// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // // ZapWriter.cpp // // // Infrastructure for writing PE files. (Not NGEN specific) // // ====================================================================================== #include "common.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ZapNode void * operator new(size_t size, ZapHeap * pHeap) { return ((LoaderHeap*)pHeap)->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(size)); } void * operator new[](size_t size, ZapHeap * pHeap) { return ((LoaderHeap*)pHeap)->AllocMem(S_SIZE_T(size)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ZapWriter ZapWriter::ZapWriter() { } ZapWriter::~ZapWriter() { for (COUNT_T iPhysicalSection = 0; iPhysicalSection < m_Sections.GetCount(); iPhysicalSection++) { ZapPhysicalSection * pPhysicalSection = m_Sections[iPhysicalSection]; pPhysicalSection->~ZapPhysicalSection(); } delete (LoaderHeap*)m_pHeap; } void ZapWriter::Initialize() { const DWORD dwReserveSize = 0x1000000; const DWORD dwCommitSize = 0x10000; m_pHeap = reinterpret_cast(new LoaderHeap(dwReserveSize, dwCommitSize)); m_isDll = true; // Default file alignment m_FileAlignment = 0x200; } #if defined(TARGET_UNIX) && defined(TARGET_64BIT) #define SECTION_ALIGNMENT m_FileAlignment #define PAL_MAX_PAGE_SIZE 0x10000 #else #define SECTION_ALIGNMENT 0x1000 #define PAL_MAX_PAGE_SIZE 0 #endif void ZapWriter::Save(IStream * pStream) { INDEBUG(m_fSaving = TRUE;) InitializeWriter(pStream); _ASSERTE(m_Sections.GetCount() > 0); ZapPhysicalSection * pLastPhysicalSection = m_Sections[m_Sections.GetCount() - 1]; ULARGE_INTEGER estimatedFileSize; estimatedFileSize.QuadPart = pLastPhysicalSection->m_dwFilePos + pLastPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData; if (CLRConfig::GetConfigValue(CLRConfig::INTERNAL_NGenSimulateDiskFull) != 0) { ThrowHR(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DISK_FULL)); } // Set the file size upfront to reduce disk fragmentation IfFailThrow(pStream->SetSize(estimatedFileSize)); LARGE_INTEGER zero; zero.QuadPart = 0; // Write the content of all sections IfFailThrow(pStream->Seek(zero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)); SaveContent(); FlushWriter(); // Finally write the NT headers IfFailThrow(pStream->Seek(zero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)); SaveHeaders(); FlushWriter(); } DWORD ZapNode::ComputeRVA(ZapWriter * pZapWriter, DWORD dwPos) { dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, GetAlignment()); SetRVA(dwPos); dwPos += GetSize(); return dwPos; } void ZapWriter::ComputeRVAs() { DWORD dwHeaderSize = GetSizeOfNTHeaders(); DWORD dwPos = dwHeaderSize; DWORD dwFilePos = dwHeaderSize; for (COUNT_T iPhysicalSection = 0; iPhysicalSection < m_Sections.GetCount(); iPhysicalSection++) { ZapPhysicalSection * pPhysicalSection = m_Sections[iPhysicalSection]; DWORD dwAlignedFilePos = AlignUp(dwFilePos, m_FileAlignment); dwFilePos = dwAlignedFilePos; pPhysicalSection->m_dwFilePos = dwFilePos; dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, SECTION_ALIGNMENT) + PAL_MAX_PAGE_SIZE; pPhysicalSection->SetRVA(dwPos); DWORD dwEndOfRawData = dwPos; #ifdef REDHAWK printf("Physical Section \"%s\" {\n", pPhysicalSection->m_pszName); #endif // REDHAWK for (COUNT_T iVirtualSection = 0; iVirtualSection < pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.GetCount(); iVirtualSection++) { ZapVirtualSection * pVirtualSection = pPhysicalSection->m_Sections[iVirtualSection]; // Do not bother with empty virtual sections if (pVirtualSection->m_Nodes.GetCount() == 0) continue; dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, pVirtualSection->m_dwAlignment); pVirtualSection->SetRVA(dwPos); for (COUNT_T iNode = 0; iNode < pVirtualSection->m_Nodes.GetCount(); iNode++) { ZapNode * pNode = pVirtualSection->m_Nodes[iNode]; DWORD dwNextPos = pNode->ComputeRVA(this, dwPos); _ASSERTE(dwNextPos >= dwPos); if (dwNextPos < dwPos || dwNextPos > ZAPWRITER_MAX_SIZE) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); dwPos = dwNextPos; } pVirtualSection->m_dwSize = dwPos - pVirtualSection->GetRVA(); if (iVirtualSection < pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.GetCount() - pPhysicalSection->m_nBssSections) dwEndOfRawData = dwPos; #ifdef REDHAWK if (pVirtualSection->m_dwSize > 0) { printf(" %08x (%6u bytes): %s\n", pVirtualSection->GetRVA(), pVirtualSection->m_dwSize, pVirtualSection->m_pszTag); } #endif // REDHAWK } pPhysicalSection->m_dwSize = dwPos - pPhysicalSection->GetRVA(); pPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData = dwEndOfRawData - pPhysicalSection->GetRVA(); dwFilePos += pPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData; #ifdef REDHAWK printf(" %08x: end\n", dwPos); printf("}\n"); #endif // REDHAWK } } void ZapWriter::SaveContent() { DWORD dwHeaderSize = GetSizeOfNTHeaders(); WritePad(dwHeaderSize); DWORD dwPos = dwHeaderSize; DWORD dwFilePos = dwHeaderSize; for (COUNT_T iPhysicalSection = 0; iPhysicalSection < m_Sections.GetCount(); iPhysicalSection++) { ZapPhysicalSection * pPhysicalSection = m_Sections[iPhysicalSection]; DWORD dwAlignedFilePos = AlignUp(dwFilePos, m_FileAlignment); WritePad(dwAlignedFilePos - dwFilePos); dwFilePos = dwAlignedFilePos; dwPos = AlignUp(dwPos, SECTION_ALIGNMENT) + PAL_MAX_PAGE_SIZE; if (m_fWritingRelocs) { pPhysicalSection->m_RVA = dwPos; pPhysicalSection->m_dwFilePos = dwFilePos; } _ASSERTE(pPhysicalSection->GetRVA() == dwPos); _ASSERTE(pPhysicalSection->m_dwFilePos == dwFilePos); _ASSERTE(m_dwWriterFilePos == dwFilePos); for (COUNT_T iVirtualSection = 0; iVirtualSection < pPhysicalSection->m_Sections.GetCount() - pPhysicalSection->m_nBssSections; iVirtualSection++) { ZapVirtualSection * pVirtualSection = pPhysicalSection->m_Sections[iVirtualSection]; // Do not bother with empty virtual sections if (pVirtualSection->m_Nodes.GetCount() == 0) continue; if (m_fWritingRelocs) { pVirtualSection->m_RVA = dwPos; _ASSERTE(pVirtualSection->m_Nodes.GetCount() == 1); pVirtualSection->m_Nodes[0]->m_RVA = dwPos; } DWORD dwVirtualSectionPos = pVirtualSection->GetRVA(); if (dwVirtualSectionPos != dwPos) WritePad(dwVirtualSectionPos - dwPos); dwPos = dwVirtualSectionPos; for (COUNT_T iNode = 0; iNode < pVirtualSection->m_Nodes.GetCount(); iNode++) { ZapNode * pNode = pVirtualSection->m_Nodes[iNode]; DWORD dwNodePos = pNode->GetRVA(); if (dwNodePos != dwPos) WritePad(dwNodePos - dwPos, pVirtualSection->m_defaultFill); dwPos = dwNodePos; m_dwCurrentRVA = dwPos; pNode->Save(this); #ifdef _DEBUG if (dwPos + pNode->GetSize() != m_dwCurrentRVA) { _ASSERTE(!"Mismatch between ZapNode::GetSize() and ZapNode::Save() implementations"); pNode->GetSize(); pNode->Save(this); } #endif dwPos = m_dwCurrentRVA; } DWORD dwVirtualSectionSize = dwPos - pVirtualSection->GetRVA(); if (m_fWritingRelocs) { pVirtualSection->m_dwSize = dwVirtualSectionSize; } _ASSERTE(pVirtualSection->m_dwSize == dwVirtualSectionSize); } DWORD dwPhysicalSectionSize = dwPos - pPhysicalSection->GetRVA(); if (m_fWritingRelocs) { pPhysicalSection->m_dwSize = dwPhysicalSectionSize; pPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData = dwPhysicalSectionSize; } _ASSERTE(pPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData == dwPhysicalSectionSize); dwPos = pPhysicalSection->GetRVA() + pPhysicalSection->m_dwSize; dwFilePos += pPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData; } WritePad(AlignmentPad(dwFilePos, m_FileAlignment)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ZapVirtualSection // #ifdef REDHAWK UINT32 ZapVirtualSection::FillInNodeOffsetMap(MapSHash * pMap) { UINT32 dataSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_Nodes.GetCount(); i++) { ZapNode* pNode = m_Nodes[i]; pMap->Add(pNode, dataSize); dataSize += pNode->GetSize(); } return dataSize; } #endif // REDHAWK //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple buffered writer #define WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE 0x10000 void ZapWriter::InitializeWriter(IStream * pStream) { m_pBuffer = new (GetHeap()) BYTE[WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE]; m_nBufferPos = 0; m_pStream = pStream; INDEBUG(m_dwWriterFilePos = 0;) } void ZapWriter::FlushWriter() { if (m_nBufferPos > 0) { ULONG cbWritten; IfFailThrow(m_pStream->Write(m_pBuffer, m_nBufferPos, &cbWritten)); _ASSERTE(cbWritten == m_nBufferPos); m_nBufferPos = 0; } } void ZapWriter::Write(PVOID p, DWORD dwSize) { m_dwCurrentRVA += dwSize; INDEBUG(m_dwWriterFilePos += dwSize;) if (m_dwCurrentRVA >= ZAPWRITER_MAX_SIZE) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); DWORD cbAvailable = min(dwSize, WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE - m_nBufferPos); memcpy(m_pBuffer + m_nBufferPos, p, cbAvailable); p = (PBYTE)p + cbAvailable; dwSize -= cbAvailable; m_nBufferPos += cbAvailable; if (m_nBufferPos < WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) return; FlushWriter(); if (dwSize == 0) return; cbAvailable = AlignDown(dwSize, WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (cbAvailable > 0) { ULONG cbWritten; IfFailThrow(m_pStream->Write(p, cbAvailable, &cbWritten)); _ASSERTE(cbWritten == cbAvailable); p = (PBYTE)p + cbAvailable; dwSize -= cbAvailable; } _ASSERTE(m_nBufferPos == 0); memcpy(m_pBuffer, p, dwSize); m_nBufferPos = dwSize; } void ZapWriter::WritePad(DWORD dwSize, BYTE fill) { m_dwCurrentRVA += dwSize; INDEBUG(m_dwWriterFilePos += dwSize;) if (m_dwCurrentRVA >= ZAPWRITER_MAX_SIZE) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); DWORD cbAvailable = min(dwSize, WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE - m_nBufferPos); memset(m_pBuffer + m_nBufferPos, fill, cbAvailable); dwSize -= cbAvailable; m_nBufferPos += cbAvailable; if (m_nBufferPos < WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) return; FlushWriter(); if (dwSize == 0) return; memset(m_pBuffer, fill, min(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, dwSize)); while (dwSize >= WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) { ULONG cbWritten; cbAvailable = min(WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, dwSize); IfFailThrow(m_pStream->Write(m_pBuffer, cbAvailable, &cbWritten)); _ASSERTE(cbWritten == cbAvailable); dwSize -= cbAvailable; } m_nBufferPos = dwSize; } STDMETHODIMP ZapWriter::Write(void const *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG *pcbWritten) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EX_TRY { Write((PVOID)pv, cb); if (pcbWritten != 0) *pcbWritten = cb; } EX_CATCH_HRESULT(hr) return hr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NT Headers void ZapWriter::SaveHeaders() { SaveDosHeader(); SaveSignature(); SaveFileHeader(); SaveOptionalHeader(); SaveSections(); } void ZapWriter::SaveDosHeader() { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER header; ZeroMemory(&header, sizeof(header)); header.e_magic = VAL16(IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE); header.e_lfanew = VAL32(sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER)); // Legacy tools depend on e_lfarlc to be 0x40 header.e_lfarlc = VAL16(0x40); // We put the PE Signature at 0x80 so that we are the same offset for IL Images header.e_lfanew = VAL32(sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) + 0x40); Write(&header, sizeof(header)); // Write out padding to get to offset 0x80 WritePad(0x40); } void ZapWriter::SaveSignature() { ULONG Signature = VAL32(IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE); Write(&Signature, sizeof(Signature)); } void ZapWriter::SaveFileHeader() { IMAGE_FILE_HEADER fileHeader; ZeroMemory(&fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); fileHeader.Machine = VAL16(GetMachine()); fileHeader.TimeDateStamp = VAL32(m_dwTimeDateStamp); fileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader = Is64Bit() ? VAL16(sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64)) : VAL16(sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32)); // Count the number of non-empty physical sections int nSections = 0; for (COUNT_T iPhysicalSection = 0; iPhysicalSection < m_Sections.GetCount(); iPhysicalSection++) { if (m_Sections[iPhysicalSection]->m_dwSize != 0) nSections++; } fileHeader.NumberOfSections = VAL16(nSections); fileHeader.Characteristics = VAL16(IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE | (Is64Bit() ? 0 : IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE) | (m_isDll ? IMAGE_FILE_DLL : 0) | (Is64Bit() ? IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE : 0) ); Write(&fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader)); } void ZapWriter::SaveOptionalHeader() { // Write the correct flavor of the optional header union { IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 header32; IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 header64; } optionalHeader; ZeroMemory(&optionalHeader, sizeof(optionalHeader)); PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER pHeader = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER)&optionalHeader; // Common fields between 32-bit and 64-bit // Linker version should be consistent with current VC level pHeader->MajorLinkerVersion = 11; pHeader->SectionAlignment = VAL32(SECTION_ALIGNMENT); pHeader->FileAlignment = VAL32(m_FileAlignment); // Win2k = 5.0 for 32-bit images, Win2003 = 5.2 for 64-bit images pHeader->MajorOperatingSystemVersion = VAL16(5); pHeader->MinorOperatingSystemVersion = Is64Bit() ? VAL16(2) : VAL16(0); pHeader->MajorSubsystemVersion = pHeader->MajorOperatingSystemVersion; pHeader->MinorSubsystemVersion = pHeader->MinorOperatingSystemVersion; #ifdef REDHAWK pHeader->AddressOfEntryPoint = m_entryPointRVA; #endif ZapPhysicalSection * pLastPhysicalSection = m_Sections[m_Sections.GetCount() - 1]; pHeader->SizeOfImage = VAL32(AlignUp(pLastPhysicalSection->GetRVA() + pLastPhysicalSection->m_dwSize, SECTION_ALIGNMENT)); pHeader->SizeOfHeaders = VAL32(AlignUp(GetSizeOfNTHeaders(), m_FileAlignment)); pHeader->Subsystem = VAL16(m_Subsystem); pHeader->DllCharacteristics = VAL16(m_DllCharacteristics); // Different fields between 32-bit and 64-bit PIMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY pDataDirectory; if (Is64Bit()) { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 pHeader64 = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64)pHeader; pHeader64->Magic = VAL16(IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC); pHeader64->ImageBase = VAL64(m_BaseAddress); pHeader64->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = VAL32(IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES); pHeader64->SizeOfStackReserve = VAL64(m_SizeOfStackReserve); pHeader64->SizeOfStackCommit = VAL64(m_SizeOfStackCommit); pDataDirectory = pHeader64->DataDirectory; } else { PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32 pHeader32 = (PIMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32)pHeader; pHeader32->Magic = VAL16(IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC); pHeader32->ImageBase = VAL32((ULONG)m_BaseAddress); pHeader32->NumberOfRvaAndSizes = VAL32(IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES); pHeader32->SizeOfStackReserve = VAL32((ULONG)m_SizeOfStackReserve); pHeader32->SizeOfStackCommit = VAL32((ULONG)m_SizeOfStackCommit); pDataDirectory = pHeader32->DataDirectory; } for (int i = 0; i < IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES; i++) { SetDirectoryData(&pDataDirectory[i], m_DirectoryEntries[i]); } Write(&optionalHeader, Is64Bit() ? sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64) : sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32)); } void ZapWriter::SaveSections() { for (COUNT_T iPhysicalSection = 0; iPhysicalSection < m_Sections.GetCount(); iPhysicalSection++) { ZapPhysicalSection * pPhysicalSection = m_Sections[iPhysicalSection]; // Do not save empty sections if (pPhysicalSection->m_dwSize == 0) continue; IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER header; ZeroMemory(&header, sizeof(header)); SIZE_T cbName = strlen(pPhysicalSection->m_pszName); _ASSERTE(cbName <= sizeof(header.Name)); memcpy(header.Name, pPhysicalSection->m_pszName, min(sizeof(header.Name), cbName)); header.Misc.VirtualSize = VAL32(pPhysicalSection->m_dwSize); header.VirtualAddress = VAL32(pPhysicalSection->GetRVA()); header.SizeOfRawData = VAL32(AlignUp(pPhysicalSection->m_dwSizeOfRawData, m_FileAlignment)); if (header.SizeOfRawData != 0) header.PointerToRawData = VAL32(pPhysicalSection->m_dwFilePos); header.Characteristics = VAL32(pPhysicalSection->m_dwCharacteristics); Write(&header, sizeof(header)); } } DWORD ZapWriter::GetSizeOfNTHeaders() { return sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) + 0x40 + /* Padding for DOS Header */ sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER) + (Is64Bit() ? sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64) : sizeof(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER32)) + (m_Sections.GetCount() * sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)); } void ZapWriter::SetDirectoryData(IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY * pDir, ZapNode * pZapNode) { DWORD size = (pZapNode != NULL) ? pZapNode->GetSize() : 0; if (size != 0) { pDir->VirtualAddress = pZapNode->GetRVA(); pDir->Size = size; } else { pDir->VirtualAddress = 0; pDir->Size = 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ZapBlob ZapBlob * ZapBlob::NewBlob(ZapWriter * pWriter, PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize) { S_SIZE_T cbAllocSize = S_SIZE_T(sizeof(ZapBlob)) + S_SIZE_T(cbSize); if(cbAllocSize.IsOverflow()) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); void * pMemory = new (pWriter->GetHeap()) BYTE[cbAllocSize.Value()]; ZapBlob * pZapBlob = new (pMemory) ZapBlob(cbSize); if (pData != NULL) memcpy((void*)(pZapBlob + 1), pData, cbSize); return pZapBlob; } template class ZapAlignedBlobConst : public ZapBlob { protected: ZapAlignedBlobConst(SIZE_T cbSize) : ZapBlob(cbSize) { } public: virtual UINT GetAlignment() { return alignment; } static ZapBlob * NewBlob(ZapWriter * pWriter, PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize) { S_SIZE_T cbAllocSize = S_SIZE_T(sizeof(ZapAlignedBlobConst)) + S_SIZE_T(cbSize); if(cbAllocSize.IsOverflow()) ThrowHR(COR_E_OVERFLOW); void * pMemory = new (pWriter->GetHeap()) BYTE[cbAllocSize.Value()]; ZapAlignedBlobConst * pZapBlob = new (pMemory) ZapAlignedBlobConst(cbSize); if (pData != NULL) memcpy((void *)(pZapBlob + 1), pData, cbSize); return pZapBlob; } }; ZapBlob * ZapBlob::NewAlignedBlob(ZapWriter * pWriter, PVOID pData, SIZE_T cbSize, SIZE_T cbAlignment) { switch (cbAlignment) { case 4: return ZapAlignedBlobConst<4>::NewBlob(pWriter, pData, cbSize); case 8: return ZapAlignedBlobConst<8>::NewBlob(pWriter, pData, cbSize); case 16: return ZapAlignedBlobConst<16>::NewBlob(pWriter, pData, cbSize); default: _ASSERTE(!"Requested alignment not supported"); return NULL; } } void ZapBlob::Save(ZapWriter * pZapWriter) { pZapWriter->Write(GetData(), GetSize()); }