// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. /*============================================================ ** ** File: DebugDebugger.cpp ** ** Purpose: Native methods on System.Debug.Debugger ** ** ===========================================================*/ #include "common.h" #include #include "ceeload.h" #include "excep.h" #include "frames.h" #include "vars.hpp" #include "field.h" #include "gcheaputilities.h" #include "jitinterface.h" #include "debugdebugger.h" #include "dbginterface.h" #include "cordebug.h" #include "corsym.h" #include "generics.h" #include "eemessagebox.h" #include "stackwalk.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FindMostRecentUserCodeOnStack - find out the most recent user managed code on stack // // // Arguments: // pContext - [optional] pointer to the context to be restored the user code's context if found // // Return Value: // The most recent user managed code or NULL if not found. // // Note: // It is a heuristic approach to get the address of the user managed code that calls into // BCL like System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break assuming that we can find the original user // code caller with stack walking. // // DoWatsonForUserBreak has the address returned from the helper frame that points to an // internal BCL helpful function doing permission check. From bucketing perspetive it is // more preferable to report the user managed code that invokes Debugger.Break instead. // // User managed code is managed code in non-system assembly. Currently, only CoreLib // is marked as system assembly. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT_PTR FindMostRecentUserCodeOnStack(void) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; Thread * pThread = GetThread(); UINT_PTR address = NULL; CONTEXT ctx; REGDISPLAY rd; SetUpRegdisplayForStackWalk(pThread, &ctx, &rd); StackFrameIterator frameIter; frameIter.Init(pThread, pThread->GetFrame(), &rd, FUNCTIONSONLY | LIGHTUNWIND); while (frameIter.IsValid()) { MethodDesc * pMD = frameIter.m_crawl.GetFunction(); // Is it not a system assembly? User manged user will not be in system assembly. if ((pMD != NULL) && (!pMD->GetAssembly()->IsSystem())) { CrawlFrame * pCF = &(frameIter.m_crawl); address = (UINT_PTR)GetControlPC(pCF->GetRegisterSet()); break; } if (frameIter.Next() != SWA_CONTINUE) { break; } } return address; } // This does a user break, triggered by System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break, or the IL opcode for break. // // Notes: // If a managed debugger is attached, this should send the managed UserBreak event. // Else if a native debugger is attached, this should send a native break event (kernel32!DebugBreak) // Else, this should invoke Watson. // // Historical trivia: // - In whidbey, this would still invoke Watson if a native-only debugger is attached. // - In arrowhead, the managed debugging pipeline switched to be built on the native pipeline. FCIMPL0(void, DebugDebugger::Break) { FCALL_CONTRACT; #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_0(); #ifdef _DEBUG { static int fBreakOnDebugBreak = -1; if (fBreakOnDebugBreak == -1) fBreakOnDebugBreak = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_BreakOnDebugBreak); _ASSERTE(fBreakOnDebugBreak == 0 && "BreakOnDebugBreak"); } static BOOL fDbgInjectFEE = -1; if (fDbgInjectFEE == -1) fDbgInjectFEE = CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_DbgInjectFEE); #endif // WatsonLastChance has its own complex (and changing) policy of how to behave if a debugger is attached. // So caller should explicitly enforce any debugger-related policy before handing off to watson. // Check managed-only first, since managed debugging may be built on native-debugging. if (CORDebuggerAttached() INDEBUG(|| fDbgInjectFEE)) { // A managed debugger is already attached -- let it handle the event. g_pDebugInterface->SendUserBreakpoint(GetThread()); } else if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { // No managed debugger, but a native debug is attached. Explicitly fire a native user breakpoint. // Don't rely on Watson support since that may have a different policy. // Toggle to preemptive before firing the debug event. This allows the debugger to suspend this // thread at the debug event. GCX_PREEMP(); // This becomes an unmanaged breakpoint, such as int 3. DebugBreak(); } else { } HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END(); #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED } FCIMPLEND BOOL QCALLTYPE DebugDebugger::Launch() { QCALL_CONTRACT; #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if (CORDebuggerAttached()) { return TRUE; } if (g_pDebugInterface != NULL) { HRESULT hr = g_pDebugInterface->LaunchDebuggerForUser(GetThread(), NULL, TRUE, TRUE); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED return FALSE; } FCIMPL0(FC_BOOL_RET, DebugDebugger::IsDebuggerAttached) { FCALL_CONTRACT; FC_GC_POLL_RET(); #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED FC_RETURN_BOOL(CORDebuggerAttached()); #else // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED FC_RETURN_BOOL(FALSE); #endif } FCIMPLEND /*static*/ BOOL DebugDebugger::IsLoggingHelper() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if (CORDebuggerAttached()) { return (g_pDebugInterface->IsLoggingEnabled()); } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED return FALSE; } // Log to managed debugger. // It will send a managed log event, which will faithfully send the two string parameters here without // appending a newline to anything. // It will also call OutputDebugString() which will send a native debug event. The message // string there will be a composite of the two managed string parameters and may include a newline. void QCALLTYPE DebugDebugger::Log(INT32 Level, PCWSTR pwzModule, PCWSTR pwzMessage) { CONTRACTL { QCALL_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pwzModule, NULL_OK)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pwzMessage, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; // OutputDebugString will log to native/interop debugger. if (pwzModule != NULL) { WszOutputDebugString(pwzModule); WszOutputDebugString(W(" : ")); } if (pwzMessage != NULL) { WszOutputDebugString(pwzMessage); } // If we're not logging a module prefix, then don't log the newline either. // Thus if somebody is just logging messages, there won't be any extra newlines in there. // If somebody is also logging category / module information, then this call to OutputDebugString is // already prepending that to the message, so we append a newline for readability. if (pwzModule != NULL) { WszOutputDebugString(W("\n")); } #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // Send message for logging only if the // debugger is attached and logging is enabled // for the given category if (CORDebuggerAttached()) { if (IsLoggingHelper() ) { // Copy log message and category into our own SString to protect against GC // Strings may contain embedded nulls, but we need to handle null-terminated // strings, so use truncate now. StackSString switchName; if (pwzModule != NULL) { // truncate if necessary COUNT_T iLen = (COUNT_T) wcslen(pwzModule); if (iLen > MAX_LOG_SWITCH_NAME_LEN) { iLen = MAX_LOG_SWITCH_NAME_LEN; } switchName.Set(pwzModule, iLen); } SString message; if (pwzMessage != NULL) { message.Set(pwzMessage, (COUNT_T) wcslen(pwzMessage)); } g_pDebugInterface->SendLogMessage (Level, &switchName, &message); } } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED } FCIMPL0(FC_BOOL_RET, DebugDebugger::IsLogging) { FCALL_CONTRACT; FC_GC_POLL_RET(); FC_RETURN_BOOL(IsLoggingHelper()); } FCIMPLEND FCIMPL4(void, DebugStackTrace::GetStackFramesInternal, StackFrameHelper* pStackFrameHelperUNSAFE, INT32 iSkip, CLR_BOOL fNeedFileInfo, Object* pExceptionUNSAFE ) { CONTRACTL { FCALL_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pStackFrameHelperUNSAFE)); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pExceptionUNSAFE, NULL_OK)); } CONTRACTL_END; STACKFRAMEHELPERREF pStackFrameHelper = (STACKFRAMEHELPERREF)ObjectToOBJECTREF(pStackFrameHelperUNSAFE); OBJECTREF pException = ObjectToOBJECTREF(pExceptionUNSAFE); PTRARRAYREF dynamicMethodArrayOrig = NULL; HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_2(pStackFrameHelper, pException); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(dynamicMethodArrayOrig); ASSERT(iSkip >= 0); GetStackFramesData data; data.pDomain = GetAppDomain(); data.skip = iSkip; data.NumFramesRequested = pStackFrameHelper->iFrameCount; if (pException == NULL) { // Thread is NULL if it's the current thread. data.TargetThread = pStackFrameHelper->targetThread; GetStackFrames(NULL, (void*)-1, &data); } else { // We also fetch the dynamic method array in a GC protected artifact to ensure // that the resolver objects, if any, are kept alive incase the exception object // is thrown again (resetting the dynamic method array reference in the object) // that may result in resolver objects getting collected before they can be reachable again // (from the code below). GetStackFramesFromException(&pException, &data, &dynamicMethodArrayOrig); } if (data.cElements != 0) { #if defined(FEATURE_ISYM_READER) && defined(FEATURE_COMINTEROP) if (fNeedFileInfo) { // Calls to COM up ahead. EnsureComStarted(); } #endif // FEATURE_ISYM_READER && FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Allocate memory for the MethodInfo objects BASEARRAYREF methodInfoArray = (BASEARRAYREF) AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgMethodHandle), (OBJECTREF)methodInfoArray); // Allocate memory for the Offsets OBJECTREF offsets = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiOffset), (OBJECTREF)offsets); // Allocate memory for the ILOffsets OBJECTREF ilOffsets = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiILOffset), (OBJECTREF)ilOffsets); // Allocate memory for the array of assembly file names PTRARRAYREF assemblyPathArray = (PTRARRAYREF) AllocateObjectArray(data.cElements, g_pStringClass); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgAssemblyPath), (OBJECTREF)assemblyPathArray); // Allocate memory for the array of assemblies PTRARRAYREF assemblyArray = (PTRARRAYREF) AllocateObjectArray(data.cElements, g_pObjectClass); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgAssembly), (OBJECTREF)assemblyArray); // Allocate memory for the LoadedPeAddress BASEARRAYREF loadedPeAddressArray = (BASEARRAYREF) AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgLoadedPeAddress), (OBJECTREF)loadedPeAddressArray); // Allocate memory for the LoadedPeSize OBJECTREF loadedPeSizeArray = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiLoadedPeSize), (OBJECTREF)loadedPeSizeArray); // Allocate memory for the IsFileLayout flags OBJECTREF isFileLayouts = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiIsFileLayout), (OBJECTREF)isFileLayouts); // Allocate memory for the InMemoryPdbAddress BASEARRAYREF inMemoryPdbAddressArray = (BASEARRAYREF) AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgInMemoryPdbAddress), (OBJECTREF)inMemoryPdbAddressArray); // Allocate memory for the InMemoryPdbSize OBJECTREF inMemoryPdbSizeArray = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiInMemoryPdbSize), (OBJECTREF)inMemoryPdbSizeArray); // Allocate memory for the MethodTokens OBJECTREF methodTokens = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiMethodToken), (OBJECTREF)methodTokens); // Allocate memory for the Filename string objects PTRARRAYREF filenameArray = (PTRARRAYREF) AllocateObjectArray(data.cElements, g_pStringClass); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgFilename), (OBJECTREF)filenameArray); // Allocate memory for the LineNumbers OBJECTREF lineNumbers = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiLineNumber), (OBJECTREF)lineNumbers); // Allocate memory for the ColumnNumbers OBJECTREF columnNumbers = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_I4, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiColumnNumber), (OBJECTREF)columnNumbers); // Allocate memory for the flag indicating if this frame represents the last one from a foreign // exception stack trace provided we have any such frames. Otherwise, set it to null. // When StackFrameHelper.IsLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTrace is invoked in managed code, // it will return false for the null case. // // This is an optimization for us to not allocate the BOOL array if we do not have any frames // from a foreign stack trace. OBJECTREF IsLastFrameFromForeignStackTraceFlags = NULL; if (data.fDoWeHaveAnyFramesFromForeignStackTrace) { IsLastFrameFromForeignStackTraceFlags = AllocatePrimitiveArray(ELEMENT_TYPE_BOOLEAN, data.cElements); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTrace), (OBJECTREF)IsLastFrameFromForeignStackTraceFlags); } else { SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->rgiLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTrace), NULL); } // Determine if there are any dynamic methods in the stack trace. If there are, // allocate an ObjectArray large enough to hold an ObjRef to each one. unsigned iNumDynamics = 0; unsigned iCurDynamic = 0; for (int iElement=0; iElement < data.cElements; iElement++) { MethodDesc *pMethod = data.pElements[iElement].pFunc; if (pMethod->IsLCGMethod()) { iNumDynamics++; } else if (pMethod->GetMethodTable()->Collectible()) { iNumDynamics++; } } if (iNumDynamics) { PTRARRAYREF dynamicDataArray = (PTRARRAYREF) AllocateObjectArray(iNumDynamics, g_pObjectClass); SetObjectReference( (OBJECTREF *)&(pStackFrameHelper->dynamicMethods), (OBJECTREF)dynamicDataArray); } int iNumValidFrames = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data.cElements; i++) { // The managed stacktrace classes always returns typical method definition, so we don't need to bother providing exact instantiation. // Generics::GetExactInstantiationsOfMethodAndItsClassFromCallInformation(data.pElements[i].pFunc, data.pElements[i].pExactGenericArgsToken, &pExactMethod, &thExactType); MethodDesc* pFunc = data.pElements[i].pFunc; // Strip the instantiation to make sure that the reflection never gets a bad method desc back. if (pFunc->HasMethodInstantiation()) pFunc = pFunc->StripMethodInstantiation(); _ASSERTE(pFunc->IsRuntimeMethodHandle()); // Method handle size_t *pElem = (size_t*)pStackFrameHelper->rgMethodHandle->GetDataPtr(); pElem[iNumValidFrames] = (size_t)pFunc; // Native offset I4 *pI4 = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiOffset)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pI4[iNumValidFrames] = data.pElements[i].dwOffset; // IL offset I4 *pILI4 = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiILOffset)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pILI4[iNumValidFrames] = data.pElements[i].dwILOffset; // Assembly OBJECTREF pAssembly = pFunc->GetAssembly()->GetExposedObject(); pStackFrameHelper->rgAssembly->SetAt(iNumValidFrames, pAssembly); if (data.fDoWeHaveAnyFramesFromForeignStackTrace) { // Set the BOOL indicating if the frame represents the last frame from a foreign exception stack trace. U1 *pIsLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTraceU1 = (U1 *)((BOOLARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTrace) ->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pIsLastFrameFromForeignExceptionStackTraceU1 [iNumValidFrames] = (U1)(data.pElements[i].flags & STEF_LAST_FRAME_FROM_FOREIGN_STACK_TRACE); } MethodDesc *pMethod = data.pElements[i].pFunc; // If there are any dynamic methods, and this one is one of them, store // a reference to it's managed resolver to keep it alive. if (iNumDynamics) { if (pMethod->IsLCGMethod()) { DynamicMethodDesc *pDMD = pMethod->AsDynamicMethodDesc(); OBJECTREF pResolver = pDMD->GetLCGMethodResolver()->GetManagedResolver(); _ASSERTE(pResolver != NULL); ((PTRARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->dynamicMethods)->SetAt(iCurDynamic++, pResolver); } else if (pMethod->GetMethodTable()->Collectible()) { OBJECTREF pLoaderAllocator = pMethod->GetMethodTable()->GetLoaderAllocator()->GetExposedObject(); _ASSERTE(pLoaderAllocator != NULL); ((PTRARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->dynamicMethods)->SetAt(iCurDynamic++, pLoaderAllocator); } } Module *pModule = pMethod->GetModule(); // If it's an EnC method, then don't give back any line info, b/c the PDB is out of date. // (We're using the stale PDB, not one w/ Edits applied). // Since the MethodDesc is always the most recent, v1 instances of EnC methods on the stack // will appeared to be Enc. This means we err on the side of not showing line numbers for EnC methods. // If any method in the file was changed, then our line numbers could be wrong. Since we don't // have udpated PDBs from EnC, we can at best look at the module's version number as a rough guess // to if this file has been updated. bool fIsEnc = false; #ifdef EnC_SUPPORTED if (pModule->IsEditAndContinueEnabled()) { EditAndContinueModule *eacm = (EditAndContinueModule *)pModule; if (eacm->GetApplyChangesCount() != 1) { fIsEnc = true; } } #endif BOOL fPortablePDB = TRUE; // Check if the user wants the filenumber, linenumber info and that it is possible. if (!fIsEnc && fNeedFileInfo) { #ifdef FEATURE_ISYM_READER BOOL fFileInfoSet = FALSE; ULONG32 sourceLine = 0; ULONG32 sourceColumn = 0; WCHAR wszFileName[MAX_LONGPATH]; ULONG32 fileNameLength = 0; { // Note: we need to enable preemptive GC when accessing the unmanages symbol store. GCX_PREEMP(); // Note: we use the NoThrow version of GetISymUnmanagedReader. If getting the unmanaged // reader fails, then just leave the pointer NULL and leave any symbol info off of the // stack trace. ReleaseHolder pISymUnmanagedReader( pModule->GetISymUnmanagedReaderNoThrow()); if (pISymUnmanagedReader != NULL) { // Found a ISymUnmanagedReader for the regular PDB so don't attempt to // read it as a portable PDB in CoreLib's StackFrameHelper. fPortablePDB = FALSE; ReleaseHolder pISymUnmanagedMethod; HRESULT hr = pISymUnmanagedReader->GetMethod(pMethod->GetMemberDef(), &pISymUnmanagedMethod); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get all the sequence points and the documents // associated with those sequence points. // from the doument get the filename using GetURL() ULONG32 SeqPointCount = 0; ULONG32 RealSeqPointCount = 0; hr = pISymUnmanagedMethod->GetSequencePointCount(&SeqPointCount); _ASSERTE (SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && SeqPointCount > 0) { // allocate memory for the objects to be fetched NewArrayHolder offsets (new (nothrow) ULONG32 [SeqPointCount]); NewArrayHolder lines (new (nothrow) ULONG32 [SeqPointCount]); NewArrayHolder columns (new (nothrow) ULONG32 [SeqPointCount]); NewArrayHolder endlines (new (nothrow) ULONG32 [SeqPointCount]); NewArrayHolder endcolumns (new (nothrow) ULONG32 [SeqPointCount]); // we free the array automatically, but we have to manually call release // on each element in the array when we're done with it. NewArrayHolder documents ( (ISymUnmanagedDocument **)new PVOID [SeqPointCount]); if ((offsets && lines && columns && documents && endlines && endcolumns)) { hr = pISymUnmanagedMethod->GetSequencePoints ( SeqPointCount, &RealSeqPointCount, offsets, (ISymUnmanagedDocument **)documents, lines, columns, endlines, endcolumns); _ASSERTE(SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _ASSERTE(RealSeqPointCount == SeqPointCount); #ifdef _DEBUG { // This is just some debugging code to help ensure that the array // returned contains valid interface pointers. for (ULONG32 i = 0; i < RealSeqPointCount; i++) { _ASSERTE(documents[i] != NULL); documents[i]->AddRef(); documents[i]->Release(); } } #endif // This is the IL offset of the current frame DWORD dwCurILOffset = data.pElements[i].dwILOffset; // search for the correct IL offset DWORD j; for (j=0; j= dwCurILOffset) { // if this offset is > what we're looking for, adjust the index if (offsets[j] > dwCurILOffset && j > 0) { j--; } break; } } // If we didn't find a match, default to the last sequence point if (j == RealSeqPointCount) { j--; } while (lines[j] == 0x00feefee && j > 0) { j--; } #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED if (lines[j] != 0x00feefee) { sourceLine = lines [j]; sourceColumn = columns [j]; } else #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED { sourceLine = 0; sourceColumn = 0; } // Also get the filename from the document... _ASSERTE (documents [j] != NULL); hr = documents [j]->GetURL (MAX_LONGPATH, &fileNameLength, wszFileName); _ASSERTE ( SUCCEEDED(hr) || (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY)) ); // indicate that the requisite information has been set! fFileInfoSet = TRUE; // release the documents set by GetSequencePoints for (DWORD x=0; xRelease(); } } // if got sequence points } // if all memory allocations succeeded // holders will now delete the arrays. } } // Holder will release pISymUnmanagedMethod } } // GCX_PREEMP() if (fFileInfoSet) { // Set the line and column numbers I4 *pI4Line = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiLineNumber)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pI4Line[iNumValidFrames] = sourceLine; I4 *pI4Column = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiColumnNumber)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pI4Column[iNumValidFrames] = sourceColumn; // Set the file name OBJECTREF obj = (OBJECTREF) StringObject::NewString(wszFileName); pStackFrameHelper->rgFilename->SetAt(iNumValidFrames, obj); } #endif // FEATURE_ISYM_READER // If the above isym reader code did NOT set the source info either because it is ifdef'ed out (on xplat) // or because the pdb is the new portable format on Windows then set the information needed to call the // portable pdb reader in the StackTraceHelper. if (fPortablePDB) { // Save MethodToken for the function I4 *pMethodToken = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiMethodToken)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pMethodToken[iNumValidFrames] = pMethod->GetMemberDef(); PEFile *pPEFile = pModule->GetFile(); // Get the address and size of the loaded PE image COUNT_T peSize; PTR_CVOID peAddress = pPEFile->GetLoadedImageContents(&peSize); // Save the PE address and size PTR_CVOID *pLoadedPeAddress = (PTR_CVOID *)pStackFrameHelper->rgLoadedPeAddress->GetDataPtr(); pLoadedPeAddress[iNumValidFrames] = peAddress; I4 *pLoadedPeSize = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiLoadedPeSize)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pLoadedPeSize[iNumValidFrames] = (I4)peSize; // Set flag indicating PE file in memory has the on disk layout if (!pPEFile->IsDynamic()) { // This flag is only available for non-dynamic assemblies. U1 *pIsFileLayout = (U1 *)((BOOLARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiIsFileLayout)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pIsFileLayout[iNumValidFrames] = (U1) pPEFile->GetLoaded()->IsFlat(); } // If there is a in memory symbol stream CGrowableStream* stream = pModule->GetInMemorySymbolStream(); if (stream != NULL) { MemoryRange range = stream->GetRawBuffer(); // Save the in-memory PDB address and size PTR_VOID *pInMemoryPdbAddress = (PTR_VOID *)pStackFrameHelper->rgInMemoryPdbAddress->GetDataPtr(); pInMemoryPdbAddress[iNumValidFrames] = range.StartAddress(); I4 *pInMemoryPdbSize = (I4 *)((I4ARRAYREF)pStackFrameHelper->rgiInMemoryPdbSize)->GetDirectPointerToNonObjectElements(); pInMemoryPdbSize[iNumValidFrames] = (I4)range.Size(); } else { // Set the pdb path (assembly file name) SString assemblyPath = pPEFile->GetIdentityPath(); if (!assemblyPath.IsEmpty()) { OBJECTREF obj = (OBJECTREF)StringObject::NewString(assemblyPath); pStackFrameHelper->rgAssemblyPath->SetAt(iNumValidFrames, obj); } } } } iNumValidFrames++; } pStackFrameHelper->iFrameCount = iNumValidFrames; } else { pStackFrameHelper->iFrameCount = 0; } GCPROTECT_END(); HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END(); } FCIMPLEND FORCEINLINE void HolderDestroyStrongHandle(OBJECTHANDLE h) { if (h != NULL) DestroyStrongHandle(h); } typedef Wrapper, HolderDestroyStrongHandle, NULL> StrongHandleHolder; // receives a custom notification object from the target and sends it to the RS via // code:Debugger::SendCustomDebuggerNotification // Argument: dataUNSAFE - a pointer the the custom notification object being sent FCIMPL1(void, DebugDebugger::CustomNotification, Object * dataUNSAFE) { CONTRACTL { FCALL_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF pData = ObjectToOBJECTREF(dataUNSAFE); #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // Send notification only if the debugger is attached if (CORDebuggerAttached() ) { HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_BEGIN_PROTECT(pData); Thread * pThread = GetThread(); AppDomain * pAppDomain = pThread->GetDomain(); StrongHandleHolder objHandle = pAppDomain->CreateStrongHandle(pData); MethodTable * pMT = pData->GetGCSafeMethodTable(); Module * pModule = pMT->GetModule(); DomainFile * pDomainFile = pModule->GetDomainFile(); mdTypeDef classToken = pMT->GetCl(); pThread->SetThreadCurrNotification(objHandle); g_pDebugInterface->SendCustomDebuggerNotification(pThread, pDomainFile, classToken); pThread->ClearThreadCurrNotification(); if (pThread->IsAbortRequested()) { pThread->HandleThreadAbort(); } HELPER_METHOD_FRAME_END(); } #endif // DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED } FCIMPLEND void DebugStackTrace::GetStackFramesHelper(Frame *pStartFrame, void* pStopStack, GetStackFramesData *pData ) { CONTRACTL { MODE_COOPERATIVE; GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; ASSERT (pData != NULL); pData->cElements = 0; // if the caller specified (< 20) frames are required, then allocate // only that many if ((pData->NumFramesRequested > 0) && (pData->NumFramesRequested < 20)) { pData->cElementsAllocated = pData->NumFramesRequested; } else { pData->cElementsAllocated = 20; } // Allocate memory for the initial 'n' frames pData->pElements = new DebugStackTraceElement[pData->cElementsAllocated]; if (pData->TargetThread == NULL || pData->TargetThread->GetInternal() == GetThread()) { // Null target thread specifies current thread. GetThread()->StackWalkFrames(GetStackFramesCallback, pData, FUNCTIONSONLY, pStartFrame); } else { Thread *pThread = pData->TargetThread->GetInternal(); _ASSERTE (pThread != NULL); // Here's the timeline for the TS_SyncSuspended bit. // 0) TS_SyncSuspended is not set. // 1) The suspending thread grabs the thread store lock // then puts in place trip wires for the suspendee (if it is in managed code) // and releases the thread store lock. // 2) The suspending thread waits for the "SafeEvent". // 3) The suspendee continues execution until it tries to enter preemptive mode. // If it trips over the wires put in place by the suspending thread, // it will try to enter preemptive mode. // 4) The suspendee sets TS_SyncSuspended and the "SafeEvent". // 5) AT THIS POINT, IT IS SAFE TO WALK THE SUSPENDEE'S STACK. // 6) The suspendee clears the TS_SyncSuspended flag. // // In other words, it is safe to trace the thread's stack IF we're holding the // thread store lock AND TS_SyncSuspended is set. // // This is because: // - If we were not holding the thread store lock, the thread could be resumed // underneath us. // - When TS_SyncSuspended is set, we race against it resuming execution. ThreadStoreLockHolder tsl; // We erect a barrier so that if the thread tries to disable preemptive GC, // it could resume execution of managed code during our stack walk. TSSuspendHolder shTrap; Thread::ThreadState state = pThread->GetSnapshotState(); if (state & (Thread::TS_Unstarted|Thread::TS_Dead|Thread::TS_Detached)) { goto LSafeToTrace; } COMPlusThrow(kThreadStateException, IDS_EE_THREAD_BAD_STATE); LSafeToTrace: pThread->StackWalkFrames(GetStackFramesCallback, pData, FUNCTIONSONLY|ALLOW_ASYNC_STACK_WALK, pStartFrame); } // Do a 2nd pass outside of any locks. // This will compute IL offsets. for (INT32 i = 0; i < pData->cElements; i++) { pData->pElements[i].InitPass2(); } } void DebugStackTrace::GetStackFrames(Frame *pStartFrame, void* pStopStack, GetStackFramesData *pData ) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; GetStackFramesHelper(pStartFrame, pStopStack, pData); } StackWalkAction DebugStackTrace::GetStackFramesCallback(CrawlFrame* pCf, VOID* data) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; GetStackFramesData* pData = (GetStackFramesData*)data; if (pData->skip > 0) { pData->skip--; return SWA_CONTINUE; } // @todo: How do we know what kind of frame we have? // Can we always assume FramedMethodFrame? // NOT AT ALL!!!, but we can assume it's a function // because we asked the stackwalker for it! MethodDesc* pFunc = pCf->GetFunction(); if (pData->cElements >= pData->cElementsAllocated) { DebugStackTraceElement* pTemp = new (nothrow) DebugStackTraceElement[2*pData->cElementsAllocated]; if (!pTemp) { return SWA_ABORT; } memcpy(pTemp, pData->pElements, pData->cElementsAllocated * sizeof(DebugStackTraceElement)); delete [] pData->pElements; pData->pElements = pTemp; pData->cElementsAllocated *= 2; } PCODE ip; DWORD dwNativeOffset; if (pCf->IsFrameless()) { // Real method with jitted code. dwNativeOffset = pCf->GetRelOffset(); ip = GetControlPC(pCf->GetRegisterSet()); } else { ip = NULL; dwNativeOffset = 0; } // Pass on to InitPass2 that the IP has already been adjusted (decremented by 1) INT flags = pCf->IsIPadjusted() ? STEF_IP_ADJUSTED : 0; pData->pElements[pData->cElements].InitPass1( dwNativeOffset, pFunc, ip, flags); // We'll init the IL offsets outside the TSL lock. ++pData->cElements; // Since we may be asynchronously walking another thread's stack, // check (frequently) for stack-buffer-overrun corruptions after // any long operation pCf->CheckGSCookies(); // check if we already have the number of frames that the user had asked for if ((pData->NumFramesRequested != 0) && (pData->NumFramesRequested <= pData->cElements)) { return SWA_ABORT; } return SWA_CONTINUE; } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE void DebugStackTrace::GetStackFramesFromException(OBJECTREF * e, GetStackFramesData *pData, PTRARRAYREF * pDynamicMethodArray /*= NULL*/ ) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION (IsProtectedByGCFrame (e)); PRECONDITION ((pDynamicMethodArray == NULL) || IsProtectedByGCFrame (pDynamicMethodArray)); SUPPORTS_DAC; } CONTRACTL_END; ASSERT (pData != NULL); // Reasonable default, will indicate error on failure pData->cElements = 0; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // for DAC builds this has already been validated // Get the class for the exception MethodTable *pExcepClass = (*e)->GetMethodTable(); _ASSERTE(IsException(pExcepClass)); // what is the pathway for this? if (!IsException(pExcepClass)) { return; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE // Now get the _stackTrace reference StackTraceArray traceData; EXCEPTIONREF(*e)->GetStackTrace(traceData, pDynamicMethodArray); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(traceData); // The number of frame info elements in the stack trace info pData->cElements = static_cast(traceData.Size()); // By default, assume that we have no frames from foreign exception stack trace. pData->fDoWeHaveAnyFramesFromForeignStackTrace = FALSE; // Now we know the size, allocate the information for the data struct if (pData->cElements != 0) { // Allocate the memory to contain the data pData->pElements = new DebugStackTraceElement[pData->cElements]; // Fill in the data for (unsigned i = 0; i < (unsigned)pData->cElements; i++) { StackTraceElement const & cur = traceData[i]; // If we come across any frame representing foreign exception stack trace, // then set the flag indicating so. This will be used to allocate the // corresponding array in StackFrameHelper. if ((cur.flags & STEF_LAST_FRAME_FROM_FOREIGN_STACK_TRACE) != 0) { pData->fDoWeHaveAnyFramesFromForeignStackTrace = TRUE; } // Fill out the MethodDesc* MethodDesc *pMD = cur.pFunc; _ASSERTE(pMD); // Calculate the native offset // This doesn't work for framed methods, since internal calls won't // push frames and the method body is therefore non-contiguous. // Currently such methods always return an IP of 0, so they're easy // to spot. DWORD dwNativeOffset; if (cur.ip) { dwNativeOffset = (DWORD)(cur.ip - (UINT_PTR)pMD->GetNativeCode()); } else { dwNativeOffset = 0; } pData->pElements[i].InitPass1( dwNativeOffset, pMD, (PCODE)cur.ip, cur.flags); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE pData->pElements[i].InitPass2(); #endif } } else { pData->pElements = NULL; } GCPROTECT_END(); return; } // Init a stack-trace element. // Initialization done potentially under the TSL. void DebugStackTrace::DebugStackTraceElement::InitPass1( DWORD dwNativeOffset, MethodDesc *pFunc, PCODE ip, INT flags ) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(pFunc != NULL); // May have a null IP for ecall frames. If IP is null, then dwNativeOffset should be 0 too. _ASSERTE ( (ip != NULL) || (dwNativeOffset == 0) ); this->pFunc = pFunc; this->dwOffset = dwNativeOffset; this->ip = ip; this->flags = flags; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Initialization done outside the TSL. // This may need to call locking operations that aren't safe under the TSL. void DebugStackTrace::DebugStackTraceElement::InitPass2() { CONTRACTL { MODE_ANY; GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(!ThreadStore::HoldingThreadStore()); bool bRes = false; #ifdef DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // Calculate the IL offset using the debugging services if ((this->ip != NULL) && g_pDebugInterface) { // To get the source line number of the actual code that threw an exception, the dwOffset needs to be // adjusted in certain cases when calculating the IL offset. // // The dwOffset of the stack frame points to either: // // 1) The instruction that caused a hardware exception (div by zero, null ref, etc). // 2) The instruction after the call to an internal runtime function (FCALL like IL_Throw, IL_Rethrow, // JIT_OverFlow, etc.) that caused a software exception. // 3) The instruction after the call to a managed function (non-leaf node). // // #2 and #3 are the cases that need to adjust dwOffset because they point after the call instruction // and may point to the next (incorrect) IL instruction/source line. If STEF_IP_ADJUSTED is set, // IP/dwOffset has already be decremented so don't decrement it again. // // When the dwOffset needs to be adjusted it is a lot simpler to decrement instead of trying to figure out // the beginning of the instruction. It is enough for GetILOffsetFromNative to return the IL offset of the // instruction throwing the exception. bool fAdjustOffset = (this->flags & STEF_IP_ADJUSTED) == 0 && this->dwOffset > 0; bRes = g_pDebugInterface->GetILOffsetFromNative( pFunc, (LPCBYTE)this->ip, fAdjustOffset ? this->dwOffset - 1 : this->dwOffset, &this->dwILOffset); } #endif // !DEBUGGING_SUPPORTED // If there was no mapping information, then set to an invalid value if (!bRes) { this->dwILOffset = (DWORD)-1; } } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE