// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // ComCache.h // // // Classes/Structures used to represent and store info on COM interfaces and contexts. #ifndef _H_COMCACHE #define _H_COMCACHE #ifndef FEATURE_COMINTEROP #error FEATURE_COMINTEROP is required for this file #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #include "contxt.h" #include "ctxtcall.h" //================================================================ // Forward declarations. class CtxEntryCache; class CtxEntry; class Thread; //================================================================ // OLE32 helpers. HRESULT wCoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(REFIID riid, LPUNKNOWN pUnk, LPSTREAM* ppStm); STDAPI_(LPSTREAM) CreateMemStm(DWORD cb, BYTE** ppBuf); typedef DPTR(CtxEntry) PTR_CtxEntry; //============================================================== // An entry representing a COM+ 1.0 context or an appartment. class CtxEntry { // The CtxEntryCache needs to be able to see the internals // of the CtxEntry. friend CtxEntryCache; // NewHolder needs to be able to call the destructor of CtxEntry. // DISABLE Warning C4396, the inline specifier cannot be used when a friend declaration refers to a specialization of a function template #pragma warning(push) // store original warning levels #pragma warning(disable: 4396) friend void Delete(CtxEntry *); #pragma warning(pop) // restore original warning levels private: // Disallow creation and deletion of the CtxEntries. CtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie, Thread* pSTAThread); ~CtxEntry(); // Initialization method called from the CtxEntryCache. VOID Init(); public: // Add a reference to the CtxEntry. DWORD AddRef(); // Release a reference to the CtxEntry. DWORD Release(); // Function to enter the context. The specified callback function will // be called from within the context. HRESULT EnterContext(PFNCTXCALLBACK pCallbackFunc, LPVOID pData); // Accessor for the context cookie. LPVOID GetCtxCookie() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pCtxCookie; } // Accessor for the STA thread. Thread* GetSTAThread() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pSTAThread; } private: // Callback function called by DoCallback. static HRESULT __stdcall EnterContextCallback(ComCallData* pData); LPVOID m_pCtxCookie; // The OPAQUE context cookie. IUnknown* m_pObjCtx; // The object context interface. DWORD m_dwRefCount; // The ref count. Thread* m_pSTAThread; // STA thread associated with the context, if any }; //============================================================== // IUnkEntry: represent a single COM component struct IUnkEntry { // The context entry needs to be a friend to be able to call InitSpecial. friend CtxEntry; // RCW need to access IUnkEntry friend RCW; #ifdef _DEBUG // Does not throw if m_pUnknown is no longer valid, debug only. IUnknown *GetRawIUnknown_NoAddRef_NoThrow() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(m_pUnknown != NULL && m_pUnknown != (IUnknown*)0xBADF00D); return m_pUnknown; } #endif // _DEBUG IUnknown *GetRawIUnknown_NoAddRef() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; IUnknown *pUnk = m_pUnknown; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE if (pUnk == (IUnknown *)0xBADF00D) { // All callers of this method had checked the pUnk before so this must be a race. COMPlusThrow(kInvalidComObjectException, IDS_EE_COM_OBJECT_RELEASE_RACE); } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE return pUnk; } LPVOID GetCtxCookie() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pCtxCookie; } // Is the RCW disconnected from its COM object? inline bool IsDisconnected() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_pUnknown == (IUnknown*)0xBADF00D || (GetCtxEntry() != NULL && m_pCtxCookie != GetCtxEntry()->GetCtxCookie())); } private : // Initialize the entry, returns true if we are in an STA. // We assert inside Init that this IUnkEntry is indeed within a RCW void Init(IUnknown* pUnk, BOOL bIsFreeThreaded, Thread *pThread DEBUGARG(RCW *pRCW)); // Release the interface pointer held by the IUnkEntry. VOID ReleaseInterface(RCW *pRCW); // Free the IUnknown entry. ReleaseInterface must have been called. VOID Free(); // Get the RCW associated with this IUnkEntry // We assert inside Init that this IUnkEntry is indeed within a RCW RCW *GetRCW(); // Get IUnknown for the current context from IUnkEntry IUnknown* GetIUnknownForCurrContext(bool fNoAddRef); // Unmarshal IUnknown for the current context from IUnkEntry IUnknown* UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext(); // Release the stream. This will force UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContext to transition // into the context that owns the IP and re-marshal it to the stream. void ReleaseStream(); // Indicates if the COM component being wrapped by the IUnkEntry aggregates the FTM inline bool IsFreeThreaded(); // Indicates if the COM component being wrapped by the IUnkEntry implements INoMashal. inline bool IsMarshalingInhibited(); VOID CheckValidIUnkEntry(); HRESULT HRCheckValidIUnkEntry(); // Unmarshal IUnknown for the current context if the lock is held IUnknown* UnmarshalIUnknownForCurrContextHelper(); // Fix for if the lock is held that works on a stack allocated stream // instead of the member variable stream static HRESULT MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback2(LPVOID pData); // Callback called to marshal the IUnknown into a stream lazily. static HRESULT MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback(LPVOID pData); // Helper function called from MarshalIUnknownToStreamCallback. HRESULT MarshalIUnknownToStream(); // Method to try and start updating the the entry. bool TryUpdateEntry(); // Method to end updating the entry. VOID EndUpdateEntry(); // Helper function to determine if a COM component aggregates the FTM. static bool IsComponentFreeThreaded(IUnknown *pUnk); inline PTR_CtxEntry GetCtxEntry() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; PTR_CtxEntry pCtxEntry = dac_cast(dac_cast(m_pCtxEntry) & ~1); return pCtxEntry; } // Context cookie at the point where we acquired the interface pointer LPVOID m_pCtxCookie; // Context entry representing the context where we acquired the interface pointer. // We use the lowest bit for synchronization and we rely on the fact that the // context itself (the rest of the bits) does not change throughout the lifetime // of this object. PTR_CtxEntry m_pCtxEntry; // IUnknown interface IUnknown* m_pUnknown; // IStream used for marshalling IStream* m_pStream; }; // Don't use this directly as the methodtable could have been released // by an AD Unload. typedef MethodTable* IE_METHODTABLE_PTR; //============================================================== // Interface Entry represents a single COM IP struct InterfaceEntry { // Initialize the entry, returns true on success (i.e. the entry was free). bool Init(MethodTable* pMT, IUnknown* pUnk); // Helper to determine if the entry is free. BOOL IsFree(); // Mark the entry as free. void Free(); // Member of the entry. These must be volatile so the compiler // will not try and optimize reads and writes to them. Volatile m_pMT; // Interface asked for Volatile m_pUnknown; // Result of query }; class CtxEntryCacheTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits { public: typedef LPVOID key_t; static CtxEntry *Null() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return NULL; } static bool IsNull(CtxEntry *e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (e == NULL); } static const LPVOID GetKey(CtxEntry *e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e->GetCtxCookie(); } static count_t Hash(LPVOID key_t) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (count_t)(size_t) key_t; } static BOOL Equals(LPVOID lhs, LPVOID rhs) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (lhs == rhs); } static CtxEntry *Deleted() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (CtxEntry *)-1; } static bool IsDeleted(CtxEntry *e) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return e == (CtxEntry *)-1; } }; //============================================================== // The cache of context entries. class CtxEntryCache { // The CtxEntry needs to be able to call some of the private // method of the CtxEntryCache. friend CtxEntry; private: // Disallow creation and deletion of the CtxEntryCache. CtxEntryCache(); ~CtxEntryCache(); public: // Static initialization routine for the CtxEntryCache. static VOID Init(); // Static accessor for the one and only instance of the CtxEntryCache. static CtxEntryCache *GetCtxEntryCache(); // Method to retrieve/create a CtxEntry for the specified context cookie. CtxEntry *FindCtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie, Thread *pSTAThread); private: CtxEntry * CreateCtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie, Thread * pSTAThread); // Helper function called from the CtxEntry. void TryDeleteCtxEntry(LPVOID pCtxCookie); SHash m_CtxEntryHash; // spin lock for fast synchronization SpinLock m_Lock; // The one and only instance for the context entry cache. static CtxEntryCache* s_pCtxEntryCache; }; #endif