// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. #include "common.h" #include #include "comcache.h" #include "runtimecallablewrapper.h" #include "mtx.h" #include "contxt.h" #include "ctxtcall.h" #include "win32threadpool.h" #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP_APARTMENT_SUPPORT #include "olecontexthelpers.h" #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP_APARTMENT_SUPPORT //================================================================ // Guid definitions. const GUID IID_IEnterActivityWithNoLock = { 0xd7174f82, 0x36b8, 0x4aa8, { 0x80, 0x0a, 0xe9, 0x63, 0xab, 0x2d, 0xfa, 0xb9 } }; const GUID IID_IFuncEvalAbort = { 0xde6844f6, 0x95ac, 0x4e83, { 0x90, 0x8d, 0x9b, 0x1b, 0xea, 0x2f, 0xe0, 0x8c } }; // sanity check., to find stress bug #82137 VOID IUnkEntry::CheckValidIUnkEntry() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (IsDisconnected()) { COMPlusThrow(kInvalidComObjectException, IDS_EE_COM_OBJECT_NO_LONGER_HAS_WRAPPER); } } // Version that returns an HR instead of throwing. HRESULT IUnkEntry::HRCheckValidIUnkEntry() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (IsDisconnected()) { return COR_E_INVALIDCOMOBJECT; } return S_OK; } // Returns IErrorInfo corresponding to the exception injected by the debugger to abort a func eval, // or NULL if there is no such exception. static IErrorInfo *CheckForFuncEvalAbortNoThrow(HRESULT hr) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // the managed exception thrown by the debugger is translated to EXCEPTION_COMPLUS by COM if (hr == EXCEPTION_COMPLUS) { GCX_PREEMP(); // we recognize the ones thrown by the debugger by QI'ing the IErrorInfo for a special IID ReleaseHolder pErrorInfo; if (SafeGetErrorInfo(&pErrorInfo) == S_OK) { ReleaseHolder pUnk; if (SafeQueryInterface(pErrorInfo, IID_IFuncEvalAbort, &pUnk) == S_OK) { // QI succeeded, this is a func eval abort return pErrorInfo.Extract(); } else { // QI failed, put the IErrorInfo back SetErrorInfo(0, pErrorInfo); } } } return NULL; } // Rethrows the exception injected by the debugger to abort a func eval, or does nothing if there is no such exception. static void CheckForFuncEvalAbort(HRESULT hr) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; IErrorInfo *pErrorInfo = CheckForFuncEvalAbortNoThrow(hr); if (pErrorInfo != NULL) { // COMPlusThrowHR internally releases the pErrorInfo COMPlusThrowHR(hr, pErrorInfo); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: STDAPI_(LPSTREAM) CreateMemStm(DWORD cb, BYTE** ppBuf)) // Create a stream in the memory // STDAPI_(LPSTREAM) CreateMemStm(DWORD cb, BYTE** ppBuf) { CONTRACT(LPSTREAM) { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; INJECT_FAULT(CONTRACT_RETURN NULL); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppBuf, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppBuf, NULL_OK)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACT_END; LPSTREAM pstm = NULL; BYTE* pMem = new(nothrow) BYTE[cb]; if (pMem) { HRESULT hr = CInMemoryStream::CreateStreamOnMemory(pMem, cb, &pstm, TRUE); _ASSERTE(hr == S_OK || pstm == NULL); } if(ppBuf) *ppBuf = pMem; RETURN pstm; } //===================================================================== // HRESULT wCoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream HRESULT wCoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(REFIID riid, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, LPSTREAM *ppStm) { #ifdef PLATFORM_CE return E_NOTIMPL; #endif // !PLATFORM_CE CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(ppStm)); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr; LPSTREAM pStm = NULL; DWORD mshlFlgs = MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL; ULONG lSize; hr = CoGetMarshalSizeMax(&lSize, IID_IUnknown, pUnk, MSHCTX_INPROC, NULL, mshlFlgs); if (hr == S_OK) { // Create a stream pStm = CreateMemStm(lSize, NULL); if (pStm != NULL) { // Marshal the interface into the stream TABLE STRONG hr = CoMarshalInterface(pStm, riid, pUnk, MSHCTX_INPROC, NULL, mshlFlgs); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Reset the stream to the beginning LARGE_INTEGER li; LISet32(li, 0); ULARGE_INTEGER li2; pStm->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &li2); // Set the return value *ppStm = pStm; } else { // Cleanup if failure SafeReleasePreemp(pStm); *ppStm = NULL; } // Return the result return hr; } //================================================================ // Struct passed in to DoCallback. struct CtxEntryEnterContextCallbackData { PFNCTXCALLBACK m_pUserCallbackFunc; LPVOID m_pUserData; LPVOID m_pCtxCookie; HRESULT m_UserCallbackHR; }; //================================================================ // Static members. CtxEntryCache* CtxEntryCache::s_pCtxEntryCache = NULL; CtxEntryCache::CtxEntryCache() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; m_Lock.Init(LOCK_COMCTXENTRYCACHE); LockOwner lock = {&m_Lock, IsOwnerOfSpinLock}; } CtxEntryCache::~CtxEntryCache() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; for (SHash::Iterator it = m_CtxEntryHash.Begin(); it != m_CtxEntryHash.End(); it++) { CtxEntry *pCtxEntry = (CtxEntry *)*it; _ASSERTE(pCtxEntry); LPVOID CtxCookie = pCtxEntry->GetCtxCookie(); m_CtxEntryHash.Remove(CtxCookie); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "Leaked CtxEntry %8.8x with CtxCookie %8.8x, ref count %d\n", pCtxEntry, pCtxEntry->GetCtxCookie(), pCtxEntry->m_dwRefCount)); pCtxEntry->m_dwRefCount = 0; delete pCtxEntry; } } void CtxEntryCache::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; // This should never be called more than once. PRECONDITION(NULL == s_pCtxEntryCache); } CONTRACTL_END; // Allocate the one and only instance of the context entry cache. s_pCtxEntryCache = new CtxEntryCache(); } CtxEntryCache* CtxEntryCache::GetCtxEntryCache() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(s_pCtxEntryCache)); } CONTRACTL_END; return s_pCtxEntryCache; } CtxEntry* CtxEntryCache::CreateCtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie, Thread * pSTAThread) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; CtxEntry * pCtxEntry = NULL; // If we don't already have a context entry for the context cookie, // we need to create one. NewHolder pNewCtxEntry = new CtxEntry(pCtxCookie, pSTAThread); // tiggers GC, can't happen when we hold spin lock pNewCtxEntry->Init(); { TAKE_SPINLOCK_AND_DONOT_TRIGGER_GC(&m_Lock); // double check for race pCtxEntry = m_CtxEntryHash.Lookup(pCtxCookie); if (pCtxEntry == NULL) { // We successfully allocated and initialized the entry. m_CtxEntryHash.Add(pNewCtxEntry); pCtxEntry = pNewCtxEntry.Extract(); } // We must have an entry now; we need to addref it before // we leave the lock. pCtxEntry->AddRef (); } return pCtxEntry; } CtxEntry* CtxEntryCache::FindCtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie, Thread *pThread) { CtxEntry *pCtxEntry = NULL; Thread *pSTAThread = NULL; CONTRACT (CtxEntry*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCtxCookie)); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); POSTCONDITION(pCtxCookie == pCtxEntry->GetCtxCookie()); POSTCONDITION(pSTAThread == pCtxEntry->GetSTAThread()); } CONTRACT_END; // Find our STA (if any) if (pThread->GetApartment() == Thread::AS_InSTA) { // We are in an STA thread. But we may be in a NA context, so do an extra // check for that case. BOOL fNAContext; // try the simple cache on Thread first if (pCtxCookie != pThread->GetLastSTACtxCookie(&fNAContext)) { APTTYPE type; fNAContext = (SUCCEEDED(GetCurrentApartmentTypeNT5((IObjectContext *)pCtxCookie, &type)) && type == APTTYPE_NA); pThread->SetLastSTACtxCookie(pCtxCookie, fNAContext); } if (!fNAContext) pSTAThread = pThread; } ASSERT (GetThreadNULLOk ()); BOOL bFound = FALSE; ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK_NO_HOLDER(&m_Lock); { // Try to find a context entry for the context cookie. pCtxEntry = m_CtxEntryHash.Lookup(pCtxCookie); if (pCtxEntry) { // We must have an entry now; we need to addref it before // we leave the lock. pCtxEntry->AddRef (); bFound = TRUE; } } RELEASE_SPINLOCK_NO_HOLDER(&m_Lock); if (!bFound) { pCtxEntry = CreateCtxEntry(pCtxCookie, pSTAThread); } // Returned the found or allocated entry. RETURN pCtxEntry; } void CtxEntryCache::TryDeleteCtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCtxCookie)); } CONTRACTL_END; BOOL bDelete = FALSE; CtxEntry *pCtxEntry = NULL; { TAKE_SPINLOCK_AND_DONOT_TRIGGER_GC(&m_Lock); // Try to find a context entry for the context cookie. pCtxEntry = m_CtxEntryHash.Lookup(pCtxCookie); if (pCtxEntry) { // If the ref count of the context entry is still 0, then we can // remove the ctx entry and delete it. if (pCtxEntry->m_dwRefCount == 0) { // First remove the context entry from the list. m_CtxEntryHash.Remove(pCtxCookie); // We need to unlock the context entry cache before we delete the // context entry since this can cause release to be called on // an IP which can cause us to re-enter the runtime thus causing a // deadlock. // We can now safely delete the context entry. bDelete = TRUE; } } } if (bDelete) { delete pCtxEntry; } } //================================================================ // Get the RCW associated with this IUnkEntry // We assert inside Init that this IUnkEntry is indeed within a RCW RCW *IUnkEntry::GetRCW() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (RCW *) (((LPBYTE) this) - offsetof(RCW, m_UnkEntry)); } //================================================================ // Initialize the entry void IUnkEntry::Init( IUnknown *pUnk, BOOL bIsFreeThreaded, Thread *pThread DEBUGARG(RCW *pRCW) ) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); INDEBUG(PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pRCW));) } CONTRACTL_END; // Make sure this IUnkEntry is part of a RCW so that we can get back to the RCW through offset // if we have to _ASSERTE(((LPBYTE)pRCW) + offsetof(RCW, m_UnkEntry) == (LPBYTE) this); // Find our context cookie LPVOID pCtxCookie = GetCurrentCtxCookie(); _ASSERTE(pCtxCookie); // Set up IUnkEntry's state. if (bIsFreeThreaded) m_pCtxEntry = NULL; else m_pCtxEntry = CtxEntryCache::GetCtxEntryCache()->FindCtxEntry(pCtxCookie, pThread); m_pUnknown = pUnk; m_pCtxCookie = pCtxCookie; m_pStream = NULL; // Sanity check this IUnkEntry. CheckValidIUnkEntry(); } //================================================================ // Release the interface pointer held by the IUnkEntry. VOID IUnkEntry::ReleaseInterface(RCW *pRCW) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; if (g_fProcessDetach) { // The Release call is unsafe if the process is going away (calls into // DLLs we don't know are even mapped). LogInteropLeak(this); } else { // now release the IUnknown that we hold if ((m_pUnknown != 0) && (m_pUnknown != (IUnknown *)0xBADF00D)) { ULONG cbRef = SafeReleasePreemp(m_pUnknown, pRCW); LogInteropRelease(m_pUnknown, cbRef, "IUnkEntry::Free: Releasing the held ref"); } // mark the entry as dead m_pUnknown = (IUnknown *)0xBADF00D; } } //================================================================ // Free the IUnknown entry. ReleaseInterface must have been called. VOID IUnkEntry::Free() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(g_fProcessDetach || m_pUnknown == (IUnknown *)0xBADF00D); } CONTRACTL_END; // Log the de-allocation of the IUnknown entry. LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO10000, "IUnkEntry::Free called for context 0x%08X, to release entry with m_pUnknown %p, on thread %p\n", m_pCtxCookie, m_pUnknown, GetThreadNULLOk())); if (g_fProcessDetach) { IStream *pOldStream = m_pStream; if (InterlockedExchangeT(&m_pStream, NULL) == pOldStream) SafeReleasePreemp(pOldStream); } else { IStream *pStream = m_pStream; m_pStream = NULL; // This will release the stream, object in the stream and the memory on which the stream was created if (pStream) SafeReleaseStream(pStream); } // Release the ref count we have on the CtxEntry. CtxEntry *pEntry = GetCtxEntry(); if (pEntry) { pEntry->Release(); m_pCtxEntry = NULL; } } //================================================================ // Get IUnknown for the current context from IUnkEntry IUnknown* IUnkEntry::GetIUnknownForCurrContext(bool fNoAddRef) { CONTRACT (IUnknown*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL, (fNoAddRef ? NULL_OK : NULL_NOT_OK))); } CONTRACT_END; IUnknown* pUnk = NULL; LPVOID pCtxCookie = GetCurrentCtxCookie(); _ASSERTE(pCtxCookie); CheckValidIUnkEntry(); if (m_pCtxCookie == pCtxCookie || IsFreeThreaded()) { pUnk = GetRawIUnknown_NoAddRef(); if (!fNoAddRef) { RCW_VTABLEPTR(GetRCW()); ULONG cbRef = SafeAddRef(pUnk); LogInteropAddRef(pUnk, cbRef, "IUnkEntry::GetIUnknownForCurrContext: Addref pUnk, passing ref to caller"); } } if (pUnk == NULL && !fNoAddRef) pUnk = UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext(); RETURN pUnk; } //================================================================ // Unmarshal IUnknown for the current context from IUnkEntry IUnknown* IUnkEntry::UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext() { CONTRACT (IUnknown*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!IsFreeThreaded()); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; HRESULT hrCDH = S_OK; IUnknown* pUnk = NULL; BOOL fRetry = TRUE; BOOL fUnmarshalFailed = FALSE; BOOL fCallHelper = FALSE; CheckValidIUnkEntry(); _ASSERTE(GetCtxEntry() != NULL); if(IsMarshalingInhibited() && (m_pCtxCookie != GetCurrentCtxCookie())) { // We want to use an interface in a different context but it can't be marshalled. LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "IUnkEntry::GetIUnknownForCurrContext failed as the COM object has inhibited marshaling")); COMPlusThrow(kInvalidCastException, IDS_EE_CANNOTCAST_NOMARSHAL); } // Make sure we are in preemptive GC mode before we call out to COM. GCX_PREEMP(); // Need to synchronize while (fRetry) { // Marshal the interface to the stream if it hasn't been done yet. if (m_pStream == NULL) { // If context transition failed, we'll return a failure HRESULT // Otherwise, we return S_OK but m_pStream will stay being NULL hrCDH = MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback(this); CheckForFuncEvalAbort(hrCDH); } if (TryUpdateEntry()) { // If the interface is not marshalable or if we failed to // enter the context, then we don't have any choice but to // use the raw IP. if (m_pStream == NULL) { // We retrieved an IP so stop retrying. fRetry = FALSE; // Give out this IUnknown we are holding pUnk = GetRawIUnknown_NoAddRef(); RCW_VTABLEPTR(GetRCW()); ULONG cbRef = SafeAddRefPreemp(pUnk); LogInteropAddRef(pUnk, cbRef, "UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext handing out raw IUnknown"); } else { // we got control for this entry // GetInterface for the current context HRESULT hr; hr = CoUnmarshalInterface(m_pStream, IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnk); // If the objref in the stream times out, we need to go an marshal into the // stream once again. if (FAILED(hr)) { _ASSERTE(m_pStream); CheckForFuncEvalAbort(hr); // This should release the stream, object in the stream and the memory on which the stream was created SafeReleaseStream(m_pStream); m_pStream = NULL; // If unmarshal failed twice, then bail out. if (fUnmarshalFailed) { fRetry = FALSE; // Handing out m_pUnknown in this case would be incorrect. We should fix other places that are doing the same thing in Dev10 // To minimize code changes, throwing E_NOINTERFACE instead COMPlusThrowHR(E_NOINTERFACE); } // Remember we failed to unmarshal. fUnmarshalFailed = TRUE; } else { // Reset the stream to the beginning LARGE_INTEGER li; LISet32(li, 0); ULARGE_INTEGER li2; m_pStream->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &li2); // Marshal the interface into the stream with appropriate flags hr = CoMarshalInterface(m_pStream, IID_IUnknown, pUnk, MSHCTX_INPROC, NULL, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL); if (FAILED(hr)) { CheckForFuncEvalAbort(hr); // The proxy is no longer valid. This sometimes manifests itself by // a failure during re-marshaling it to the stream. When this happens, // we need to release the the pUnk we extracted and the stream and try to // re-create the stream. We don't want to release the stream data since // we already extracted the proxy from the stream and released it. RCW_VTABLEPTR(GetRCW()); SafeReleasePreemp(pUnk); SafeReleasePreemp(m_pStream); m_pStream = NULL; } else { // Reset the stream to the beginning LISet32(li, 0); m_pStream->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &li2); // We managed to unmarshal the IP from the stream, stop retrying. fRetry = FALSE; } } } // Done with the entry. EndUpdateEntry(); } else { //================================================================ // We can potentially collide with the COM+ activity lock so spawn off // another call that does its stream marshalling on the stack without // the need to do locking. fCallHelper = TRUE; fRetry = FALSE; } } if (fCallHelper) { // If we hit a collision earlier, spawn off helper that repeats this operation without locking. pUnk = UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContextHelper(); } RETURN pUnk; } //================================================================ // Release the stream. This will force UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext to transition // into the context that owns the IP and re-marshal it to the stream. void IUnkEntry::ReleaseStream() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // This should release the stream, object in the stream and the memory on which the stream was created if (m_pStream) { SafeReleaseStream(m_pStream); m_pStream = NULL; } } // Indicates if the COM component being wrapped by the IUnkEntry aggregates the FTM bool IUnkEntry::IsFreeThreaded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetRCW()->IsFreeThreaded(); } // Indicates if the COM component being wrapped by the IUnkEntry implements INoMashal. bool IUnkEntry::IsMarshalingInhibited() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return GetRCW()->IsMarshalingInhibited(); } // Helper function to marshal the IUnknown pointer to the stream. static HRESULT MarshalIUnknownToStreamHelper(IUnknown * pUnknown, IStream ** ppStream) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; IStream *pStream = NULL; GCX_PREEMP(); // ensure we register this cookie HRESULT hr = wCoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(IID_IUnknown, pUnknown, &pStream); if ((hr == REGDB_E_IIDNOTREG) || (hr == E_FAIL) || (hr == E_NOINTERFACE) || (hr == E_INVALIDARG) || (hr == E_UNEXPECTED)) { // Interface is not marshallable. pStream = NULL; hr = S_OK; } *ppStream = pStream; return hr; } //================================================================ struct StreamMarshalData { IUnkEntry * m_pUnkEntry; IStream * m_pStream; }; // Fix for if the lock is held HRESULT IUnkEntry::MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback2(LPVOID pData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); PRECONDITION(g_fProcessDetach == FALSE); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; StreamMarshalData *psmd = reinterpret_cast(pData); // This should never be called during process detach. hr = psmd->m_pUnkEntry->HRCheckValidIUnkEntry(); if (hr != S_OK) { // Interface not marshallable // We'll know marshaling failed because m_pStream == NULL return S_OK; } LPVOID pCurrentCtxCookie = GetCurrentCtxCookie(); _ASSERTE(pCurrentCtxCookie); if (pCurrentCtxCookie == psmd->m_pUnkEntry->m_pCtxCookie) { // We are in the right context marshal the IUnknown to the // stream directly. hr = MarshalIUnknownToStreamHelper(psmd->m_pUnkEntry->m_pUnknown, &psmd->m_pStream); } else { // Transition into the context to marshal the IUnknown to // the stream. _ASSERTE(psmd->m_pUnkEntry->GetCtxEntry() != NULL); hr = psmd->m_pUnkEntry->GetCtxEntry()->EnterContext(MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback2, psmd); } return hr; } //================================================================ // Unmarshal IUnknown for the current context if the lock is held IUnknown* IUnkEntry::UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContextHelper() { CONTRACT (IUnknown*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(!IsFreeThreaded()); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(RETVAL)); } CONTRACT_END; HRESULT hrCDH = S_OK; IUnknown * pUnk = NULL; SafeComHolder spStream; CheckValidIUnkEntry(); // Make sure we are in preemptive GC mode before we call out to COM. GCX_PREEMP(); // Marshal the interface to the stream. Any call to this function // would be from another apartment so marshalling is needed. StreamMarshalData smd = {this, NULL}; // If context transition failed, we'll return a failure HRESULT // Otherwise, we return S_OK but m_pStream will stay being NULL hrCDH = MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback2(&smd); spStream = smd.m_pStream; smd.m_pStream = NULL; CheckForFuncEvalAbort(hrCDH); // If the interface is not marshalable or if we failed to // enter the context, then we don't have any choice but to // use the raw IP. if (spStream == NULL) { // Give out this IUnknown we are holding pUnk = GetRawIUnknown_NoAddRef(); RCW_VTABLEPTR(GetRCW()); ULONG cbRef = SafeAddRefPreemp(pUnk); LogInteropAddRef(pUnk, cbRef, "UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext handing out raw IUnknown"); } else { // we got control for this entry // GetInterface for the current context HRESULT hr; hr = CoUnmarshalInterface(spStream, IID_IUnknown, reinterpret_cast(&pUnk)); spStream.Release(); if (FAILED(hr)) { CheckForFuncEvalAbort(hr); // Give out this IUnknown we are holding pUnk = GetRawIUnknown_NoAddRef(); RCW_VTABLEPTR(GetRCW()); ULONG cbRef = SafeAddRefPreemp(pUnk); LogInteropAddRef(pUnk, cbRef, "UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext handing out raw IUnknown"); } } RETURN pUnk; } //================================================================ // Callback called to marshal the IUnknown into a stream lazily. HRESULT IUnkEntry::MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback(LPVOID pData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); PRECONDITION(g_fProcessDetach == FALSE); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IUnkEntry *pUnkEntry = (IUnkEntry *)pData; // This should never be called during process detach. hr = pUnkEntry->HRCheckValidIUnkEntry(); if (hr != S_OK) { // Interface not marshallable // We'll know marshaling failed because m_pStream == NULL return S_OK; } LPVOID pCurrentCtxCookie = GetCurrentCtxCookie(); _ASSERTE(pCurrentCtxCookie); if (pCurrentCtxCookie == pUnkEntry->m_pCtxCookie) { // We are in the right context marshal the IUnknown to the // stream directly. hr = pUnkEntry->MarshalIUnknownToStream(); } else { _ASSERTE(pUnkEntry->GetCtxEntry() != NULL); // Transition into the context to marshal the IUnknown to // the stream. hr = pUnkEntry->GetCtxEntry()->EnterContext(MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback, pUnkEntry); } return hr; } //================================================================ // Helper function to determine if a COM component aggregates the // FTM. bool IUnkEntry::IsComponentFreeThreaded(IUnknown *pUnk) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pUnk)); } CONTRACTL_END; // First see if the object implements the IAgileObject marker interface SafeComHolderPreemp pAgileObject; HRESULT hr = SafeQueryInterfacePreemp(pUnk, IID_IAgileObject, (IUnknown**)&pAgileObject); LogInteropQI(pUnk, IID_IAgileObject, hr, "IUnkEntry::IsComponentFreeThreaded: QI for IAgileObject"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return true; } else { SafeComHolderPreemp pMarshal = NULL; // If not, then we can try to determine if the component aggregates the FTM via IMarshal. hr = SafeQueryInterfacePreemp(pUnk, IID_IMarshal, (IUnknown **)&pMarshal); LogInteropQI(pUnk, IID_IMarshal, hr, "IUnkEntry::IsComponentFreeThreaded: QI for IMarshal"); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CLSID clsid; // The COM component implements IMarshal so we now check to see if the un-marshal class // for this IMarshal is the FTM's un-marshaler. hr = pMarshal->GetUnmarshalClass(IID_IUnknown, NULL, MSHCTX_INPROC, NULL, MSHLFLAGS_NORMAL, &clsid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && clsid == CLSID_InProcFreeMarshaler) { // The un-marshaler is indeed the unmarshaler for the FTM so this object // is free threaded. return true; } } } return false; } //================================================================ // Helper function to marshal the IUnknown pointer to the stream. HRESULT IUnkEntry::MarshalIUnknownToStream() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; // This must always be called in the right context. PRECONDITION(m_pCtxCookie == GetCurrentCtxCookie()); } CONTRACTL_END; IStream *pStream = NULL; GCX_PREEMP(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; // ensure we register this cookie IUnknown *pUnk = m_pUnknown; if (pUnk == (IUnknown *)0xBADF00D) { hr = COR_E_INVALIDCOMOBJECT; } else { hr = wCoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(IID_IUnknown, pUnk, &pStream); if ((hr == REGDB_E_IIDNOTREG) || (hr == E_FAIL) || (hr == E_NOINTERFACE) || (hr == E_INVALIDARG) || (hr == E_UNEXPECTED)) { // Interface is not marshallable. pStream = NULL; hr = S_OK; } } // Try to set the stream in the IUnkEntry. If another thread already set it, // then we need to release the stream we just set up. if (FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer(&m_pStream, pStream, NULL) != NULL) SafeReleaseStream(pStream); return hr; } // Method to try to start updating the entry. bool IUnkEntry::TryUpdateEntry() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; CtxEntry *pOldEntry = m_pCtxEntry; if (((DWORD_PTR)pOldEntry & 1) == 0) { CtxEntry *pNewEntry = (CtxEntry *)((DWORD_PTR)pOldEntry | 1); return (InterlockedExchangeT(&m_pCtxEntry, pNewEntry) == pOldEntry); } return false; } // Method to end updating the entry. VOID IUnkEntry::EndUpdateEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; CtxEntry *pOldEntry = m_pCtxEntry; // we should hold the lock _ASSERTE(((DWORD_PTR)pOldEntry & 1) == 1); CtxEntry *pNewEntry = (CtxEntry *)((DWORD_PTR)pOldEntry & ~1); // and it's us who resets the bit VERIFY(InterlockedExchangeT(&m_pCtxEntry, pNewEntry) == pOldEntry); } // Initialize the entry, returns true on success (i.e. the entry was free). bool InterfaceEntry::Init(MethodTable* pMT, IUnknown* pUnk) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // It is important the fields be set in this order. if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pUnknown, pUnk, NULL) == NULL) { m_pMT = (IE_METHODTABLE_PTR)pMT; return true; } return false; } // Helper to determine if the entry is free. BOOL InterfaceEntry::IsFree() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pUnknown.Load() == NULL; } void InterfaceEntry::Free() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // We use the m_pUnknown field to synchronize access to the entry so that's the only // one we need to reset. After all, the set of interfaces that the object is known to // support is one of the most important debugging cues so let's keep m_pMT intact. m_pUnknown.Store(NULL); } //================================================================ // Constructor for the context entry. CtxEntry::CtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie, Thread *pSTAThread) : m_pCtxCookie(pCtxCookie) , m_pObjCtx(NULL) , m_dwRefCount(0) , m_pSTAThread(pSTAThread) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; } //================================================================ // Destructor for the context entry. CtxEntry::~CtxEntry() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(m_dwRefCount == 0); } CONTRACTL_END; // If the context is a valid context then release it. if (m_pObjCtx && !g_fProcessDetach) { SafeRelease(m_pObjCtx); m_pObjCtx = NULL; } // Set the context cookie to 0xBADF00D to indicate the current context // has been deleted. m_pCtxCookie = (LPVOID)0xBADF00D; } //================================================================ // Initialization method for the context entry. VOID CtxEntry::Init() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); // Make sure COM has been started PRECONDITION(g_fComStarted == TRUE); } CONTRACTL_END; // Retrieve the IObjectContext. HRESULT hr = GetCurrentObjCtx(&m_pObjCtx); // In case the call to GetCurrentObjCtx fails (which should never really happen) // we will throw an exception. if (FAILED(hr)) COMPlusThrowHR(hr); } // Add a reference to the CtxEntry. DWORD CtxEntry::AddRef() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; ULONG cbRef = FastInterlockIncrement((LONG*)&m_dwRefCount); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "CtxEntry::Addref %8.8x with %d\n", this, cbRef)); return cbRef; } //================================================================ // Method to decrement the ref count of the context entry. DWORD CtxEntry::Release() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(m_dwRefCount > 0); } CONTRACTL_END; LPVOID pCtxCookie = m_pCtxCookie; LONG cbRef = FastInterlockDecrement((LONG*)&m_dwRefCount); LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "CtxEntry::Release %8.8x with %d\n", this, cbRef)); // If the ref count falls to 0, try and delete the ctx entry. // This might not end up deleting it if another thread tries to // retrieve this ctx entry at the same time this one tries // to delete it. if (cbRef == 0) CtxEntryCache::GetCtxEntryCache()->TryDeleteCtxEntry(pCtxCookie); // WARNING: The this pointer cannot be used at this point. return cbRef; } //================================================================ // Method to transition into the context and call the callback // from within the context. HRESULT CtxEntry::EnterContext(PFNCTXCALLBACK pCallbackFunc, LPVOID pData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pCallbackFunc)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); // This should not be called if the this context is the current context. PRECONDITION(m_pCtxCookie != GetCurrentCtxCookie()); } CONTRACTL_END; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // If we are in process detach, we cannot safely try to enter another context // since we don't know if OLE32 is still loaded. if (g_fProcessDetach) { LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "Entering into context 0x08%x has failed since we are in process detach\n", m_pCtxCookie)); return RPC_E_DISCONNECTED; } // Make sure we are in preemptive GC mode before we call out to COM. GCX_PREEMP(); // Prepare the information struct passed into the callback. CtxEntryEnterContextCallbackData CallbackInfo; CallbackInfo.m_pUserCallbackFunc = pCallbackFunc; CallbackInfo.m_pUserData = pData; CallbackInfo.m_pCtxCookie = m_pCtxCookie; CallbackInfo.m_UserCallbackHR = E_FAIL; // Retrieve the IContextCallback interface from the IObjectContext. SafeComHolderPreemp pCallback; hr = SafeQueryInterfacePreemp(m_pObjCtx, IID_IContextCallback, (IUnknown**)&pCallback); LogInteropQI(m_pObjCtx, IID_IContextCallback, hr, "QI for IID_IContextCallback"); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pCallback); // Setup the callback data structure with the callback Args ComCallData callBackData; callBackData.dwDispid = 0; callBackData.dwReserved = 0; callBackData.pUserDefined = &CallbackInfo; EX_TRY { hr = ((IContextCallback*)pCallback)->ContextCallback(EnterContextCallback, &callBackData, IID_IEnterActivityWithNoLock, 2, NULL); } EX_CATCH { hr = GET_EXCEPTION()->GetHR(); } EX_END_CATCH(SwallowAllExceptions); if (FAILED(hr)) { // If the transition failed because of an aborted func eval, simply propagate // the HRESULT/IErrorInfo back to the caller as we cannot throw here. SafeComHolder pErrorInfo = CheckForFuncEvalAbortNoThrow(hr); if (pErrorInfo != NULL) { LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "Entering into context 0x08X has failed since the debugger is blocking it\n", m_pCtxCookie)); // put the IErrorInfo back SetErrorInfo(0, pErrorInfo); } else { // The context is disconnected so we cannot transition into it. LOG((LF_INTEROP, LL_INFO100, "Entering into context 0x08X has failed since the context has disconnected\n", m_pCtxCookie)); } } return hr; } //================================================================ // Callback function called by DoCallback. HRESULT __stdcall CtxEntry::EnterContextCallback(ComCallData* pComCallData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pComCallData)); } CONTRACTL_END; // Retrieve the callback data. CtxEntryEnterContextCallbackData *pData = (CtxEntryEnterContextCallbackData*)pComCallData->pUserDefined; Thread *pThread = GetThreadNULLOk(); // Make sure the thread has been set before we call the user callback function. if (!pThread) { // huh! we are in the middle of shutdown // and there is no way we can add a new thread // so let us just return RPC_E_DISCONNECTED // look at the pCallBack->DoCallback above // to see why we are returning this SCODE if(g_fEEShutDown) return RPC_E_DISCONNECTED; // Otherwise, we need to create a managed thread object for this new thread else { HRESULT hr; pThread = SetupThreadNoThrow(&hr); if (pThread == NULL) return hr; } } // at this point we should be in the right context on NT4, // if not then it is possible that the actual apartment state for this // thread has changed and we have stale info in our thread or the CtxEntry LPVOID pCtxCookie = GetCurrentCtxCookie(); _ASSERTE(pCtxCookie); if (pData->m_pCtxCookie != pCtxCookie) return RPC_E_DISCONNECTED; // Call the user callback function and store the return value the // callback data. pData->m_UserCallbackHR = pData->m_pUserCallbackFunc(pData->m_pUserData); // Return S_OK to indicate the context transition was successful. return S_OK; }