// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // // File: typedesc.h // // // // ============================================================================ #ifndef TYPEDESC_H #define TYPEDESC_H #include class TypeHandleList; /*************************************************************************/ /* TypeDesc is a discriminated union of all types that can not be directly represented by a simple MethodTable*. The discrimintor of the union at the present time is the CorElementType numeration. The subclass of TypeDesc are the possible variants of the union. ParamTypeDescs only include byref, array and pointer types. They do NOT include instantaitions of generic types, which are represented by MethodTables. */ typedef DPTR(class TypeDesc) PTR_TypeDesc; class TypeDesc { public: #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE friend class NativeImageDumper; #endif #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE TypeDesc(CorElementType type) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_typeAndFlags = type; } #endif // This is the ELEMENT_TYPE* that would be used in the type sig for this type // For enums this is the uderlying type inline CorElementType GetInternalCorElementType() { LIMITED_METHOD_DAC_CONTRACT; return (CorElementType) (m_typeAndFlags & 0xff); } // Get the exact parent (superclass) of this type TypeHandle GetParent(); // Returns the name of the array. Note that it returns // the length of the returned string static void ConstructName(CorElementType kind, TypeHandle param, int rank, SString &ssBuff); void GetName(SString &ssBuf); //------------------------------------------------------------------- // CASTING // // There are two variants of the "CanCastTo" method: // // CanCastTo // - might throw, might trigger GC // - return type is boolean (FALSE = cannot cast, TRUE = can cast) // // CanCastToCached // - does not throw, does not trigger GC // - return type is three-valued (CanCast, CannotCast, MaybeCast) // // MaybeCast indicates an inconclusive result // - the test result could not be obtained from a cache // so the caller should now call CanCastTo if it cares // BOOL CanCastTo(TypeHandle type, TypeHandlePairList *pVisited); TypeHandle::CastResult CanCastToCached(TypeHandle type); static BOOL CanCastParam(TypeHandle fromParam, TypeHandle toParam, TypeHandlePairList *pVisited); #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE BOOL IsEquivalentTo(TypeHandle type COMMA_INDEBUG(TypeHandlePairList *pVisited)); #endif // BYREF BOOL IsByRef() { // BYREFS are often treated specially WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return(GetInternalCorElementType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF); } // PTR BOOL IsPointer() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return(GetInternalCorElementType() == ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR); } // VAR, MVAR BOOL IsGenericVariable(); // ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR BOOL IsFnPtr(); // VALUETYPE BOOL IsNativeValueType(); // Is actually ParamTypeDesc (BYREF, PTR) BOOL HasTypeParam(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void Save(DataImage *image); void Fixup(DataImage *image); BOOL NeedsRestore(DataImage *image) { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ComputeNeedsRestore(image, NULL); } BOOL ComputeNeedsRestore(DataImage *image, TypeHandleList *pVisited); #endif void DoRestoreTypeKey(); void Restore(); BOOL IsRestored(); BOOL IsRestored_NoLogging(); void SetIsRestored(); inline BOOL HasUnrestoredTypeKey() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return (m_typeAndFlags & TypeDesc::enum_flag_UnrestoredTypeKey) != 0; } BOOL HasTypeEquivalence() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_typeAndFlags & TypeDesc::enum_flag_HasTypeEquivalence) != 0; } BOOL IsFullyLoaded() const { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (m_typeAndFlags & TypeDesc::enum_flag_IsNotFullyLoaded) == 0; } VOID SetIsFullyLoaded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; FastInterlockAnd(&m_typeAndFlags, ~TypeDesc::enum_flag_IsNotFullyLoaded); } ClassLoadLevel GetLoadLevel(); void DoFullyLoad(Generics::RecursionGraph *pVisited, ClassLoadLevel level, DFLPendingList *pPending, BOOL *pfBailed, const InstantiationContext *pInstContext); // The module that defined the underlying type PTR_Module GetModule(); // The ngen'ed module where this type-desc lives PTR_Module GetZapModule(); // The module where this type lives for the purposes of loading and prejitting // See ComputeLoaderModule for more information PTR_Module GetLoaderModule(); // The assembly that defined this type (== GetModule()->GetAssembly()) Assembly* GetAssembly(); PTR_MethodTable GetMethodTable(); // only meaningful for ParamTypeDesc TypeHandle GetTypeParam(); // only meaningful for ParamTypeDesc Instantiation GetClassOrArrayInstantiation(); // only meaningful for ParamTypeDesc; see above TypeHandle GetRootTypeParam(); // only allowed for ParamTypeDesc, helper method used to avoid recursion // Note that if the TypeDesc, e.g. a function pointer type, involves parts that may // come from either a SharedDomain or an AppDomain then special rules apply to GetDomain. // It returns the SharedDomain if all the // constituent parts of the type are SharedDomain (i.e. domain-neutral), // and returns an AppDomain if any of the parts are from an AppDomain, // i.e. are domain-bound. If any of the parts are domain-bound // then they will all belong to the same domain. PTR_BaseDomain GetDomain(); PTR_LoaderAllocator GetLoaderAllocator() { SUPPORTS_DAC; return GetLoaderModule()->GetLoaderAllocator(); } protected: // See methodtable.h for details of the flags with the same name there enum { enum_flag_NeedsRestore = 0x00000100, // Only used during ngen enum_flag_PreRestored = 0x00000200, // Only used during ngen enum_flag_Unrestored = 0x00000400, enum_flag_UnrestoredTypeKey = 0x00000800, enum_flag_IsNotFullyLoaded = 0x00001000, enum_flag_DependenciesLoaded = 0x00002000, enum_flag_HasTypeEquivalence = 0x00004000 }; // // Low-order 8 bits of this flag are used to store the CorElementType, which // discriminates what kind of TypeDesc we are // // The remaining bits are available for flags // DWORD m_typeAndFlags; }; /*************************************************************************/ // This variant is used for parameterized types that have exactly one argument // type. This includes arrays, byrefs, pointers. typedef DPTR(class ParamTypeDesc) PTR_ParamTypeDesc; class ParamTypeDesc : public TypeDesc { friend class TypeDesc; friend class JIT_TrialAlloc; friend class CheckAsmOffsets; #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE friend class NativeImageDumper; #endif public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE ParamTypeDesc(CorElementType type, MethodTable* pMT, TypeHandle arg) : TypeDesc(type), m_Arg(arg), m_hExposedClassObject(0) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; m_TemplateMT.SetValueMaybeNull(pMT); // ParamTypeDescs start out life not fully loaded m_typeAndFlags |= TypeDesc::enum_flag_IsNotFullyLoaded; // Param type descs can only be equivalent if their constituent bits are equivalent. if (arg.HasTypeEquivalence()) { m_typeAndFlags |= TypeDesc::enum_flag_HasTypeEquivalence; } INDEBUGIMPL(Verify()); } #endif INDEBUGIMPL(BOOL Verify();) OBJECTREF GetManagedClassObject(); OBJECTREF GetManagedClassObjectIfExists() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST(GetLoaderAllocator(), m_hExposedClassObject, &objRet); return objRet; } OBJECTREF GetManagedClassObjectFast() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; LoaderAllocator::GetHandleValueFast(m_hExposedClassObject, &objRet); return objRet; } TypeHandle GetModifiedType() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_Arg; } TypeHandle GetTypeParam(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void Save(DataImage *image); void Fixup(DataImage *image); BOOL ComputeNeedsRestore(DataImage *image, TypeHandleList *pVisited); #endif BOOL OwnsTemplateMethodTable(); #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif friend class StubLinkerCPU; #ifdef FEATURE_ARRAYSTUB_AS_IL friend class ArrayOpLinker; #endif protected: PTR_MethodTable GetTemplateMethodTableInternal() { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return ReadPointerMaybeNull(this, &ParamTypeDesc::m_TemplateMT); } // the m_typeAndFlags field in TypeDesc tell what kind of parameterized type we have RelativeFixupPointer m_TemplateMT; // The shared method table, some variants do not use this field (it is null) TypeHandle m_Arg; // The type that is being modified LOADERHANDLE m_hExposedClassObject; // handle back to the internal reflection Type object }; /*************************************************************************/ // These are for verification of generic code and reflection over generic code. // Each TypeVarTypeDesc represents a class or method type variable, as specified by a GenericParam entry. // The type variables are tied back to the class or method that *defines* them. // This is done through typedef or methoddef tokens. class TypeVarTypeDesc : public TypeDesc { #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE friend class NativeImageDumper; #endif public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE TypeVarTypeDesc(PTR_Module pModule, mdToken typeOrMethodDef, unsigned int index, mdGenericParam token) : TypeDesc(TypeFromToken(typeOrMethodDef) == mdtTypeDef ? ELEMENT_TYPE_VAR : ELEMENT_TYPE_MVAR) { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; PRECONDITION(CheckPointer(pModule)); PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(typeOrMethodDef) == mdtTypeDef || TypeFromToken(typeOrMethodDef) == mdtMethodDef); PRECONDITION(index >= 0); PRECONDITION(TypeFromToken(token) == mdtGenericParam); } CONTRACTL_END; m_pModule.SetValue(pModule); m_typeOrMethodDef = typeOrMethodDef; m_token = token; m_index = index; m_hExposedClassObject = 0; m_constraints = NULL; m_numConstraints = (DWORD)-1; } #endif // #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // placement new operator void* operator new(size_t size, void* spot) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return (spot); } PTR_Module GetModule() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return ReadPointer(this, &TypeVarTypeDesc::m_pModule); } unsigned int GetIndex() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_index; } mdGenericParam GetToken() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_token; } mdToken GetTypeOrMethodDef() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_typeOrMethodDef; } OBJECTREF GetManagedClassObject(); OBJECTREF GetManagedClassObjectIfExists() { CONTRACTL { NOTHROW; GC_NOTRIGGER; MODE_COOPERATIVE; } CONTRACTL_END; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; GET_LOADERHANDLE_VALUE_FAST(GetLoaderAllocator(), m_hExposedClassObject, &objRet); return objRet; } OBJECTREF GetManagedClassObjectFast() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; OBJECTREF objRet = NULL; LoaderAllocator::GetHandleValueFast(m_hExposedClassObject, &objRet); return objRet; } // Load the owning type. Note that the result is not guaranteed to be full loaded MethodDesc * LoadOwnerMethod(); TypeHandle LoadOwnerType(); BOOL ConstraintsLoaded() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; return m_numConstraints != (DWORD)-1; } // Return NULL if no constraints are specified // Return an array of type handles if constraints are specified, // with the number of constraints returned in pNumConstraints TypeHandle* GetCachedConstraints(DWORD *pNumConstraints); TypeHandle* GetConstraints(DWORD *pNumConstraints, ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); // Load the constraints if not already loaded void LoadConstraints(ClassLoadLevel level = CLASS_LOADED); // Check the constraints on this type parameter hold in the supplied context for the supplied type BOOL SatisfiesConstraints(SigTypeContext *pTypeContext, TypeHandle thArg, const InstantiationContext *pInstContext = NULL); // Check whether the constraints on this type force it to be a reference type (i.e. it is impossible // to instantiate it with a value type). BOOL ConstrainedAsObjRef(); // Check whether the constraints on this type force it to be a value type (i.e. it is impossible to // instantiate it with a reference type). BOOL ConstrainedAsValueType(); #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void Save(DataImage *image); void Fixup(DataImage *image); #endif // FEATURE_PREJIT #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif protected: BOOL ConstrainedAsObjRefHelper(); // Module containing the generic definition, also the loader module for this type desc RelativePointer m_pModule; // Declaring type or method mdToken m_typeOrMethodDef; // Constraints, determined on first call to GetConstraints Volatile m_numConstraints; // -1 until number has been determined PTR_TypeHandle m_constraints; // slot index back to the internal reflection Type object LOADERHANDLE m_hExposedClassObject; // token for GenericParam entry mdGenericParam m_token; // index within declaring type or method, numbered from zero unsigned int m_index; }; /*************************************************************************/ /* represents a function type. */ typedef SPTR(class FnPtrTypeDesc) PTR_FnPtrTypeDesc; class FnPtrTypeDesc : public TypeDesc { #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE friend class NativeImageDumper; #endif public: #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE FnPtrTypeDesc(BYTE callConv, DWORD numArgs, TypeHandle * retAndArgTypes) : TypeDesc(ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR), m_NumArgs(numArgs), m_CallConv(callConv) { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; for (DWORD i = 0; i <= numArgs; i++) { m_RetAndArgTypes[i] = retAndArgTypes[i]; } } #endif //!DACCESS_COMPILE DWORD GetNumArgs() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return m_NumArgs; } BYTE GetCallConv() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; _ASSERTE(FitsIn(m_CallConv)); return static_cast(m_CallConv); } // Return a pointer to the types of the signature, return type followed by argument types // The type handles are guaranteed to be fixed up TypeHandle * GetRetAndArgTypes(); // As above, but const version const TypeHandle * GetRetAndArgTypes() const { WRAPPER_NO_CONTRACT; return const_cast(this)->GetRetAndArgTypes(); } // As above, but the type handles might be zap-encodings that need fixing up explicitly PTR_TypeHandle GetRetAndArgTypesPointer() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; SUPPORTS_DAC; return PTR_TypeHandle(m_RetAndArgTypes); } #ifndef DACCESS_COMPILE // Returns TRUE if all return and argument types are externally visible. BOOL IsExternallyVisible() const; #endif //DACCESS_COMPILE #ifdef FEATURE_PREJIT void Save(DataImage *image); void Fixup(DataImage *image); #endif //FEATURE_PREJIT #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE static ULONG32 DacSize(TADDR addr) { DWORD numArgs = *PTR_DWORD(addr + offsetof(FnPtrTypeDesc, m_NumArgs)); return (offsetof(FnPtrTypeDesc, m_RetAndArgTypes) + (numArgs * sizeof(TypeHandle))); } void EnumMemoryRegions(CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags flags); #endif //DACCESS_COMPILE protected: // Number of arguments DWORD m_NumArgs; // Calling convention (actually just a single byte) DWORD m_CallConv; // Return type first, then argument types TypeHandle m_RetAndArgTypes[1]; }; // class FnPtrTypeDesc #endif // TYPEDESC_H