bool IsDeleted(const element_t &e) { return e.Key() == KEY(-1); } }; template > > class EMPTY_BASES_DECL MapSHash : public SHash< TRAITS > { typedef SHash< TRAITS > PARENT; public: void Add(KEY key, VALUE value) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; PRECONDITION(key != (KEY)0); } CONTRACTL_END; PARENT::Add(KeyValuePair(key, value)); } BOOL Lookup(KEY key, VALUE* pValue) const; }; template class EMPTY_BASES_DECL MapSHashWithRemove : public SHash< MapSHashTraits > { typedef SHash< MapSHashTraits > PARENT; public: void Add(KEY key, VALUE value) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; PRECONDITION(key != (KEY)0 && key != (KEY)-1); } CONTRACTL_END; PARENT::Add(KeyValuePair(key, value)); } BOOL Lookup(KEY key, VALUE* pValue) const { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; PRECONDITION(key != (KEY)0 && key != (KEY)-1); } CONTRACTL_END; const KeyValuePair *pRet = PARENT::LookupPtr(key); if (pRet == NULL) return FALSE; *pValue = pRet->Value(); return TRUE; } void Remove(KEY key) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; PRECONDITION(key != (KEY)0 && key != (KEY)-1); } CONTRACTL_END; PARENT::Remove(key); } }; #endif // CC_JIT #include "shash.inl" #endif // _SHASH_H_