// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. /*============================================================ ** ** Header: LoaderAllocator.hpp ** ** ** Purpose: Implements collection of loader heaps ** ** ===========================================================*/ #ifndef __LoaderAllocator_h__ #define __LoaderAllocator_h__ class FuncPtrStubs; #include "qcall.h" #include "ilstubcache.h" #include "callcounting.h" #include "methoddescbackpatchinfo.h" #include "crossloaderallocatorhash.h" #include "onstackreplacement.h" #include "lockedrangelist.h" #include "pgo.h" #define VPTRU_LoaderAllocator 0x3200 enum LoaderAllocatorType { LAT_Invalid, LAT_Global, LAT_Assembly }; typedef SHash> LoaderAllocatorSet; class CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext; // Iterator over a DomainAssembly in the same ALC class DomainAssemblyIterator { DomainAssembly* pCurrentAssembly; DomainAssembly* pNextAssembly; public: DomainAssemblyIterator(DomainAssembly* pFirstAssembly); bool end() const { return pCurrentAssembly == NULL; } operator DomainAssembly*() const { return pCurrentAssembly; } DomainAssembly* operator ->() const { return pCurrentAssembly; } void operator++(); void operator++(int dummy) { this->operator++(); } }; class LoaderAllocatorID { protected: LoaderAllocatorType m_type; union { DomainAssembly* m_pDomainAssembly; void* m_pValue; }; VOID * GetValue(); public: LoaderAllocatorID(LoaderAllocatorType laType=LAT_Invalid, VOID* value = 0) { m_type = laType; m_pValue = value; }; VOID Init(); LoaderAllocatorType GetType(); VOID AddDomainAssembly(DomainAssembly* pDomainAssembly); DomainAssemblyIterator GetDomainAssemblyIterator(); BOOL Equals(LoaderAllocatorID* pId); COUNT_T Hash(); }; // Segmented stack to store freed handle indices class SegmentedHandleIndexStack { // Segment of the stack struct Segment { static const int Size = 64; Segment* m_prev; DWORD m_data[Size]; }; // Segment containing the TOS Segment * m_TOSSegment = NULL; // One free segment to prevent rapid delete / new if pop / push happens rapidly // at the boundary of two segments. Segment * m_freeSegment = NULL; // Index of the top of stack in the TOS segment int m_TOSIndex = Segment::Size; public: // Push the value to the stack. If the push cannot be done due to OOM, return false; inline bool Push(DWORD value); // Pop the value from the stack inline DWORD Pop(); // Check if the stack is empty. inline bool IsEmpty(); }; class StringLiteralMap; class VirtualCallStubManager; template class ListLockEntryBase; typedef ListLockEntryBase ListLockEntry; class UMEntryThunkCache; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP class ComCallWrapperCache; #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP class EEMarshalingData; class LoaderAllocator { VPTR_BASE_VTABLE_CLASS(LoaderAllocator) VPTR_UNIQUE(VPTRU_LoaderAllocator) protected: //**************************************************************************************** // #LoaderAllocator Heaps // Heaps for allocating data that persists for the life of the AppDomain // Objects that are allocated frequently should be allocated into the HighFreq heap for // better page management DAC_ALIGNAS(UINT64) // Align the first member to alignof(m_nLoaderAllocator). Windows does this by default, force Linux to match. BYTE * m_InitialReservedMemForLoaderHeaps; BYTE m_LowFreqHeapInstance[sizeof(LoaderHeap)]; BYTE m_HighFreqHeapInstance[sizeof(LoaderHeap)]; BYTE m_StubHeapInstance[sizeof(LoaderHeap)]; BYTE m_PrecodeHeapInstance[sizeof(CodeFragmentHeap)]; PTR_LoaderHeap m_pLowFrequencyHeap; PTR_LoaderHeap m_pHighFrequencyHeap; PTR_LoaderHeap m_pStubHeap; // stubs for PInvoke, remoting, etc PTR_CodeFragmentHeap m_pPrecodeHeap; PTR_LoaderHeap m_pExecutableHeap; #ifdef FEATURE_READYTORUN PTR_CodeFragmentHeap m_pDynamicHelpersHeap; #endif //**************************************************************************************** OBJECTHANDLE m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle; FuncPtrStubs * m_pFuncPtrStubs; // for GetMultiCallableAddrOfCode() // The LoaderAllocator specific string literal map. StringLiteralMap *m_pStringLiteralMap; CrstExplicitInit m_crstLoaderAllocator; bool m_fGCPressure; bool m_fUnloaded; bool m_fTerminated; bool m_fMarked; int m_nGCCount; bool m_IsCollectible; // Pre-allocated blocks of heap for collectible assemblies. Will be set to NULL as soon as it is // used. See code in GetVSDHeapInitialBlock and GetCodeHeapInitialBlock BYTE * m_pVSDHeapInitialAlloc; BYTE * m_pCodeHeapInitialAlloc; // U->M thunks that are not associated with a delegate. // The cache is keyed by MethodDesc pointers. UMEntryThunkCache * m_pUMEntryThunkCache; // IL stub cache with fabricated MethodTable parented by a random module in this LoaderAllocator. ILStubCache m_ILStubCache; #ifdef FEATURE_PGO // PgoManager to hold pgo data associated with this LoaderAllocator Volatile m_pgoManager; #endif // FEATURE_PGO public: BYTE *GetVSDHeapInitialBlock(DWORD *pSize); BYTE *GetCodeHeapInitialBlock(const BYTE * loAddr, const BYTE * hiAddr, DWORD minimumSize, DWORD *pSize); BaseDomain *m_pDomain; // ExecutionManager caches void * m_pLastUsedCodeHeap; void * m_pLastUsedDynamicCodeHeap; void * m_pJumpStubCache; // LoaderAllocator GC Structures PTR_LoaderAllocator m_pLoaderAllocatorDestroyNext; // Used in LoaderAllocator GC process (during sweeping) protected: void ClearMark(); void Mark(); bool Marked(); #ifdef FAT_DISPATCH_TOKENS struct DispatchTokenFatSHashTraits : public DefaultSHashTraits { typedef DispatchTokenFat* key_t; static key_t GetKey(element_t e) { return e; } static BOOL Equals(key_t k1, key_t k2) { return *k1 == *k2; } static count_t Hash(key_t k) { return (count_t)(size_t)*k; } }; typedef SHash FatTokenSet; SimpleRWLock *m_pFatTokenSetLock; FatTokenSet *m_pFatTokenSet; #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE VirtualCallStubManager *m_pVirtualCallStubManager; #endif private: LoaderAllocatorSet m_LoaderAllocatorReferences; Volatile m_cReferences; // This will be set by code:LoaderAllocator::Destroy (from managed scout finalizer) and signalizes that // the assembly was collected DomainAssembly * m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete; BOOL CheckAddReference_Unlocked(LoaderAllocator *pOtherLA); static UINT64 cLoaderAllocatorsCreated; UINT64 m_nLoaderAllocator; struct FailedTypeInitCleanupListItem { SLink m_Link; ListLockEntry *m_pListLockEntry; explicit FailedTypeInitCleanupListItem(ListLockEntry *pListLockEntry) : m_pListLockEntry(pListLockEntry) { } }; SList m_failedTypeInitCleanupList; SegmentedHandleIndexStack m_freeHandleIndexesStack; #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP // The wrapper cache for this loader allocator - it has its own CCacheLineAllocator on a per loader allocator basis // to allow the loader allocator to go away and eventually kill the memory when all refs are gone VolatilePtr m_pComCallWrapperCache; // Used for synchronizing creation of the m_pComCallWrapperCache CrstExplicitInit m_ComCallWrapperCrst; // Hash table that maps a MethodTable to COM Interop compatibility data. PtrHashMap m_interopDataHash; #endif // Used for synchronizing access to the m_interopDataHash and m_pMarshalingData CrstExplicitInit m_InteropDataCrst; EEMarshalingData* m_pMarshalingData; #ifdef FEATURE_TIERED_COMPILATION PTR_CallCountingManager m_callCountingManager; #endif #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE MethodDescBackpatchInfoTracker m_methodDescBackpatchInfoTracker; #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT PTR_OnStackReplacementManager m_onStackReplacementManager; #endif #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE public: // CleanupFailedTypeInit is called from AppDomain // This method accesses loader allocator state in a thread unsafe manner. // It expects to be called only from Terminate. void CleanupFailedTypeInit(); #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE // Collect unreferenced assemblies, remove them from the assembly list and return their loader allocator // list. static LoaderAllocator * GCLoaderAllocators_RemoveAssemblies(AppDomain * pAppDomain); public: // // The scheme for ensuring that LoaderAllocators are destructed correctly is substantially // complicated by the requirement that LoaderAllocators that are eligible for destruction // must be destroyed as a group due to issues where there may be ordering issues in destruction // of LoaderAllocators. // Thus, while there must be a complete web of references keeping the LoaderAllocator alive in // managed memory, we must also have an analogous web in native memory to manage the specific // ordering requirements. // // Thus we have an extra garbage collector here to manage the native web of LoaderAllocator references // Also, we have a reference count scheme so that LCG methods keep their associated LoaderAllocator // alive. LCG methods cannot be referenced by LoaderAllocators, so they do not need to participate // in the garbage collection scheme except by using AddRef/Release to adjust the root set of this // garbage collector. // //#AssemblyPhases // The phases of unloadable assembly are: // // 1. Managed LoaderAllocator is alive. // - Assembly is visible to managed world, the managed scout is alive and was not finalized yet. // Note that the fact that the managed scout is in the finalizer queue is not important as it can // (and in certain cases has to) ressurect itself. // Detection: // code:IsAlive ... TRUE // code:IsManagedScoutAlive ... TRUE // code:DomainAssembly::GetExposedAssemblyObject ... non-NULL (may need to allocate GC object) // // code:AddReferenceIfAlive ... TRUE (+ adds reference) // // 2. Managed scout is alive, managed LoaderAllocator is collected. // - All managed object related to this assembly (types, their instances, Assembly/AssemblyBuilder) // are dead and/or about to disappear and cannot be recreated anymore. We are just waiting for the // managed scout to run its finalizer. // Detection: // code:IsAlive ... TRUE // code:IsManagedScoutAlive ... TRUE // code:DomainAssembly::GetExposedAssemblyObject ... NULL (change from phase #1) // // code:AddReferenceIfAlive ... TRUE (+ adds reference) // // 3. Native LoaderAllocator is alive, managed scout is collected. // - The native LoaderAllocator can be kept alive via native reference with code:AddRef call, e.g.: // * Reference from LCG method, // * Reference recieved from assembly iterator code:AppDomain::AssemblyIterator::Next and/or // held by code:CollectibleAssemblyHolder. // - Other LoaderAllocator can have this LoaderAllocator in its reference list // (code:m_LoaderAllocatorReferences), but without call to code:AddRef. // - LoaderAllocator cannot ever go back to phase #1 or #2, but it can skip this phase if there are // not any LCG method references keeping it alive at the time of manged scout finalization. // Detection: // code:IsAlive ... TRUE // code:IsManagedScoutAlive ... FALSE (change from phase #2) // code:DomainAssembly::GetExposedAssemblyObject ... NULL // // code:AddReferenceIfAlive ... TRUE (+ adds reference) // // 4. LoaderAllocator is dead. // - The managed scout was collected. No one holds a native reference with code:AddRef to this // LoaderAllocator. // - Other LoaderAllocator can have this LoaderAllocator in its reference list // (code:m_LoaderAllocatorReferences), but without call to code:AddRef. // - LoaderAllocator cannot ever become alive again (i.e. go back to phase #3, #2 or #1). // Detection: // code:IsAlive ... FALSE (change from phase #3, #2 and #1) // // code:AddReferenceIfAlive ... FALSE (change from phase #3, #2 and #1) // void AddReference(); // Adds reference if the native object is alive - code:#AssemblyPhases. // Returns TRUE if the reference was added. BOOL AddReferenceIfAlive(); BOOL Release(); // Checks if the native object is alive - see code:#AssemblyPhases. BOOL IsAlive() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (m_cReferences != (UINT32)0); } // Checks if managed scout is alive - see code:#AssemblyPhases. BOOL IsManagedScoutAlive() { return (m_pFirstDomainAssemblyFromSameALCToDelete == NULL); } // Collect unreferenced assemblies, delete all their remaining resources. static void GCLoaderAllocators(LoaderAllocator* firstLoaderAllocator); UINT64 GetCreationNumber() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return m_nLoaderAllocator; } // Ensure this LoaderAllocator has a reference to another LoaderAllocator BOOL EnsureReference(LoaderAllocator *pOtherLA); // Ensure this LoaderAllocator has a reference to every LoaderAllocator of the types // in an instantiation BOOL EnsureInstantiation(Module *pDefiningModule, Instantiation inst); // Given typeId and slotNumber, GetDispatchToken will return a DispatchToken // representing . If the typeId is big enough, this // method will automatically allocate a DispatchTokenFat and encapsulate it // in the return value. DispatchToken GetDispatchToken(UINT32 typeId, UINT32 slotNumber); virtual LoaderAllocatorID* Id() =0; BOOL IsCollectible() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return m_IsCollectible; } // This function may only be called while the runtime is suspended // As it does not lock around access to a RangeList static PTR_LoaderAllocator GetAssociatedLoaderAllocator_Unsafe(TADDR ptr); static void AssociateMemoryWithLoaderAllocator(BYTE *start, const BYTE *end, LoaderAllocator* pLoaderAllocator); static void RemoveMemoryToLoaderAllocatorAssociation(LoaderAllocator* pLoaderAllocator); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif PTR_LoaderHeap GetLowFrequencyHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pLowFrequencyHeap; } PTR_LoaderHeap GetHighFrequencyHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pHighFrequencyHeap; } PTR_LoaderHeap GetStubHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pStubHeap; } PTR_CodeFragmentHeap GetPrecodeHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pPrecodeHeap; } // The executable heap is intended to only be used by the global loader allocator. // It refers to executable memory that is not associated with a rangelist. PTR_LoaderHeap GetExecutableHeap() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pExecutableHeap; } PTR_CodeFragmentHeap GetDynamicHelpersHeap(); FuncPtrStubs * GetFuncPtrStubs(); FuncPtrStubs * GetFuncPtrStubsNoCreate() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pFuncPtrStubs; } OBJECTHANDLE GetLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_hLoaderAllocatorObjectHandle; } LOADERALLOCATORREF GetExposedObject(); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE LOADERHANDLE AllocateHandle(OBJECTREF value); void SetHandleValue(LOADERHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF value); OBJECTREF CompareExchangeValueInHandle(LOADERHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF value, OBJECTREF compare); void FreeHandle(LOADERHANDLE handle); // The default implementation is a no-op. Only collectible loader allocators implement this method. virtual void RegisterHandleForCleanup(OBJECTHANDLE /* objHandle */) { } virtual void UnregisterHandleFromCleanup(OBJECTHANDLE /* objHandle */) { } virtual void CleanupHandles() { } void RegisterFailedTypeInitForCleanup(ListLockEntry *pListLockEntry); #ifdef FEATURE_PGO PgoManager *GetPgoManager() { return m_pgoManager; } PgoManager *GetOrCreatePgoManager() { auto currentValue = GetPgoManager(); if (currentValue != NULL) { return currentValue; } PgoManager::CreatePgoManager(&m_pgoManager, true); return GetPgoManager(); } #endif // FEATURE_PGO #else #ifdef FEATURE_PGO PgoManager *GetPgoManager() { return NULL; } PgoManager *GetOrCreatePgoManager() { return NULL; } #endif // FEATURE_PGO #endif // !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) // This function is only safe to call if the handle is known to be a handle in a collectible // LoaderAllocator, and the handle is allocated, and the LoaderAllocator is also not collected. FORCEINLINE OBJECTREF GetHandleValueFastCannotFailType2(LOADERHANDLE handle); // These functions are designed to be used for maximum performance to access handle values // The GetHandleValueFast will handle the scenario where a loader allocator pointer does not // need to be acquired to do the handle lookup, and the GetHandleValueFastPhase2 handles // the scenario where the LoaderAllocator pointer is required. // Do not use these functions directly - use GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST macro instead. FORCEINLINE static BOOL GetHandleValueFast(LOADERHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF *pValue); FORCEINLINE BOOL GetHandleValueFastPhase2(LOADERHANDLE handle, OBJECTREF *pValue); #define GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST(pLoaderAllocator, handle, pRetVal) \ do { \ LOADERHANDLE __handle__ = handle; \ if (!LoaderAllocator::GetHandleValueFast(__handle__, pRetVal) && \ !pLoaderAllocator->GetHandleValueFastPhase2(__handle__, pRetVal)) \ { \ *(pRetVal) = NULL; \ } \ } while (0) OBJECTREF GetHandleValue(LOADERHANDLE handle); LoaderAllocator(); virtual ~LoaderAllocator(); BaseDomain *GetDomain() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pDomain; } virtual BOOL CanUnload() = 0; void Init(BaseDomain *pDomain, BYTE *pExecutableHeapMemory = NULL); void Terminate(); virtual void ReleaseManagedAssemblyLoadContext() {} SIZE_T EstimateSize(); void SetupManagedTracking(LOADERALLOCATORREF *pLoaderAllocatorKeepAlive); void ActivateManagedTracking(); // Unloaded in this context means that there is no managed code running against this loader allocator. // This flag is used by debugger to filter out methods in modules that are being destructed. bool IsUnloaded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_fUnloaded; } void SetIsUnloaded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_fUnloaded = true; } void SetGCRefPoint(int gccounter) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_nGCCount=gccounter; } int GetGCRefPoint() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_nGCCount; } static BOOL QCALLTYPE Destroy(QCall::LoaderAllocatorHandle pLoaderAllocator); //**************************************************************************************** // Methods to retrieve a pointer to the COM+ string STRINGREF for a string constant. // If the string is not currently in the hash table it will be added and if the // copy string flag is set then the string will be copied before it is inserted. STRINGREF *GetStringObjRefPtrFromUnicodeString(EEStringData *pStringData); void LazyInitStringLiteralMap(); STRINGREF *IsStringInterned(STRINGREF *pString); STRINGREF *GetOrInternString(STRINGREF *pString); void CleanupStringLiteralMap(); void InitVirtualCallStubManager(BaseDomain *pDomain); void UninitVirtualCallStubManager(); #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE inline VirtualCallStubManager *GetVirtualCallStubManager() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_pVirtualCallStubManager; } UMEntryThunkCache *GetUMEntryThunkCache(); #endif static LoaderAllocator* GetLoaderAllocator(ILStubCache* pILStubCache) { return CONTAINING_RECORD(pILStubCache, LoaderAllocator, m_ILStubCache); } ILStubCache* GetILStubCache() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &m_ILStubCache; } //**************************************************************************************** // This method returns marshaling data that the EE uses that is stored on a per LoaderAllocator // basis. EEMarshalingData *GetMarshalingData(); private: // Deletes marshaling data at shutdown (which contains cached factories that needs to be released) void DeleteMarshalingData(); public: #ifdef FEATURE_COMINTEROP ComCallWrapperCache * GetComCallWrapperCache(); void ResetComCallWrapperCache() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_pComCallWrapperCache = NULL; } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Look up interop data for a method table // Returns the data pointer if present, NULL otherwise InteropMethodTableData *LookupComInteropData(MethodTable *pMT); // Returns TRUE if successfully inserted, FALSE if this would be a duplicate entry BOOL InsertComInteropData(MethodTable* pMT, InteropMethodTableData *pData); #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE #endif // FEATURE_COMINTEROP #ifdef FEATURE_TIERED_COMPILATION public: PTR_CallCountingManager GetCallCountingManager() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_callCountingManager; } #endif // FEATURE_TIERED_COMPILATION #ifndef CROSSGEN_COMPILE MethodDescBackpatchInfoTracker *GetMethodDescBackpatchInfoTracker() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return &m_methodDescBackpatchInfoTracker; } #endif #ifdef FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT public: PTR_OnStackReplacementManager GetOnStackReplacementManager(); #endif // FEATURE_ON_STACK_REPLACEMENT }; // class LoaderAllocator typedef VPTR(LoaderAllocator) PTR_LoaderAllocator; class GlobalLoaderAllocator : public LoaderAllocator { friend class LoaderAllocator; VPTR_VTABLE_CLASS(GlobalLoaderAllocator, LoaderAllocator) VPTR_UNIQUE(VPTRU_LoaderAllocator+1) DAC_ALIGNAS(LoaderAllocator) // Align the first member to the alignment of the base class BYTE m_ExecutableHeapInstance[sizeof(LoaderHeap)]; // Associate memory regions with loader allocator objects LockedRangeList m_memoryAssociations; protected: LoaderAllocatorID m_Id; public: void Init(BaseDomain *pDomain); GlobalLoaderAllocator() : m_Id(LAT_Global, (void*)1) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT;}; virtual LoaderAllocatorID* Id(); virtual BOOL CanUnload(); }; typedef VPTR(GlobalLoaderAllocator) PTR_GlobalLoaderAllocator; class ShuffleThunkCache; class AssemblyLoaderAllocator : public LoaderAllocator { VPTR_VTABLE_CLASS(AssemblyLoaderAllocator, LoaderAllocator) VPTR_UNIQUE(VPTRU_LoaderAllocator+3) protected: DAC_ALIGNAS(LoaderAllocator) // Align the first member to the alignment of the base class LoaderAllocatorID m_Id; ShuffleThunkCache* m_pShuffleThunkCache; public: virtual LoaderAllocatorID* Id(); AssemblyLoaderAllocator() : m_Id(LAT_Assembly), m_pShuffleThunkCache(NULL) #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) , m_binderToRelease(NULL) #endif { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; } void Init(AppDomain *pAppDomain); virtual BOOL CanUnload(); void SetCollectible(); void AddDomainAssembly(DomainAssembly *pDomainAssembly) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; m_Id.AddDomainAssembly(pDomainAssembly); } ShuffleThunkCache* GetShuffleThunkCache() { return m_pShuffleThunkCache; } #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) virtual void RegisterHandleForCleanup(OBJECTHANDLE objHandle); virtual void UnregisterHandleFromCleanup(OBJECTHANDLE objHandle); virtual void CleanupHandles(); CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext* GetBinder() { return m_binderToRelease; } virtual ~AssemblyLoaderAllocator(); void RegisterBinder(CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext* binderToRelease); virtual void ReleaseManagedAssemblyLoadContext(); #endif // !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) private: struct HandleCleanupListItem { SLink m_Link; OBJECTHANDLE m_handle; explicit HandleCleanupListItem(OBJECTHANDLE handle) : m_handle(handle) { } }; SList m_handleCleanupList; #if !defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) && !defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) CLRPrivBinderAssemblyLoadContext* m_binderToRelease; #endif }; typedef VPTR(AssemblyLoaderAllocator) PTR_AssemblyLoaderAllocator; #include "loaderallocator.inl" #endif // __LoaderAllocator_h__