// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. #include "common.h" #include "stringliteralmap.h" #include "virtualcallstub.h" #include "threadsuspend.h" #include "castcache.h" #include "mlinfo.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #include "comdelegate.h" #endif #include "comcallablewrapper.h" #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #define STUBMANAGER_RANGELIST(stubManager) (stubManager::g_pManager->GetRangeList()) #else #define STUBMANAGER_RANGELIST(stubManager) (NULL) #endif UINT64 LoaderAllocator::cLoaderAllocatorsCreated = 1; LoaderAllocator::LoaderAllocator() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; // initialize all members up front to NULL so that short-circuit failure won't cause invalid values m_InitialReservedMemForLoaderHeaps = NULL; m_pLowFrequencyHeap = NULL; m_pHighFrequencyHeap = NULL; m_pStubHeap = NULL; m_pPrecodeHeap = NULL; m_pExecutableHeap = NULL; #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN m_pDynamicHelpersHeap = NULL; #endif m_pFuncPtrStubs = NULL; m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle = NULL; m_pStringLiteralMap = NULL; m_cReferences = (UINT32)-1; m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete = NULL; #ifdef FAT_DISPATCH_TOKENS // DispatchTokenFat pointer table for token overflow scenarios. Lazily allocated. m_pFatTokenSetLock = NULL; m_pFatTokenSet = NULL; #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE m_pVirtualCallStubManager = NULL; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_TIERED_COMPILATION m_callCountingManager = NULL; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT m_onStackReplacementManager = NULL; #endif m_fGCPressure = false; m_fTerminated = false; m_fUnloaded = false; m_fMarked = false; m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext = NULL; m_pDomain = NULL; m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc = NULL; m_pVSDHeapInitialAlloc = NULL; m_pLastUsedCodeHeap = NULL; m_pLastUsedDynamicCodeHeap = NULL; m_pJumpStubCache = NULL; m_IsCollectible = false; m_pMarshalingData = NULL; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP m_pComCallWrapperCache = NULL; #endif m_pUMEntryThunkCache = NULL; m_nLoaderAllocator = InterlockedIncrement64((LONGLONG *)&LoaderAllocator::cLoaderAllocatorsCreated); #ifdef FEATURE_PGO m_pgoManager = NULL; #endif } LoaderAllocator::~LoaderAllocator() { CONTRACTL { DESTRUCTOR_CHECK; } CONTRACTL_END; #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) Terminate(); // Assert that VSD is not still active when the destructor is called. _ASSERTE(m_pVirtualCallStubManager == NULL); // Code manager is responsible for cleaning up. _ASSERTE(m_pJumpStubCache == NULL); #endif } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void LoaderAllocator::AddReference() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE((m_cReferences > (UINT32)0) && (m_cReferences != (UINT32)-1)); FastInterlockIncrement((LONG *)&m_cReferences); } #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adds reference if the native object is alive - code:LoaderAllocator#AssemblyPhases. // Returns TRUE if the reference was added. // BOOL LoaderAllocator::AddReferenceIfAlive() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE for (;;) { // Local snaphost of ref-count UINT32 cReferencesLocalSnapshot = m_cReferences; _ASSERTE(cReferencesLocalSnapshot != (UINT32)-1); if (cReferencesLocalSnapshot == 0) { // Ref-count was 0, do not AddRef return FALSE; } UINT32 cOriginalReferences = FastInterlockCompareExchange( (LONG *)&m_cReferences, cReferencesLocalSnapshot + 1, cReferencesLocalSnapshot); if (cOriginalReferences == cReferencesLocalSnapshot) { // The exchange happened return TRUE; } // Let's spin till we are the only thread to modify this value } #else //DACCESS_COMPILE // DAC won't AddRef return IsAlive(); #endif //DACCESS_COMPILE } // LoaderAllocator::AddReferenceIfAlive //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BOOL LoaderAllocator::Release() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Only actually destroy the domain assembly when all references to it are gone. // This should preserve behavior in the debugger such that an UnloadModule event // will occur before the underlying data structure cease functioning. #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE _ASSERTE((m_cReferences > (UINT32)0) && (m_cReferences != (UINT32)-1)); LONG cNewReferences = FastInterlockDecrement((LONG *)&m_cReferences); return (cNewReferences == 0); #else //DACCESS_COMPILE return (m_cReferences == (UINT32)0); #endif //DACCESS_COMPILE } // LoaderAllocator::Release #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BOOL LoaderAllocator::CheckAddReference_Unlocked(LoaderAllocator *pOtherLA) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // This must be checked before calling this function _ASSERTE(pOtherLA != this); // This function requires the that loader allocator lock have been taken. _ASSERTE(GetDomain()->GetLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock()->OwnedByCurrentThread()); if (m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.Lookup(pOtherLA) == NULL) { GCX_COOP(); // Build a managed reference to keep the target object live AllocateHandle(pOtherLA->GetExposedObject()); // Keep track of the references that have already been made m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.Add(pOtherLA); // Notify the other LoaderAllocator that a reference exists pOtherLA->AddReference(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BOOL LoaderAllocator::EnsureReference(LoaderAllocator *pOtherLA) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // Check if this lock can be taken in all places that the function is called _ASSERTE(GetDomain()->GetLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock()->Debug_CanTake()); if (!IsCollectible()) return FALSE; if (this == pOtherLA) return FALSE; if (!pOtherLA->IsCollectible()) return FALSE; CrstHolder ch(GetDomain()->GetLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock()); return CheckAddReference_Unlocked(pOtherLA); } BOOL LoaderAllocator::EnsureInstantiation(Module *pDefiningModule, Instantiation inst) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; BOOL fNewReferenceNeeded = FALSE; // Check if this lock can be taken in all places that the function is called _ASSERTE(GetDomain()->GetLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock()->Debug_CanTake()); if (!IsCollectible()) return FALSE; CrstHolder ch(GetDomain()->GetLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock()); if (pDefiningModule != NULL) { LoaderAllocator *pDefiningLoaderAllocator = pDefiningModule->GetLoaderAllocator(); if (pDefiningLoaderAllocator->IsCollectible()) { if (pDefiningLoaderAllocator != this) { fNewReferenceNeeded = CheckAddReference_Unlocked(pDefiningLoaderAllocator) || fNewReferenceNeeded; } } } for (DWORD i = 0; i < inst.GetNumArgs(); i++) { TypeHandle arg = inst[i]; _ASSERTE(!arg.IsEncodedFixup()); LoaderAllocator *pOtherLA = arg.GetLoaderModule()->GetLoaderAllocator(); if (pOtherLA == this) continue; if (!pOtherLA->IsCollectible()) continue; fNewReferenceNeeded = CheckAddReference_Unlocked(pOtherLA) || fNewReferenceNeeded; } return fNewReferenceNeeded; } #else // CROSSGEN_COMPILE BOOL LoaderAllocator::EnsureReference(LoaderAllocator *pOtherLA) { return FALSE; } BOOL LoaderAllocator::EnsureInstantiation(Module *pDefiningModule, Instantiation inst) { return FALSE; } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE bool LoaderAllocator::Marked() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_fMarked; } void LoaderAllocator::ClearMark() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_fMarked = false; } void LoaderAllocator::Mark() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (!m_fMarked) { m_fMarked = true; LoaderAllocatorSet::Iterator iter = m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.Begin(); while (iter != m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.End()) { LoaderAllocator *pAllocator = *iter; pAllocator->Mark(); iter++; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Collect unreferenced assemblies, remove them from the assembly list and return their loader allocator // list. // //static LoaderAllocator * LoaderAllocator::GCLoaderAllocators_RemoveAssemblies(AppDomain * pAppDomain) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; // List of LoaderAllocators being deleted LoaderAllocator * pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator = NULL; #if 0 // Debug logic for debugging the loader allocator gc. { /* Iterate through every loader allocator, and print its current state */ AppDomain::AssemblyIterator iData; iData = pAppDomain->IterateAssembliesEx((AssemblyIterationFlags)( kIncludeExecution | kIncludeLoaded | kIncludeCollected)); CollectibleAssemblyHolder pDomainAssembly; while (iData.Next_Unlocked(pDomainAssembly.This())) { // The assembly could be collected (ref-count = 0), do not use holder which calls add-ref Assembly * pAssembly = pDomainAssembly->GetLoadedAssembly(); if (pAssembly != NULL) { LoaderAllocator * pLoaderAllocator = pAssembly->GetLoaderAllocator(); if (pLoaderAllocator->IsCollectible()) { printf("LA %p ReferencesTo %d\n", pLoaderAllocator, pLoaderAllocator->m_cReferences); LoaderAllocatorSet::Iterator iter = pLoaderAllocator->m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.Begin(); while (iter != pLoaderAllocator->m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.End()) { LoaderAllocator * pAllocator = *iter; printf("LARefTo: %p\n", pAllocator); iter++; } } } } } #endif //0 AppDomain::AssemblyIterator i; // Iterate through every loader allocator, marking as we go { CrstHolder chAssemblyListLock(pAppDomain->GetAssemblyListLock()); i = pAppDomain->IterateAssembliesEx((AssemblyIterationFlags)( kIncludeExecution | kIncludeLoaded | kIncludeCollected)); CollectibleAssemblyHolder pDomainAssembly; while (i.Next_Unlocked(pDomainAssembly.This())) { // The assembly could be collected (ref-count = 0), do not use holder which calls add-ref Assembly * pAssembly = pDomainAssembly->GetLoadedAssembly(); if (pAssembly != NULL) { LoaderAllocator * pLoaderAllocator = pAssembly->GetLoaderAllocator(); if (pLoaderAllocator->IsCollectible()) { if (pLoaderAllocator->IsAlive()) pLoaderAllocator->Mark(); } } } } // Iterate through every loader allocator, unmarking marked loaderallocators, and // build a free list of unmarked ones { CrstHolder chLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock(pAppDomain->GetLoaderAllocatorReferencesLock()); CrstHolder chAssemblyListLock(pAppDomain->GetAssemblyListLock()); i = pAppDomain->IterateAssembliesEx((AssemblyIterationFlags)( kIncludeExecution | kIncludeLoaded | kIncludeCollected)); CollectibleAssemblyHolder pDomainAssembly; while (i.Next_Unlocked(pDomainAssembly.This())) { // The assembly could be collected (ref-count = 0), do not use holder which calls add-ref Assembly * pAssembly = pDomainAssembly->GetLoadedAssembly(); if (pAssembly != NULL) { LoaderAllocator * pLoaderAllocator = pAssembly->GetLoaderAllocator(); if (pLoaderAllocator->IsCollectible()) { if (pLoaderAllocator->Marked()) { pLoaderAllocator->ClearMark(); } else if (!pLoaderAllocator->IsAlive()) { // Check that we don't have already this LoaderAllocator in the list to destroy // (in case multiple assemblies are loaded in the same LoaderAllocator) bool addAllocator = true; LoaderAllocator * pCheckAllocatorToDestroy = pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; while (pCheckAllocatorToDestroy != NULL) { if (pCheckAllocatorToDestroy == pLoaderAllocator) { addAllocator = false; break; } pCheckAllocatorToDestroy = pCheckAllocatorToDestroy->m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext; } // Otherwise, we have a LoaderAllocator that we add to the list if (addAllocator) { pLoaderAllocator->m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext = pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; // We will store a reference to this assembly, and use it later in this function pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator = pLoaderAllocator; _ASSERTE(pLoaderAllocator->m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete != NULL); } } } } } } // Iterate through free list, removing from Assembly list LoaderAllocator * pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator = pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; while (pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator != NULL) { _ASSERTE(!pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->IsAlive()); GetAppDomain()->RemoveTypesFromTypeIDMap(pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator); DomainAssemblyIterator domainAssemblyIt(pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete); // Release all assemblies from the same ALC while (!domainAssemblyIt.end()) { DomainAssembly* domainAssemblyToRemove = domainAssemblyIt; pAppDomain->RemoveAssembly(domainAssemblyToRemove); if (!domainAssemblyToRemove->GetAssembly()->IsDynamic()) { pAppDomain->RemoveFileFromCache(domainAssemblyToRemove->GetFile()); AssemblySpec spec; spec.InitializeSpec(domainAssemblyToRemove->GetFile()); VERIFY(pAppDomain->RemoveAssemblyFromCache(domainAssemblyToRemove)); pAppDomain->RemoveNativeImageDependency(&spec); } domainAssemblyIt++; } pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator = pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext; } return pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; } // LoaderAllocator::GCLoaderAllocators_RemoveAssemblies //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Collect unreferenced assemblies, delete all their remaining resources. // //static void LoaderAllocator::GCLoaderAllocators(LoaderAllocator* pOriginalLoaderAllocator) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_PREEMPTIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; // List of LoaderAllocators being deleted LoaderAllocator * pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator = NULL; AppDomain* pAppDomain = (AppDomain*)pOriginalLoaderAllocator->GetDomain(); // Collect all LoaderAllocators that don't have anymore DomainAssemblies alive // Note: that it may not collect our pOriginalLoaderAllocator in case this // LoaderAllocator hasn't loaded any DomainAssembly. We handle this case in the next loop. // Note: The removed LoaderAllocators are not reachable outside of this function anymore, because we // removed them from the assembly list pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator = GCLoaderAllocators_RemoveAssemblies(pAppDomain); bool isOriginalLoaderAllocatorFound = false; // Iterate through free list, firing ETW events and notifying the debugger LoaderAllocator * pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator = pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; while (pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator != NULL) { _ASSERTE(!pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->IsAlive()); // Fire ETW event ETW::LoaderLog::CollectibleLoaderAllocatorUnload((AssemblyLoaderAllocator *)pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator); // Set the unloaded flag before notifying the debugger pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->SetIsUnloaded(); DomainAssemblyIterator domainAssemblyIt(pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete); while (!domainAssemblyIt.end()) { // Notify the debugger domainAssemblyIt->NotifyDebuggerUnload(); domainAssemblyIt++; } if (pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator == pOriginalLoaderAllocator) { isOriginalLoaderAllocatorFound = true; } pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator = pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext; } // If the original LoaderAllocator was not processed, it is most likely a LoaderAllocator without any loaded DomainAssembly // But we still want to collect it so we add it to the list of LoaderAllocator to destroy if (!isOriginalLoaderAllocatorFound && !pOriginalLoaderAllocator->IsAlive()) { pOriginalLoaderAllocator->m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext = pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator = pOriginalLoaderAllocator; } // Iterate through free list, deleting DomainAssemblies pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator = pFirstDestroyedLoaderAllocator; while (pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator != NULL) { _ASSERTE(!pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->IsAlive()); DomainAssemblyIterator domainAssemblyIt(pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete); while (!domainAssemblyIt.end()) { delete (DomainAssembly*)domainAssemblyIt; domainAssemblyIt++; } // We really don't have to set it to NULL as the assembly is not reachable anymore, but just in case ... // (Also debugging NULL AVs if someone uses it accidentally is so much easier) pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete = NULL; pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->ReleaseManagedAssemblyLoadContext(); // The following code was previously happening on delete ~DomainAssembly->Terminate // We are moving this part here in order to make sure that we can unload a LoaderAllocator // that didn't have a DomainAssembly // (we have now a LoaderAllocator with 0-n DomainAssembly) // This cleanup code starts resembling parts of AppDomain::Terminate too much. // It would be useful to reduce duplication and also establish clear responsibilites // for LoaderAllocator::Destroy, Assembly::Terminate, LoaderAllocator::Terminate // and LoaderAllocator::~LoaderAllocator. We need to establish how these // cleanup paths interact with app-domain unload and process tear-down, too. if (!IsAtProcessExit()) { // Suspend the EE to do some clean up that can only occur // while no threads are running. GCX_COOP(); // SuspendEE may require current thread to be in Coop mode // SuspendEE cares about the reason flag only when invoked for a GC // Other values are typically ignored. If using SUSPEND_FOR_APPDOMAIN_SHUTDOWN // is inappropriate, we can introduce a new flag or hijack an unused one. ThreadSuspend::SuspendEE(ThreadSuspend::SUSPEND_FOR_APPDOMAIN_SHUTDOWN); // drop the cast cache while still in COOP mode. CastCache::FlushCurrentCache(); } ExecutionManager::Unload(pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator); pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->UninitVirtualCallStubManager(); // TODO: Do we really want to perform this on each LoaderAllocator? MethodTable::ClearMethodDataCache(); ClearJitGenericHandleCache(pAppDomain); if (!IsAtProcessExit()) { // Resume the EE. ThreadSuspend::RestartEE(FALSE, TRUE); } // Because RegisterLoaderAllocatorForDeletion is modifying m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext, we are saving it here LoaderAllocator* pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext = pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator->m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext; // Register this LoaderAllocator for cleanup pAppDomain->RegisterLoaderAllocatorForDeletion(pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator); // Go to next pDomainLoaderAllocatorDestroyIterator = pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext; } // Deleting the DomainAssemblies will have created a list of LoaderAllocator's on the AppDomain // Call this shutdown function to clean those up. pAppDomain->ShutdownFreeLoaderAllocators(); } // LoaderAllocator::GCLoaderAllocators //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //static BOOL QCALLTYPE LoaderAllocator::Destroy(QCall::LoaderAllocatorHandle pLoaderAllocator) { QCALL_CONTRACT; BOOL ret = FALSE; BEGIN_QCALL; if (ObjectHandleIsNull(pLoaderAllocator->GetLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle())) { STRESS_LOG1(LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO100, "Begin LoaderAllocator::Destroy for loader allocator %p\n", reinterpret_cast(static_cast(pLoaderAllocator))); LoaderAllocatorID *pID = pLoaderAllocator->Id(); { GCX_COOP(); LoaderAllocator::RemoveMemoryToLoaderAllocatorAssociation(pLoaderAllocator); } // This will probably change for shared code unloading _ASSERTE(pID->GetType() == LAT_Assembly); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP if (pLoaderAllocator->m_pComCallWrapperCache) { pLoaderAllocator->m_pComCallWrapperCache->Release(); // if the above released the wrapper cache, then it will call back and reset our // m_pComCallWrapperCache to null. if (!pLoaderAllocator->m_pComCallWrapperCache) { LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO10, "LoaderAllocator::Destroy ComCallWrapperCache released\n")); } #ifdef _DEBUG else { pLoaderAllocator->m_pComCallWrapperCache = NULL; LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO10, "LoaderAllocator::Destroy ComCallWrapperCache not released\n")); } #endif // _DEBUG } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP DomainAssembly* pDomainAssembly = (DomainAssembly*)(pID->GetDomainAssemblyIterator()); if (pDomainAssembly != NULL) { Assembly *pAssembly = pDomainAssembly->GetCurrentAssembly(); pLoaderAllocator->m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete = pAssembly->GetDomainAssembly(); } // Iterate through all references to other loader allocators and decrement their reference // count LoaderAllocatorSet::Iterator iter = pLoaderAllocator->m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.Begin(); while (iter != pLoaderAllocator->m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.End()) { LoaderAllocator *pAllocator = *iter; pAllocator->Release(); iter++; } // Release this loader allocator BOOL fIsLastReferenceReleased = pLoaderAllocator->Release(); // If the reference count on this assembly got to 0, then a LoaderAllocator may // be able to be collected, thus, perform a garbage collection. // The reference count is setup such that in the case of non-trivial graphs, the reference count // may hit zero early. if (fIsLastReferenceReleased) { LoaderAllocator::GCLoaderAllocators(pLoaderAllocator); } STRESS_LOG1(LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO100, "End LoaderAllocator::Destroy for loader allocator %p\n", reinterpret_cast(static_cast(pLoaderAllocator))); ret = TRUE; } END_QCALL; return ret; } // LoaderAllocator::Destroy #define MAX_LOADERALLOCATOR_HANDLE 0x40000000 // Returns NULL if the managed LoaderAllocator object was already collected. LOADERHANDLE LoaderAllocator::AllocateHandle(OBJECTREF value) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; LOADERHANDLE retVal; struct _gc { OBJECTREF value; LOADERALLOCATORREF loaderAllocator; PTRARRAYREF handleTable; PTRARRAYREF handleTableOld; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); gc.value = value; // The handle table is read locklessly, be careful if (IsCollectible()) { gc.loaderAllocator = (LOADERALLOCATORREF)ObjectFromHandle(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle); if (gc.loaderAllocator == NULL) { // The managed LoaderAllocator is already collected, we cannot allocate any exposed managed objects for it retVal = NULL; } else { DWORD slotsUsed; DWORD numComponents; do { { CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); gc.handleTable = gc.loaderAllocator->GetHandleTable(); if (!m_freeHandleIndexesStack.IsEmpty()) { // Reuse a handle slot that was previously freed DWORD freeHandleIndex = m_freeHandleIndexesStack.Pop(); gc.handleTable->SetAt(freeHandleIndex, gc.value); retVal = (UINT_PTR)((freeHandleIndex + 1) << 1); break; } slotsUsed = gc.loaderAllocator->GetSlotsUsed(); if (slotsUsed > MAX_LOADERALLOCATOR_HANDLE) { COMPlusThrowOM(); } numComponents = gc.handleTable->GetNumComponents(); if (slotsUsed < numComponents) { // The handle table is large enough, allocate next slot from it gc.handleTable->SetAt(slotsUsed, gc.value); gc.loaderAllocator->SetSlotsUsed(slotsUsed + 1); retVal = (UINT_PTR)((slotsUsed + 1) << 1); break; } } // We need to enlarge the handle table gc.handleTableOld = gc.handleTable; DWORD newSize = numComponents * 2; gc.handleTable = (PTRARRAYREF)AllocateObjectArray(newSize, g_pObjectClass); { CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); if (gc.loaderAllocator->GetHandleTable() == gc.handleTableOld) { /* Copy out of old array */ memmoveGCRefs(gc.handleTable->GetDataPtr(), gc.handleTableOld->GetDataPtr(), slotsUsed * sizeof(Object *)); gc.loaderAllocator->SetHandleTable(gc.handleTable); } else { // Another thread has beaten us on enlarging the handle array, use the handle table it has allocated gc.handleTable = gc.loaderAllocator->GetHandleTable(); } slotsUsed = gc.loaderAllocator->GetSlotsUsed(); numComponents = gc.handleTable->GetNumComponents(); if (slotsUsed < numComponents) { // The handle table is large enough, allocate next slot from it gc.handleTable->SetAt(slotsUsed, gc.value); gc.loaderAllocator->SetSlotsUsed(slotsUsed + 1); retVal = (UINT_PTR)((slotsUsed + 1) << 1); break; } } // Loop in the unlikely case that another thread has beaten us on the handle array enlarging, but // all the slots were used up before the current thread was scheduled. } while (true); } } else { OBJECTREF* pRef = GetDomain()->AllocateObjRefPtrsInLargeTable(1); SetObjectReference(pRef, gc.value); retVal = (((UINT_PTR)pRef) + 1); } GCPROTECT_END(); return retVal; } OBJECTREF LoaderAllocator::GetHandleValue(LOADERHANDLE handle) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST(this, handle, &objRet); return objRet; } void LoaderAllocator::FreeHandle(LOADERHANDLE handle) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(handle != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; SetHandleValue(handle, NULL); if ((((UINT_PTR)handle) & 1) == 0) { // The slot value doesn't have the low bit set, so it is an index to the handle table. // In this case, push the index of the handle to the stack of freed indexes for // reuse. CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); UINT_PTR index = (((UINT_PTR)handle) >> 1) - 1; // The Push can fail due to OOM. Ignore this failure, it is better than crashing. The // only effect is that the slot will not be reused in the future if the runtime survives // the low memory situation. m_freeHandleIndexesStack.Push((DWORD)index); } } OBJECTREF LoaderAllocator::CompareExchangeValueInHandle(LOADERHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF valueUNSAFE, OBJECTREF compareUNSAFE) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(handle != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF retVal; struct _gc { OBJECTREF value; OBJECTREF compare; OBJECTREF previous; } gc; ZeroMemory(&gc, sizeof(gc)); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(gc); gc.value = valueUNSAFE; gc.compare = compareUNSAFE; if ((((UINT_PTR)handle) & 1) != 0) { OBJECTREF *ptr = (OBJECTREF *)(((UINT_PTR)handle) - 1); gc.previous = *ptr; if ((*ptr) == gc.compare) { SetObjectReference(ptr, gc.value); } } else { /* The handle table is read locklessly, be careful */ CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); _ASSERTE(!ObjectHandleIsNull(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle)); UINT_PTR index = (((UINT_PTR)handle) >> 1) - 1; LOADERALLOCATORREF loaderAllocator = (LOADERALLOCATORREF)ObjectFromHandle(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle); PTRARRAYREF handleTable = loaderAllocator->GetHandleTable(); gc.previous = handleTable->GetAt(index); if (gc.previous == gc.compare) { handleTable->SetAt(index, gc.value); } } retVal = gc.previous; GCPROTECT_END(); return retVal; } void LoaderAllocator::SetHandleValue(LOADERHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF value) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; PRECONDITION(handle != NULL); } CONTRACTL_END; GCX_COOP(); GCPROTECT_BEGIN(value); // If the slot value does have the low bit set, then it is a simple pointer to the value // Otherwise, we will need a more complicated operation to clear the value. if ((((UINT_PTR)handle) & 1) != 0) { OBJECTREF *ptr = (OBJECTREF *)(((UINT_PTR)handle) - 1); SetObjectReference(ptr, value); } else { // The handle table is read locklessly, be careful CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); _ASSERTE(!ObjectHandleIsNull(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle)); UINT_PTR index = (((UINT_PTR)handle) >> 1) - 1; LOADERALLOCATORREF loaderAllocator = (LOADERALLOCATORREF)ObjectFromHandle(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle); PTRARRAYREF handleTable = loaderAllocator->GetHandleTable(); handleTable->SetAt(index, value); } GCPROTECT_END(); return; } void LoaderAllocator::SetupManagedTracking(LOADERALLOCATORREF * pKeepLoaderAllocatorAlive) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; GCInterface::AddMemoryPressure(30000); m_fGCPressure = true; GCX_COOP(); // // Initialize managed loader allocator reference holder // MethodTable *pMT = CoreLibBinder::GetClass(CLASS__LOADERALLOCATOR); *pKeepLoaderAllocatorAlive = (LOADERALLOCATORREF)AllocateObject(pMT); MethodDescCallSite initLoaderAllocator(METHOD__LOADERALLOCATOR__CTOR, (OBJECTREF *)pKeepLoaderAllocatorAlive); ARG_SLOT args[] = { ObjToArgSlot(*pKeepLoaderAllocatorAlive) }; initLoaderAllocator.Call(args); m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle = GetDomain()->CreateLongWeakHandle(*pKeepLoaderAllocatorAlive); RegisterHandleForCleanup(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle); } void LoaderAllocator::ActivateManagedTracking() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; FORBID_FAULT; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END GCX_COOP(); // There is now one external reference to this LoaderAllocator (the managed scout) _ASSERTE(m_cReferences == (UINT32)-1); m_cReferences = (UINT32)1; LOADERALLOCATORREF loaderAllocator = (LOADERALLOCATORREF)ObjectFromHandle(m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle); loaderAllocator->SetNativeLoaderAllocator(this); } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE // We don't actually allocate a low frequency heap for collectible types. // This is carefully tuned to sum up to 16 pages to reduce waste. #define COLLECTIBLE_LOW_FREQUENCY_HEAP_SIZE (0 * GetOsPageSize()) #define COLLECTIBLE_HIGH_FREQUENCY_HEAP_SIZE (3 * GetOsPageSize()) #define COLLECTIBLE_STUB_HEAP_SIZE GetOsPageSize() #define COLLECTIBLE_CODEHEAP_SIZE (7 * GetOsPageSize()) #define COLLECTIBLE_VIRTUALSTUBDISPATCH_HEAP_SPACE (5 * GetOsPageSize()) void LoaderAllocator::Init(BaseDomain *pDomain, BYTE *pExecutableHeapMemory) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; m_pDomain = pDomain; m_crstLoaderAllocator.Init(CrstLoaderAllocator, (CrstFlags)CRST_UNSAFE_COOPGC); m_InteropDataCrst.Init(CrstInteropData, CRST_REENTRANCY); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP m_ComCallWrapperCrst.Init(CrstCOMCallWrapper); #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE m_methodDescBackpatchInfoTracker.Initialize(this); #endif // // Initialize the heaps // DWORD dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize; DWORD dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize; DWORD dwStubHeapReserveSize; DWORD dwExecutableHeapReserveSize; DWORD dwCodeHeapReserveSize; DWORD dwVSDHeapReserveSize; dwExecutableHeapReserveSize = 0; if (IsCollectible()) { dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize = COLLECTIBLE_LOW_FREQUENCY_HEAP_SIZE; dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize = COLLECTIBLE_HIGH_FREQUENCY_HEAP_SIZE; dwStubHeapReserveSize = COLLECTIBLE_STUB_HEAP_SIZE; dwCodeHeapReserveSize = COLLECTIBLE_CODEHEAP_SIZE; dwVSDHeapReserveSize = COLLECTIBLE_VIRTUALSTUBDISPATCH_HEAP_SPACE; } else { dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize = LOW_FREQUENCY_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE; dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize = HIGH_FREQUENCY_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE; dwStubHeapReserveSize = STUB_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE; // Non-collectible assemblies do not reserve space for these heaps. dwCodeHeapReserveSize = 0; dwVSDHeapReserveSize = 0; } // The global heap needs a bit of space for executable memory that is not associated with a rangelist. // Take a page from the high-frequency heap for this. if (pExecutableHeapMemory != NULL) { dwExecutableHeapReserveSize = GetOsPageSize(); _ASSERTE(dwExecutableHeapReserveSize < dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize); dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize -= dwExecutableHeapReserveSize; } DWORD dwTotalReserveMemSize = dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize + dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize + dwStubHeapReserveSize + dwCodeHeapReserveSize + dwVSDHeapReserveSize + dwExecutableHeapReserveSize; dwTotalReserveMemSize = (DWORD) ALIGN_UP(dwTotalReserveMemSize, VIRTUAL_ALLOC_RESERVE_GRANULARITY); #if !defined(HOST_64BIT) // Make sure that we reserve as little as possible on 32-bit to save address space _ASSERTE(dwTotalReserveMemSize <= VIRTUAL_ALLOC_RESERVE_GRANULARITY); #endif BYTE * initReservedMem = (BYTE*)ExecutableAllocator::Instance()->Reserve(dwTotalReserveMemSize); m_InitialReservedMemForLoaderHeaps = initReservedMem; if (initReservedMem == NULL) COMPlusThrowOM(); if (IsCollectible()) { m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc = initReservedMem; initReservedMem += dwCodeHeapReserveSize; m_pVSDHeapInitialAlloc = initReservedMem; initReservedMem += dwVSDHeapReserveSize; } else { _ASSERTE((dwCodeHeapReserveSize == 0) && (m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc == NULL)); _ASSERTE((dwVSDHeapReserveSize == 0) && (m_pVSDHeapInitialAlloc == NULL)); } if (dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize != 0) { _ASSERTE(!IsCollectible()); m_pLowFrequencyHeap = new (&m_LowFreqHeapInstance) LoaderHeap(LOW_FREQUENCY_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE, LOW_FREQUENCY_HEAP_COMMIT_SIZE, initReservedMem, dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize); initReservedMem += dwLowFrequencyHeapReserveSize; } if (dwExecutableHeapReserveSize != 0) { _ASSERTE(!IsCollectible()); m_pExecutableHeap = new (pExecutableHeapMemory) LoaderHeap(STUB_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE, STUB_HEAP_COMMIT_SIZE, initReservedMem, dwExecutableHeapReserveSize, NULL, TRUE /* Make heap executable */ ); initReservedMem += dwExecutableHeapReserveSize; } m_pHighFrequencyHeap = new (&m_HighFreqHeapInstance) LoaderHeap(HIGH_FREQUENCY_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE, HIGH_FREQUENCY_HEAP_COMMIT_SIZE, initReservedMem, dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize); initReservedMem += dwHighFrequencyHeapReserveSize; if (IsCollectible()) m_pLowFrequencyHeap = m_pHighFrequencyHeap; #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(STUBLINKER_GENERATES_UNWIND_INFO) m_pHighFrequencyHeap->m_fPermitStubsWithUnwindInfo = TRUE; #endif m_pStubHeap = new (&m_StubHeapInstance) LoaderHeap(STUB_HEAP_RESERVE_SIZE, STUB_HEAP_COMMIT_SIZE, initReservedMem, dwStubHeapReserveSize, STUBMANAGER_RANGELIST(StubLinkStubManager), TRUE /* Make heap executable */); initReservedMem += dwStubHeapReserveSize; #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(STUBLINKER_GENERATES_UNWIND_INFO) m_pStubHeap->m_fPermitStubsWithUnwindInfo = TRUE; #endif #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE m_pPrecodeHeap = new (&m_PrecodeHeapInstance) LoaderHeap(GetOsPageSize(), GetOsPageSize()); #else m_pPrecodeHeap = new (&m_PrecodeHeapInstance) CodeFragmentHeap(this, STUB_CODE_BLOCK_PRECODE); #endif // Initialize the EE marshaling data to NULL. m_pMarshalingData = NULL; // Set up the IL stub cache m_ILStubCache.Init(m_pHighFrequencyHeap); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Init the COM Interop data hash { LockOwner lock = { &m_InteropDataCrst, IsOwnerOfCrst }; m_interopDataHash.Init(0, NULL, false, &lock); } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_TIERED_COMPILATION if (g_pConfig->TieredCompilation()) { m_callCountingManager = new CallCountingManager(); } #endif } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN PTR_CodeFragmentHeap LoaderAllocator::GetDynamicHelpersHeap() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pDynamicHelpersHeap == NULL) { CodeFragmentHeap * pDynamicHelpersHeap = new CodeFragmentHeap(this, STUB_CODE_BLOCK_DYNAMICHELPER); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pDynamicHelpersHeap, pDynamicHelpersHeap, NULL) != NULL) delete pDynamicHelpersHeap; } return m_pDynamicHelpersHeap; } #endif FuncPtrStubs * LoaderAllocator::GetFuncPtrStubs() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pFuncPtrStubs == NULL) { FuncPtrStubs * pFuncPtrStubs = new FuncPtrStubs(); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pFuncPtrStubs, pFuncPtrStubs, NULL) != NULL) delete pFuncPtrStubs; } return m_pFuncPtrStubs; } BYTE *LoaderAllocator::GetVSDHeapInitialBlock(DWORD *pSize) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; *pSize = 0; BYTE *buffer = InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pVSDHeapInitialAlloc, NULL, m_pVSDHeapInitialAlloc); if (buffer != NULL) { *pSize = COLLECTIBLE_VIRTUALSTUBDISPATCH_HEAP_SPACE; } return buffer; } BYTE *LoaderAllocator::GetCodeHeapInitialBlock(const BYTE * loAddr, const BYTE * hiAddr, DWORD minimumSize, DWORD *pSize) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; *pSize = 0; // Check to see if the size is small enough that this might work if (minimumSize > COLLECTIBLE_CODEHEAP_SIZE) return NULL; // Check to see if initial alloc would be in the proper region if (loAddr != NULL || hiAddr != NULL) { if (m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc < loAddr) return NULL; if ((m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc + COLLECTIBLE_CODEHEAP_SIZE) > hiAddr) return NULL; } BYTE * buffer = InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc, NULL, m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc); if (buffer != NULL) { *pSize = COLLECTIBLE_CODEHEAP_SIZE; } return buffer; } // in retail should be called from AppDomain::Terminate void LoaderAllocator::Terminate() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_fTerminated) return; m_fTerminated = true; LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO100, "Begin LoaderAllocator::Terminate for loader allocator %p\n", reinterpret_cast(static_cast(this)))); DeleteMarshalingData(); if (m_fGCPressure) { GCX_PREEMP(); GCInterface::RemoveMemoryPressure(30000); m_fGCPressure = false; } delete m_pUMEntryThunkCache; m_pUMEntryThunkCache = NULL; m_crstLoaderAllocator.Destroy(); #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP m_ComCallWrapperCrst.Destroy(); m_InteropDataCrst.Destroy(); #endif m_LoaderAllocatorReferences.RemoveAll(); #ifdef FEATURE_TIERED_COMPILATION if (m_callCountingManager != NULL) { delete m_callCountingManager; m_callCountingManager = NULL; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT if (m_onStackReplacementManager != NULL) { delete m_onStackReplacementManager; m_onStackReplacementManager = NULL; } #endif // In collectible types we merge the low frequency and high frequency heaps // So don't destroy them twice. if ((m_pLowFrequencyHeap != NULL) && (m_pLowFrequencyHeap != m_pHighFrequencyHeap)) { m_pLowFrequencyHeap->~LoaderHeap(); m_pLowFrequencyHeap = NULL; } if (m_pHighFrequencyHeap != NULL) { #ifdef STUBLINKER_GENERATES_UNWIND_INFO UnregisterUnwindInfoInLoaderHeap(m_pHighFrequencyHeap); #endif m_pHighFrequencyHeap->~LoaderHeap(); m_pHighFrequencyHeap = NULL; } if (m_pStubHeap != NULL) { #ifdef STUBLINKER_GENERATES_UNWIND_INFO UnregisterUnwindInfoInLoaderHeap(m_pStubHeap); #endif m_pStubHeap->~LoaderHeap(); m_pStubHeap = NULL; } if (m_pPrecodeHeap != NULL) { m_pPrecodeHeap->~CodeFragmentHeap(); m_pPrecodeHeap = NULL; } #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN if (m_pDynamicHelpersHeap != NULL) { delete m_pDynamicHelpersHeap; m_pDynamicHelpersHeap = NULL; } #endif if (m_pFuncPtrStubs != NULL) { delete m_pFuncPtrStubs; m_pFuncPtrStubs = NULL; } // This was the block reserved by BaseDomain::Init for the loaderheaps. if (m_InitialReservedMemForLoaderHeaps) { ClrVirtualFree (m_InitialReservedMemForLoaderHeaps, 0, MEM_RELEASE); m_InitialReservedMemForLoaderHeaps=NULL; } #ifdef FAT_DISPATCH_TOKENS if (m_pFatTokenSetLock != NULL) { delete m_pFatTokenSetLock; m_pFatTokenSetLock = NULL; } if (m_pFatTokenSet != NULL) { delete m_pFatTokenSet; m_pFatTokenSet = NULL; } #endif // FAT_DISPATCH_TOKENS CleanupStringLiteralMap(); LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO100, "End LoaderAllocator::Terminate for loader allocator %p\n", reinterpret_cast(static_cast(this)))); } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE #else //DACCESS_COMPILE void LoaderAllocator::EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags) { SUPPORTS_DAC; DAC_ENUM_DTHIS(); if (m_pLowFrequencyHeap.IsValid()) { m_pLowFrequencyHeap->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } if (m_pHighFrequencyHeap.IsValid()) { m_pHighFrequencyHeap->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } if (m_pStubHeap.IsValid()) { m_pStubHeap->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } if (m_pPrecodeHeap.IsValid()) { m_pPrecodeHeap->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } if (m_pPrecodeHeap.IsValid()) { m_pPrecodeHeap->EnumMemoryRegions(flags); } } #endif //DACCESS_COMPILE SIZE_T LoaderAllocator::EstimateSize() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; SIZE_T retval=0; if(m_pHighFrequencyHeap) retval+=m_pHighFrequencyHeap->GetSize(); if(m_pLowFrequencyHeap) retval+=m_pLowFrequencyHeap->GetSize(); if(m_pStubHeap) retval+=m_pStubHeap->GetSize(); if(m_pStringLiteralMap) retval+=m_pStringLiteralMap->GetSize(); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE if(m_pVirtualCallStubManager) retval+=m_pVirtualCallStubManager->GetSize(); #endif return retval; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE DispatchToken LoaderAllocator::GetDispatchToken( UINT32 typeId, UINT32 slotNumber) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; #ifdef FAT_DISPATCH_TOKENS if (DispatchToken::RequiresDispatchTokenFat(typeId, slotNumber)) { // // Lock and set are lazily created. // if (m_pFatTokenSetLock == NULL) { NewHolder pFatTokenSetLock = new SimpleRWLock(COOPERATIVE_OR_PREEMPTIVE, LOCK_TYPE_DEFAULT); SimpleWriteLockHolder lock(pFatTokenSetLock); NewHolder pFatTokenSet = new FatTokenSet; if (FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer( &m_pFatTokenSetLock, pFatTokenSetLock.GetValue(), NULL) != NULL) { // Someone beat us to it lock.Release(); // NewHolder will delete lock. } else { // Make sure second allocation succeeds before suppressing holder of first. pFatTokenSetLock.SuppressRelease(); m_pFatTokenSet = pFatTokenSet; pFatTokenSet.SuppressRelease(); } } // // Take read lock, see if the requisite token has already been created and if so use it. // Otherwise, take write lock and create new token and add to the set. // // Lookup SimpleReadLockHolder rlock(m_pFatTokenSetLock); DispatchTokenFat key(typeId, slotNumber); DispatchTokenFat *pFat = m_pFatTokenSet->Lookup(&key); if (pFat != NULL) { // is already in the set. return DispatchToken(pFat); } else { // Create rlock.Release(); SimpleWriteLockHolder wlock(m_pFatTokenSetLock); // Check to see if someone beat us to the punch between // releasing the read lock and taking the write lock. pFat = m_pFatTokenSet->Lookup(&key); if (pFat == NULL) { // No one beat us; allocate and insert a new DispatchTokenFat instance. pFat = new ((LPVOID)GetHighFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(sizeof(DispatchTokenFat)))) DispatchTokenFat(typeId, slotNumber); m_pFatTokenSet->Add(pFat); } return DispatchToken(pFat); } } #endif // FAT_DISPATCH_TOKENS return DispatchToken::CreateDispatchToken(typeId, slotNumber); } void LoaderAllocator::InitVirtualCallStubManager(BaseDomain * pDomain) { STANDARD_VM_CONTRACT; NewHolder pMgr(new VirtualCallStubManager()); // Init the manager, including all heaps and such. pMgr->Init(pDomain, this); m_pVirtualCallStubManager = pMgr; // Successfully created the manager. pMgr.SuppressRelease(); } void LoaderAllocator::UninitVirtualCallStubManager() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; if (m_pVirtualCallStubManager != NULL) { m_pVirtualCallStubManager->Uninit(); delete m_pVirtualCallStubManager; m_pVirtualCallStubManager = NULL; } } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE EEMarshalingData *LoaderAllocator::GetMarshalingData() { CONTRACT (EEMarshalingData*) { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM()); POSTCONDITION(CheckPointer(m_pMarshalingData)); } CONTRACT_END; if (!m_pMarshalingData) { // Take the lock CrstHolder holder(&m_InteropDataCrst); if (!m_pMarshalingData) { m_pMarshalingData = new (GetLowFrequencyHeap()) EEMarshalingData(this, &m_InteropDataCrst); } } RETURN m_pMarshalingData; } void LoaderAllocator::DeleteMarshalingData() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; // We are in shutdown - no need to take any lock if (m_pMarshalingData) { delete m_pMarshalingData; m_pMarshalingData = NULL; } } #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL GlobalLoaderAllocator::CanUnload() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return FALSE; } BOOL AssemblyLoaderAllocator::CanUnload() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return TRUE; } DomainAssemblyIterator::DomainAssemblyIterator(DomainAssembly* pFirstAssembly) { pCurrentAssembly = pFirstAssembly; pNextAssembly = pCurrentAssembly ? pCurrentAssembly->GetNextDomainAssemblyInSameALC() : NULL; } void DomainAssemblyIterator::operator++() { pCurrentAssembly = pNextAssembly; pNextAssembly = pCurrentAssembly ? pCurrentAssembly->GetNextDomainAssemblyInSameALC() : NULL; } void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::SetCollectible() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; } CONTRACTL_END; m_IsCollectible = true; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::Init(AppDomain* pAppDomain) { m_Id.Init(); LoaderAllocator::Init((BaseDomain *)pAppDomain); if (IsCollectible()) { m_pShuffleThunkCache = new ShuffleThunkCache(m_pStubHeap); } } #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE AssemblyLoaderAllocator::~AssemblyLoaderAllocator() { if (m_binderToRelease != NULL) { VERIFY(m_binderToRelease->Release() == 0); m_binderToRelease = NULL; } delete m_pShuffleThunkCache; m_pShuffleThunkCache = NULL; } void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::RegisterBinder(CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext* binderToRelease) { // When the binder is registered it will be released by the destructor // of this instance _ASSERTE(m_binderToRelease == NULL); m_binderToRelease = binderToRelease; } STRINGREF *LoaderAllocator::GetStringObjRefPtrFromUnicodeString(EEStringData *pStringData) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pStringData)); INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pStringLiteralMap == NULL) { LazyInitStringLiteralMap(); } _ASSERTE(m_pStringLiteralMap); return m_pStringLiteralMap->GetStringLiteral(pStringData, TRUE, !CanUnload()); } //***************************************************************************** void LoaderAllocator::LazyInitStringLiteralMap() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; NewHolder pStringLiteralMap(new StringLiteralMap()); pStringLiteralMap->Init(); if (InterlockedCompareExchangeT(&m_pStringLiteralMap, pStringLiteralMap, NULL) == NULL) { pStringLiteralMap.SuppressRelease(); } } void LoaderAllocator::CleanupStringLiteralMap() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pStringLiteralMap) { delete m_pStringLiteralMap; m_pStringLiteralMap = NULL; } } STRINGREF *LoaderAllocator::IsStringInterned(STRINGREF *pString) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pString)); INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pStringLiteralMap == NULL) { LazyInitStringLiteralMap(); } _ASSERTE(m_pStringLiteralMap); return m_pStringLiteralMap->GetInternedString(pString, FALSE, !CanUnload()); } STRINGREF *LoaderAllocator::GetOrInternString(STRINGREF *pString) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pString)); INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_pStringLiteralMap == NULL) { LazyInitStringLiteralMap(); } _ASSERTE(m_pStringLiteralMap); return m_pStringLiteralMap->GetInternedString(pString, TRUE, !CanUnload()); } void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::RegisterHandleForCleanup(OBJECTHANDLE objHandle) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_ANY; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(objHandle)); INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; void * pItem = GetLowFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(sizeof(HandleCleanupListItem))); // InsertTail must be protected by a lock. Just use the loader allocator lock CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); m_handleCleanupList.InsertTail(new (pItem) HandleCleanupListItem(objHandle)); } void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::UnregisterHandleFromCleanup(OBJECTHANDLE objHandle) { CONTRACTL { MODE_ANY; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(objHandle)); } CONTRACTL_END; // FindAndRemove must be protected by a lock. Just use the loader allocator lock CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); for (HandleCleanupListItem* item = m_handleCleanupList.GetHead(); item != NULL; item = SList::GetNext(item)) { if (item->m_handle == objHandle) { m_handleCleanupList.FindAndRemove(item); return; } } _ASSERTE(!"Trying to unregister a handle that was never registered"); } void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::CleanupHandles() { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; NOTHROW; MODE_ANY; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; _ASSERTE(GetDomain()->IsAppDomain()); // This method doesn't take a lock around RemoveHead because it's supposed to // be called only from Terminate while (!m_handleCleanupList.IsEmpty()) { HandleCleanupListItem * pItem = m_handleCleanupList.RemoveHead(); DestroyTypedHandle(pItem->m_handle); } } void LoaderAllocator::RegisterFailedTypeInitForCleanup(ListLockEntry *pListLockEntry) { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_ANY; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pListLockEntry)); INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsCollectible()) { return; } void * pItem = GetLowFrequencyHeap()->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(sizeof(FailedTypeInitCleanupListItem))); // InsertTail must be protected by a lock. Just use the loader allocator lock CrstHolder ch(&m_crstLoaderAllocator); m_failedTypeInitCleanupList.InsertTail(new (pItem) FailedTypeInitCleanupListItem(pListLockEntry)); } void LoaderAllocator::CleanupFailedTypeInit() { CONTRACTL { GC_TRIGGERS; THROWS; MODE_ANY; CAN_TAKE_LOCK; } CONTRACTL_END; if (!IsCollectible()) { return; } _ASSERTE(GetDomain()->IsAppDomain()); // This method doesn't take a lock around loader allocator state access, because // it's supposed to be called only during cleanup. However, the domain-level state // might be accessed by multiple threads. ListLock *pLock = GetDomain()->GetClassInitLock(); while (!m_failedTypeInitCleanupList.IsEmpty()) { FailedTypeInitCleanupListItem * pItem = m_failedTypeInitCleanupList.RemoveHead(); ListLockHolder pInitLock(pLock); pLock->Unlink(pItem->m_pListLockEntry); } } void AssemblyLoaderAllocator::ReleaseManagedAssemblyLoadContext() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_binderToRelease != NULL) { // Release the managed ALC m_binderToRelease->ReleaseLoadContext(); } } #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP ComCallWrapperCache * LoaderAllocator::GetComCallWrapperCache() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!m_pComCallWrapperCache) { CrstHolder lh(&m_ComCallWrapperCrst); if (!m_pComCallWrapperCache) m_pComCallWrapperCache = ComCallWrapperCache::Create(this); } _ASSERTE(m_pComCallWrapperCache); return m_pComCallWrapperCache; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP // U->M thunks created in this LoaderAllocator and not associated with a delegate. UMEntryThunkCache *LoaderAllocator::GetUMEntryThunkCache() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (!m_pUMEntryThunkCache) { UMEntryThunkCache *pUMEntryThunkCache = new UMEntryThunkCache(GetAppDomain()); if (FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer(&m_pUMEntryThunkCache, pUMEntryThunkCache, NULL) != NULL) { // some thread swooped in and set the field delete pUMEntryThunkCache; } } _ASSERTE(m_pUMEntryThunkCache); return m_pUMEntryThunkCache; } /* static */ void LoaderAllocator::RemoveMemoryToLoaderAllocatorAssociation(LoaderAllocator* pLoaderAllocator) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; GlobalLoaderAllocator* pGlobalAllocator = (GlobalLoaderAllocator*)SystemDomain::GetGlobalLoaderAllocator(); pGlobalAllocator->m_memoryAssociations.RemoveRanges(pLoaderAllocator); } /* static */ void LoaderAllocator::AssociateMemoryWithLoaderAllocator(BYTE *start, const BYTE *end, LoaderAllocator* pLoaderAllocator) { CONTRACTL { THROWS; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; GlobalLoaderAllocator* pGlobalAllocator = (GlobalLoaderAllocator*)SystemDomain::GetGlobalLoaderAllocator(); pGlobalAllocator->m_memoryAssociations.AddRange(start, end, pLoaderAllocator); } /* static */ PTR_LoaderAllocator LoaderAllocator::GetAssociatedLoaderAllocator_Unsafe(TADDR ptr) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; GlobalLoaderAllocator* pGlobalAllocator = (GlobalLoaderAllocator*)SystemDomain::GetGlobalLoaderAllocator(); LoaderAllocator* pLoaderAllocator; if (pGlobalAllocator->m_memoryAssociations.IsInRangeWorker_Unlocked(ptr, reinterpret_cast(&pLoaderAllocator))) { return pLoaderAllocator; } return NULL; } #endif // !CROSSGEN_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // Look up interop data for a method table // Returns the data pointer if present, NULL otherwise InteropMethodTableData *LoaderAllocator::LookupComInteropData(MethodTable *pMT) { // Take the lock CrstHolder holder(&m_InteropDataCrst); // Lookup InteropMethodTableData *pData = (InteropMethodTableData*)m_interopDataHash.LookupValue((UPTR)pMT, (LPVOID)NULL); // Not there... if (pData == (InteropMethodTableData*)INVALIDENTRY) return NULL; // Found it return pData; } // Returns TRUE if successfully inserted, FALSE if this would be a duplicate entry BOOL LoaderAllocator::InsertComInteropData(MethodTable* pMT, InteropMethodTableData *pData) { // We don't keep track of this kind of information for interfaces _ASSERTE(!pMT->IsInterface()); // Take the lock CrstHolder holder(&m_InteropDataCrst); // Check to see that it's not already in there InteropMethodTableData *pDupData = (InteropMethodTableData*)m_interopDataHash.LookupValue((UPTR)pMT, (LPVOID)NULL); if (pDupData != (InteropMethodTableData*)INVALIDENTRY) return FALSE; // Not in there, so insert m_interopDataHash.InsertValue((UPTR)pMT, (LPVOID)pData); // Success return TRUE; } #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #endif // !DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE PTR_OnStackReplacementManager LoaderAllocator::GetOnStackReplacementManager() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT(COMPlusThrowOM();); } CONTRACTL_END; if (m_onStackReplacementManager == NULL) { OnStackReplacementManager * newManager = new OnStackReplacementManager(this); if (FastInterlockCompareExchangePointer(&m_onStackReplacementManager, newManager, NULL) != NULL) { // some thread swooped in and set the field delete newManager; } } _ASSERTE(m_onStackReplacementManager != NULL); return m_onStackReplacementManager; } #endif // #endif // FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT