#!/usr/bin/env python # ## Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ## The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. # ## # Title :pgocheck.py # # A script to check whether or not a particular portable executable # (e.g. EXE, DLL) was compiled using PGO technology # ################################################################################ from glob import glob import sys import re import subprocess import argparse # This pattern matches the line which specifies if PGO, LTCG, or similar techologies were used for compilation # coffgrp matches the literal string. It uniquely identifies within the field in question # (?:\s+[0-9A-F]+){4} matches 4 hex valued fields without capturing them # \((\S*)\) captures the text identifier from the dump output, letting us know the technology pgo_pattern_str = r'coffgrp(?:\s+[0-9A-F]+){4}\s+\((\S*)\)' pgo_pattern = re.compile(pgo_pattern_str) def was_compiled_with_pgo(filename): # When running on Python 3, check_output returns a bytes object, which we need to # decode to a string object. headers = subprocess.check_output(["link", "/dump", "/headers", filename]).decode('utf-8') match = pgo_pattern.search(headers) result = False tech = "UNKNOWN" if match: result = match.group(1) == 'PGU' tech = match.group(1) return result, tech if __name__ == "__main__": from sys import stdout, stderr parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check if the given PE files were compiled with PGO. Fails if the files were not.") parser.add_argument('files', metavar='file', nargs='+', help="the files to check for PGO flags") parser.add_argument('--negative', action='store_true', help="fail on PGO flags found") parser.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true', help="don't output; just return a code") args = parser.parse_args() # Divide up filenames which are separated by semicolons as well as the ones by spaces. Avoid duplicates filenames = set() for token in args.files: unexpanded_filenames = token.split(';') # Provide support for Unix-style filename expansion (i.e. with * and ?) for unexpanded_filename in unexpanded_filenames: expanded_filenames = glob(unexpanded_filename) if unexpanded_filename and not expanded_filenames: stderr.write("ERROR: Could not find file(s) {0}\n".format(unexpanded_filename)) exit(2) filenames.update(expanded_filenames) success = True for filename in filenames: result, tech = was_compiled_with_pgo(filename) success = success and result if not args.quiet: status = "compiled with PGO" if result else "NOT compiled with PGO" sys.stdout.write("{0}: {1} ({2})\n".format(filename, status, tech)) if not success: if not args.quiet: if not args.negative: stderr.write("ERROR: The files listed above must be compiled with PGO\n") else: stderr.write("ERROR: The files listed above must NOT be compiled with PGO\n") exit(1)