using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Duplicati.Library.Interface; using Duplicati.Library.Common.IO; namespace Duplicati.Library.Backend { public class Dropbox : IBackend, IStreamingBackend { private const string AUTHID_OPTION = "authid"; private readonly string m_accesToken; private readonly string m_path; private readonly DropboxHelper dbx; public Dropbox() { } public Dropbox(string url, Dictionary options) { var uri = new Utility.Uri(url); m_path = Library.Utility.Uri.UrlDecode(uri.HostAndPath); if (m_path.Length != 0 && !m_path.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) m_path = "/" + m_path; if (m_path.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) m_path = m_path.Substring(0, m_path.Length - 1); if (options.ContainsKey(AUTHID_OPTION)) m_accesToken = options[AUTHID_OPTION]; dbx = new DropboxHelper(m_accesToken); } public void Dispose() { // do nothing } public string DisplayName { get { return Strings.Dropbox.DisplayName; } } public string ProtocolKey { get { return "dropbox"; } } private IFileEntry ParseEntry(MetaData md) { var ife = new FileEntry(; if (md.IsFile) { ife.IsFolder = false; ife.Size = (long)md.size; } else { ife.IsFolder = true; } try { ife.LastModification = ife.LastAccess = DateTime.Parse(md.server_modified).ToUniversalTime(); } catch { } return ife; } private T HandleListExceptions(Func func) { try { return func(); } catch (DropboxException de) { if (de.errorJSON["error"][".tag"].ToString() == "path" && de.errorJSON["error"]["path"][".tag"].ToString() == "not_found") throw new FolderMissingException(); throw; } } public IEnumerable List() { var lfr = HandleListExceptions(() => dbx.ListFiles(m_path)); foreach (var md in lfr.entries) yield return ParseEntry(md); while (lfr.has_more) { lfr = HandleListExceptions(() => dbx.ListFilesContinue(lfr.cursor)); foreach (var md in lfr.entries) yield return ParseEntry(md); } } public void Put(string remotename, string filename) { using(FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filename)) Put(remotename,fs); } public void Get(string remotename, string filename) { using(FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) Get(remotename, fs); } public void Delete(string remotename) { try { string path = String.Format("{0}/{1}", m_path, remotename); dbx.Delete(path); } catch (DropboxException) { // we can catch some events here and convert them to Duplicati exceptions throw; } } public IList SupportedCommands { get { return new List(new ICommandLineArgument[] { new CommandLineArgument(AUTHID_OPTION, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.Password, Strings.Dropbox.AuthidShort, Strings.Dropbox.AuthidLong(OAuthHelper.OAUTH_LOGIN_URL("dropbox"))), }); } } public string Description { get { return Strings.Dropbox.Description; } } public string[] DNSName { get { return WebApi.Dropbox.Hosts(); } } public void Test() { this.TestList(); } public void CreateFolder() { try { dbx.CreateFolder(m_path); } catch (DropboxException de) { if (de.errorJSON["error"][".tag"].ToString() == "path" && de.errorJSON["error"]["path"][".tag"].ToString() == "conflict") throw new FolderAreadyExistedException(); throw; } } public void Put(string remotename, Stream stream) { try { string path = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_path, remotename); dbx.UploadFile(path, stream); } catch (DropboxException) { // we can catch some events here and convert them to Duplicati exceptions throw; } } public void Get(string remotename, Stream stream) { try { string path = string.Format("{0}/{1}", m_path, remotename); dbx.DownloadFile(path, stream); } catch (DropboxException) { // we can catch some events here and convert them to Duplicati exceptions throw; } } } }