// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // // File: pendingload.cpp // // #include "common.h" #include "excep.h" #include "pendingload.h" #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // ============================================================================ // Pending type load hash table methods // ============================================================================ /*static */ PendingTypeLoadTable* PendingTypeLoadTable::Create(LoaderHeap *pHeap, DWORD dwNumBuckets, AllocMemTracker *pamTracker) { CONTRACTL { STANDARD_VM_CHECK; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pHeap)); } CONTRACTL_END; size_t size = sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable); BYTE * pMem; PendingTypeLoadTable * pThis; _ASSERT( dwNumBuckets >= 0 ); S_SIZE_T allocSize = S_SIZE_T( dwNumBuckets ) * S_SIZE_T( sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry*) ) + S_SIZE_T( size ); if( allocSize.IsOverflow() ) { ThrowHR(E_INVALIDARG); } pMem = (BYTE *) pamTracker->Track(pHeap->AllocMem( allocSize )); pThis = (PendingTypeLoadTable *) pMem; #ifdef _DEBUG pThis->m_dwDebugMemory = (DWORD)(size + dwNumBuckets*sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry*)); #endif pThis->m_dwNumBuckets = dwNumBuckets; pThis->m_pBuckets = (PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry**) (pMem + size); // Don't need to memset() since this was ClrVirtualAlloc()'d memory // memset(pThis->m_pBuckets, 0, dwNumBuckets*sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry*)); return pThis; } PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry *PendingTypeLoadTable::AllocNewEntry() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT( return NULL; ); } CONTRACTL_END #ifdef _DEBUG m_dwDebugMemory += (DWORD) (sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry)); #endif return (PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry *) new (nothrow) BYTE[sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry)]; } void PendingTypeLoadTable::FreeEntry(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry * pEntry) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END // keep in sync with the allocator used in AllocNewEntry delete[] ((BYTE*)pEntry); #ifdef _DEBUG m_dwDebugMemory -= (DWORD) (sizeof(PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry)); #endif } // // Does not handle duplicates! // BOOL PendingTypeLoadTable::InsertValue(PendingTypeLoadEntry *pData) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; INJECT_FAULT( return FALSE; ); PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pData)); PRECONDITION(FindItem(&pData->GetTypeKey()) == NULL); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(m_dwNumBuckets != 0); DWORD dwHash = pData->GetTypeKey().ComputeHash(); DWORD dwBucket = dwHash % m_dwNumBuckets; PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry * pNewEntry = AllocNewEntry(); if (pNewEntry == NULL) return FALSE; // Insert at head of bucket pNewEntry->pNext = m_pBuckets[dwBucket]; pNewEntry->pData = pData; pNewEntry->dwHashValue = dwHash; m_pBuckets[dwBucket] = pNewEntry; return TRUE; } BOOL PendingTypeLoadTable::DeleteValue(TypeKey *pKey) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; FORBID_FAULT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pKey)); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(m_dwNumBuckets != 0); DWORD dwHash = pKey->ComputeHash(); DWORD dwBucket = dwHash % m_dwNumBuckets; PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry * pSearch; PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry **ppPrev = &m_pBuckets[dwBucket]; for (pSearch = m_pBuckets[dwBucket]; pSearch; pSearch = pSearch->pNext) { TypeKey entryTypeKey = pSearch->pData->GetTypeKey(); if (pSearch->dwHashValue == dwHash && TypeKey::Equals(pKey, &entryTypeKey)) { *ppPrev = pSearch->pNext; FreeEntry(pSearch); return TRUE; } ppPrev = &pSearch->pNext; } return FALSE; } PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry *PendingTypeLoadTable::FindItem(TypeKey *pKey) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; FORBID_FAULT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pKey)); } CONTRACTL_END _ASSERTE(m_dwNumBuckets != 0); DWORD dwHash = pKey->ComputeHash(); DWORD dwBucket = dwHash % m_dwNumBuckets; PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry * pSearch; for (pSearch = m_pBuckets[dwBucket]; pSearch; pSearch = pSearch->pNext) { TypeKey entryTypeKey = pSearch->pData->GetTypeKey(); if (pSearch->dwHashValue == dwHash && TypeKey::Equals(pKey, &entryTypeKey)) { return pSearch; } } return NULL; } #ifdef _DEBUG void PendingTypeLoadTable::Dump() { CONTRACTL { THROWS; GC_TRIGGERS; MODE_ANY; } CONTRACTL_END LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO10000, "PHASEDLOAD: table contains:\n")); for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumBuckets; i++) { for (TableEntry *pSearch = m_pBuckets[i]; pSearch; pSearch = pSearch->pNext) { SString name; TypeKey entryTypeKey = pSearch->pData->GetTypeKey(); TypeString::AppendTypeKeyDebug(name, &entryTypeKey); LOG((LF_CLASSLOADER, LL_INFO10000, " Entry %S with handle %p at level %s\n", name.GetUnicode(), pSearch->pData->m_typeHandle.AsPtr(), pSearch->pData->m_typeHandle.IsNull() ? "not-applicable" : classLoadLevelName[pSearch->pData->m_typeHandle.GetLoadLevel()])); } } } #endif PendingTypeLoadEntry* PendingTypeLoadTable::GetValue(TypeKey *pKey) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_ANY; FORBID_FAULT; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pKey)); } CONTRACTL_END PendingTypeLoadTable::TableEntry *pItem = FindItem(pKey); if (pItem != NULL) { return pItem->pData; } else { return NULL; } } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE