We would like to thank all contributors who made Duplicati what it is today. These are the contributors to Duplicati 1.x that got it all started. These are the people who help others to get their backups up and running. These are the testers and translators. These are the people who give us hints how to improve Duplicati further. These are the people who just say "thank you". You are the reason why this project gets ahead. You do not only contribute to the software but also keep us involved and motivated. Thank you! Due to their recent contributions to Duplicati 2.0 we would like to thank some people in particular: Stefan Lück (@footstark) for providing great performance optimizations to Duplicati 2.0 Tobias Käs (@weltkante) for his C# library that implements LZMA2 and 7z Alexander Franzelin (@AlexFRAN) for the design of the Duplicati UI and the website @agrajaghh for building localization support and improving the user interface