// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COMDynamic.h // This module defines the native methods that are used for Dynamic IL generation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _COMDYNAMIC_H_ #define _COMDYNAMIC_H_ #include "iceefilegen.h" #include "dbginterface.h" typedef enum PEFileKinds { Dll = 0x1, ConsoleApplication = 0x2, WindowApplication = 0x3, } PEFileKinds; struct ExceptionInstance; // COMDynamicWrite // This class defines all the methods that implement the dynamic IL creation process // inside reflection. class COMDynamicWrite { public: // This function will create the class's metadata definition static INT32 QCALLTYPE DefineType(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, LPCWSTR wszFullName, INT32 tkParent, INT32 attributes, INT32 tkEnclosingType, INT32 * pInterfaceTokens); static INT32 QCALLTYPE DefineGenericParam(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, LPCWSTR wszFullName, INT32 tkParent, INT32 attributes, INT32 position, INT32 * pConstraintTokens); // This function will reset the parent class in metadata static void QCALLTYPE SetParentType(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tdType, INT32 tkParent); // This function will add another interface impl static void QCALLTYPE AddInterfaceImpl(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tdType, INT32 tkInterface); // This function will create a method within the class static INT32 QCALLTYPE DefineMethod(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkParent, LPCWSTR wszName, LPCBYTE pSignature, INT32 sigLength, INT32 attributes); static INT32 QCALLTYPE DefineMethodSpec(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkParent, LPCBYTE pSignature, INT32 sigLength); // This function will create a method within the class static void QCALLTYPE SetMethodIL(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tk, BOOL fIsInitLocal, LPCBYTE pBody, INT32 cbBody, LPCBYTE pLocalSig, INT32 sigLength, UINT16 maxStackSize, ExceptionInstance * pExceptions, INT32 numExceptions, INT32 * pTokenFixups, INT32 numTokenFixups); static void QCALLTYPE TermCreateClass(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tk, QCall::ObjectHandleOnStack retType); static mdFieldDef QCALLTYPE DefineField(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkParent, LPCWSTR wszName, LPCBYTE pSignature, INT32 sigLength, INT32 attr); static void QCALLTYPE SetPInvokeData(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, LPCWSTR wszDllName, LPCWSTR wszFunctionName, INT32 token, INT32 linkFlags); static INT32 QCALLTYPE DefineProperty(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkParent, LPCWSTR wszName, INT32 attr, LPCBYTE pSignature, INT32 sigLength); static INT32 QCALLTYPE DefineEvent(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkParent, LPCWSTR wszName, INT32 attr, INT32 tkEventType); // functions to set Setter, Getter, Reset, TestDefault, and other methods static void QCALLTYPE DefineMethodSemantics(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkAssociation, INT32 attr, INT32 tkMethod); // functions to set method's implementation flag static void QCALLTYPE SetMethodImpl(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkMethod, INT32 attr); // functions to create MethodImpl record static void QCALLTYPE DefineMethodImpl(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, UINT32 tkType, UINT32 tkBody, UINT32 tkDecl); // GetTokenFromSig's argument static INT32 QCALLTYPE GetTokenFromSig(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, LPCBYTE pSignature, INT32 sigLength); // Set Field offset static void QCALLTYPE SetFieldLayoutOffset(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tkField, INT32 iOffset); // Set classlayout info static void QCALLTYPE SetClassLayout(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 tk, INT32 iPackSize, UINT32 iTotalSize); // Set a custom attribute static void QCALLTYPE DefineCustomAttribute(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, INT32 token, INT32 conTok, LPCBYTE pBlob, INT32 cbBlob); // functions to set ParamInfo static INT32 QCALLTYPE SetParamInfo(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, UINT32 tkMethod, UINT32 iSequence, UINT32 iAttributes, LPCWSTR wszParamName); // functions to set default value static void QCALLTYPE SetConstantValue(QCall::ModuleHandle pModule, UINT32 tk, DWORD valueType, LPVOID pValue); }; #endif // _COMDYNAMIC_H_