// Copyright (C) 2015, The Duplicati Team // http://www.duplicati.com, info@duplicati.com // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Security.AccessControl; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using AlphaFS = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem; using Duplicati.Library.Interface; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace Duplicati.Library.Common.IO { public struct SystemIOWindows : ISystemIO { // Based on the constant names used in // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/v5.0.12/src/libraries/Common/src/System/IO/PathInternal.Windows.cs private const string ExtendedDevicePathPrefix = @"\\?\"; private const string UncPathPrefix = @"\\"; private const string AltUncPathPrefix = @"//"; private const string UncExtendedPathPrefix = @"\\?\UNC\"; private static readonly string DIRSEP = Util.DirectorySeparatorString; /// /// Prefix path with one of the extended device path prefixes /// (@"\\?\" or @"\\?\UNC\") but only if it's a fully qualified /// path with no relative components (i.e., with no "." or ".." /// as part of the path). /// public static string AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(string path) { if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { // For example: \\?\C:\Temp\foo.txt or \\?\UNC\example.com\share\foo.txt return path; } else { var hasRelativePathComponents = HasRelativePathComponents(path); if (IsPrefixedWithUncPathPrefix(path) && !hasRelativePathComponents) { // For example: \\example.com\share\foo.txt or //example.com/share/foo.txt return UncExtendedPathPrefix + ConvertSlashes(path.Substring(UncPathPrefix.Length)); } else if (DotNetRuntimePathWindows.IsPathFullyQualified(path) && !hasRelativePathComponents) { // For example: C:\Temp\foo.txt or C:/Temp/foo.txt return ExtendedDevicePathPrefix + ConvertSlashes(path); } else { // A relative path or a fully qualified path with relative // path components so the extended device path prefixes // cannot be applied. // // For example: foo.txt or C:\Temp\..\foo.txt return path; } } } /// /// Returns true if prefixed with @"\\" or @"//". /// private static bool IsPrefixedWithUncPathPrefix(string path) { return path.StartsWith(UncPathPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal) || path.StartsWith(AltUncPathPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal); } /// /// Returns true if prefixed with @"\\?\UNC\" or @"\\?\". /// private static bool IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(string path) { return path.StartsWith(UncExtendedPathPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal) || path.StartsWith(ExtendedDevicePathPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal); } private static string[] relativePathComponents = new[] { ".", ".." }; /// /// Returns true if contains relative path components; i.e., "." or "..". /// private static bool HasRelativePathComponents(string path) { return GetPathComponents(path).Any(pathComponent => relativePathComponents.Contains(pathComponent)); } /// /// Returns a sequence representing the files and directories in . /// private static IEnumerable GetPathComponents(string path) { while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { var pathComponent = Path.GetFileName(path); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pathComponent)) { yield return pathComponent; } path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); } } /// /// Removes either of the extended device path prefixes /// (@"\\?\" or @"\\?\UNC\") if is prefixed /// with one of them. /// public static string RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(string path) { if (path.StartsWith(UncExtendedPathPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { // @"\\?\UNC\example.com\share\file.txt" to @"\\example.com\share\file.txt" return UncPathPrefix + path.Substring(UncExtendedPathPrefix.Length); } else if (path.StartsWith(ExtendedDevicePathPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { // @"\\?\C:\file.txt" to @"C:\file.txt" return path.Substring(ExtendedDevicePathPrefix.Length); } else { return path; } } /// /// Convert forward slashes to backslashes. /// /// Path with forward slashes replaced by backslashes. private static string ConvertSlashes(string path) { return path.Replace("/", Util.DirectorySeparatorString); } private class FileSystemAccess { // Use JsonProperty Attribute to allow readonly fields to be set by deserializer // https://github.com/duplicati/duplicati/issues/4028 [JsonProperty] public readonly FileSystemRights Rights; [JsonProperty] public readonly AccessControlType ControlType; [JsonProperty] public readonly string SID; [JsonProperty] public readonly bool Inherited; [JsonProperty] public readonly InheritanceFlags Inheritance; [JsonProperty] public readonly PropagationFlags Propagation; public FileSystemAccess() { } public FileSystemAccess(FileSystemAccessRule rule) { Rights = rule.FileSystemRights; ControlType = rule.AccessControlType; SID = rule.IdentityReference.Value; Inherited = rule.IsInherited; Inheritance = rule.InheritanceFlags; Propagation = rule.PropagationFlags; } public FileSystemAccessRule Create(System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity owner) { return (FileSystemAccessRule)owner.AccessRuleFactory( new System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier(SID), (int)Rights, Inherited, Inheritance, Propagation, ControlType); } } private static Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer _cachedSerializer; private Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer Serializer { get { if (_cachedSerializer != null) { return _cachedSerializer; } _cachedSerializer = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer.Create( new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings { Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture }); return _cachedSerializer; } } private string SerializeObject(T o) { using (var tw = new System.IO.StringWriter()) { Serializer.Serialize(tw, o); tw.Flush(); return tw.ToString(); } } private T DeserializeObject(string data) { using (var tr = new System.IO.StringReader(data)) { return (T)Serializer.Deserialize(tr, typeof(T)); } } private System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity GetAccessControlDir(string path) { return System.IO.Directory.GetAccessControl(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } private System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity GetAccessControlFile(string path) { return System.IO.File.GetAccessControl(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } private void SetAccessControlFile(string path, FileSecurity rules) { System.IO.File.SetAccessControl(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), rules); } private void SetAccessControlDir(string path, DirectorySecurity rules) { System.IO.Directory.SetAccessControl(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), rules); } #region ISystemIO implementation public void DirectoryCreate(string path) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public void DirectoryDelete(string path, bool recursive) { System.IO.Directory.Delete(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), recursive); } public bool DirectoryExists(string path) { return System.IO.Directory.Exists(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public void DirectoryMove(string sourceDirName, string destDirName) { System.IO.Directory.Move(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(sourceDirName), AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(destDirName)); } public void FileDelete(string path) { System.IO.File.Delete(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public void FileSetLastWriteTimeUtc(string path, DateTime time) { System.IO.File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), time); } public void FileSetCreationTimeUtc(string path, DateTime time) { System.IO.File.SetCreationTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), time); } public DateTime FileGetLastWriteTimeUtc(string path) { return System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public DateTime FileGetCreationTimeUtc(string path) { return System.IO.File.GetCreationTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public bool FileExists(string path) { return System.IO.File.Exists(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public System.IO.FileStream FileOpenRead(string path) { return System.IO.File.Open(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite); } public System.IO.FileStream FileOpenWrite(string path) { return !FileExists(path) ? FileCreate(path) : System.IO.File.OpenWrite(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public System.IO.FileStream FileCreate(string path) { return System.IO.File.Create(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public System.IO.FileAttributes GetFileAttributes(string path) { return System.IO.File.GetAttributes(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public void SetFileAttributes(string path, System.IO.FileAttributes attributes) { System.IO.File.SetAttributes(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), attributes); } /// /// Returns the symlink target if the entry is a symlink, and null otherwise /// /// The file or folder to examine /// The symlink target public string GetSymlinkTarget(string file) { try { return AlphaFS.File.GetLinkTargetInfo(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(file)).PrintName; } catch (AlphaFS.NotAReparsePointException) { } catch (AlphaFS.UnrecognizedReparsePointException) { } // This path looks like it isn't actually a symlink // (Note that some reparse points aren't actually symlinks - // things like the OneDrive folder in the Windows 10 Fall Creator's Update for example) return null; } public IEnumerable EnumerateFileSystemEntries(string path) { return System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix); } public IEnumerable EnumerateFiles(string path) { return System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix); } public IEnumerable EnumerateFiles(string path, string searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) { return System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), searchPattern, searchOption).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix); } public string PathGetFileName(string path) { return RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path))); } public string PathGetDirectoryName(string path) { return RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path))); } public string PathGetExtension(string path) { return RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path))); } public string PathChangeExtension(string path, string extension) { return RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), extension)); } public void DirectorySetLastWriteTimeUtc(string path, DateTime time) { System.IO.Directory.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), time); } public void DirectorySetCreationTimeUtc(string path, DateTime time) { System.IO.Directory.SetCreationTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), time); } public void FileMove(string source, string target) { System.IO.File.Move(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(source), AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(target)); } public long FileLength(string path) { return new System.IO.FileInfo(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)).Length; } public string GetPathRoot(string path) { if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { return Path.GetPathRoot(path); } else { return RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(Path.GetPathRoot(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path))); } } public string[] GetDirectories(string path) { if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { return Directory.GetDirectories(path); } else { return Directory.GetDirectories(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix).ToArray(); } } public string[] GetFiles(string path) { if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { return Directory.GetFiles(path); } else { return Directory.GetFiles(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix).ToArray(); } } public string[] GetFiles(string path, string searchPattern) { if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { return Directory.GetFiles(path, searchPattern); } else { return Directory.GetFiles(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path), searchPattern).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix).ToArray(); } } public DateTime GetCreationTimeUtc(string path) { return Directory.GetCreationTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public DateTime GetLastWriteTimeUtc(string path) { return Directory.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); } public IEnumerable EnumerateDirectories(string path) { if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { return Directory.EnumerateDirectories(path); } else { return Directory.EnumerateDirectories(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)).Select(RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix); } } public void FileCopy(string source, string target, bool overwrite) { File.Copy(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(source), AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(target), overwrite); } public string PathGetFullPath(string path) { // Desired behavior: // 1. If path is already prefixed with \\?\, it should be left untouched // 2. If path is not already prefixed with \\?\, the return value should also not be prefixed // 3. If path is relative or has relative components, that should be resolved by calling Path.GetFullPath() // 4. If path is not relative and has no relative components, prefix with \\?\ to prevent normalization from munging "problematic Windows paths" if (IsPrefixedWithExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)) { return path; } else { return RemoveExtendedDevicePathPrefix(Path.GetFullPath(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path))); } } public IFileEntry DirectoryEntry(string path) { var dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); return new FileEntry(dInfo.Name, 0, dInfo.LastAccessTime, dInfo.LastWriteTime) { IsFolder = true }; } public IFileEntry FileEntry(string path) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(path)); var lastAccess = new DateTime(); try { // Internally this will convert the FILETIME value from Windows API to a // DateTime. If the value represents a date after 12/31/9999 it will throw // ArgumentOutOfRangeException, because this is not supported by DateTime. // Some file systems seem to set strange access timestamps on files, which // may lead to this exception being thrown. Since the last accessed // timestamp is not important such exeptions are just silently ignored. lastAccess = fileInfo.LastAccessTime; } catch { } return new FileEntry(fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.Length, lastAccess, fileInfo.LastWriteTime); } public Dictionary GetMetadata(string path, bool isSymlink, bool followSymlink) { var isDirTarget = path.EndsWith(DIRSEP, StringComparison.Ordinal); var targetpath = isDirTarget ? path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1) : path; var dict = new Dictionary(); FileSystemSecurity rules = isDirTarget ? GetAccessControlDir(targetpath) : GetAccessControlFile(targetpath); var objs = new List(); foreach (var f in rules.GetAccessRules(true, false, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier))) objs.Add(new FileSystemAccess((FileSystemAccessRule)f)); dict["win-ext:accessrules"] = SerializeObject(objs); // Only include the following key when its value is True. // This prevents unnecessary 'metadata change' detections when upgrading from // older versions (pre- that didn't store this value at all. // When key is not present, its value is presumed False by the restore code. if (rules.AreAccessRulesProtected) { dict["win-ext:accessrulesprotected"] = "True"; } return dict; } public void SetMetadata(string path, Dictionary data, bool restorePermissions) { var isDirTarget = path.EndsWith(DIRSEP, StringComparison.Ordinal); var targetpath = isDirTarget ? path.Substring(0, path.Length - 1) : path; if (restorePermissions) { FileSystemSecurity rules = isDirTarget ? GetAccessControlDir(targetpath) : GetAccessControlFile(targetpath); if (data.ContainsKey("win-ext:accessrulesprotected")) { bool isProtected = bool.Parse(data["win-ext:accessrulesprotected"]); if (rules.AreAccessRulesProtected != isProtected) { rules.SetAccessRuleProtection(isProtected, false); } } if (data.ContainsKey("win-ext:accessrules")) { var content = DeserializeObject(data["win-ext:accessrules"]); var c = rules.GetAccessRules(true, false, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier)); for (var i = c.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) rules.RemoveAccessRule((System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule)c[i]); Exception ex = null; foreach (var r in content) { // Attempt to apply as many rules as we can try { rules.AddAccessRule(r.Create(rules)); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } } if (ex != null) throw ex; } if (isDirTarget) SetAccessControlDir(targetpath, (DirectorySecurity)rules); else SetAccessControlFile(targetpath, (FileSecurity)rules); } } public string PathCombine(params string[] paths) { return Path.Combine(paths); } public void CreateSymlink(string symlinkfile, string target, bool asDir) { if (FileExists(symlinkfile) || DirectoryExists(symlinkfile)) throw new System.IO.IOException(string.Format("File already exists: {0}", symlinkfile)); if (asDir) { Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory.CreateSymbolicLink(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(symlinkfile), target, AlphaFS.PathFormat.LongFullPath); } else { Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File.CreateSymbolicLink(AddExtendedDevicePathPrefix(symlinkfile), target, AlphaFS.PathFormat.LongFullPath); } //Sadly we do not get a notification if the creation fails :( System.IO.FileAttributes attr = 0; if ((!asDir && FileExists(symlinkfile)) || (asDir && DirectoryExists(symlinkfile))) try { attr = GetFileAttributes(symlinkfile); } catch { } if ((attr & System.IO.FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0) throw new System.IO.IOException(string.Format("Unable to create symlink, check account permissions: {0}", symlinkfile)); } #endregion } }