using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Duplicati.Library.Interface; using Duplicati.Library.Main; using NUnit.Framework; namespace Duplicati.UnitTest { public class ControllerTests : BasicSetupHelper { [Test] [Category("Controller")] public void DeleteAllRemoteFiles() { string filePath = Path.Combine(this.DATAFOLDER, "file"); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, new byte[] {0, 1, 2}); Dictionary firstOptions = new Dictionary(this.TestOptions); using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, firstOptions, null)) { IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] {this.DATAFOLDER}); Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count()); } // Keep track of the backend files from the first backup configuration so that we can // check that they remain after we remove the backend files from the second backup // configuration. string[] firstBackupFiles = Directory.GetFiles(this.TARGETFOLDER); Assert.Greater(firstBackupFiles.Length, 0); Dictionary secondOptions = new Dictionary(this.TestOptions) { ["dbpath"] = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()) }; using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null)) { // An exception should be thrown due to unrecognized files in the target folder. // ReSharper disable once AccessToDisposedClosure Assert.That(() => c.Backup(new[] {this.DATAFOLDER}), Throws.Exception); } // We should be able to safely remove backend files from the second backup by referring // to the local database. using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null)) { IListRemoteResults listResults = c.DeleteAllRemoteFiles(); Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count()); } // After we delete backend files from the second backup configuration, those from the first // configuration should remain (see issues #3845, and #4244). foreach (string file in firstBackupFiles) { Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(file)); } // Configure and run a second backup with a different prefix. This should run without error. secondOptions["prefix"] = new Options(firstOptions).Prefix + "2"; using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null)) { IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] {this.DATAFOLDER}); Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count()); } // Even without a local database, we should be able to safely remove backend files from // the second backup due to the prefix. File.Delete(secondOptions["dbpath"]); using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, secondOptions, null)) { IListRemoteResults listResults = c.DeleteAllRemoteFiles(); Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, listResults.Warnings.Count()); } // After we delete backend files from the second backup configuration, those from the first // configuration should remain (see issue #2678). foreach (string file in firstBackupFiles) { Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(file)); } // The first backup configuration should still run normally. using (Controller c = new Controller("file://" + this.TARGETFOLDER, firstOptions, null)) { IBackupResults backupResults = c.Backup(new[] {this.DATAFOLDER}); Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Errors.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(0, backupResults.Warnings.Count()); } } } }