// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef PAL_H #define PAL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #define NOMINMAX #include #define xerr std::wcerr #define xout std::wcout #define DIR_SEPARATOR L'\\' #define PATH_SEPARATOR L';' #define PATH_MAX MAX_PATH #define _X(s) L ## s #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define xerr std::cerr #define xout std::cout #define DIR_SEPARATOR '/' #define PATH_SEPARATOR ':' #undef _X #define _X(s) s #define S_OK 0x00000000 #define E_NOTIMPL 0x80004001 #define E_FAIL 0x80004005 #define SUCCEEDED(Status) ((Status) >= 0) #endif // When running on a platform that is not supported in RID fallback graph (because it was unknown // at the time the SharedFX in question was built), we need to use a reasonable fallback RID to allow // consuming the native assets. // // For Windows and OSX, we will maintain the last highest RID-Platform we are known to support for them as the // degree of compat across their respective releases is usually high. // // We cannot maintain the same (compat) invariant for linux and thus, we will fallback to using lowest RID-Plaform. #if defined(_WIN32) #define LIB_PREFIX #define MAKE_LIBNAME(NAME) (_X(NAME) _X(".dll")) #define FALLBACK_HOST_RID _X("win10") #elif defined(TARGET_OSX) #define LIB_PREFIX _X("lib") #define MAKE_LIBNAME(NAME) (LIB_PREFIX _X(NAME) _X(".dylib")) #define FALLBACK_HOST_RID _X("osx.10.12") #else #define LIB_PREFIX _X("lib") #define MAKE_LIBNAME(NAME) (LIB_PREFIX _X(NAME) _X(".so")) #define FALLBACK_HOST_RID _X("linux") #endif #define LIBCLRJIT_NAME MAKE_LIBNAME("clrjit") #define LIBCORECLR_FILENAME (LIB_PREFIX _X("coreclr")) #define LIBCORECLR_NAME MAKE_LIBNAME("coreclr") #define CORELIB_NAME _X("System.Private.CoreLib.dll") #define LIBHOSTPOLICY_FILENAME (LIB_PREFIX _X("hostpolicy")) #define LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME MAKE_LIBNAME("hostpolicy") #define LIBFXR_NAME MAKE_LIBNAME("hostfxr") #if !defined(PATH_MAX) && !defined(_WIN32) #define PATH_MAX 4096 #endif namespace pal { #if defined(_WIN32) #ifdef EXPORT_SHARED_API #define SHARED_API extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) #else #define SHARED_API #endif #define STDMETHODCALLTYPE __stdcall typedef wchar_t char_t; typedef std::wstring string_t; typedef std::wstringstream stringstream_t; // TODO: Agree on the correct encoding of the files: The PoR for now is to // temporarily wchar for Windows and char for Unix. Current implementation // implicitly expects the contents on both Windows and Unix as char and // converts them to wchar in code for Windows. This line should become: // typedef std::basic_ifstream ifstream_t. typedef std::basic_ifstream ifstream_t; typedef std::istreambuf_iterator istreambuf_iterator_t; typedef std::basic_istream istream_t; typedef HRESULT hresult_t; typedef HMODULE dll_t; typedef FARPROC proc_t; // Lockable object backed by CRITICAL_SECTION such that it does not pull in ConcRT. class mutex_t { public: mutex_t(); ~mutex_t(); mutex_t(const mutex_t&) = delete; mutex_t& operator=(const mutex_t&) = delete; void lock(); void unlock(); private: CRITICAL_SECTION _impl; }; inline string_t exe_suffix() { return _X(".exe"); } inline int cstrcasecmp(const char* str1, const char* str2) { return ::_stricmp(str1, str2); } inline int strcmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2) { return ::wcscmp(str1, str2); } inline int strcasecmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2) { return ::_wcsicmp(str1, str2); } inline int strncmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2, int len) { return ::wcsncmp(str1, str2, len); } inline int strncasecmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2, int len) { return ::_wcsnicmp(str1, str2, len); } inline size_t strlen(const char_t* str) { return ::wcslen(str); } inline FILE * file_open(const string_t& path, const char_t* mode) { return ::_wfopen(path.c_str(), mode); } inline void file_vprintf(FILE* f, const char_t* format, va_list vl) { ::vfwprintf(f, format, vl); ::fputwc(_X('\n'), f); } inline void err_fputs(const char_t* message) { ::fputws(message, stderr); ::fputwc(_X('\n'), stderr); } inline void out_vprintf(const char_t* format, va_list vl) { ::vfwprintf(stdout, format, vl); ::fputwc(_X('\n'), stdout); } inline int str_vprintf(char_t* buffer, size_t count, const char_t* format, va_list vl) { return ::_vsnwprintf(buffer, count, format, vl); } inline const char_t* strerror(int errnum) { return ::_wcserror(errnum); } bool pal_utf8string(const string_t& str, std::vector* out); bool utf8_palstring(const std::string& str, string_t* out); bool pal_clrstring(const string_t& str, std::vector* out); bool clr_palstring(const char* cstr, string_t* out); inline bool mkdir(const char_t* dir, int mode) { return CreateDirectoryW(dir, NULL) != 0; } inline bool rmdir (const char_t* path) { return RemoveDirectoryW(path) != 0; } inline int rename(const char_t* old_name, const char_t* new_name) { return ::_wrename(old_name, new_name); } inline int remove(const char_t* path) { return ::_wremove(path); } inline bool munmap(void* addr, size_t length) { return UnmapViewOfFile(addr) != 0; } inline int get_pid() { return GetCurrentProcessId(); } inline void sleep(uint32_t milliseconds) { Sleep(milliseconds); } #else #ifdef EXPORT_SHARED_API #define SHARED_API extern "C" __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) #else #define SHARED_API #endif #define __cdecl /* nothing */ #define __stdcall /* nothing */ #if !defined(TARGET_FREEBSD) #define __fastcall /* nothing */ #else #include #include #include #endif #define STDMETHODCALLTYPE __stdcall typedef char char_t; typedef std::string string_t; typedef std::stringstream stringstream_t; typedef std::basic_ifstream ifstream_t; typedef std::istreambuf_iterator istreambuf_iterator_t; typedef std::basic_istream istream_t; typedef int hresult_t; typedef void* dll_t; typedef void* proc_t; typedef std::mutex mutex_t; inline string_t exe_suffix() { return _X(""); } inline int cstrcasecmp(const char* str1, const char* str2) { return ::strcasecmp(str1, str2); } inline int strcmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2) { return ::strcmp(str1, str2); } inline int strcasecmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2) { return ::strcasecmp(str1, str2); } inline int strncmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2, int len) { return ::strncmp(str1, str2, len); } inline int strncasecmp(const char_t* str1, const char_t* str2, int len) { return ::strncasecmp(str1, str2, len); } inline size_t strlen(const char_t* str) { return ::strlen(str); } inline FILE * file_open(const string_t& path, const char_t* mode) { return fopen(path.c_str(), mode); } inline void file_vprintf(FILE* f, const char_t* format, va_list vl) { ::vfprintf(f, format, vl); ::fputc('\n', f); } inline void err_fputs(const char_t* message) { ::fputs(message, stderr); ::fputc(_X('\n'), stderr); } inline void out_vprintf(const char_t* format, va_list vl) { ::vfprintf(stdout, format, vl); ::fputc('\n', stdout); } inline int str_vprintf(char_t* str, size_t size, const char_t* format, va_list vl) { return ::vsnprintf(str, size, format, vl); } inline const char_t* strerror(int errnum) { return ::strerror(errnum); } inline bool pal_utf8string(const string_t& str, std::vector* out) { out->assign(str.begin(), str.end()); out->push_back('\0'); return true; } inline bool utf8_palstring(const std::string& str, string_t* out) { out->assign(str); return true; } inline bool pal_clrstring(const string_t& str, std::vector* out) { return pal_utf8string(str, out); } inline bool clr_palstring(const char* cstr, string_t* out) { out->assign(cstr); return true; } inline bool mkdir(const char_t* dir, int mode) { return ::mkdir(dir, mode) == 0; } inline bool rmdir(const char_t* path) { return ::rmdir(path) == 0; } inline int rename(const char_t* old_name, const char_t* new_name) { return ::rename(old_name, new_name); } inline int remove(const char_t* path) { return ::remove(path); } inline bool munmap(void* addr, size_t length) { return ::munmap(addr, length) == 0; } inline int get_pid() { return getpid(); } inline void sleep(uint32_t milliseconds) { usleep(milliseconds * 1000); } #endif inline int snwprintf(char_t* buffer, size_t count, const char_t* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); int ret = str_vprintf(buffer, count, format, args); va_end(args); return ret; } string_t to_string(int value); string_t get_timestamp(); bool getcwd(string_t* recv); string_t to_lower(const string_t& in); inline void file_flush(FILE *f) { std::fflush(f); } inline void err_flush() { std::fflush(stderr); } inline void out_flush() { std::fflush(stdout); } // Based upon https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/src/Microsoft.DotNet.PlatformAbstractions/Native/PlatformApis.cs string_t get_current_os_rid_platform(); inline string_t get_current_os_fallback_rid() { string_t fallbackRid(FALLBACK_HOST_RID); return fallbackRid; } const void* mmap_read(const string_t& path, size_t* length = nullptr); void* mmap_copy_on_write(const string_t& path, size_t* length = nullptr); bool touch_file(const string_t& path); bool realpath(string_t* path, bool skip_error_logging = false); bool file_exists(const string_t& path); inline bool directory_exists(const string_t& path) { return file_exists(path); } void readdir(const string_t& path, const string_t& pattern, std::vector* list); void readdir(const string_t& path, std::vector* list); void readdir_onlydirectories(const string_t& path, const string_t& pattern, std::vector* list); void readdir_onlydirectories(const string_t& path, std::vector* list); bool get_own_executable_path(string_t* recv); bool get_own_module_path(string_t* recv); bool get_module_path(dll_t mod, string_t* recv); bool get_current_module(dll_t *mod); bool getenv(const char_t* name, string_t* recv); bool get_default_servicing_directory(string_t* recv); // Returns the globally registered install location (if any) bool get_dotnet_self_registered_dir(string_t* recv); // Returns name of the global registry location (for error messages) bool get_dotnet_self_registered_config_location(string_t* recv); // Returns the default install location for a given platform bool get_default_installation_dir(string_t* recv); // Returns the global locations to search for SDK/Frameworks - used when multi-level lookup is enabled bool get_global_dotnet_dirs(std::vector* recv); bool get_default_breadcrumb_store(string_t* recv); bool is_path_rooted(const string_t& path); bool get_temp_directory(string_t& tmp_dir); // Returns a platform-specific, user-private directory within get_temp_directory() // that can be used for extracting out components of a single-file app. bool get_default_bundle_extraction_base_dir(string_t& extraction_dir); int xtoi(const char_t* input); bool get_loaded_library(const char_t *library_name, const char *symbol_name, /*out*/ dll_t *dll, /*out*/ string_t *path); bool load_library(const string_t* path, dll_t* dll); proc_t get_symbol(dll_t library, const char* name); void unload_library(dll_t library); bool is_running_in_wow64(); bool are_paths_equal_with_normalized_casing(const string_t& path1, const string_t& path2); } #endif // PAL_H