using Duplicati.Library.Interface; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using uplink.NET.Interfaces; using uplink.NET.Models; using uplink.NET.Services; namespace Duplicati.Library.Backend.Tardigrade { public class Tardigrade : IStreamingBackend { private const string TARDIGRADE_AUTH_METHOD = "tardigrade-auth-method"; private const string TARDIGRADE_SATELLITE = "tardigrade-satellite"; private const string TARDIGRADE_API_KEY = "tardigrade-api-key"; private const string TARDIGRADE_SECRET = "tardigrade-secret"; private const string TARDIGRADE_SHARED_ACCESS = "tardigrade-shared-access"; private const string TARDIGRADE_BUCKET = "tardigrade-bucket"; private const string TARDIGRADE_FOLDER = "tardigrade-folder"; private const string PROTOCOL_KEY = "tardigrade"; private const string TARDIGRADE_PARTNER_ID = "duplicati"; private readonly string _satellite; private readonly string _api_key; private readonly string _secret; private readonly string _bucket; private readonly string _folder; private Access _access; private IBucketService _bucketService; private IObjectService _objectService; public static readonly Dictionary KNOWN_TARDIGRADE_SATELLITES = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase){ { "US Central 1", "" }, { "Asia East 1", "" }, { "Europe West 1", "" }, }; public static readonly Dictionary KNOWN_AUTHENTICATION_METHODS = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase){ { "API key", "API key" }, { "Access grant", "Access grant" }, }; [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] protected static extern IntPtr LoadLibrary(string filename); private static bool _libraryLoaded = false; private static void InitStorjLibrary() { if (_libraryLoaded) return; if (Duplicati.Library.Common.Platform.IsClientWindows) //We need to init only on Windows to distinguish between x64 and x86 { if (System.Environment.Is64BitProcess) { var res = LoadLibrary("win-x64/storj_uplink.dll"); } else { var res = LoadLibrary("win-x86/storj_uplink.dll"); } } Access.SetTempDirectory(Library.Utility.TempFolder.SystemTempPath); _libraryLoaded = true; } // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global // This constructor is needed by the BackendLoader. public Tardigrade() { } // ReSharper disable once UnusedMember.Global // This constructor is needed by the BackendLoader. public Tardigrade(string url, Dictionary options) { InitStorjLibrary(); var auth_method = options[TARDIGRADE_AUTH_METHOD]; if (auth_method == "Access grant") { //Create an access from the access grant var shared_access = options[TARDIGRADE_SHARED_ACCESS]; _access = new Access(shared_access, new Config() { UserAgent = TARDIGRADE_PARTNER_ID }); } else { //Create an access for a satellite, API key and encryption passphrase _satellite = options[TARDIGRADE_SATELLITE]; if (options.ContainsKey(TARDIGRADE_API_KEY)) { _api_key = options[TARDIGRADE_API_KEY]; } if (options.ContainsKey(TARDIGRADE_SECRET)) { _secret = options[TARDIGRADE_SECRET]; } _access = new Access(_satellite, _api_key, _secret, new Config() { UserAgent = TARDIGRADE_PARTNER_ID }); } _bucketService = new BucketService(_access); _objectService = new ObjectService(_access); //If no bucket was provided use the default "duplicati"-bucket if (options.ContainsKey(TARDIGRADE_BUCKET)) { _bucket = options[TARDIGRADE_BUCKET]; } else { _bucket = "duplicati"; } if (options.ContainsKey(TARDIGRADE_FOLDER)) { _folder = options[TARDIGRADE_FOLDER]; } } public string DisplayName { get { return Strings.Tardigrade.DisplayName; } } public string ProtocolKey => PROTOCOL_KEY; public IList SupportedCommands { get { return new List(new ICommandLineArgument[] { new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_AUTH_METHOD, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.String, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeAuthMethodDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeAuthMethodDescriptionLong, "API key"), new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_SATELLITE, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.String, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeSatelliteDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeSatelliteDescriptionLong, ""), new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_API_KEY, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.String, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeAPIKeyDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeAPIKeyDescriptionLong), new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_SECRET, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.Password, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeSecretDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeSecretDescriptionLong), new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_SHARED_ACCESS, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.String, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeSharedAccessDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeSharedAccessDescriptionLong), new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_BUCKET, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.String, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeBucketDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeBucketDescriptionLong), new CommandLineArgument(TARDIGRADE_FOLDER, CommandLineArgument.ArgumentType.String, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeFolderDescriptionShort, Strings.Tardigrade.TardigradeFolderDescriptionLong), }); } } public string Description { get { return Strings.Tardigrade.Description; } } public string[] DNSName { get { return new string[0]; } } public void CreateFolder() { //Tardigrade has no folders } public void Delete(string remotename) { var deleteTask = DeleteAsync(remotename); deleteTask.Wait(); } public async Task DeleteAsync(string remotename) { try { var bucket = await _bucketService.EnsureBucketAsync(_bucket); await _objectService.DeleteObjectAsync(bucket, GetBasePath() + remotename); } catch (Exception root) { throw new FileMissingException(root); } } public void Dispose() { if (_objectService != null) { _objectService = null; } if (_bucketService != null) { _bucketService = null; } if (_access != null) { _access.Dispose(); _access = null; } } public void Get(string remotename, string filename) { var getTask = GetAsync(remotename, filename); getTask.Wait(); } public async Task GetAsync(string remotename, string filename) { var bucket = await _bucketService.EnsureBucketAsync(_bucket); var download = await _objectService.DownloadObjectAsync(bucket, GetBasePath() + remotename, new DownloadOptions(), false); await download.StartDownloadAsync(); if (download.Completed) { using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create)) { await file.WriteAsync(download.DownloadedBytes, 0, (int)download.BytesReceived); await file.FlushAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } } } public void Get(string remotename, Stream stream) { var getTask = GetAsync(remotename, stream); getTask.Wait(); } public async Task GetAsync(string remotename, Stream stream) { int index = 0; var bucket = await _bucketService.EnsureBucketAsync(_bucket); var download = await _objectService.DownloadObjectAsync(bucket, GetBasePath() + remotename, new DownloadOptions(), false); download.DownloadOperationProgressChanged += (op) => { int newPartLength = (int)op.BytesReceived - index; byte[] newPart = new byte[newPartLength]; Array.Copy(op.DownloadedBytes, index, newPart, 0, newPartLength); stream.Write(newPart, 0, newPartLength); index = index + newPartLength; }; await download.StartDownloadAsync(); } public IEnumerable List() { var listTask = ListAsync(); listTask.Wait(); return listTask.Result; } private async Task> ListAsync() { List files = new List(); var bucket = await _bucketService.EnsureBucketAsync(_bucket); var prefix = GetBasePath(); var objects = await _objectService.ListObjectsAsync(bucket, new ListObjectsOptions { Recursive = true, System = true, Custom = true, Prefix = prefix }); foreach (var obj in objects.Items) { TardigradeFile file = new TardigradeFile(obj); var basePath = GetBasePath(); if (basePath != "") file.Name = file.Name.Replace(basePath, ""); files.Add(file); } return files; } public async Task PutAsync(string remotename, string filename, CancellationToken cancelToken) { using (FileStream fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) await PutAsync(remotename, fs, cancelToken); } public async Task PutAsync(string remotename, Stream stream, CancellationToken cancelToken) { var bucket = await _bucketService.EnsureBucketAsync(_bucket); CustomMetadata custom = new CustomMetadata(); custom.Entries.Add(new CustomMetadataEntry { Key = TardigradeFile.TARDIGRADE_LAST_ACCESS, Value = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("O") }); custom.Entries.Add(new CustomMetadataEntry { Key = TardigradeFile.TARDIGRADE_LAST_MODIFICATION, Value = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("O") }); var upload = await _objectService.UploadObjectAsync(bucket, GetBasePath() + remotename, new UploadOptions(), stream, custom, false); await upload.StartUploadAsync(); } public void Test() { var testTask = TestAsync(); testTask.Wait(10000); if (!testTask.Result) { throw new Exception(Strings.Tardigrade.TestConnectionFailed); } } /// /// Test the connection by: /// - creating the bucket (if it not already exists) /// - uploading 256 random bytes to a test-file /// - downloading the file back and expecting 256 bytes /// /// true, if the test was successfull or and exception private async Task TestAsync() { string testFileName = GetBasePath() + "duplicati_test.dat"; var bucket = await _bucketService.EnsureBucketAsync(_bucket); var upload = await _objectService.UploadObjectAsync(bucket, testFileName, new UploadOptions(), GetRandomBytes(256), false); await upload.StartUploadAsync(); var download = await _objectService.DownloadObjectAsync(bucket, testFileName, new DownloadOptions(), false); await download.StartDownloadAsync(); await _objectService.DeleteObjectAsync(bucket, testFileName); if (download.Failed || download.BytesReceived != 256) { throw new Exception(download.ErrorMessage); } return true; } /// /// Gets the base path - depending on there is a folder set or not /// /// The base path within a bucket where the backup shall be placed private string GetBasePath() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_folder)) return _folder + "/"; else return ""; } /// /// Creates some random bytes with the given length - just for testing the connection /// /// The length of the bytes to create /// A byte-array with the given length private static byte[] GetRandomBytes(long length) { byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; Random rand = new Random(); rand.NextBytes(bytes); return bytes; } } }