# Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. # The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. # C to MASM include file translator # This is replacement for the deprecated h2inc tool that used to be part of VS. # # The use of [console]::WriteLine (instead of Write-Output) is intentional. # PowerShell 2.0 (installed by default on Windows 7) wraps lines written with # Write-Output at whatever column width is being used by the current terminal, # even when output is being redirected to a file. We can't have this behavior # because it will cause the generated file to be malformed. # Function ProcessFile($filePath) { [console]::WriteLine("// File start: $filePath") Get-Content $filePath | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^\s*#\spragma") { # Ignore pragmas return } if ($_ -match "^\s*#\s*include\s*`"(.*)`"") { # Expand includes. ProcessFile(Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $filePath) $Matches[1]) return } if ($_ -match "^\s*#define\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)") { # Augment #defines with their MASM equivalent $name = $Matches[1] $value = $Matches[2] # Note that we do not handle multiline constants # Strip comments from value $value = $value -replace "//.*", "" $value = $value -replace "/\*.*\*/", "" # Strip whitespaces from value $value = $value -replace "\s+$", "" # ignore #defines with arguments if ($name -notmatch "\(") { $HEX_NUMBER_PATTERN = "\b0x(\w+)\b" $DECIMAL_NUMBER_PATTERN = "(-?\b\d+\b)" if ($value -match $HEX_NUMBER_PATTERN -or $value -match $DECIMAL_NUMBER_PATTERN) { $value = $value -replace $HEX_NUMBER_PATTERN, "0`$1h" # Convert hex constants $value = $value -replace $DECIMAL_NUMBER_PATTERN, "`$1t" # Convert dec constants [console]::WriteLine("$name EQU $value") } else { [console]::WriteLine("$name TEXTEQU <$value>") } } } [console]::WriteLine("$_") } [console]::WriteLine("// File end: $filePath") } ProcessFile $args[0]