// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. #ifndef GCHEAPHASHTABLE_H #define GCHEAPHASHTABLE_H class GCHeapHashObject; template struct DefaultGCHeapHashTraits { typedef PTRARRAYREF THashArrayType; static const INT32 s_growth_factor_numerator = 3; static const INT32 s_growth_factor_denominator = 2; static const INT32 s_density_factor_numerator = 3; static const INT32 s_density_factor_denominator = 4; static const INT32 s_densitywithdeletes_factor_numerator = 7; static const INT32 s_densitywithdeletes_factor_denominator = 8; static const INT32 s_minimum_allocation = 7; static bool IsNull(PTRARRAYREF arr, INT32 index); static bool IsDeleted(PTRARRAYREF arr, INT32 index, GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF gcHeap); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static THashArrayType AllocateArray(INT32 size); #endif // Not a part of the traits api, but used to allow derived traits to save on code static OBJECTREF GetValueAtIndex(GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF *pgcHeap, INT32 index); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE static void CopyValue(THashArrayType srcArray, INT32 indexSrc, THashArrayType destinationArray, INT32 indexDest); static void DeleteEntry(GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF *pgcHeap, INT32 index); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE template static void GetElement(GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF *pgcHeap, INT32 index, TElement& foundElement); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE template static void SetElement(GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF *pgcHeap, INT32 index, TElement& foundElement); #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE }; template struct GCHeapHashTraitsPointerToPointerList : public DefaultGCHeapHashTraits { static INT32 Hash(PtrTypeKey *pValue); static INT32 Hash(PTRARRAYREF arr, INT32 index); static bool DoesEntryMatchKey(PTRARRAYREF arr, INT32 index, PtrTypeKey *pKey); }; // GCHeapHash is based on the logic of SHash, and utilizes the same basic structure (which allows the key/value // to be one and the same, or other interesting memory tweaks.) To avoid GC pointer issues, responsibility for allocating // the underlying arrays and manipulating the entries is entirely extracted to the traits class, and responsibility // for creation of elements is deferred into the caller of the add function. (See example uses in CrossLoaderAllocatorHash) // As the GCHeapHash is actually a managed object, but the code for manipulating the hash is written here in native code, // allocating an instance of this class does not actually allocate a hashtable. Instead, the hashtable is allocated by // allocating an instance of the GCHeapHash type, and then passing the allocated object into this type's constructor to // assign the value. This class is designed to be used protected within a GC_PROTECT region. See examples in CrossLoaderAllocatorHash. template class GCHeapHash { GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF m_gcHeapHash; typedef typename TRAITS::THashArrayType THashArrayType; typedef INT32 count_t; private: // Insert into hashtable without growing. GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF must be GC protected as must be TKey if needed template void Insert(TKey *pKey, const TValueSetter &valueSetter); void CheckGrowth(); void Grow(); THashArrayType Grow_OnlyAllocateNewTable(); bool IsPrime(count_t number); count_t NextPrime(count_t number); void ReplaceTable(THashArrayType newTable); template count_t CallHash(TKey* pValue) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; count_t hash = TRAITS::Hash(pValue); hash = hash < 0 ? -hash : hash; if (hash < 0) return 1; else return hash; } count_t CallHash(THashArrayType arr, count_t index) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; count_t hash = TRAITS::Hash(arr, index); hash = hash < 0 ? -hash : hash; if (hash < 0) return 1; else return hash; } public: template bool VisitAllEntryIndices(TVisitor &visitor); template void Add(TKey *pKey, const TValueSetter &valueSetter); // Get the index in the hashtable of the value which matches key, or -1 if there are no matches template INT32 GetValueIndex(TKey *pKey); template void GetElement(INT32 index, TElement& foundElement); // Use this to update an value within the hashtable directly. // It is ONLY safe to do if the index already points at an element // which already exists and has the same key as the newElementValue template void SetElement(INT32 index, TElement& newElementValue); template void DeleteEntry(TKey *pKey); GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF GetGCHeapRef() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_gcHeapHash; } GCHeapHash(GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF gcHeap) : m_gcHeapHash(gcHeap) {} GCHeapHash(OBJECTREF gcHeap) : m_gcHeapHash((GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF)gcHeap) {} GCHeapHash() : m_gcHeapHash((GCHEAPHASHOBJECTREF)TADDR(NULL)) {} }; #endif // GCHEAPHASHTABLE_H