#!/bin/bash if [ ! -f "$1" ] then echo "Please supply the path to an existing zip binary as the first argument" exit 1 fi while true do DOCKER_RESULT=$(docker ps) if [ "$?" != "0" ] then echo "It appears the Docker daemon is not running, make sure you started it" read -p "Press [Enter] key to AFTER you started Docker" continue fi break done GITHUB_TOKEN_FILE="${HOME}/.config/github-api-token" GPG_KEYFILE="${HOME}/.config/signkeys/Duplicati/updater-gpgkey.key" AUTHENTICODE_PFXFILE="${HOME}/.config/signkeys/Duplicati/authenticode.pfx" AUTHENTICODE_PASSWORD="${HOME}/.config/signkeys/Duplicati/authenticode.key" MONO=/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/mono GPG=/usr/local/bin/gpg2 ZIPFILE=$(basename "$1") VERSION=$(echo "${ZIPFILE}" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | cut -d "_" -f 1) BUILDTYPE=$(echo "${ZIPFILE}" | cut -d "-" -f 2 | cut -d "_" -f 2) BUILDTAG_RAW=$(echo "${ZIPFILE}" | cut -d "." -f 1-4 | cut -d "-" -f 2-4) BUILDTAG="${BUILDTAG_RAW//-}" RPMNAME="duplicati-${VERSION}-${BUILDTAG}.noarch.rpm" DEBNAME="duplicati_${VERSION}-1_all.deb" MSI64NAME="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}-x64.msi" MSI32NAME="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}-x86.msi" DMGNAME="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}.dmg" PKGNAME="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}.pkg" SPKNAME="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}.spk" SIGNAME="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}-signatures.zip" UPDATE_TARGET="Updates/build/${BUILDTYPE}_target-${VERSION}" echo "Filename: ${ZIPFILE}" echo "Version: ${VERSION}" echo "Buildtype: ${BUILDTYPE}" echo "Buildtag: ${BUILDTAG}" echo "RPMName: ${RPMNAME}" echo "DEBName: ${DEBNAME}" echo "SPKName: ${SPKNAME}" build_file_signatures() { if [ "z${GPGID}" != "z" ]; then echo "$GPGKEY" | "${GPG}" "--passphrase-fd" "0" "--batch" "--yes" "--default-key=${GPGID}" "--output" "$2.sig" "--detach-sig" "$1" echo "$GPGKEY" | "${GPG}" "--passphrase-fd" "0" "--batch" "--yes" "--default-key=${GPGID}" "--armor" "--output" "$2.sig.asc" "--detach-sig" "$1" fi md5 "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}' > "$2.md5" shasum -a 1 "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}' > "$2.sha1" shasum -a 256 "$1" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}' > "$2.sha256" } if [ -f "${GPG_KEYFILE}" ]; then if [ "z${KEYFILE_PASSWORD}" == "z" ]; then echo -n "Enter keyfile password: " read -s KEYFILE_PASSWORD echo fi GPGDATA=$("${MONO}" "BuildTools/AutoUpdateBuilder/bin/Debug/SharpAESCrypt.exe" d "${KEYFILE_PASSWORD}" "${GPG_KEYFILE}") if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Decrypting GPG keyfile failed" exit 1 fi GPGID=$(echo "${GPGDATA}" | head -n 1) GPGKEY=$(echo "${GPGDATA}" | head -n 2 | tail -n 1) else echo "No GPG keyfile found, skipping gpg signatures" fi # Pre-boot virtual machine echo "Booting Win10 build instance" VBoxHeadless --startvm Duplicati-Win10-Build & # Then do the local build to mask the waiting a little more echo "" echo "" echo "Building OSX package locally ..." echo "" echo "Enter local sudo password..." cd "Installer/OSX" bash "make-dmg.sh" "../../$1" mv "Duplicati.dmg" "../../${UPDATE_TARGET}/${DMGNAME}" mv "Duplicati.pkg" "../../${UPDATE_TARGET}/${PKGNAME}" cd "../.." echo "" echo "" echo "Building Synology package locally ..." cd Installer/Synology bash "make-binary-package.sh" "../../$1" mv "${SPKNAME}" "../../${UPDATE_TARGET}/" cd ../.. echo "" echo "" echo "Building Debian deb with Docker ..." cd "Installer/debian" bash "docker-build-binary.sh" "../../$1" cd "../.." mv "Installer/debian/${DEBNAME}" "${UPDATE_TARGET}" echo "Done building deb package" echo "" echo "" echo "Building Fedora RPM with Docker ..." cd "Installer/fedora" bash "docker-build-binary.sh" "../../$1" cd "../.." mv "Installer/fedora/${RPMNAME}" "${UPDATE_TARGET}" echo "Done building rpm package" echo "" echo "" echo "Building Docker images ..." cd Installer/Docker bash build-images.sh ../../$1 cd ../.. echo "Done building Docker images" echo "" echo "" echo "Building Windows instance in virtual machine" while true do ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 IEUser@ "dir" if [ $? -eq 255 ]; then echo "Windows Build machine is not responding, try restarting it" read -p "Press [Enter] key to try again" continue fi break done cat > "tmp-windows-commands.bat" < "./tmp/latest-installers.json" process_installer() { if [ "$2" != "zip" ]; then aws --profile=duplicati-upload s3 cp "${UPDATE_TARGET}/$1" "s3://updates.duplicati.com/${BUILDTYPE}/$1" fi local MD5=$(md5 ${UPDATE_TARGET}/$1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}') local SHA1=$(shasum -a 1 ${UPDATE_TARGET}/$1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') local SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 ${UPDATE_TARGET}/$1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') cat >> "./tmp/latest-installers.json" <> "./tmp/latest-installers.json" <> "./tmp/latest-installers.js" echo ";" >> "./tmp/latest-installers.js" aws --profile=duplicati-upload s3 cp "./tmp/latest-installers.json" "s3://updates.duplicati.com/${BUILDTYPE}/latest-installers.json" aws --profile=duplicati-upload s3 cp "./tmp/latest-installers.js" "s3://updates.duplicati.com/${BUILDTYPE}/latest-installers.js" if [ -d "./tmp" ]; then rm -rf "./tmp" fi SIG_FOLDER="duplicati-${BUILDTAG_RAW}-signatures" mkdir tmp mkdir "./tmp/${SIG_FOLDER}" for FILE in "${SPKNAME}" "${RPMNAME}" "${DEBNAME}" "${DMGNAME}" "${PKGNAME}" "${MSI32NAME}" "${MSI64NAME}" "${ZIPFILE}"; do build_file_signatures "${UPDATE_TARGET}/${FILE}" "./tmp/${SIG_FOLDER}/${FILE}" done if [ "z${GPGID}" != "z" ]; then echo "${GPGID}" > "./tmp/${SIG_FOLDER}/sign-key.txt" echo "https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=${GPGID}" >> "./tmp/${SIG_FOLDER}/sign-key.txt" fi if [ -f "${UPDATE_TARGET}/${SIGNAME}" ]; then rm "${UPDATE_TARGET}/${SIGNAME}" fi cd tmp zip -r9 "./${SIGNAME}" "./${SIG_FOLDER}/" cd .. mv "./tmp/${SIGNAME}" "${UPDATE_TARGET}/${SIGNAME}" rm -rf "./tmp/${SIG_FOLDER}" aws --profile=duplicati-upload s3 cp "${UPDATE_TARGET}/${SIGNAME}" "s3://updates.duplicati.com/${BUILDTYPE}/${SIGNAME}" GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat "${GITHUB_TOKEN_FILE}") if [ "x${GITHUB_TOKEN}" == "x" ]; then echo "No GITHUB_TOKEN found in environment, you can manually upload the binaries" else for FILE in "${SPKNAME}" "${RPMNAME}" "${DEBNAME}" "${DMGNAME}" "${PKGNAME}" "${MSI32NAME}" "${MSI64NAME}" "${SIGNAME}"; do github-release upload \ --tag "v${VERSION}-${BUILDTAG_RAW}" \ --name "${FILE}" \ --repo "duplicati" \ --user "duplicati" \ --security-token "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ --file "${UPDATE_TARGET}/${FILE}" done fi rm -rf "./tmp" if [ -f ~/.config/duplicati-mirror-sync.sh ]; then bash ~/.config/duplicati-mirror-sync.sh else echo "Skipping CDN update" fi VBoxManage controlvm "Duplicati-Win10-Build" poweroff